Friday, November 4, 2016

Identidad Forex

Descargo de responsabilidad y advertencia de riesgo. Por favor lee.

Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

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Su "Identidad" como Comerciante

"Un comerciante perdedor puede hacer poco para transformarse en un comerciante ganador. Un comerciante perdedor no va a querer transformarse. Ese es el tipo de cosas que ganan los comerciantes. "- Ed Seykota

Un comerciante amigo mío (gracias Pater!), Planteó el tema de la "identidad" recientemente.

En primer lugar, una advertencia. Este artículo no es para todos. Muy posiblemente una gran cantidad de resistencia va a llegar a las ideas aquí de algunas personas. Todo lo que voy a decir es prestar mucha atención a esa resistencia, porque podría ser lo que te está reteniendo.

El mercado es esencialmente un entorno ilimitado. No hay reglas que guíen su comportamiento.

Usted es libre de elegir cuándo, dónde y cuánto comercio. Mark Douglas, en su libro Trading in the Zone. Sugiere que es este deseo de libertad lo que atrae a tantos comerciantes al mercado. No hay padres que nos digan qué hacer, o floozies corporativos que tienen el "cheque de pago dado" derecho a hacernos saltar alto.

Pero el desafío con la falta de directrices y estructura es que la mayoría de nosotros no vienen al mercado con las creencias correctas para ganar.

Cuando usted primero se acerca a los mercados usted es un carnicero, un panadero o un fabricante corporativo del candelero. No es un comerciante.

Así que sus estructuras de creencias sobre "cómo ser exitoso" provienen de un campo no relacionado con el comercio. Y muchas de las habilidades para el comercio exitoso son contraintuitivos a otros campos.

Por lo tanto, tan pronto como comience a operar, es fundamental que adopte la identidad de un comerciante.

Esto se puede hacer con cierta especificidad. Digo "soy un comerciante de moneda macro", porque tener esta identidad me mantiene fiel a mi propósito. Para otros podría ser "soy un seguidor de tendencia mecánica" o "soy un comerciante de Forex y commodities".

Pero decir esto no es suficiente. Tienes que adoptar las creencias de tu nueva identidad ... y no sólo cualquier creencia, sino las de un intérprete superior en su nueva identidad.

(Por cierto, es por eso que las dos primeras lecciones de los operadores de Forex avanzados están en: 1. Reconocer sus creencias 2. De inmediato elegir adoptar las creencias de los principales comerciantes.)

Pequeños comerciantes tienen pequeños problemas comerciales

Adoptar una nueva estructura de identidad y creencias requiere pensar de manera diferente.

Esencialmente, usted quiere que sus pensamientos a ser modelado en un comerciante muy exitoso (en contraposición a alguien que es muy exitoso en el campo de los negocios o la enseñanza, etc).

Uno de los desafíos es que los comerciantes sin éxito o nuevos tienden a pensar como nuevos o sin éxito comerciantes. Están pre-ocupados con pensamientos y creencias que los mejores comerciantes no tienen.

Preocupado por perder $ 100? No puede hacer su tamaño de posición con micro-lotes? No tienes una estrategia ganadora? Se pregunta si usted debe vender en esta mala noticia?

Éstas no son las cosas que los comerciantes superiores se ocupan de. Tienes que empujarte a pensar GRANDE incluso si eres pequeño.

En lugar de preocuparse por lo que sea que esté en este momento, piense; Qué necesitaría saber si tenía una cuenta de 100 millones de dólares? Cuáles son las preguntas que haría usted mismo y cómo actuaría?

Qué sistemas de soporte, personas y recursos necesito?

Cómo puedo mejorar mi percepción de lo que está pasando?

Cómo gestiono el riesgo?

Qué herramientas de toma de decisiones necesito?

Cómo puedo estar tan relajado y feliz como puedo ser?

Cómo puede diversificar sus flujos de ingresos?

Cómo se bloquea la prueba de su sistema de comercio por lo que están preparados si el mercado hace X, Y o Z?

Qué tamaño de posición debe tener su comercio, basado en su convicción en el comercio y su plan de gestión de riesgos?

Cuál es su objetivo; y

Qué harás si te equivocas?

Como dice el dicho. Fingir hasta que lo hagas. Realmente ponerse en los zapatos de un comerciante superior y purgar todas las demás creencias y pensamientos.

Quien se atreve gana

El lema de SAS * es "quién se atreve a ganar".

La sabiduría en esta idea es que usted necesita el valor de ir para él, si usted va a ganar. Si no te atreves, nunca generarás condiciones ganadoras. Si te quedas dentro de tu cáscara, entonces estás operando por miedo, y perderás.

Tenga el coraje de pensar grande y actuar grande. Tome la zambullida y deje para ir de sus pequeñas preocupaciones del tiempo.

*Servicio aéreo Especial. Los SAS son soldados de las fuerzas especiales de Gran Bretaña, Australia y Nueva Zelanda.

El elemento de la creación

Hay un elemento de creación en esta idea.

Si usted actúa como (y cree) que es un comerciante de $ 100 millones, entonces usted comienza a actualizar.

Si realmente puede adoptar la identidad de un comerciante superior, usted ganará. No hay pregunta.

Sobre el Autor

Sam Eder es un comerciante de divisas y autor de la Guía definitiva para desarrollar un sistema de comercio de Forex ganador y el Curso de Forex avanzado para los comerciantes inteligentes (obtener acceso gratuito). Él es el dueño de www. fxrenew. com un proveedor de señales de Forex de ex-banco y comerciantes de fondos de cobertura (obtener una prueba gratuita). Si te gusta la escritura de Sam, puedes suscribirte a su boletín.

Hola sam, gran artículo, descubrí este último año y mi comercio ha mejorado mucho. Psicológicamente he crecido y entender ahora que este es el principal factor por qué el 95% de los comerciantes suelta. Gracias de nuevo robin.

Http://www. fxrenew. com Sam Eder

Gracias, sí Creo que el tema es crítico y alegre de que sus esfuerzos en esta área está teniendo resultados para usted.

Hey Sam, gran artículo y idea. Usted podría aplicar este concepto a cualquier cosa & amp; Disfrutar de los mismos resultados. Pero lo emocionante al adaptarlo era el comercio de Forex. GUAU.

Gary Clarke CLARKE Fondo de Moneda de $ 100 millones

Http://www. fxrenew. com Sam Eder

Gracias por el comentario.

Sí, hay mucho que decir para modelar la mentalidad de los mejores artistas en su campo elegido si desea tener éxito. NLP (que es donde muchos de este modelado vino) comenzado con los esquiadores superiores si recuerdo correctamente.

Los japoneses comenzaron el análisis técnico de la victimización para comerciar el arroz en el siglo XVII. Consistente con Steve Nison, titular de la vela que figuraba apareció algún día cuando 1850. abundante del crédito para el desarrollo del portador de vela y la cartografía va a un merchandiser legendario del arroz nombrado Homma de la ciudad de Sakata.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

Es indudable que sus conceptos originales que hemos tendido han cambiado y refinado durante unos pocos años de comercialización con el tiempo llevando al sistema de cartografía de titular de vela que usamos hoy en día. Para formar una carta de titular de vela, necesita tener un conjunto de conocimientos que contenga valores abiertos, altos, bajos y cerrados para cada período que desee mostrar. La parte hueca o abarrotada del soporte de la vela se denomina "el cuerpo" (también señalado como "el cuerpo real"). Las líneas largas flacas encima y debajo del cuerpo representan el alto / bajo varían y se refieren como "sombras" (también señaladas como "mechas" y "colas").

El alto está marcado por el más alto de la sombra más alta y por lo tanto el bajo por muy barato de la sombra inferior. Si la acción se cierra sobre su valor de la abertura, un sostenedor hueco de la vela se dibuja con muy barato del cuerpo que representa el valor de la abertura y por lo tanto el alto del cuerpo que representa los términos. Si la acción cierra menos que su valor de la abertura, un sostenedor de vela abarrotado se dibuja con el más alto del cuerpo que representa el valor de la abertura y por lo tanto la parte inferior del cuerpo que representa los términos.

Una larga cola abajo debe tener un mínimo de veinte os abajo. Se da una señal de compra siempre que haya una inversión de tres topes de caja. Una parada-pérdida se coloca dondequiera que una señal de la venta del doble fondo pudiera ocurrir. Esto es a menudo un golpe prolongado de la cola en un vestido blanco, un día dominante del reverso.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

Ninguna gente de la sorpresa consigue así confundido con respecto al mercado. El golpe de cola larga en un vestido blanco podría ser un patrón que incluso han estado hablando durante años. Realmente algunos que se tenga en cuenta el jueves, 8 de junio de 2006, una vez que señaló que vienen en el capitalista activo hablar. No fue precisamente el punto bajo de ese retroceso, sin embargo estableció el espacio de apoyo y también se creó el mínimo preciso el subsiguiente miércoles, 14 de junio.

A partir de ese bajo el SPX subió 238 puntos casi 2 centésimas a lo largo de ocho meses consecutivos. Esta cola larga cola en un vestido blanco podría ser un día de inversión clave, que sigue una tendencia descendente que incorpora una venta de capitulación que invierte en compras serias y cierra en Arriba del cierre del día anterior. Generalmente la unidad más pesada del área de los días del volumen cerca de los puntos bajos como vendedores débiles finalmente se rinde gracias al dolor del comercio mal. Una vez que los vendedores débiles área unidad hacia fuera los consumidores paso en otro momento.

La técnica de mercantilismo Forex a continuación es impresionante. Si usted está listo para inspeccionar un gráfico y determinar cuándo el mercado está tendiendo, entonces usted podrá construir un maltrato de paquete de la siguiente técnica. Si tuviera que elegir una sola técnica de mercantilismo dentro del mundo, ¡esta puede ser la única! Asegúrese de usar el tamaño correcto de la posición y la gestión de efectivo con este y usted encontrará nada, sin embargo, el éxito! Antes de comenzar, sin embargo, debo ofrecer crédito dondequiera que se deba el crédito, mi amigo Ludovic en el broker-Forex.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

He comprado con éxito Forex Hedging divinidad semítica y que deseo utilizarlo para el mercantilismo de día. Conseguí el archivo de la estrategia 3 meses antes y que intenté poner en ejecución en código. De hecho, he sabido que el evento continúa en curso. Es bueno, sin embargo, lo mejor funciona en gran cuenta. Usted podrá tener éxito Forex Hedging divinidad semítica para cualquier período de tiempo y para cualquier moneda ya que sigue la estrategia directa. BT demuestra que las pérdidas de varios por lo que tienes que poner los ajustes rentables.

Tengo en cuenta si el mercado es la ocupación de un conjunto varían, usted podrá salir con un movimiento de 40-60 pips y puede comenzar con la pequeña tonelada zero.01.Q l, aunque también se ejecuta en $ 10k - Cuenta de $ 20k. Usted debe reconocer que hay medidas cuadradas porciones de EA en el mercado. Así usted podrá recoger la otra mercancía elegante. Antecedente de I dicho que no es mi trabajo. Actualmente hago un intento de codificarlo y todavía intento mejorarlo. Usted podrá agregar el límite de la tonelada y reducir al mínimo el peligro.

Pivotal Trading decir esencialmente que el precio exacto (o el valor de una acción) en un momento dado es incognoscible. Usted no puede decir que su acción es valor $ 100 como resultado de la medida allí cuadrada también varias variables a hacer frente. Los comerciantes de pivote tienden a creer que una acción se mueve entre valores comunes para esa acción apoyada por el desempeño anterior de la compañía.

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Basado en la premisa incognoscible, un merchandiser pivote tiende a mencionar una acción puede comerciar a los niveles que se enumeran en el pasado y así pivotar & # 8211; Haga un círculo o avance & # 8221; Que soporte o nivel de resistencia. Por lo tanto, los comerciantes pivote investigar el desempeño pasado, porque el mejor predictor de rendimiento futuro. El sistema Pivot propósito podría ser una técnica desarrollada por los comerciantes de piso para ayudar a determinar dondequiera que el valor es, en relación con la acción anterior del mercado. El propósito de Pivot durante un> sentido muy básico se describe como un propósito de giro. Se clasifica como un indicador técnico derivado por connivencia del promedio numérico de los costos altos, bajos y de cierre de cualquier instrumento monetario. Intento de moneda, índice o stock.

Estos valores cuadrados medida tomada del comercialismo del día anterior varían. El propósito de Pivot podría ser un nivel en el que el sentimiento del mercado cambia. Está acostumbrado a predecir la enmienda en el sentimiento de los comerciantes y los inversores. La primera ventaja de este método es que se basa en el precio como indicador crítico basado. Por lo general, en el momento en que la mayoría de los indicadores generan una prueba de que el movimiento se ha completado o ya bien por debajo de los medios. Con el sistema de propósito de Pivot es factible ejecutar operaciones antes de que los comerciantes que sigan los indicadores entren en el mercado.

El Indicador de Panca Eagle puede ser un indicador de gaolbreak de caja usado en un diario para capturar el valor de ruptura de las zonas predefinidas gaolbreak. Muestra los niveles de ser abrumado y traído como obtener o vender señales. Trabaja más alto en marcos de tiempo bajos. Panca Eagle Forex estrategia esencialmente una técnica para el apoyo determinante y resistencia rupturas. El pensamiento de esta estrategia es el trabajo previo variar y tomar oportunidades de comercialización una vez que la caja se rompe (con las fronteras que actúan como áreas de apoyo y resistencia) como un disparador de las rupturas por encima y por debajo de que varían.

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El indicador del águila de Panca es bastante directo saber. No es sofisticado de usar; Tendemos a simplemente simplemente debe anticiparse a una brecha en la parte superior o inferior de la zona inexperta. Como tal, no necesita habilidades especiales para usarlo. Escape Indicador PANCA EAGLE El indicador mq4 es indicador personalizado de Forex para MT4 y MT5. Usted transferirá este indicador sin cargo y lo usará en su estrategia de comercialización. El indicador de PANGA EAGLE mq4 Indicador personalizado de Forex se hace para todos los distribuidores de Forex agencia de la ONU utilizan meta distribuidor cuatro y meta trader cinco comercialización paquete de software. Simplemente trazaremos este indicador a nuestro gráfico de comercialización.

Usted también revisará y evaluará el indicador del indicador MQ4 de PANCA EAGLE. Usted guardará este indicador del archivo mq4 en su comercialización del distribuidor del meta y lo usará sin cargo para alzar su estrategia del mercantilismo. Este indicador puede visualizar y destacar mejor la zona diaria del gaolbreak, mejorar la disciplina del mercantilismo de modo que usted cambie una vez sólo si es razonable para negociar y esperar cuando sea razonable asistir. Gaolbreak Panca Eagle Indicador para MT4 debe filtrar cualquier ruptura insignificante.

Estimado comerciante: FINALMENTE nuestros programadores son capaces de implementar una cosa muy increíble: La magia consigue flechas FX sistema de software que puede generar una cantidad fuera de este mundo de dinero en efectivo a su cuenta si sigue todas las fundaciones. Aunque eres un principiante, te llevará sólo uno o dos minutos para dominar - es totalmente plug-n-play, no hay nada que averiguar - flecha inexperta obtener , Flecha roja SELL. ¡Con todas las indicaciones y sistemas a los cuales instalarse, simplemente suena como alguien debería ser capaz de regresar con una cosa que funciona! Y mientras que el sistema del "Santo Grial" que es efectivo el 100% del tiempo no es nada sobre un sueño de Comerciantes de Forex ... hay una herramienta de comercio que es terriblemente correcta y rentable si sigue los cimientos.

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¡Éste es a menudo un sistema de software del greenhorn, nunca visto antes en el mercado! Esto es a menudo una cosa terriblemente especial! Hemos usado una nueva combinación secreta de herramientas de Forex e indicadores a lo largo - esto es a menudo "algo fantástico!" ¡NUEVO! Tenemos una tendencia a parecer que no estamos hablando de adivinar si el valor puede subir o bajar. Tenemos una tendencia a unidad de área que habla un par de greenhorn Forex obtener SELL ARROWS sistema de software que realmente es consciente de que los niveles de valor puede detener, y repentinamente invertir y una vez para entrar y salir de un comercio.

El sistema de software puede proporcionarle mecánicamente una advertencia cuando comprar una vez para vender, dondequiera que coloque una pérdida de parada brillante brillante y una vez para salir de su comercio nunca se ha visto antes de la mayoría de los beneficios! Así, qué es ...? Un Forex obtener flechas de venta podría ser un pedazo de sistema de software que se aplican a su plataforma de comercio de Forex. Mi indicador observa lo que el mercado está haciendo en tiempo real y genera señales para posicionar un comercio. El indicador es sólo la mitad de esta ecuación. Lo contrario [* fr1] es usted! Una vez que se genere un signo todo lo que tienes que probar y hacer - presiona get o VENDER! ¡Eso es! No hay mucho que pensar! ¡No tengas miedo!

Hay medida cuadrada de varios robots de Forex disponibles actualmente. Sin embargo ninguno de ellos podría reemplazar a un verdadero, experimentado merchandiser. Hasta ahora. Tenga en cuenta que noventa y nueve de los robots de Forex medida cuadrada scalpers. Lo que significa que sólo apuntan a una serie de pips de ganancia, que el comercio en ningún momento y los oficios abiertos en la dirección al azar. Una serie de ellos encontraron una serie de patrones negociables, como un ejemplo, movimientos similares dentro del tiempo enlazado del día.

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Pueden ser muy rentables dentro del mundo excelente. Una serie de ellos medida cuadrada simplemente un pedazo de código de basura. Hay una cuestión de los fabricantes de mecanismos alternativos no necesitan que entienda & # 8211; Ruido del mercado, volatilidad anormal, error de las cotizaciones del corredor, errores de la afiliación, despliegue dinámico & # 8211; Estos elementos, que la medida cuadrada tradicional para el comercio diario de Forex, puede dar la vuelta a la rentabilidad súper scalpers & # 8221; Cuento de hadas en cenizas. El único gracias a construir la influencia de estos factores insignificantes es el comercio a largo plazo. Todos los comerciantes de Forex en auge miden a largo plazo a los comerciantes. Se ríen, una vez que ven un nuevo mecanismo de émbolo está intentando probar una cosa. Es arduo de creer, sin embargo suena como que tenemos una tendencia a la medida cuadrada de la agencia principal de las Naciones Unidas pensó en un plan fácil & # 8211; Mecanismo no debe luchar con movimientos extraños e incomprensibles, debe comerciar como un tipo humano! No cada humano, por supuesto, no obstante conocedor de largo plazo merchandiser. We han tomado una estrategia rentable ya probado durante años, lo codificó en un mecanismo y pulido a la condición adecuada. Este ángulo seguro que era un precio esforzarse.

Tenemos una tendencia a no poder creer nuestros ojos una vez que hemos visto los resultados. Desde el terrible comienzo de la moneda de la unidad monetaria creó veintiún MILLONES de dólares de sólo $ 1 000 en el año catorce echar un vistazo a la simulación. Que es un par de cien 000% de beneficio! Esto es a menudo el principal mecanismo de Forex tiempo muestra, por lo tanto, buenos resultados, y, lo que es necesario, resultados no ha sido por lo tanto realista, como resultado de ningún ruido de mercado o la distinción en varias corredores cotizaciones considerablemente enmienda este actuación.

Hay una versión de reemplazo del indicador de señal de tendencias y ya se colocó en mt4 codebase. Esta versión puede dibujar líneas con referencia a las señales en el gráfico a fin de que podamos ver los pips potencial también se pueden encontrar dentro del gráfico, todo lo demás permanece constante. Las líneas también podría ser comparado a un zigzag sin embargo su verdad no. Si tendemos a seguir el gráfico de 1H-4H simplemente agarrar hasta 50-100 pips con factible relación de baja magnitud de riesgo / recompensa y esto puede funcionar en todos los pares de divisas, incluso en materias primas.

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No se repinta en las velas pasadas, solamente en la vela actual así pues, las posiciones deben ser tomadas en el asegurar que & # 8217; s en la terminación de las velas actuales le & # 8217; d le proporciona una señal de la confirmación y construye su La relación de magnitud de Stoploss / Target que puede ser tan baja como sea posible producirá pips inteligentes con el tiempo, ya que esto funciona con los gustos de las cartas 1H, 4H y diferentes cartas futuras. Va a aparecer como si un indicador ZIGZAG sin embargo esto no puede ser. La parte ganadora no importa muy sin embargo debe ser un poco masiva.

La cuestión importa es la relación de magnitud riesgo / recompensa que muchos de ustedes pierden durante un comercio y la forma en la que construirán durante un comercio, para el informe de señal de tendencia, podemos, el FTO es apretado con cincuenta pips mientras que el Objetivo de superar cuatrocientos pips, prácticamente ocho veces, por lo que puede haber cuatro operaciones ganadoras de diez por lo tanto, si tendemos a colocar doscientos pips objetivo con FTO como cincuenta pips vamos a construir un completo de quinientos pips ... No peligroso eh! Indicador inteligente puede ser incluso ser un montón de afortunado si vamos a tener el programador de computadoras construir asociado en la deidad semítica de enfermería con una parada de arrastre. En realidad, ya hay un Asociado en Enfermería existencial de la divinidad semítica para esto que usted notará su sitio web. Viene con un TP, SL, trailing stop, breakeven y avanzada herramienta de gestión de pedidos que se creó un montón de avanzada, mientras que la manipulación de cualquier servidor de corretaje.

Bollinger bandas medida cuadrada mercantilismo técnica herramienta creada por John Bollinger dentro de principios de 1980 & # 8217; s. Surgen de la necesidad de bandas de mercantilismo adaptativo y también de la observación de que la volatilidad era dinámica, no estática como se creía en su momento.

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Una banda premeditó 2 desviaciones normales lejanas de una media móvil directa, desarrollada por el reconocido mercader técnico John Bollinger. Como resultado de la variación puede ser un vivir de la volatilidad, Bollinger Bands ® se regulan a las condiciones del mercado. Una vez que los mercados se vuelven volátiles, las bandas se ensanchan (se alejan más de la media) y, a través de períodos menos volátiles, las bandas se contraen (se acercan a la media).

La modificación de las bandas es usualmente empleada por los comerciantes técnicos como una indicación anticipada de que la volatilidad está cerca de aumentar fuertemente. Esto es a menudo uno entre el principal en técnicas de análisis de estilo técnico. Cuanto más cerca de los costos se mueven a la banda más alta, el mucho de la sobrecompra en el mercado, y también cuanto más cerca de los costos se mueven a la banda inferior, la gran cantidad de oversold el mercado.

Uno de los refranes más viejos en el comercio es "la tendencia es su amigo". Se supone que implica que siempre debe negociar con la tendencia. Sin embargo hay una unidad de área de varios sistemas para el comercio de tendencia contra la tendencia que pensar en conocer esta tendencia. También hay varias formas de inversión de tendencia de Forex que apuntan a captar una tendencia más pequeña dentro de una tendencia más grande. Una vez más, conocer la tendencia es crucial para el éxito. El factor necesario es: usted necesita poder establecer tendencias de la divisa si usted consigue conseguir negociar el mercado de la divisa.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

Para tratar de esto varios comerciantes utilizan un indicador de tendencia. La definición de un indicador de tendencia puede ser un poco flojo. Si usted asiste a la plataforma de comercio Meta Trader cuatro y tiene un vistazo por debajo de los indicadores, por ejemplo, MACD isn & # 8217; t enumerados debajo de la tendencia, sin embargo por debajo de los osciladores. Sin embargo algunos comerciantes consideran que es un indicador de tendencia. El propósito puede ser un bonito varios indicadores se pueden utilizar para trazar las tendencias de Forex, apostando en lo que sin embargo se utilizan. Por ejemplo, otro generador, el indicador estocástico se puede tomar para señalar una modificación en la tendencia una vez que la línea más y, por tanto, la línea de señal se cruzan entre sí.

El precio del indicador en cualquier sistema de tendencia de Forex es sin embargo bien que funcione, independientemente de si se reconoce formalmente como tendencia conectada o no. Los principales indicadores de tendencia reconocidos son: Promedios móviles, Índice de movimiento direccional promedio (ADMI), Bandas de Bollinger, Índice de canales de bienes comerciales (CCI) y variación. No tengo la intención de entrar en una aclaración en profundidad o discusión de cada uno, sólo señalando que, al lado de una serie de indicadores alternativos, pueden ser empleados en la tendencia determinante. La unidad del área de los mercados llenó de la boca los indicadores variados, sin embargo i prefiere concentrar aquí en el más eficaz a utilizar en comercio de la tendencia. Y por lo tanto el ganador es: los veinte EMA. En un pequeño grado identificado indiscutible hecho de que varios de los comerciantes de bancos y profesionales de comercio todo el día largo de los veinte EMA (en combinación con señales alternativas, por supuesto). El competidor, y por lo tanto el indicador más utilizado para las tendencias de Forex es que los dos cientos EMA.

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Identidad de la marca

Cargando al jugador.

BREAKING DOWN 'Identidad de marca'

La mayoría de la falta de comunicación en la vida cotidiana se puede calificar hasta un desajuste entre la intención y la percepción: Usted piensa que dijo una cosa, la persona con la que habló pensó que dijo algo más. Las empresas a menudo tienen el mismo problema.

En el contexto del negocio y la marca, la identidad de la marca de una empresa es lo que dice sobre quién es - el producto o servicio que ofrece, la calidad que da a los clientes, sus ventajas sobre las marcas competidoras. La imagen de marca, por otra parte, es cómo la marca es percibida por el público. El desafío que enfrenta toda empresa cuando intenta construir una marca es asegurarse de que su identidad coincide con su imagen lo más cerca posible. Una brecha negativa entre la identidad de la marca y la imagen de marca significa que una empresa está fuera de contacto con el sentimiento del mercado. Lo que puede dificultar la oferta de servicios o productos y puede incluso resultar en una pérdida de valor en los libros de la empresa.

Construcción de identidad de marca

Los pasos que una empresa necesita tomar para construir una identidad de marca fuerte, coherente y coherente variarán, pero algunos puntos se aplican ampliamente a la mayoría:

- Analizarse a sí mismo y su mercado. Un análisis completo de SWOT - un vistazo a la fuerza de la compañía, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas - que incluye a toda la empresa es una manera probada para ayudar a los gerentes de una empresa a entender dónde están en lo que pueden determinar mejor dónde les gustaría terminar Y cómo llegar allí.

- Determinar sus objetivos clave de negocio. La identidad de la marca debe ayudar a cumplirlas.

- Identificar a sus clientes. Con quién trata de llegar la empresa con sus productos / servicios?

- Determinar la personalidad y el mensaje que quiere comunicar. Qué quiere la compañía que su mercado perciba?

Construir una identidad de marca es un esfuerzo multidisciplinario y estratégico; Cada elemento necesita para apoyar el mensaje general y los objetivos de negocio. Puede incluir el nombre de una empresa, logotipo, diseño; Su estilo y el tono de su copia; La apariencia y composición de sus productos; Y, por supuesto, su presencia en los medios sociales. Es común que las empresas contraten un equipo creativo para manejar su marca.

Ejemplos del mundo real de la identidad de marca

Una identidad de marca bien construida comunicará eficazmente la personalidad de una empresa y su valor de producto a los clientes potenciales, ayudando a construir el reconocimiento de la marca. Asociación y lealtad.

Si usted le preguntó a la gente en la calle lo que Bose Corporation vende, lo más probable es decirle auriculares. Y esa es una de las principales líneas de productos de la compañía.

En su cara, conseguir su mercado para saber quién es usted y lo que vende puede parecer una tarea sencilla, pero es fundamental para obtener una ventaja. Aunque la conciencia puede ser crítica para el éxito de una empresa, es importante que el tipo de conciencia se asocie con algo positivo.

Los mensajes que las empresas tratan de comunicar raramente son complicados, pero hacerlos efectivos requiere que todos los elementos de la identidad de marca de una empresa trabajen cohesivamente. Las marcas exitosas como Coca-Cola Co. (KO), Nike Inc. (NKE), Starbucks Corp. (SBUX) y Apple Inc. (AAPL) han logrado esta difícil tarea. Lo que puede venir a la mente cuando se piensa en estas marcas son, respectivamente, "refrescante", "rápido", "café de la mañana" y "elegante". Conseguir ese tipo de asociación de marca fuerte y positiva puede ayudar a hacer una empresa y su producto "top of mind" a sus clientes.

Construir la lealtad de la marca puede traer consigo ventas consistentes y hacer roll-outs de productos más exitosos. Un ejemplo de los beneficios de la lealtad a la marca se puede ver en la introducción de dos nuevos servicios de streaming de música basada en suscripción en 2015. Tidal y Apple Music tuvieron que tomar decisiones muy diferentes en la comercialización y despliegue de sus servicios debido a la lealtad a la marca. Apple, una marca establecida con clientes muy leales, no tuvo que invertir en el tipo de marketing orientado a las celebridades que Tidal utilizó para promover su nuevo servicio.

Valor de la marca

La marca de una empresa se considera generalmente uno de los activos más valiosos en el balance de una empresa. Dar a esa marca un valor monetario es, entre otras cosas, una métrica que puede ayudar a los gerentes de marca a entender mejor su desempeño como administradores del nombre de la compañía y la buena voluntad que una marca asociada puede comprar la empresa. Hay varias maneras de que un valor monetario puede ser colocado en una marca, incluyendo el costo que se necesitaría para construir una marca similar, analizando el costo de las regalías para usar el nombre de marca, y el flujo de caja de negocios comparables sin marca.


La marca como la conocemos hoy se originó con la revolución industrial del siglo XIX. A medida que se producían más artículos de uso doméstico en las fábricas, los fabricantes necesitaban una forma de diferenciarse de sus competidores y convencer a los compradores de que eran tan confiables como los productores locales de estos productos. Estos esfuerzos evolucionaron desde la simple marca de productos, hasta anuncios que incluían mascotas, jingles y otras técnicas de ventas y marketing. Una compañía cervecera británica, Bass & amp; Company, y la empresa de procesamiento de alimentos Tate & amp; Lyle ambos pretenden tener las marcas registradas más viejas. Otras marcas que surgieron en ese período son Quaker Oats, Tía Jemima y Coca-Cola.

El robo de identidad

ROMPIENDO 'El robo de identidad'

El robo de identidad se comete de muchas maneras diferentes. Algunos ladrones de identidad tamizan los contenedores de basura buscando cuentas bancarias y declaraciones de tarjetas de crédito; Otros métodos más de alta tecnología implican el acceso a bases de datos corporativas para robar listas de información de los clientes.

Una vez que tienen la información que están buscando, los ladrones de identidad pueden arruinar la calificación crediticia de una persona y la situación de otra información personal. Se pueden prevenir muchos tipos de robo de identidad. Una forma es comprobar continuamente la exactitud de los documentos personales y tratar rápidamente cualquier discrepancia.

Se ha preparado un informe detallado del historial crediticio de una persona.

Un esquema de fraude hipotecario en el que un corredor hipotecario inventa a.

Un producto financiero que ofrece reembolso por los costos asociados.

Un listado de papel de perdido, robado, pasado-debido, sobre-límite, falsificación.

Un método de robo de identidad realizado a través de la creación de.

Un método electrónico de captura de información personal de una víctima.

Descubra por qué la tarjeta Discover it ofrece un gran equilibrio entre rentabilidad y recompensas sólidas, especialmente para aquellos que viajan a nivel internacional.

Entienda cómo funciona la tarjeta de crédito Citi Simplicity, cuáles son sus pros y sus contras y qué tipos de consumidores estarían más contentos con esta tarjeta.

Más de 30 millones de personas fueron víctimas de fraude en 2007. Serás el próximo?

No seas víctima de este crimen inquietante. Obtenga información sobre cómo los autores perpetran esta forma de fraude.

Averigüe las consecuencias antes de decidir terminar su contrato de crédito.

Tratar con una agencia de recaudación es aterrador si no conoce sus derechos. Le ayudamos a recuperar el poder.

Un gran punto de partida para aprender lo que es una puntuación de crédito, cómo se calcula y por qué es tan importante.

El manual de este propietario le mostrará qué esperar de su banco.

Estos planes pueden conducir a multas - e incluso tiempo de cárcel - para el estafador y sus víctimas.

Descubra cómo proteger su información personal de phishers, scammers y ladrones.

Descubra si un informe de crédito gratuito es exacto, cómo acceder a él a través de una agencia de informes de crédito importante, y qué hacer si. Leer respuesta >>

Aprenda qué riesgos tener en cuenta al considerar las inversiones en el sector de Internet con el fin de maximizar los beneficios potenciales. Leer respuesta >>

Aprender sobre los riesgos que vienen con la inversión en el sector de los servicios financieros, de modo que esos riesgos puedan ser reconocidos y. Leer respuesta >>

Lea sobre la naturaleza de la denuncia, sus posibles consecuencias, y cómo saber la mejor manera de alertar a las autoridades. Leer respuesta >>

Lea acerca de la práctica de denuncias para ayudar a las compañías de seguros a detectar y prevenir reclamos de seguros fraudulentos o recuperarlos. Leer respuesta >>

Aprenda sobre los principales delitos financieros involucrados en el caso ZZZZ Best, uno de los episodios más notorios de la contabilidad. Leer respuesta >>

FX al por menor

Al utilizar este sitio web, se considera que ha leído y aceptado los siguientes términos y condiciones:

La siguiente terminología se aplica a estos Términos y condiciones, Declaración de privacidad y Aviso de responsabilidad y cualquiera o todos los acuerdos: "Cliente", "Usted" y "Su" se refiere a usted, la persona que accede a este sitio web y acepta los términos y condiciones de la Compañía. "La Compañía", "Nosotros mismos", "Nosotros" y "Nosotros", se refiere a nuestra Compañía. "Parte", "Partes" o "Nosotros", se refiere tanto al Cliente como a nosotros mismos, o bien al Cliente oa nosotros mismos. Todos los términos se refieren a la oferta, aceptación y consideración del pago necesario para llevar a cabo el proceso de nuestra asistencia al Cliente de la manera más apropiada, ya sea mediante reuniones formales de duración fija o cualquier otro medio con el propósito expreso de Las necesidades del cliente con respecto a la provisión de los servicios / productos declarados de la Compañía, de acuerdo con y sujeto a la Ley Inglesa vigente. Cualquier uso de la terminología anterior u otras palabras en singular, plural, mayúsculas y / o he / she o ellos, se toman como intercambiables y por lo tanto como referente a la misma.

Estamos comprometidos a proteger su privacidad. Los empleados autorizados dentro de la empresa sobre una base de necesidad de conocer sólo utilizan cualquier información recopilada de clientes individuales. Revisamos constantemente nuestros sistemas y datos para garantizar el mejor servicio posible a nuestros clientes. El Parlamento ha creado delitos específicos para acciones no autorizadas contra sistemas informáticos y datos. Investigaremos tales acciones con el fin de enjuiciar y / o emprender acciones civiles para recuperar daños y perjuicios contra los responsables.

Estamos registrados bajo la Ley de Protección de Datos de 1998 y como tal, cualquier información relativa al Cliente y sus respectivos Registros de Clientes pueden ser pasados ​​a terceros. Sin embargo, los registros de clientes se consideran confidenciales y por lo tanto no se divulgarán a terceros, a excepción de Magnates de Finanzas. Si es legalmente obligado a hacerlo ante las autoridades competentes.

No venderemos, compartiremos ni alquilaremos su información personal a terceros ni utilizaremos su dirección de correo electrónico para recibir correo no solicitado. Cualquier correo electrónico enviado por esta Compañía sólo estará relacionado con la provisión de servicios y productos acordados. Renuncia

Exclusiones y limitaciones La información en este sitio web se proporciona "tal cual". En la medida de lo permitido por la ley, esta Compañía: excluye todas las representaciones y garantías relacionadas con este sitio web y su contenido o que son o pueden ser proporcionados por cualquier afiliado o cualquier otro tercero, incluyendo en relación con cualquier inexactitud u omisiones en este sitio web Y / o la literatura de la Compañía; Y excluye toda responsabilidad por daños y perjuicios derivados de o relacionados con el uso de este sitio web. Esto incluye, sin limitación, la pérdida directa, pérdida de negocios o ganancias (ya sea que la pérdida de tales beneficios era previsible, surgió en el curso normal de las cosas o usted ha avisado a esta Compañía de la posibilidad de dicha pérdida potencial) A su computadora, software, sistemas y programas y los datos sobre el mismo o cualquier otro daño directo o indirecto, consecuente e incidental. Sin embargo, Magnates no excluye responsabilidad por muerte o lesiones personales causadas por su negligencia. Las exclusiones y limitaciones anteriores se aplican únicamente en la medida permitida por la ley. Ninguno de sus derechos estatutarios como consumidor está afectado.

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La Compañía se reserva el derecho de cambiar estas condiciones de tiempo en tiempo como le parezca conveniente y su uso continuado del sitio significará su aceptación de cualquier ajuste a estos términos. Si hay cambios en nuestra política de privacidad, anunciaremos que estos cambios se han realizado en nuestra página principal y en otras páginas clave de nuestro sitio. Si hay algún cambio en la forma en que utilizamos la información personalmente identificable de nuestros clientes del sitio, se hará una notificación por correo electrónico o correo postal a los afectados por este cambio. Cualquier cambio en nuestra política de privacidad se publicará en nuestro sitio web 30 días antes de que se produzcan estos cambios. Por lo tanto, se recomienda que vuelva a leer esta declaración de forma regular.

Estos términos y condiciones forman parte del Acuerdo entre el Cliente y nosotros mismos. El acceso a este sitio web y / oa la empresa de una reserva o Acuerdo indica su comprensión, acuerdo y aceptación de la Notificación de Negación y los Términos y Condiciones completos contenidos en este documento. Sus derechos legales a los consumidores no se ven afectados.

© Finanzas Magnates 2015 Todos los Derechos Reservados

Agente de FX Tarnished da el robo de identidad una nueva dimensión

Todos los materiales contenidos en este sitio están protegidos por la ley de copyright de la Unión Europea y no pueden ser reproducidos, distribuidos, transmitidos, exhibidos, publicados o transmitidos sin el permiso previo por escrito de la dirección de AtoZ FOREX. Usted no puede alterar o eliminar cualquier marca registrada, copyright u otro aviso de copias del contenido. Toda la información dada en esta página está sujeta a cambios. El uso de este sitio web constituye la aceptación del acuerdo de usuario de AtoZ FOREX. Por favor, lea la política de privacidad y la exención de responsabilidad legal.

FOREX y CFDs son productos apalancados e implican un alto nivel de riesgo. Es posible perder todo su capital. Estos productos pueden no ser adecuados para todos y usted debe asegurarse de que entiende los riesgos involucrados. Busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario.

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&dupdo; 2016 "Atoz FOREX - Todo lo que necesita en FOREX" & reg; Todos los derechos reservados.

Políticas de robo de identidad CFTC / SEC ahora requeridas

Como recordatorio, el 20 de mayo de 2013 entraron en vigor las normas finales conjuntas de la Comisión de Comercio de Futuros de Materias Primas (CFTC) y de la Comisión de Valores de Estados Unidos (SEC) sobre las precauciones de robo de identidad. La mayoría de las empresas reguladas deberán cumplir con las normas finales para el 20 de noviembre de 2013. En particular, las reglas finales requieren que ciertas entidades reguladas establezcan programas para abordar y reducir el riesgo de robo de identidad dentro de sus operaciones. Si está sujeto a las regulaciones, su programa requerido debe estar diseñado para detectar, prevenir y mitigar el robo de identidad en relación con las cuentas existentes de su empresa o la apertura de nuevas cuentas.

Según los reguladores estadounidenses, las entidades que califican como "instituciones financieras" o "acreedores" bajo la Ley de Reporte de Crédito Justo serán afectadas. Esto incluye efectivamente a cualquier comerciante de la comisión de futuros registrados en la CFTC, a un distribuidor minorista de divisas ( "RFED"), al asesor de negociación de materias primas ( "CTA"), al operador de la banca de productos básicos ( "CPO"). "SD") o participante de swap principal ( "MSP"). Otras firmas sujetas al requisito incluyen compañías de inversión, compañías de desarrollo de negocios, asesores de inversiones (sin incluir asesores de reportes exentos) y corredores de bolsa. Una lista completa de todas las entidades reguladas que se incluyen está contenida en las reglas finales.

Para ser más específico, las entidades reguladas que ofrecen o mantienen uno o más tipos de "cuentas cubiertas" descritas en las reglas finales deben adoptar un programa de prevención. El término "cuentas cubiertas" se define ampliamente para incluir cuentas personales diseñadas para permitir múltiples pagos o transacciones y cualquier cuenta con un riesgo razonablemente previsible de robo de identidad. In essence, most types of accounts relevant to retail firms are likely to be deemed “covered accounts” under the final rules.

Red Flags

Firms that are required to adopt a prevention program (many CFTC/NFA regulated entities) must include reasonable policies and procedures designed to: (1) identify red flags concerning identity theft; (2) detect the identified red flags; (3) respond appropriately to any detected red flags; and (4) periodically update the prevention program to reflect changes in risks to customers and to the safety and soundness of the firm from identity theft. These companies will be required to also determine on their own which red flags are relevant to their specific business activities and the accounts they offer and/or maintain.

In preparing its prevention program, a regulated entity must consider, at a minimum, the following factors in identifying relevant red flags: (1) the types of accounts that the firm offers or maintains; (2) its methods to open or access such accounts; and (3) its prior experiences with identity theft. In addition, firms must also consider including in the prevention program, appropriate ways in which to address: (1) alerts from other reporting agencies or service providers; (2) existence of unusual documents, such as those that appear to have been altered or forged; (3) existence of suspicious personal identifying information, such as an address change; (4) unusual account activity and (5) various notices from customers, victims of identity theft, law enforcement and/or other persons regarding a possible identity theft.

Regulated firms will also be required to periodically review their accounts to ensure they are properly applying the final rules. The final rules also require approval of the prevention program from either the company’s board of directors, an appropriate committee of the board of directors, or if the entity does not have a board, from a designated senior management employee. In addition to this, firms must involve the board of directors, an appropriate committee, or a designated senior management employee in the oversight, development, implementation and administration of the prevention program. Finally, staff members must also be trained on how to properly implement and maintain the prevention program. In this area regulated entities will need to consider their unique operational circumstances to determine appropriate training practices.

Further Guidance

Affected firms should ensure that they have an appropriate prevention program in place as of November 20, 2013. Please note that the information set forth in this summary is not intended to be all-inclusive and does not constitute legal advice. If you have any questions concerning the preparation or implementation of a prevention program, we suggest you contact a regulatory professional like Turnkey Trading Partners (TTP) to assist you in understanding and complying with the new final rules. TTP has the business acumen, as well as relationships with law firms, such as Henderson & Lyman, to provide you with the guidance you need to assist you in complying with these new rules concerning identity theft protection.

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Ex-Barclays Forex `Cartel' Trader Ashton Loses Identity Case

Former Barclays Plc currency trader Chris Ashton lost a complaint over whether he had been improperly identified in settlements related to the foreign-exchange scandal, handing the U. K. financial regulator its first win in a series of disputes over the issue.

Ashton claimed media coverage of the "Cartel" chat room, an instant-message group he was involved in, made it easy to work out his name in the Financial Conduct Authority’s settlement documents with Barclays and his former employer UBS Group AG, even though they were anonymized. Both banks paid multi-million pound fines to the FCA for control failures related to their foreign-exchange trading desks.

Judge Timothy Herrington said in a ruling published Tuesday that Ashton had been "unable to satisfy" the court that he was identifiable in the notices. No wording in the settlements would "lead persons acquainted with him professionally, or who operate in his area of the financial services industry," to deduce it was Ashton, Herrington said.

At least nine traders filed lawsuits against the FCA over the last few years complaining the regulator failed to properly make them anonymous in settlement reports with banks. The FCA is obliged to give people the chance to respond to allegations before publication if they’re identifiable. To avoid this, the agency often uses monikers such as "Trader A" to disguise the individuals.

High-Profile Losses

Ashton’s case is the first time a judge has ruled in favor of the regulator on the issue, after the FCA suffered a number of high-profile losses last year. Former Deutsche Bank AG trader Christian Bittar and ex-JPMorgan Chase & Co. executive Achilles Macris had won similar lawsuits in disputes connected to other regulatory settlements.

The Macris case relates to his identifiability in a penalty notice against JPMorgan over the London Whale debacle, when a trader at the bank incurred $6.2 billion in losses. The FCA unsuccessfully appealed the decision last year and is now appealing to the U. K. Supreme Court. A hearing is scheduled in October, according to a Supreme Court spokeswoman.

"We are glad our approach in this case has been upheld," the FCA said in an e-mailed statement. A lawyer for Ashton said she has already filed an appeal of the decision but requested it be heard after the Supreme Court rules on Macris, which will set a precedent for the cases.

Other Lawsuits

At least two other traders have cases outstanding over FCA bank settlements for currency-market manipulation, according to court documents. Richard Usher, JPMorgan’s former chief currency dealer in London, and Rohan Ramchandani, Citigroup Inc.’s former head of G-10 spot currency trading, both filed suits at the end of 2014.

One motivation for traders to challenge the FCA on identification is to obtain documents about the regulator’s case that could help them if they’re also under investigation by other authorities. It is one of the few opportunities traders have to gain an insight into how the regulator came to its conclusions about their behavior.

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My Introduction to Forex

The world of forex fell into my lap. It’s one of those professions that no one readily discusses. Luckily for me, I struck up a conversation with my highly sought-after car detailer who was in a talkative mood that day. I often wondered why I needed to make my appointment weeks in advance. I had never heard of a car detailer being so much in demand that clients from around the country were flying him to their expensive cars for detailing! In minutes, I learned that this elite clientele spurred from a local forex investor and snowballed into a coast-to-coast chain of well-to-do fx currency traders, whose budgets had been redefined by the forex market.

These wealthy customers had acquired their riches trading forex. my detailer explained. He continued to boast how lucrative the field was for those who truly know how to trade in the forex market. I listened as he went on about studying forex and his recent trading efforts; however, he never discussed the sea of forex scam artists I would one day encounter.

My curiosity was piqued. I was on a mission. I spent countless nights scouring the Internet in search of everything forex I could find. The dizzying array of forex websites did nothing but confuse me. From formal forex training to fanatical forex brokers, charts, conversions, signals, software, pips, and platforms, finding my way through the fields of forex was fascinating yet frustrating at the same time.

My forex career began inside a well-known forex brokerage firm, whose identity shall remain anonymous. There I learned the ins and outs of the forex currency trading business along with how forex brokers make fast cash. I was horrified at the unscrupulous practices that literally robbed clients of hard-earned money on a daily basis. I did my time, learned what I could, and left.

I never lost my passion for forex trading. Determined to bypass the scammers and get to the bottom of trading forex, I finally hooked up with some legitimate forex professionals who led me in the right direction.

Ruling the Unruly

Forex is a peculiar market. Void of any policing or governing body, “anything goes” is an understatement. What’s worse, the majority of online forex information is misleading or downright wrong. Reputable forex brokers, those with whom I had first-hand dealings, can be found with unfavorable reviews on supposedly authoritative forex websites, while dishonest traders and brokers, including former co-workers and sites that were infamous for their less-than-moral business practices, had glowing write-ups. Additional research shed light on the sources behind these review sites, which was the motivating force behind Forex Justice.

The Fair Forex Forum

Unlike any other forex review site, Forex Justice is a two-way communication forum, free of bias and spin. Your input is valued and posted, unedited, for all to see. The benefits of using Forex Justice as a beginner’s learning tool and professional’s sounding board are numerous:

Your experiences, good and bad, are the lessons others can learn about which forex sites to trust and which to avoid. Online forex guides are available to give you the ABCs of forex currency trading from neutral sources without any agenda. Opposing views are accepted and posted from forex brokers. sites, and professionals in response to your comments, providing both sides of the argument.

This unique, back-and-forth blackboard is the most reliable source of forex information on the Web. It serves to unveil the secrets behind forex deception and theft and underscore the benefits of open feedback. Become an active participant in the Forex Justice forum and cut to the chase!

Read forex reviews and learn more about the benefits of taking a proactive approach to forex trading.

Spot Forex

Spot forex is known as the largest traded market across the globe. It has overtaken the forex futures market due to the involvement of huge amount of future investments by the people across the world. Spot forex is known for its liquidity (flow of money) and a lower cost of trading.

Spot Forex management is a Swiss company . The specialty of this company is all the information about its members is kept private within Switzerland. No one else can excess this information. This company includes other countries also. Europe and U. S.A Switzerland is known as the premier financial offshore centers in the world.

When the trading on margin is provided by the forex, it is termed as margin forex.

Spot forex providers earn money though spreads.

Money is distributed among currency pairs; spreaders do not have much money.

When someone signs a deal today but settlement is done on some another day is called a spot contract. Spot contract is similar to spot trading.

If trader keeps the currency overnight then he has to pay certain interest rate or rollover for keeping money with him for the whole night.

Spot forex is free from exchange and NFA (“National Future Association”) fees.

One difference is that in spot forex currency, future is quoted as the US dolor versus the currency while in others the trend is different. It is dolor verses currency.


It is the amount of money (interest rate) which trader had to pay, if he kept it for whole night. All the day traders fall under the spot forex. Every trader had to close his account at night. If he does not close his account at the end of the day, all his transactions are rolled over to the future or next trader who takes the charge after him.

Spot forex and forex future differs on one surface that forex future does not have any involvement in rollover. So, one can say spot forex is much better than forex future. It gives maximum rollover if held for a single day.

Requirements to open an account in Spot Forex Exchange

Must be 21 years and above

Have to deposit an initial amount of USD of 10,000 ( Singapore. PR, and Employment Pass holders)

Other than these, an amount of USD 15,000 has to be deposited.

Necessary documents

For Singaporeans - NRIC (pink)

For Malaysians - Malaysian identity card

For Singapore - PRs Passport and valid re-entry permit

For Foreigners - Passport

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Identity Theft Secrets

Is the Forex Program I’m Looking At A Scam?

Posted by idtshelp on July 20th, 2010

How Do I Know If the Forex Program I’m Looking At Is A Scam? Written by Vincenzo Desroches of Forex Traders

The unregulated nature of the Foreign-Exchange (FX) Market has made it a big draw for con artists and scammers. The internet is littered with outrageous claims that one can be a millionaire by trading the FX Market with a simple investment of $99. The reason con artists are able to operate is because, unfortunately, people fall for their scams. In this short article, we will identify several of the major red flags that are often present in the sales materials of bad products.

Guaranteed Returns Guaranteeing a return is an infraction of the National Futures Association (NFA). Unfortunately, because the FX Market is an international market with no central exchange, much of it is unregulated. A regulated company will never make the claim of guaranteed returns. In fact, no legitimate trading professional will ever promise a return. All true professionals understand it is impossible to predict future market movements. The best traders have down times. That is reality. Any claim to the contrary should be treated as a possible red flag of fraud.

Promise of High Yield Many forex scams promise crazy returns of 20% and up per month. The fact is, once again, no one can truly promise a return in financial markets. To get an idea of how professionals perform each year, if a fund produces over 20%-30% in a year, it has done incredibly well. Of course, they are trading such large amounts of money, it makes it difficult to get the returns a smaller account can get, but still, the idea that you can buy a program that will return 1,000% in a year is a pipedream. Don’t be fooled by the promise of high returns.

No Real Disclosure of Possible Loss This is huge. A financial scam will generally never disclose the possibility of the loss of funds. If you are looking at an investment opportunity that does not communicate this to you, you should be very skeptical. A true investment manager selling a financial product will always be very up-front about the possibility of loss.

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This type of cheap sales language will oftentimes accompany forex and financial scams. Making money in financial markets takes the same type of diligence and hard work as it takes to profit in any other professional field. Any marketing pitches that say otherwise should be avoided.

Check for Customer Testimonials This is a great way to determine whether a financial product is legit. Google the financial product and find out if there are any threads or website discussions on the pros and cons of the course material or product you are researching. Many legitimate forex courses generally have an entire community of satisfied customers who communicate via a website, thread, or forex news site. If you cannot find satisfied customers of the product you are seeking to purchase, there may very well be a reason.

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Online Forex Trading Trends

A Forex trading trend happens when the currency price moves in a certain direction. Investors use trends in order to predict the future direction of currency price movement, using forex trading systems. This way, Forex trends are analyzed as uptrends, downtrends or flat. The trends are what give the online Forex trading market its dynamics and changing characteristic.

When you are learning forex trading trends, you need to acquire the ability to read Forex charts. This is one of the basic concepts learned in forex trading courses, and is an important tool for technical analysis. One of the chart types used for global forex trading is a bar chart. which is used quite frequently by investors.

If what you set out to do is making money in Forex trading. then you have to recognize the Forex price movements and be able to recognize the forex trading trends it fits. This is no easy task, and it takes a lot of practice in order to have the grasp of all important trends.

Forex trading Trend lines can show a direction up, down or lateral, and they are seen by drawing a straight line above the daily highs in a downtrend and a straight line below the daily lows in an uptrend.

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NFA Bans Credit Card Funding for Forex Accounts

Posted 2 years ago | 12:24 AM | 23 July 2014 8 Comments

Financial industry watchdog NFA (National Futures Association) proposed a ban on using credit cards to fund U. S. forex accounts, citing the need to protect investors against using borrowed money as trading capital.

& # 8220; Forex and futures markets are both high-risk and volatile, and individuals who wish to participate should use only risk capital to fund their accounts,” explained NFA President and CEO Dan Roth. “Allowing customers to fund accounts with credit cards encourages them to trade with borrowed money.”

I gotta say, the man’s got a solid point. As we constantly emphasize in our School of Pipsology. you shouldn’t be trading money you can’t afford to lose. It’s not that we’re assuming that you’ll wind up wiping out your entire trading capital at some point, but it wouldn’t hurt to be extra cautious of the risks involved in forex.

Take note that this proposed rule was decided upon by the NFA after more than a year’s worth of extensive account reviews, leading officials to conclude that majority of retail forex and futures accounts funded through credit cards or borrowed funds turned out to be unprofitable. Aside from that, the NFA plans to protect consumers against potential credit card fraud or identity theft tactics employed by individuals with gambling tendencies in an effort to win big in the financial markets.

While the regulation is still up for approval by the CFTC. many traders are already looking at a number of alternatives for funding accounts in a more convenient manner. Bank-to-bank transfers conducted by ACH (automated clearing house) institutions, such as Knox Payments and Dwolla, has emerged as a viable option. Those who own U. S. checking accounts can use these to open forex trading accounts in less than 48 hours.

Despite the availability of alternatives, brokers could see a significant decline in the number of accounts opened when this ruling is passed. Ever since the idea of banning credit card deposits was brought up last year, a number of retail forex brokers have already exited the U. S. market and moved their operations offshore. From the brokers’ perspective, this might not be too good for business, as the industry has already seen a slowdown in trading volumes and revenue for the past few months.

For retail traders though, it’s still business as usual… unless you were planning on opening a live account with a credit card. As my buddy Big Pippin puts it, “Don’t be writin’ checks y’all can’t cash!”

Like what you've read?

While I agree with discouraging the use of borrowed money, and while I agree that a lot of people tend to use credit cards to borrow money, I think banning credit card transactions is throwing the baby out with the bath, so to speak. In today’s economy credit cards are as much a very fast and convenient transfer medium as much as they are a way to borrow money. I’m assuming that banning credit card transactions will also ban transactions with debit cards? I often use my debit card to fund my accounts directly from my checking account, but without the delay of mailing a check or the cost of a wire transfer.

Note also that banning credit card transactions will not necessarily stop the use of borrowed funds – you simply use the credit card to make a cash advance deposit to your checking account (a loan), then fund the forex account from your checking account.

http://www. babypips. com/blogs/espipionage/ Forex Ninja

Not really sure what their proposed rules are for debit cards or checking accounts, but I presume they won’t have a problem with having clients use funds that are already in their bank accounts. While it’s true that banning credit card funding won’t necessarily stop the use of borrowed funds, it is probably a step in the right direction when discouraging fraudulent activity or gambling tendencies among some traders. There are several convenient options available for those who have the cash to trade.

Its a few steps backwards. Sad to see it even being considered. A world leader like the USA should lead the way. I doubt that the imvestigation was accurate at all, sounds more like some prudish near sitedness. I trust that a fresh investigation will take place soon to considerin deposits or letting people use their credit as they see fit. Shouldnt the same be said then for making purcases at ebay, amazon, any onli. e retailer, comes down to the samething.

http://www. babypips. com/blogs/espipionage/ Forex Ninja

Let’s see how the CFTC views this proposal, but I’m inclined to think that regulators have the traders’ best interests in mind and is making this move to discourage dependence on credit card debt when it comes to funding accounts.

http://www. babypips. com/blogs/espipionage/ Forex Ninja

Woah! Good for you, bro! Problem is, not all traders are able to think it through the way you did. After all, you did have enough in cash to match the deposit amount anyway. I guess the NFA is just trying to discourage those who don’t.

http://www. babypips. com/blogs/espipionage/ Forex Ninja

Yeah, I think that’s what the NFA was going for. Trade the money that you have, not an amount that you will need to borrow.

http://www. babypips. com/blogs/espipionage/ Forex Ninja

Yeah I think some brokers to charge a % fee for deposits funded through credit card. I guess traders who don’t have the cash ready but would like to get in the markets right away would fund their account that way then just try to make up for the charges with their trades.

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Welcome Forex Trading Friend!

ForexTradingArticles. com was first created back in 2007 and since that time I have been educating forex traders of all levels of experience from absolute beginners to more seasoned traders on how to trade currencies both safely and profitably.

This website is the culmination of more than 10 years trading experience and there is a lot of hard-won knowledge contained within these pages.

The foreign exchange market is the most exciting, most dynamic market in the world to trade. The potential financial rewards are significant, however so are the potential losses for those traders that lack the education, experience, ongoing discipline and focus to successfully manage the risk.

This website was designed to help aspiring forex traders develop the necessary knowledge-base and real world insights to not only survive but also thrive in the forex market over the long-term.

If you by chance have come here to learn how to make a fortune overnight, then you are in the wrong place. While it is true that some beginner traders have quickly built up their trading accounts to significantly large levels by using excessive leverage and having lady luck on their side, this is extremely rare. I dare say too that the majority of these extraordinary lucky traders (or shall we call them gamblers) end up giving back their gains…and more.

If however you are serious about learning how you can effectively ‘manage risk for profit’ (the only sustainable forex trading strategy) and eventually make a full time living as a professional forex trader as I do, then welcome. I’m glad to have you here and look forward to helping you on your journey toward successful forex trading.

‘Currency Cash Cow’

NOTA . I value my privacy and do not wish to be looked upon as some trading ‘guru’ and so I choose to keep identity private and just use the handle @currencycashcow throughout the web. Feel free to follow my updates at the sites below. I look forward to connecting with you!

Forex broker

The Forex market is a huge market with global reach, and because the demo accounts that are available and the brokers that already have a low initial investment required, there are not many limitations to become an investor. While the demo accounts allow the user to adapt to technical and operational aspects through fictitious money, when making real investments, the ideal is to have the best advice possible while learning. In that area, there are professional counselors called brokers, who offer their professional advice to beginners in the foreign exchange market.

The Forex market does not work as a center of change; it runs through interbank web dealing. These interbank dealings can work as a backroom where other operators are doing deals. Generally, these deals do not always have the same value, but at very close range values. When a new user wants to invest, you should do one of these interbank dealing. The broker then plays the role of the intermediary between the operator and the interbank. Many brokers have links with various banks. The most common one is that the broker bid a price of one of the banks with which it has a business relationship, preferably the one that suits the needs of the customer.

There are different websites where you can access these brokers. The process is quite similar to open an account at a bank, and delay some days because it requires some paperwork and verification of identity that starts immediately when you register.

Some brokers may offer what is known as “leverage”, a kind of “help” that allows customers to obtain certain benefits, for example, for every dollar in the account, you’ll be having $ 10 to negotiate. This has the advantage of being able to have higher profits, but also the risk of bigger and heavier losses on the final earnings.

When negotiating with brokers, there are two possible statements: the first is the actual balance, which excludes open negotiations. The second is the balance that the operator would have if he chooses to close all his negotiations (net balance).

It is advisable to avoid those brokers that offer bonuses for new subscription, because these awards are generally debited from our account in the future. Similarly, a broker with extensive heritage should be selected, because this ensures greater protection of their funds; you should also be ensured that it is supervised by the competent authority (each country has one or more).

Finally, you should choose brokers with good leverage and analyze what is the type of account that works better for us to avoid taking deliberate decisions.

Forex Scams / Forex Fraud

One of the best ways of making money is to invest in the foreign exchange market . This is perhaps the largest and most liquid market in the world. Nowadays, more and more people are getting involved in trading currencies and earn their living. As this market is gaining its popularity, forex scam artists are also trying to cash in money from this business. There are ways to identify these scammers.

The first step is to check out that your preferred Forex broker is accredited with the United States Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). You can also look for the regulator’s certification on your broker’s website and contact the CFTC to check the authentication of your broker. You must always check the legitimacy of your Forex broker so that you don’t end up getting scammed and lose all your money.

Next, if you see outlandish claims that are guaranteeing high profits in no time, then you need to stay away from them. There is no shortcut in trading currencies. When you are investing money in the forex market . you need to be very much dedicated, investigative, have good analytical skills, knowledge of economics, and consistence practice. This will make you an experienced trader in the Forex market. If you see any scheme that is assuring ridiculous guarantees through unsolicited calls, you need to be careful enough.

Another way of identifying a forex scam is when you see a promotion that guarantees little or no financial risk in trading currencies. There is no such investment that does not have any risk involved. Forex Scam artists will always give you false hopes and guarantee that your investment is secure, or they will invest your capital in the “Interbank Market” and so on. Stay away from people who make such promises. Even the professional traders cannot guarantee that their money won’t be at risk in any given day. It is very hard to predict the foreign exchange market and thus you need to stay away from people who are giving false promises.

If you see a firm that is not trustworthy, then it can be a possible scam. You must check the background, physical address and the performance record of the firm before investing your money. If a firm has the intention of scamming people, then you will find many horror stories about them on the internet. Similarly, a legitimate business will be having all their information with the local law enforcement agencies. Hence, it will become easier to distinguish between a genuine business and a scammer. Stay away from the firms who make bold claims about how successful they are in the Forex market, but unable to prove it in papers.

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ASP. NET WebApi Identity System: how to login with Facebook access token

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The context

I’m working on a project where I have a RESTful HTTP API implemented using the WebAPI framework that is consumed by a native Android application. This application allows the user to login using their Facebook account and this feature is implemented using the Facebook SDK for Android. Now the Facebook SDK always gives you an access token if the OAuth process completes correctly and that’s exactly where I found some hurdles integrating with the WebAPI Asp. Net Identity flow: in the facebook authentication flow for asp. net identity, the facebook oath dialog appends a code rather than access token to the redirect_url, so that the server can exchange this code for an access token via http://localhost:49164/signin-facebook? code=…&state= …

Obviously this is not good for our scenario as we already have the facebook access token! The goal is not to reinvent the wheel, but to find a solution that integrates with the existing OWIN authentication and authorization pipeline. What we want is to find a way to use existing Asp. Net Identity methods to register the claim identity, so that the system knows about the user, and to generate an API Bearer token that will be given back to the client and that will need to be supplied for each subsequent call to the API endpoints.

The solution

The proposed solution acts on two different files:

I posted this solution on StackOverflow to answer the following question: http://stackoverflow. com/questions/21092723/webapi-asp-net-identity-facebook-login

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20 thoughts on “ ASP. NET WebApi Identity System: how to login with Facebook access token ”

@Velerio thanks for this post its really helpful. I have been bugged by WebAPI 2 authentication and I wanted some clarification on the same. In my scenario, I have a simple MVC web-app to which I have added Web API controller. I want to make my API secure but I dont know how I can obtain access_token on the client side. the /token endpoint requires that I send username and password but when my user logs in using facebook I just dont have any username and password. In this post here you have created a controller that logs user in locally when presented with a valid access_token but in my case the MVC boilerplate code already sign-user in or registers as needed after facebook login. But I just dont have a way to allow users to securely access my API after logging in via the MVC controller. Could you please shed some light on how this can possibly be done? Any help would be highly appreciated.

Hi I’m sorry but I’m not sure I understand exactly what you mean: you have a scenario where a user signs in with Facebook using an MVC controller and then you want the same user to access WebAPI endpoints, am I right? Have you tried to decorate your API controller with the [Authorize] attribute? Provided that in the Startup. Auth. cs file you have correctly configured the cookie machinery, I believe that the WebAPI should automatically reuse the cookie being sent. If you inspect the request being sent by your web app to your API contoller, do you see a cookie attached?

Yes you are right, I want the user that logged in using facebook via MVC to only have access to my webAPI.

I indeed have [Authorize] on my web api and I have the following in my webApi Config

config. SuppressDefaultHostAuthentication(); config. Filters. Add(new HostAuthenticationFilter(OAuthDefaults. AuthenticationType));

Cookie based auth is prone to CSRF hence Web API 2 requires that a token be used and for an API controller that has [Authorize] access is allowed only if there is a token sent as part of get/post request. My question is how to obtain the access_token when user is logged in via facebook and there is no password authentication.

You seem to have somewhat confused ideas about the authentication mechanism within OWIN and Asp. Net. If you use the boilerplate code for MVC, when you sign in the framework gives the user back an authentication cookie that is later attached by the client to every request, so that the server can identify the requester. As you can see, in this mechanism there’s no access token! When you login with Facebook, an alternate flow is initiated but the result is the same, the client receives the cookie and that’s it! The WebAPI instead, being an API, should treat every request as a full isolated and independent request, therefore no cookie should be used. So, in order to secure your endpoints, a token based mechanism can be used, called Bearer authentication. This is all independent from Facebook.

What you are trying to do is somewhat forcing the API to use cookie authentication system, which is not ideal but can be done I believe. You need to remove the lines “config. SuppressDefaultHostAuthentication(); config. Filters. Add(new HostAuthenticationFilter(OAuthDefaults. AuthenticationType));” as this tells WebAPI to not use the cookie system.

Yeah I agree that I am a bit confused.

& Gt; & gt; So, in order to secure your endpoints, a token based mechanism can be used, >> called Bearer authentication. & Gt; & gt; This is all independent from Facebook.

I believe the bearer authentication is achieved by first posting to /token endpoint and obtaining a token correct? But to post to /token you would need username and password right? When all I am doing is just facebook auth and there is no local account what do I pass in for grant_type, username and password?

My website has ability to comment on items, I want to allow only logged in users to comment and and associate each comment with the correct user account. If I do all of this using forms for posting comments its all good but I want to build single page app in which I use angularjs that posts the comment from UI, and this is best done with web api so my web api need to distinguish different users.

You have a NullReferenceException in your code.

In your AccountController. cs in line 38 you access the AccessTokenFormat of your OAuthBearerOptions. The access token format of your oauth bearer options is simply the value from your oauth options, in Startup. cs line 17. But here you never set your AccessTokenFormat! Please note that the default value of this property is null. It is not a default implementation.

Hi, thanks for your comment. The documentation around the OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions. AccessTokenFormat says the following: “The data format used to protect the information contained in the access token. If not provided by the application the default data protection provider depends on the host server. The SystemWeb host on IIS will use ASP. NET machine key data protection, and HttpListener and other self-hosted servers will use DPAPI data protection. If a different access token provider or format is assigned, a compatible instance must be assigned to the OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions. AccessTokenProvider or OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions. AccessTokenFormat property of the resource server.”

In my understanding this is just saying that in case you do not specify anything (as in the example above), the rutime defaults to the format provider offered by the host server. If you are having a NRE, than maybe that depends on your host server. Let me know.

I also face the same issue here, my OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions. AccessTokenFormat is always null. I started a new SPA template from scratch and I set a break point in the AddExternalLogin method I also find the AccessTokenFormat is null. What host are you using? I’m running it on IIS Express and even I push up to Azure seems like it’s always null. I’ve searched around some people have the same problem but seems no one figure out the answer. I also tried to figure out what’s the default implementation for the AccessTokenFormat ISSecureDataFormat, but I couldn’t find it. Any insights would be appreciated. ¡Gracias!

Hi Wei, I guess this is due to a new version of tue WebApi Identity System. I should investigate this further though.

I was wondering if you could help me out here. I’m using your example here, but I’m consistently getting “Invalid OAuthToken” back from the Graph API call to verify the token. My setup right now is a WPF app talking to a Web API2 server. Any help you can throw my way would make me eternally grateful. Gracias

Hi, well the error message looks pretty clear to me. How are you obtaining that access token from Facebook?

So in the WPF app, I’m using a WebBrowser control and intercepting the Uri after logging into facebook. I’m grabbing the token from there

Do I need to pass the other parameters off to the FacebookLogin call?

Try this: copy this URL into your browser and replace the $fb_access_token with your token and see if it is working. https://graph. facebook. com/me? access_token=$fb_access_token

“error”: “message”: “Invalid OAuth access token.”, “type”: “OAuthException”, “code”: 190 > >

The problem lies in your WPF code where you retrieve the access token. Are you sure that the URI returned after login contains the real access token and not just another code to exchange with Facebook to obtain the real token? (to be clear I just described the facebook authentication flow for asp. net identity, where the facebook oath dialog appends a code rather than access token to the redirect_url, so that the server can exchange this code for an access token)

The token I’m getting has the format of a bearer token (at least it looks like one to me)

Here are my two methods

private void FacebookAuth() var client = new RestClient(UrlBase);

var request = new RestRequest(“api/Account/ExternalLogins”); request. AddParameter(“returnUrl”, “/”); request. AddParameter(“generateState”, “true”);

var response = client. Execute(request);

JArray array = JArray. Parse(response. Content);

string fbUrl = “”; foreach(var o in array) JObject oauthLogin = JObject. Parse(o. ToString());

if(oauthLogin[“Name”].Value() == “Facebook”) fbUrl = oauthLogin[“Url”].Value(); break; > >

Url = UrlBase + fbUrl; >

void AuthBrowser_Navigated(object sender, System. Windows. Navigation. NavigationEventArgs e)

if(e. Uri. Host == “localhost”) var client = new RestClient(UrlBase);

var queries = HttpUtility. ParseQueryString(“?” + e. Uri. Fragment. TrimStart(‘#’)); var token = queries[“access_token”];

var request = new RestRequest(“api/Account/FacebookLogin”, Method. POST); request. AddParameter(“token”, token, ParameterType. QueryString);

var response = client. Execute(request);

FacebookAuth gets called first and then when the Url property is changed, it triggers browser navigation, so we get to the login screen. Once I login, the Navigated event handler triggers since we’re no longer looking at the facebook host and I attempt to call the FacebookLogin api.

Gracias por la ayuda. I realized that I should be using the client login dialog and then pass that token on, not let the Web API handle the login to facebook

Mike, can you send me a sample of how you get access_token from facebook? I am getting same error when I let webapi to handle login to facebook.

“Ehrman provides evidence here that the ancient world, in fact, generally condemned forgeries as much as the modern world does. He then goes on to discuss works that were wrongly claimed to have been written by Peter or by Paul as well as other forgeries, including some in the last two centuries. He distinguishes between the use of a pen name to hide the writer’s identity and a forgery that claims to be the work of someone else. Most of the forgeries Ehrman discusses served Christian anti-Jewish propaganda, although some were antipagan, while the so-called Gospel of Nicodemus was an attempt to correct the very anti-Christian Acts of Pilate. Ehrman uses other forgeries as well to support his conclusion that “Christians intent on establishing what was right to believe did so by telling lies.”

VERDICT Ehrman reveals for ordinary readers what most mainstream biblical scholars accept, but he then attributes motives to the writers, which are more speculative, ending his book with a discussion of a few justifiable lies or forgeries and those not justified (all the rest). Recommended for sophisticated readers who will come to their own conclusions about Ehrman’s opinions. — Carolyn M. Craft, emerita, Longwood Univ. Farmville, VA

Book Cover Description

“We may never know what drove these people. to hide their own identity and to claim, deceitfully, that they were someone else. Their readers, had they known, would probably have called them liars and condemned what they did. But in their own eyes, their conscience may have been free from blame, and their motives may have been as pure as the driven snow. They had a truth to convey, and they were happy to lie in order to proclaim it.” — from Forged

It is often said, even by critical scholars who should know better, that “writing in the name of another” was widely accepted in antiquity. But New York Times bestselling author Bart D. Ehrman dares to call it what it was: literary forgery, a practice that was as scandalous then as it is today. In Forged, Ehrman’s fresh and original research takes readers back to the ancient world, where forgeries were used as weapons by unknown authors to fend off attacks to their faith and establish their church. So, if many of the books in the Bible were not in fact written by Jesus’s inner circle — but by writers living decades later, with differing agendas in rival communities — what does that do to the authority of Scripture?

Ehrman investigates ancient sources to:

Reveal which New Testament books were outright forgeries.

Explain how widely forgery was practiced by early Christian writers—and how strongly it was condemned in the ancient world as fraudulent and illicit.

Expose the deception in the history of the Christian religion.

Ehrman’s fascinating story of fraud and deceit is essential reading for anyone interested in the truth about the Bible and the dubious origins of Christianity’s sacred texts.

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Tom Strignano Money Management Book | FRN Review

Lately all the results we see on google don’t even give you any information about the products, don’t worry Forex Robot Nation gives you the goods. Today we will be looking at an ebook by a well known vendor, Tom Strignano Money Management .

Broken down into different subjects you learn extremely important trading fundamentals!

Tom Strignano Money Management Review

So what is this ebook all about and how can it make you money? Well that is the question and we will give you the answer, broken down into subjects here is an outline of what he covers in this money management book.

Position Sizing: Tom will help you find out what is the best percentage of risk for you and your trading techniques. This part is very hands on and will allow you to determine what type of trader you are when considering your habits.

The Risk of Ruin matrix, what the hell is it. Well Tom Strignano Money Management will tell you exactly what this is and what the use is.

Setting goals and objectives. and as I mentioned before finding your trading identity. You have to be aware of yourself to really be profitable, this is an element of money management people often look over.

What are banks and hedge funds doing? Get the inside scoop on that.

There is much more but we don’t want to go into all the details of Tom Strignanon Money Management right away.

Tom Strignano Money Management Conclusion

We like what this package has to offer. It is simple, offers a creative money management system. Develops the psychology of trading, and the traders identity and also gives you the important professional formulas you need to succeed.

Now if you have any information or would like to leave a comment about the tom strignano money management ebook feel free to leave these below and also come back from time to time to check in and make sure that our review is updated.

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New Forex Afliatte Programes

This article demonstrates how you can search for the best trading system. You need to know not just system for trade or you can try before you buy. Here are some suggestions for you.

1. it's really say just yet, but it is not profitable, if you don 't ' t get other useful properties, profit and you can't say that I think profit profit is also a casual-looking week after week to use all that much without loosing matches with the loss of trust between the trading system for the week. Scary, you have a good week and faster.

Relatively small size of 2. loss of securities trading. Group of objects you're shocked you need the risk of damage. You may lose the chance to win can trade is therefore www. docs. ee St, even if you win, you lose only the number of transactions. However, if you want.

3. trade system should be easy to use. There is no need to be Einstein control prices. It only takes a few minutes to cover the simple details to expand and full of jargon. The best strategy to use, easily monitored, often in my experience, simple and concise.

4. control and to live in a long period were not available. No, it was only a few weeks before, you will also need a couple of weeks have shown that in the near future for the manufacture of products for the Council.

(5 business system must be expensive just because of the cost of the system is usually better than a few hundred dollars or a few thousand dollars of value, it will not even pay for a large number of systems are often the best time and money, the transitional arrangements shall be shown in the coming years.

This trend is still dominated by Automation to simplify things, life, work, Wall Street and financial markets, is no exception to this rule. Most are the main recipients of the automation and on the market today, the highest in the world is full of robots, created by the men, whose objective is the Exchange, which was once human. FX traders Forex trading consultants create a currency pair. It is programmed in the compulsory instruction in a language called MQL-4, and so that the right decisions without human assistance.

Forex, also known as a business consultant and Metratrader can operate on a Metatrader trading plarform. The fact is that this robot can perform a variety of commercial works as simple as it sounds an alarm and send e-mail when a hot market, complex tasks, such as fully-automatic trading systems. You can also set up a planned disruption and profits! The best part is that they operate with the instructions given by merchants who remove emotion from trading and to assist traders to observe the trading system. In this way, a lot of stress and Forex consulting experts do all the work is that all decisions are based on certain perimetrwn.

Automated Forex is the best choice, because he would recreate one of the business opportunities, fewer errors than the human factor. You can rely on collected data and performance on the market for its election last, this increases the potential for favourable results than human error and not emotions affect business decisions. If you want to take advantage of the features of the professional advisor for the Forex, it is important to choose the best that can be challenging. There are hundreds of these robots, most are available at a low price, while some of them are hired on a monthly basis. If the question is, which is used for the you, or you can get support is not specified, with a little investment, the answer is positive, but it is the main condition to search for reliable software.

Review of Forex helps to take the appropriate decision and get optimal use Metatrader expert advisor is on the droid. This Web site must contain information about the most popular and most profitable software and understanding, which should be a Forex expert advisors, you can use difference between a profitable investment and costs time and money. First, it is very important to know if the software has been tested and should be equipped with a kind of test in order to ensure reliability.

The second for a reliable Forex review websites, we recommend you order software, probably for the live survey. Refers to the fact that the environment has been created with the money remains a valid account in the trade for a living, and the result was good. Expert Advisor Forex or cheap software, resources should be used for the development of the system that you can create a profit. In addition, the package you have purchased with the money, he must return to, once again proving the reliability of the device. This is a more powerful MetaTrader expert advisor must be easy to use and has good support area, if you need help. In the light of the above, see moments of software ever climate needs and requirements, the best results and helps fight will gain economic independence.

Looking for the best Forex trading system on the market is a very difficult task. In fact that is a pretty big deal type this title into a particular robot, because there are many of them on the market and its designers claim that their product is by far the best. If everyone, having the best Forex robot to sell claims that you must therefore a little caution in selecting the practice.

A Forex robot is basically a software designed to help the trader to decisions that will be profitable and to eliminate human mistakes, which may also have a forex trading expert. It is designed to work with the trading platform, used by the dealer and the premise for this is quite simple: choose the amount of funds and the dealer adds wants to take the risk and the software exchange traded, which makes predictions that are based on the data that flows through the algorithm for more money. If you take a minute to understand how it works this software, you can select the best forex trading system that will give you more profitable results.

There are certain criteria that the best software must meet at a higher level, to be considered the best. First of all an important criterion, which is the difference between two software programs is the amount of seeds, which can be added to your account every week. Eventually, it all comes down to how much money can generate the robot and it should therefore be simple and easy to use. Not all retailers are familiar with the way this software works, but whereas his popularity should consider, to learn how to use as soon as possible.

Most transactions are carried out electronically and Exchange forex is a versatile domain, which deals with a lot of analytics. The best forex robot should be of high quality and are able to simplify complex characters of the market. At the same time it should provide you with the trends, based on which you can make certain decisions, such as trafficking. This type of software is usually placed on the market by the company, which was for some time. History of the company says a lot about the performance of the software, you probably should remain from the company, which has only a few months, and says that offers the best forex trading system.

In addition, if a company is reliable enough in their own products to guarantee money back. More likely that it will be a good software program, or perhaps even the best forex robot for you will always be better to use the software is simple and easy to use, you should make sure it comes with documentation and tutorials to help you get started. Any problems without the most important part is the best Forex trading system when it is that should receive the live test, which means that it is setting up the appropriate accounts and left the trade will create a good return on investment.

Finding the best forex robot can be very difficult, however, is more likely to get a reliable software that will provide greater results and help you when you travel as a financially independent entity.

The Forex market is the largest financial market in the world, which means that it represents a very attractive, yet dangerous terrain. It is a versatile market where all the advantages immediately challenges, if not even in disadvantages can change. It offers many opportunities to earn money in a short time-frame, but it is also widely recognized thanks to the numerous Forex scams. Forex trading is a very popular activity in the past few years and a growing number of people are joining in hopes of getting huge amounts of money every month. Since all forex beginners need help, many experts assistance packages have created and this is another reason why there are so many scams.

Trading systems, are courses and even brokers constantly judged by traders as forex scams. A typical scam generated by systems and courses is the fact that they much profit with no work at all promise and when it comes to brokers, they are usually all resources to their customers and trade than against them. The low minimum deposit required and high leverage is one of the most popular kind of forex scam and the reasons are clear. Trade in high amounts with very little capital means huge risk because the capital can be easily eradicated.

In addition, you may want to indicate the forex automated trading systems are by far the largest forex fraud and this is a really unpleasant, because most of these systems are well designed and can be very powerful. The way in which this type of scam is very simple: usually entrepreneurs aquires system that is good and completely automated, but when he receives it, he discovers that the scam, which has lost all of the balance of its account Forex. This type of scam you can easily avoid, if software forex comes from reliable support, positive recommendations, authentic reviews, etc. As long as the system is reliable and quality, this may be the most valuable resources for entrepreneurs, helping him to get his financial independence.

There are several forex scams, but fortunately it's pretty easy to remember. The golden rule is that one does not have the facilities, and currency trading. What guarantee maximum profitability when there are probably scams. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is, because in this market. Everything depends on the skill that requires dedication and practice knowledge economics. The other promotions certainly warrant financial risk, little or no trading in the currency they will maintain forex scam because investment is always a risk, Forex market losses and exception. In addition to this The company, seems trustworthy and willing to offer you complete information about their background. Their activities, or how they have succeeded in this market would represent wangonakhot forex scam.

Trading currencies is a good way to increase your revenue, but unfortunately, forex scams are present in significant number. Yet, today, due to the easy access to the information everyone can recognize a scam and to learn to avoid it.

Financial management of the sites and blogs now means oil see more true each month from affiliate programs on the market Forex.

What is on the forex market?

Forex financial market called as place for trading currencies 12: 0 hours per day, 7 days per week is 5.5 days per week. High-motmatna platform for trade in the world and the identity of the buyer at any time.

In the short or long term investment business platform?

Depending on the people involved in the transaction. Because they have other priorities of the Department for some of them can be regarded as short-term investments. For example, if some people understand how the market quickly won this trade, if only you could get a test.

Other people, is a long-term, especially where you can spend time and effort. Because potential investors needed time to analyze market movements and considerable energy. In addition, for the evaluation of scenarios should take a position on the case.

In so far as this similarly tagged with such trade is true or not.

Probably the most common between the two are at risk of analogy. Since both stock trading investment or currency risk is a financial one. Sometimes due to his investment can be done with care and harvesting decisions.

This is a very Nachut, but the differences may not stock and Forex trading, but all of his next feature, the buyer is the Lama. Trading period and the stock market, now stands on the opening hours for 24/7 5.5 days a week. People in the stocks may be the only way that they and their buyers to find the necessary at the same time forex does not have these features.

What happens if you don't want to invest directly in the Forex, is the platform with other methods that can participate?

That, in a different way. If you have a Web page, you can share perhaps the Forex affiliate programs. It may be that you earn income share not to invest their funds directly for trade.

Forex affiliate program, which may begin to receive, in the framework of the Commission. You can then put your money.

There are things to know before a link, do I need?

Such an agreement, it is better to know something about the company, you should consider joining. Ideally, it should know, if they contribute to your company as an affiliate to pay more, and to support the marketing strategy. They should also learn more about the reputation of each to get protection for you also.

Remember that for an opportunity with the company, which has the highest paid affiliate programs, there is not enough land, the money can be a decisive factor, but you will need time to consider the reliability of the other party.

How to find a forex affiliate programs you can trust to ensure that you understand the terms and conditions. Get a written agreement that their interests are protected at all times.

John Forex affiliate program, market and professional financial advisor for advice to the highest paying Affiliate programs.

Forex Market

In today’s dates every trader works on latest and updated trading platform. An Online Forex Broker’s full trading cycle platform, its précised vision and market reputation make him withstand in the list of the best online Fore brokers in the world.

Forex Broker should have fully fledged independent trading platform, excellent trade support tools and applications and highly skilled resources and financial facilities to provide best trading services. Plus point to the Online Forex Broker’s services is that it should provide accurate trading at the expected price of the client.

Because of the 100% accuracy Online4x is considered as the best online Forex brokers. Online4x’s highly equipped trading platform is flexibly configured as per the outstanding trading strategies.

A best Online Forex broker deliberately makes efforts to maintain its position as the best online Forex broker by focusing on providing the unbeatable lowest spreads, No Slippage, Complimentary introductory bonuses, bearing the maximum losses and saving customers during negative trading, exciting Welcome offers for new clients and many more.

Following are the opportunities and Benefits offered by every Best Online Forex Broker

· Global Market Trading Best Online Forex Broker is available 24 hours a day, five days a week, with over 50 currency pairs to trade.

· 24-Hour operating Forex is a 24-hour marketplace on weekdays – open continuously from 5 p. m. ET Sunday to 5 p. m. ET on Friday – that allows Best Online Forex Brokers to proactively take the opportunity to trade full time or part time as per the schedule.

· Get Unbeatable Liquidity Currency Forex offers excellent liquidity during the trading hours – which allows Best Online Forex Brokers can trade large amounts of currency with little overall market impact.

· Greater the leverage the greater the trading Best Online Forex Brokers always try to give the maximum leverage up to or sometimes over 50 -100 times the account value on all major Forex pairs, and up to 20 times on minor pairs. International accounts have access to up to e 400:1 leverage. For example, with 50:1 leverage, you can control 100,000 units of the euro quoted at $1.3000, using only $2,600.*

· Up - to date with the latest trends and updates Best Online Forex Brokers offer unique opportunities to use exchange rates to take advantage of breaking international events, economic news and interest rate differentials.

With flexible lot sizes you can test trading strategies while limiting your financial exposure, or just dial in the desired risk level that’s right for you.

Your feedback on the post is highly appreciated. It helps me to serve better.

For More details on Forex Mini Accounts kindly visit our website @:-

ECN is electronic communications networks (ECNs). The entire Forex network across the world is easily accessible to the trading participants in the currency markets via these electronic communications networks (ECNs).

Benefit of electronic communications networks (ECNs) is that ECN Forex Broker can offer consolidated tightest spreads price quotations from several market participants. Without centralized Forex network it would have been impossible to meet such a high end competition for normal or traditional brokers.

ECN brokers charge clients a fixed commission per transaction because of the tightest and narrowest spreads by other ECN brokers.

ECN broker does not control the bid or offer spread and thus it never provide the same bid/offer spread at all times. Spreads are variable

And clients have direct access to market prices. Market prices are very sensitive towards the demand and supply, economic and social conditions and thus ECN broker enables clients to trade on tight bid/offer spreads.

ECN Forex brokers trade entirely at secret level due to which they always go for neutral prices independent of the client's direction based on Forex trading strategies. tactics or current market positions

Instant Trade Execution Traders can trade instantly whenever they feel that market is good to take a deal.

Open Trading ECN Forex broker works on electronic communications networks model which allows clients to trade on the global liquidity of world-class banks and qualified financial institutions.

Forex Broker Online offers a wide range of trading services in the international foreign exchange market. Forex Broker Online provides opportunities to reap out profits in the most complicated environment of international foreign exchange market.

Main responsibility of Forex broker online is to integrate all the resources and technology for online trading, find out the best opportunities and provide the top level trading services to meet the trading goals of an investor

The main point of Forex Broker Online business strategy is to expand their service spatially and to consolidate on a new market.

ü Have Regulation by approved and authorized regulatory body.

ü Should have their established Support Offices in their trade locations .

ü Flexibility for Payment Methods .

ü Spread: 2 pip (fixed) for Eur/USD in Micro Accounts Variable for other currency pairs & cuentas

ü Leverage/Margin: Up to 1:500 on Micro Accounts Up to 1:200 on Standard Accounts(with Gold & Silver) Up to 1:100 on MT-ECN Accounts(with Gold & Silver)

ü Account Sizes: Micro Account: $5 (minimum amount) Std Accounts: $50 (minimum amount) MT-ECN Accounts $1000(minimum amount)

ü Platform: MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, Multi Terminal

Forex market is a decentralized market, largest and most liquid market in the Forex world.

And if you want to trade you’ll need a brokerage account that can handle placing your orders at an affordable rate.

It is not necessary that only daily trader to take advantage of the Forex market – In fact every time while overseas travelling exchange of currency happens and one participates in Forex market. In fact Forex market is a single unique identity which joins the world wide countries together under a single market.

Despite of the fact that this market has overpowering size the trade concept is very – very simple.

Forex trading happens through the traders and parties involved are called as trader and the broker respectively. Every broker can be considered as trader but vice – versa is not possible. That means a Trader may not be a broker.

Broker is an intermediary between the investor and the network of banks that trade in between, for Forex. They make their money by taking a small amount during the trade. This small amount is called as Forex Brokerage and is charged in various ways. Forex brokerage is the commission charged by the Forex brokers over the trading carried out by investors during the Forex trading. Forex brokerages have three forms and there offerings vary from firm to firm which are given below:-

A fixed spread remains constant for a specific currency pair without considering the situation or conditions of the market.

· Variable spread Forex brokerages.-

Floating spreads are offered as a range, which changes as the market conditions change. Therefore, sometimes you can enjoy a low rate and sometimes you will have to bear a high rate.

· Percentage of spread Forex brokerages -

The Forex brokers online takes in investor’s order and to execute it as per his instructions. For providing this service they take Forex brokerage when the customer buys and sells the tradable instrument.

Forex brokerage is for the intermediately services between the investor and the network of banks that trade in between, for Forex. They make their money by taking a small amount during the trade. This small amount is called as Forex Brokerage and is charged in various ways below:

Insurance towards Excellent trading Opportunity

Forex brokerage can be considered as a charge to carry on the investor’s order and to execute it as per his instructions. For providing this service Forex brokers give their commitment to offer the best spread, maximum profit, with the changing time, trend, technology and preferences to investors and dealers. Every Forex broker makes sure that he provides excellent online trading platform (Metatrader-4). brilliant trading services. They are full fledge equipped with all the associated platforms. tools and services required for trading. Forex broker have tied up with all the tier-1 banks, reputed financial institutions for trading.

Forex brokerage is an assurance to 100% safe and secure trading. That makes Forex brokers protects their investors and respects their emotions during the negative markets and hence does not charge anything during the falling times.

The lowest spreads-The Higher the Profits

Forex brokerage motivates Forex brokers to offer their investors the competitive lowest spread anybody can offer. Forex brokers help their clients avail the maximum profits by analyzing latest trends for popular FX pair and fluctuating market offerings.

Forex brokerage is the commission charged by the brokers over the trading carried out by investors during the Forex trading. We take our commissions from the spreads from the clients.

Advantageous services from Online4x

Forex brokerage helps brokers to offer Forex services in such a way to help investors organize their Forex in the most haste free manner and easy access anywhere and anytime. Forex Brokers offers you many services to manage

your Forex –

PAMM Account:-PAMM or “Percentage Allocation Money Management”

VPS - Virtual Private Server

I will soon be publishing my next blog on type of Forex brokerages. )

For More details on Forex brokerages you can visit at @:- http://www. online4x. com/s/forex-brokerage-online

Your feedback on the post is highly appreciated. It helps me to serve better.

Thanks and be socialist – Share!

Why Trade the FOREX?

GAIN Capital's FOREX. com Launches iPhone Application

GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc. a global provider of online trading services specializing in foreign exchange (forex or FX) and contracts for difference (CFDs), has launched a new iPhone application offering full forex and precious metal trading capabilities along with up to the minute news, charts, research and account information.

The FOREXTrader for iPhone application complements FOREX. com's newly launched mobile website, which is enhanced for the latest generation of smartphones such as the Google Android, Palm Pre, and iPhone and is compatible with all major browsers. The mobile site provides visitors with quotes, charts, news and research and an extensive learning section featuring articles, video tutorials and more. It also offers secure account access for customers and registered practice account users to trade and manage their account. FOREX. com supports WAP-enabled mobile trading solutions for older mobile devices, available at http://wap. forex. com.

"Due to the round the clock nature of the forex market, mobile account access is an imperative for our customers," said Samantha Roady, chief marketing officer for GAIN Capital. "As a result, we're investing heavily in our mobile offering - significantly enhancing our mobile web trading experience as well as with the development of select native apps for the most popular devices, like the iPhone," said Ms. Roady.

FOREXTrader for iPhone includes:

* Quotes in 45 currency pairs, including spot gold and silver; * A variety of order types, including market, limit, stop, One Cancels Others (OCO), If Then, If Then / OCO and Trailing Stop; * Live newsfeed from Dow Jones; * FOREX. com's proprietary FOREXInsider, providing streaming market commentary and analysis during market hours; * Daily research reports, including intraday market updates for each trading session; * Candlestick and line charts with multiple time intervals; * Updated economic calendar optimized for mobile devices; and * Account balances, P&L and more.

"Over 80 percent of the visitors to our mobile website are on iPhones or iPod Touch devices. In developing our iPhone app, we looked to replicate as much of our award-winning FOREX. com user experience as possible, while taking full advantage of the intuitive interface and the robust customization that can be achieved in the Apple development environment," continued Ms. Roady.

To download the free application, iPhone and iPod touch users in the United States can now visit the App Store directly from their devices and search for "FOREXTrader" or online through Apple's iTunes App Store at: http://itunes. apple. com/us/app/forextrader-by-forex-com/id367994204?mt=8. The application will be available globally in the coming weeks. Prospective customers can access all the features of the mobile website and the iPhone app by registering for a free 30-day practice account at www. forex. com/practice.

All trade names are the property of their respective owners. About GAIN Capital

GAIN Capital Holdings, Inc. is a global provider of online trading services, specializing in foreign exchange (forex or FX) and contracts for difference (CFDs). Customers and trading partners in more than 140 countries have utilized the company's award-winning trading platform which transacts nearly $250 billion per month.

A pioneer in online forex trading, GAIN Capital operates FOREX. com, one of the largest and best-known brands in the retail forex industry. It also provides execution, clearing, custody and technology products and services to an institutional client base including asset managers, broker/dealers and other financial services firms.

With offices in New York City; Bedminster, New Jersey; Londres; Sydney; Hong Kong; Tokyo and Seoul, GAIN Capital and its affiliates are regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in the United States, the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in the United Kingdom, the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in Japan, the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) in Hong Kong, and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in Australia.

GAIN's investor group includes private equity firms 3i, VantagePoint Venture Partners, Tudor Ventures, Edison Venture Fund and Cross Atlantic Capital Partners.

My purpose for writing this article is to demonstrate to you the advantages of trading on the Forex market. However, there is one myth that I want to dispel before I go further. The myth is that there is a difference between trading and investing. To dispel that myth I quote from Al Thomas, President of Williamsburg Investment Company, who wrote "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It". He said "Everyone who invests is a trader, only the time period is different." It is a lesson that I took seriously after taking a beating in the stock market in 2000. So now, let's compare features of currency trading to those of stock and commodity trading. Liquidity — The Forex market is the most liquid financial market in the world around 1.9 trillion dollars traded everyday. The commodities market trades around 440 billion dollars a day, and the US stock market trades around 200 billion dollars a day. This ensures better trade execution and prevents market manipulation. It also ensures easily executable trading. Trading Times — The Forex market is open 24 hours a day (except weekends) which means that in the US it opens at 3:00 pm Sunday (EST) and closes Friday at 5:00 (EST), allowing active traders to choose the times they want to trade. Commodities trading hours are all over the board depending on which commodity you are trading. Including extended trading times US stocks can be traded from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm (ET) on weekdays. Leverage — Depending on your Forex account size, your leverage may be 100:1, although there are Forex brokers that offer leverage of up to 400:1 (not that I would ever recommend that kind of leverage). Leverage in the stock market can be as high as 4:1, and in the commodities market, leverage varies with the commodity traded but it can be quite high. Because the commodity markets are not as liquid as the Forex market, its leverage is inherently riskier. Although I was never shut out of a commodity trade by the day limit, the fear was always in the back of my mind. Trading costs — Transaction costs in the Forex market is the difference between the buy and sell price of each currency pair. There are no brokerage fees. For both the stock and the commodity markets, there are transaction costs and brokerage fees. Even when you use discount brokers, those fees add up. Minimum investment — You can open a Forex trading account for as little as $300.00. It took $5,000 for me to open my futures trading account. Focus — 85% of all trading transactions are made on 7 major currencies. In the US stock market alone there are 40,000 stocks. There are just over 200 commodity markets, although quite a few are so illiquid that they are not traded except by hedgers. As you can see, the fewer number of instruments allows us to study each one more closely. Trade execution — In the Forex market, trade execution is almost instantaneous. In both the equity and commodity markets, you count on a broker to execute your trades and their results are sometimes inconsistent. While all of these features make trading the Forex market very attractive, it still requires a lot of education, discipline, commitment and patience. All trading can be risky. by Susan Walker

Imagini de șabloane create de Nikada. Un produs Blogger.


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It all started in 2003. A credit freeze law was first introduced in California but it was not until the year 2007 when the three (3) major credit bureaus - Equifax, Experian and TransUnion - announced that they would allow people to freeze their credit report. Let us first discuss what a credit freeze is and why it is being used by more and more people.

Credit Report Freeze - What it Means

A credit freeze, which is also called credit report freeze or a credit report lock down, gives an individual the control over his/her credit report. It is done to prevent other people from accessing your credit report unless you give them permission to do so. Lenders, insurers, potential employers, landlords, marketing companies etc. will not be allowed to tap into your credit report while it is on freeze. You can't even access it yourself.

You can gain access to your credit report again if you are going to make a request for a "thaw" or "unfreeze" from the credit bureau. Credit freeze is often viewed by people as a way to prevent other people especially scammers from accessing data from your credit report.

The Difference Between Credit Freeze and Fraud Alert

If someone is trying to open an account using your name, the creditor is then alerted to contact you (as the credit report owner). That is a fraud alert. It is not that reliable because a creditor can either choose to contact you or ignore this alert and continue with opening the account without letting you know. While if it a credit freeze, your report is totally not accessible no matter who is trying to access it, not even you. A creditor who wishes to get data regarding your credit report would just receive a message stating that the report has been frozen.

If you are planning on opening a new account, then you have to request for the freeze to be lifted. A credit freeze gives more protection when it comes to fraudulent acts or identity theft.

How do you freeze your credit report? With regards to fraud alert, it is simpler because you can just call the credit bureau and request for an alert. On the other hand, freezinga credit report requires more work. Here is how it is done: first

Freezing and Unfreezing Your Credit Report

Freezing your credit report. First, you should send a letter of request to the credit bureau. Together with this request are all the requirements for freezing. For instance, you would need to submit at least 2 copies of your proof of identification with your letter. There is also a freezing fee of $10 to $12 (the freezing fee varies depending on the state of residency) every time you make a request for a credit freeze. In some states, victims of identity theft are allowed to waive the freezing fee. They are just required to submit proper documentation such as police report or identity theft report to support their claim.

Unfreezing your credit report. This process can be done in minutes or up to 3 days or even a week with a fee of another $10 to $12 depending on the credit bureau holding your credit report. Again, you have to send a request to have it done.

There is also an option of unfreezing your credit report for a limited period of time. This is usually done when the credit report owner is applying for credit. He/She can request the credit bureau to just allow a few people to access your report. You just have to specify the names of these people.

Some people think that freezing their credit report can be very time-consuming considering the fact that you need to unfreeze it every time you want to access it, but if you would consider the importance of it, which is giving you protection from identity theft, then it's well all worth it.

Copyright (c) 2010 Liz Roberts

It all started in 2003. A credit freeze law was first introduced in California but it was not until the year 2007 when the three (3) major credit bureaus - Equifax, Experian and TransUnion - announced that they would allow people to freeze their credit report. Let us first discuss what a credit freeze is and why it is being used by more and more people.

Credit Report Freeze - What it Means

A credit freeze, which is also called credit report freeze or a credit report lock down, gives an individual the control over his/her credit report. It is done to prevent other people from accessing your credit report unless you give them permission to do so. Lenders, insurers, potential employers, landlords, marketing companies etc. will not be allowed to tap into your credit report while it is on freeze. You can't even access it yourself.

You can gain access to your credit report again if you are going to make a request for a "thaw" or "unfreeze" from the credit bureau. Credit freeze is often viewed by people as a way to prevent other people especially scammers from accessing data from your credit report.

The Difference Between Credit Freeze and Fraud Alert

If someone is trying to open an account using your name, the creditor is then alerted to contact you (as the credit report owner). That is a fraud alert. It is not that reliable because a creditor can either choose to contact you or ignore this alert and continue with opening the account without letting you know. While if it a credit freeze, your report is totally not accessible no matter who is trying to access it, not even you. A creditor who wishes to get data regarding your credit report would just receive a message stating that the report has been frozen.

If you are planning on opening a new account, then you have to request for the freeze to be lifted. A credit freeze gives more protection when it comes to fraudulent acts or identity theft.

How do you freeze your credit report? With regards to fraud alert, it is simpler because you can just call the credit bureau and request for an alert. On the other hand, freezinga credit report requires more work. Here is how it is done: first

Freezing and Unfreezing Your Credit Report

Freezing your credit report. First, you should send a letter of request to the credit bureau. Together with this request are all the requirements for freezing. For instance, you would need to submit at least 2 copies of your proof of identification with your letter. There is also a freezing fee of $10 to $12 (the freezing fee varies depending on the state of residency) every time you make a request for a credit freeze. In some states, victims of identity theft are allowed to waive the freezing fee. They are just required to submit proper documentation such as police report or identity theft report to support their claim.

Unfreezing your credit report. This process can be done in minutes or up to 3 days or even a week with a fee of another $10 to $12 depending on the credit bureau holding your credit report. Again, you have to send a request to have it done.

There is also an option of unfreezing your credit report for a limited period of time. This is usually done when the credit report owner is applying for credit. He/She can request the credit bureau to just allow a few people to access your report. You just have to specify the names of these people.

Some people think that freezing their credit report can be very time-consuming considering the fact that you need to unfreeze it every time you want to access it, but if you would consider the importance of it, which is giving you protection from identity theft, then it's well all worth it.

Needing free credit report? The FTC makes it necessary to problem a free copy of your credit score report, on your request as soon as every twelve months. A credit report includes info on where you live, how you pay your bills, and whether or not you’ve been litigated or detained, or have filed for bankruptcy. The consumer reporting corporations sell the data in your report to creditors, insurers, employers, and other companies that use it to guage your functions for credit, insurance coverage, job, or hiring a home.

my free credit report has info that impacts your eligibility to get a loan, and the quantum of cash you’ll need to pay to avail a loan. Hence, it is completely essential that you simply present correct, full and up-to-date information. You must ensure that the data is up to date before register for any loan for purchase of a home or car or purchase insurance or request for a profession. Inaccurate information could have an effect on your capacity to avail a loan or perhaps a profession. 

Blog de Forex

All speculation-based markets are full of uncertainty, and none more so than the forex market. A currency might be strong and vibrant today, weak and sickly a month from now. One way to guard against major fluctuations like that is through forex option trading.

A forex option is when you buy the right -- but not the obligation -- to buy or sell a particular currency at a particular rate any time between now and the expiration date of the option.

Let’s say you’re worried that the Japanese yen is going to drop in value sometime in the next six months. You might buy an option that basically locks in the current exchange rate for whatever period of time the option seller allows, usually anywhere from 30 days to six months. You set a number of yen, too. Say you choose 10,000 yen at a rate of 116 yen per U. S. dollar for three months. The option basically says, “I may want to sell 10,000 yen sometime in the next three months, but I’m worried the yen is going to devalue in that time. So I’ve locked in this rate of USD/JPY 116.”

Then three months pass. If your prediction was correct and the yen has weakened in that time -- say it’s now USD/JPY 122 -- then you exercise your right to sell 10,000 yen at the rate you bought three months earlier. Everyone else selling yen today (everyone who didn’t have a forex option, that is) is selling it at 122 per U. S. dollar, and you get to sell it at 116.

If, on the other hand, the yen has stayed the same or gotten stronger, you are under no obligation to actually sell that 10,000 yen your option talked about. You can simply do nothing, and all you’ve lost is the premium you originally paid for the option.

Ah yes, there is a premium. Brokers who sell forex options charge a fee for the privilege. Think of it as insurance; calling it a “premium” certainly fits. The price of a forex option for 10,000 yen for three months might be $200, which you must pay up front. If the yen drops enough in value, you’ll hopefully turn enough of a profit to make up for the $200 you had to pay. If it increases in value, and you wind up not exercising the option, all you’ve lost is the $200 premium.

Forex option trading used to be done only by major banks and corporations, but now many brokers who cater to individual traders offer the service, too. If you’re a heavy-duty trader, a forex option is definitely something to consider to guard against future setbacks in the currency you hold.

Forex traders know one of the advantages of their field is that the forex market is open 24 hours a day, five and a half days a week. But a 24-hour marketplace means there’s forex news coming in constantly, too. With so much information coming from so many markets literally at all hours of the day, it can be hard to keep up with all the news available to you.

But at the same time, an informed trader is a successful trader. To make informed decisions on when to buy and sell currencies, you’ll have to keep an eye on all the news you can get your hands on. Many Web sites make it relatively easy for you by corralling the forex news into one place, often dividing it into subcategories for easy navigating. Any forex trader, whether new or experienced, should find a news source he likes and check it often.

Many of these forex news sites also offer commentary and analysis, beyond just a simple ticking off of the latest rates. Here you’ll find experts talking about the issues involved and perhaps offering insights beyond what you would have come up with on your own. Some news sites charge a registration fee for access to all their materials, but it can be worth it in the long run.

Aside from running 24 hours a day, another reason there is constantly a stream of forex news is that so many factors can influence a currency’s strength. Natural disasters, government actions and other things -- both foreseeable and not foreseeable -- can cause a nation’s currency to go up or down in relative value. An experienced trader will look at all this news and know how to predict what effect it will have.

Often, forex news isn’t labeled as such. Any economic news at all can affect the forex market; a sharp-eyed trader is on the lookout constantly for news that might impact his trading. In other words, a good trader will have to be an expert on world affairs, monitoring political, social and other developments in other countries. All of this, combined with the more specific forex news dealing with the details of exchange rates and so forth, gives you the information you need to be successful at currency trading.

The foreign exchange market can be a baffling place for newcomers, and one of the sources of confusion is the forex quote. A forex quote is a small bit of information, yet it’s packed with numbers that may not make sense to someone unfamiliar with the forex system. Here’s a basic explanation of how it works.

A forex quote consists of a currency pair -- forex deals always involve simultaneously selling one currency and buying another -- a bid price and an ask price. For example, one quote might be this:

The first currency is the base currency, and the other one is the quote currency. The value of the base currency is always 1 -- in this case, 1 U. S. dollar. The number tells you how many of the quote currency (the Japanese yen, in this case) you can buy with $1.

But what kind of number is 118.71/75? It’s actually forex shorthand for two numbers: 118.71 and 118.75. The lower number is the bid price, the other is the ask price. The bid price is the price that dealers will buy the base currency for. The ask price is what dealers will sell it for.

So if the above were the current quote, it would mean right now, you could SELL U. S. dollars in exchange for 118.71 yen per dollar. Or, if you preferred, you could BUY U. S. dollars at a rate of 118.75 yen per dollar.

The difference between the bid price and the ask price in a forex quote is called the “spread,” and those tiny units are called “pips.” In our example, the spread for USD/JPY was four pips. The spread is usually that small for the most commonly traded currencies, which means anything involving the U. S. dollar, Japanese yen, Great British pound, the euro, Swiss franc or Australian dollar. In fact, thanks to the great competition in the forex trading market, some quotes will have spread of as little as one pip.

Of course, for less commonly traded currencies, the spread can be much greater. And even when the quote delivers a small spread, it adds up when you’re trading hundreds of thousands of units. If you were dealing with 100 U. S. dollars, the difference between selling them for 11,871 yen and buying them for 11,875 yen wouldn’t be much at all -- just four yen. But if it were 100,000 U. S. dollars, suddenly that four-pip spread means a 4,000-yen difference. So the spread in a quote is more important than its smallness would suggest.

Most forex trading is done online, with investors looking at forex charts, considering trends, and making decisions. There’s very little interaction, even via the Internet, with other human beings. That’s one of the reasons that many traders also spend time in forex forums, chatting with other investors and sharing tips.

There are dozens of forex-related forums and message boards on the Internet. Some are tied to brokerage firms, while others are just freestanding forums on forex-related sites. Since the market is active 24 hours a day, you can usually count on the forums being busy at all hours too.

As mentioned, one of the reasons for visiting forex forums is simply psychological: Humans like to interact with other humans, especially when their day jobs require them to be alone with a computer for hours at a stretch.

Furthermore, there are a lot of emotions involved in trading. It’s real money, after all, and often large amounts of it. Online forums give traders a place to discuss the psychological effects of long-term trading, how it can become addictive and nerve-racking, and what impact it has on everyday life. You could think of message boards as being a sort of support group for traders, or the equivalent of the office water cooler.

Forex forums have more practical uses, too, of course. Traders find the tips and strategies offered by their fellow traders to be invaluable. Forums are often rife with people more seasoned and experienced than the average person, which benefits the newcomers. And many experienced traders enjoy visiting the forums because it gives them a chance to share their wisdom with others.

Forex forums are also useful for gauging the general mood of the marketplace. The charts and rates give you the cold, hard facts. But many times making a decision to buy or sell comes from the gut, based not just on the numbers but on how the market FEELS. The forums are a place to see what other traders are thinking right now. Do they feel optimistic? Pessimistic? Are things looking up? Are they discouraged? All of this information can be taken into account when considering a trade.

ForexFactory. com and ForexForum. net are two very popular, widely visited message boards. There are dozens of others out there, too. All forex forums give traders a chance to connect with their colleagues and to learn from one another.

When we talk about the forex rate, we’re talking about the relative value between two currencies -- how many of one the other is worth, in other words. For forex traders, the forex rate is the basic information they use to do their job. The rate is to a forex trader what nails are to a carpenter.

If you plan to get involved in forex trading, reading and understanding the forex rates is absolutely vital to your success, like learning the basics of addition before becoming a mathematician.

A forex rate is always expressed in pairs, followed by a number. The number is how many of the second currency you’d get for one of the first one. For example, you might see USD/EUR: 0.7928. That means that one U. S. dollar is currently worth .7928 euros. If you were to exchange $100, you’d get 79.28 euros for it. Since the number in this rate (0.7928) is less than 1, that means the second currency is currently stronger than the first one -- that is, the euro is stronger than the U. S. dollar.

Forex traders look at rates constantly throughout the day. They carefully examine trends in various currencies’ performance, noting which are going up and which are going down. If a rate suggests, say, that the British pound is starting to increase in value compared to the euro, a trader might swap his euros for pounds. Then, when new rates show the pound has become very strong, he can swap back again, turning a profit because the pound is now worth more than he “paid” for it.

Forex rates are available everywhere on the Internet. Casual observers to the forex trading industry might glance at them for reference on hundreds of different Web sites. Regular traders, though, usually own software that keeps them up to date on rates throughout the day, without having to visit a particular site to get them.

This is important, because rates change constantly, and can be influenced by a wide variety of economic and political factors. The overall change over the course of a day usually isn’t more than a few percentage points either way, but there are minor changes regularly, and those minor changes add up in the long run. Experienced traders watch the rates for those tiny fluctuations, carefully observing whether there is a general upward or downward trend that requires their attention.

So you want to get involved in the foreign exchange market, or forex. You’re itching to trade one currency for another and make some profit. But you can’t just barge into Citigroup of Merrill Lynch and start throwing euros and yen around. To participate, you need a forex broker.

The preeminent forex broker for day traders (i. e. average Joes) is Advanced Currency Markets, or ACM. To many people, the Swiss company, founded in 2002, is synonymous with “forex broker,” trading about $70 billion a month.

There are dozens of other brokers, though, who service day traders. It’s done almost exclusively online, and in fact ordinary citizens rarely got involved with forex trading at all until the computer boom of the 1980s, and then exponentially more with the advent of the Internet in the 1990s. Since then, forex brokers have proliferated.

As you might expect, levels of reliability and competence vary from one broker to another. The Internet is rife with unsavory types seeking to take advantage of suckers, so you would do well to investigate thoroughly any broker you’re planning to use. Does their Web site look professional and reassuring, or is it riddled with dead links and spelling errors? Google the broker to see if they’ve been mentioned in news articles. Ask about their track record. And above all, avoid anyone who promises things that sound too good to be true, or who downplay the financial risk involved in forex trading.

Look for a broker that seems to genuinely want your business. Does the firm have customer service representatives available? Is there a phone number you can call to speak to a live person? The Web site should explain things clearly. If the site is full of language that seems designed to go over your head, look for a different broker.

If you set up an account with an online forex broker, it will work like this. First, you must apply for an account, which most brokers allow you to do online. This is to verify your identity and the validity of your bank accounts and financial records. Some brokers also require you to download their forex trading software, while others let you use whatever software you prefer. You will also have to transfer a minimum deposit to your account with your new broker. The minimum can be anywhere from $100 to $2,500.

Ideally, the broker you choose should offer service and support when you need it but should mostly simply stay out of the way and let you conduct your business. If you can find a forex broker who is professional and helpful, your experience in the forex market should be full of smooth sailing.

The forex chart is among the most basic tools in a forex trader’s arsenal. Simply put, it is a graph of a particular currency pair’s performance over a given period of time. Reading forex charts is essential to a trader’s business, so it’s important to know how to read them and understand what they mean.

Every forex chart will be labeled with a currency pair: EUR/USD, USD/GBP, etc. Remember, all forex trading deals with different countries’ currency in relation to each other. The EUR/USD chart, for example, tells you how the euro and the U. S. dollar compare.

Along the bottom of the chart is the timeline -- 15 minutes, an hour, a day, a week, or some other period. Going up the right-hand side are incremental amounts. For the EUR/USD chart, the amounts might be 1.2531 at the bottom, going up to 1.2561 at the top. And of course the middle of the chart shows what position the EUR/USD pair held at what time.

The forex chart is useful because it shows in graphic terms how a currency pair is doing. You can see at a glance whether a currency is getting stronger or weaker, and you can act accordingly. Choosing the time frame helps you see very minor trends (in a 15-minute period, say) or more long-term ones (over the course of several days, perhaps).

You can find forex charts all over the Internet, on Web sites for forex brokers, tutors, and on other forex-related sites. Those are fine for glancing at trends now and then. But to be a serious trader, you need to have access to charts much more readily, without having to go to a Web site. That’s why trading software gives you forex charts, too (you need to have broadband Internet so you can be “always connected”). Obviously, if you’re going to be trading, you need to have convenient access to the very latest charts.

With dozens of world currencies, there are far too many possible currency pairs for anyone to keep track of mentally. Forex charts show at a glance what any currency pair is up to, and good software allows you to save multiple charts as “favorites.” Naturally you’ll want to keep an eye on the charts representing investments you’ve already made, and it’s smart to have a few additional ones saved, too, so you can watch for trends in currencies you haven’t traded yet. You never know when a lucrative new opportunity is going to be revealed.

Auto Forex Income – Neville Banks Review

Auto Forex Income is a new Forex signals system by Neville Banks.

In my review I will discuss Neville and his new trading software.

They provide the installation guide and the Forex signals system.

This Forex product costs $97 and is being sold on the Clickbank payment processor.

Tagline: This is just about to be made available to the public and its going to revolutionize the way ordinary people trade Forex.

This product has very little information so far but it looks like it is going to be one worth keeping an eye on. They have recruited an expert trader to provide signals.

I will add more to the review as more information is released in the next couple of days.


There are no results for this system at all. I am hoping that in the next few days that they add some so we can see how this expert trader trades.

El problema con este tipo de resultados de Forex es que realmente no puede mostrar una imagen real de la estrategia en sí y por lo tanto no describe cómo el producto de Forex en realidad se llevará a cabo. This is our opinion on Auto Forex Income on behalf of Forex Robot Nation and an adroit ascertainment of the market for Forex products itself.

There is no example image yet.

Here at Forex Robot Nation you will be able to find the best reviews on Auto Forex Income from real Forex traders. Tenemos una comunidad fuerte que está totalmente involucrada en el proceso de nuestras revisiones de Forex, que incluyen una dedicación a las pruebas y la discusión. Nuestros usuarios y comerciantes expertos podrán ayudarle a ganar un montón de dinero mediante la utilización de sistemas de Forex y estrategias.

If you have any information about Auto Forex Income that you would like to contribute to the conversation then you can leave your thoughts below. En general, los productos que obtienen la mayoría de los puestos son, obviamente, los más populares, pero tenga en cuenta que hay muchos productos que no tienen el bombo, pero sin duda tienen el beneficio.

Por favor, no dude en contactar con nosotros en cualquier momento con respecto a nuevas Forex Robots, asesores expertos y cualquier software de comercio que sienta que debemos reconocer, revisar y probar.

It is time for you to have your say on this product so leave a comment below and tell the Forex Robot Nation community what you think! If you like it or you hate it we want to know everything about Auto Forex Income.

I love Forex trading… but this EA copy doesn’t make sense to me because Why Would a Professional trade for $49? till the year 2030…

He shows a 4 year rate of return with a massive growth curve! Well, I could show that, but ACA acredited? He has a place in London I googled the place and looked it up!

His website is protected by an identity protection…

Looks like he is trading live, but maybe it’s a robot 106…

So, far his professional trader has been placing trades usiing the clone program and you can count the pips (positive so far), but I see 60 to 160 pip losses consecutive as many as 3.

So far I don’t see the mega accounting ability…

I’m looking at his service and trying to see if the project is fair. So far it looks too good to be true to the results I’m getting…

I am comparing his trades to a no loss 5 system analyzer and he does pre trade good signals… maybe he’s utilizing a stocastic over bought and sold indicator set.

Barely ahead after 3 days and losses are real! Just have to see if his pro is any better than me and I can quit sitting at my desk and go play!

I secured a copy of this just to try how it worked. It’s actually a trade copy service that you just pay once-off, no recurring charges. The system has two upsells which one of them is for a elite version and the other one is for inner circle club which members can have the access to their other resources on their web page. After purchased, downloaded their EA which allowed their to copy their trades. So far, I am happy with the trade result. No losses yet over last three days. Hope that the good performance contunues.

Hey at least its clickbank sold…Thats a good thing for refund. Its worth a try Jeanery…Please let us know how it works out ok?

AFI works very well during low volume, however during late US session DD is quite large. But the oscillators show recovery is possible. Its too early for assessment yet after 1 day. Will post again in 2 weeks.

Forex Wolve Waves

The lack of a proper trading plan which includes precise rules for entering and exiting a trade will most certainly guarantee failure over the long term. Beginners usually suffer from the same common ailments. They abandon trading plans purely on impulse because things are not going exactly as how they had envisioned. Repeatedly they use unreliable methods that fail to produce a profit. Many traders hold on to losing positions telling themselves “it is going to turn” when every indicator says otherwise because they cannot bear the thought of a loss.

Why do they torture themselves? Why don’t they just identify what’s going wrong and make a change? For some people recognizing that a trade or even a trading method is not working and making a change is easy, but for others it’s very difficult. They have to look at their limitations admit that they have made a mistake and that’s hard because it hurts our ego. Psychologically it’s risky, it’s often easier to fool ourselves. Just keep going, living in a state of denial until your account is depleted. If you recognize any of these traits in yourself you must stop trading immediately.

Take a good look at what has been happening, try and identify the problem. If you look close enough you may see a pattern. This is why it is vital to record every trade and as much information about it as possible. You have to break out of old patterns and see things in a new light.

You will never be a successful trader if you continue to live in a state of denial. What can be done to return to reality? There is a lot you can do. First of all make sure you are not trading under stress. When stressed out you can’t see clearly, you become rigid and unable to see alternative views. One of the easiest solutions is to trade smaller. The smaller the trade the less the stress, especially for the beginner. If you are experienced and in a loosing streak reduce your contracts until you get your confidence returns. Some people need to take a break altogether. Get away from it all. Take your mind off the trading.

The second thing you can do is to make sure you have a life. Trading can be addictive especially when you are winning. Do not put all your emotional eggs in the trading basket. You need to have other roles that give your life meaning and purpose. By defining your identity in a variety of ways, you will not place un-natural importance on trading events. Therefore, you will be able to take losses in stride and look at your trading more objectively.

Finally, radical acceptance is a key mental strategy for coping with market uncertainty. Many traders make the mistake of thinking they can control the markets. Nobody can control the markets. We must learn to accept anything that comes our way and to trade accordingly. Adopt the attitude that trading is a journey and that all we can do is go where the markets take us.

To succeed on this journey you cannot afford to lose too much. Manage risk and just accept what you get and enjoy the ride. This way you will trade more freely and creatively. Don’t live your life in denial. Accept your limitations, work around them, and become a winning trader. Write out your trading plan with precise entry and exit points. Most important set your stops and mentally decide you will not break them. Test your system on paper and when confident test in real time with the minimum contract size. You will have losing trades, accept them with grace and go on to the next trade.

Forex Education Platform

When you are trading in the Forex market, it is always useful to have some sort of code book that will be able to help you to decipher the whole market and pick it apart successfully. When you have the sheet in front of you, you will be much better positioned to conquer the market like no other and make your millions. Imagine, the market turns over at several trillion a day, so what is a few million to you if you are willing to work for it and you have the secret tips that you can use to make your day at the market much more profitable.

The first tip you need to look at is using your head when thinking about investments. You need to learn all you can about how currency behaves and since this seems quite obvious to you, you would be surprised that more than 90 of the people all over the world who come into the trading game do not even bother to study the commodity that they are investing in. While the currency market is one that is massive and violent, you need to be able to know how exactly the currency pairs that you are going to be investing in behaves and how you can capitalise on these behaviours to make the most of the market and make you some serious money.

You need to understand that the market psychology and market behaviour is also tied to the currency and how it behaves when placed in different situations. When you know this, you also need to be able to get a whole of the whole option of Forecasting the Forex market and when doing this, you need to know the very secret methodologies that big investment companies have been doing to make big money. For one thing, the Forex market is actually one that falls into general patterns of behaviour. These patterns are the very things that can help you actually predict how the market is going to be like and where the price movements are going towards.

Knowing this means that you will be able to further focus and pinpoint the strategies that you will be employing to make your day at the market much better. Also, try and look much deeper into this than normal and once you are able to define the technical terms and various ‘islands’ where investors flock to when there is either areas of trouble or pockets of good activity. When you know this, you will be able to go against the market, which means that you would already know where the market is going and how you are going to shore up against it. Once you are able to do this, then you are able to get the edge over other investors and have some real money on your hands. Remember, forging ahead while other people are selling and selling when there is a buying frenzy could mean the difference between a loss and a magnificent time at the paper trade.

You have joined Twitter to be among your near and dear ones. With time you will have stream of peoples following you, many of them not even knowing you. These people, whose identity nd whereabouts are not known to you, are the real threat to you since the personal information at you share with the people near and dear to you can be a real safety threat for you. Reason is simple; the personal information you share with the people you know can be used by those who intend to exploit personal information for their wrong doings.

It is better to follow some of the very vital Twitter Safety Tips so that mistakes are not committed in order to compromise the personal safety. The first thing that you should be careful about, is not letting others know the location of you. People who know you already knows where you live, but at times in your conversation you readily though unknowingly give out your location information. At times this information may prove fatal for those who are in search of the physical location of the user on Twitter.

Another common mistake that one does, is telling others about your absence from home; especially tweeting that you will away from home on the weekend. This will be a clear invitation for burglars, to come “visit” you when your away. Beware of telling your friends and relatives of your business trip when your wife and children will be alone at home. This may be a big mistake that may result in safety problems to your family back home.

In few conversations you may be so open to state and let the world know that you are staying home alone. This information is sufficient for people planning crime. You may not know what crucial information you post on Twitter can set aside the security aspect in your personal life.

You may be subjected to security threats all because of passing on your personal information on Twitter not following the

Monday, August 10, 2009

There are several different trading markets available to customers. The hardest to master without the proper resource is the currency exchange market. With the proper resources at your disposal this market is easy to handle and can make you a profit. Sitting back and watching as you get destroyed by the market is not helpful you must be active.

It is also very complex since it is not limited to one or two countries like other trades. Involvement of skilled traders from all over the world, huge profit margins compared to share market makes it unique. The most important single resource required to play in a forex market is huge money and to safe guard this money and make profit from it one should make some strategies

Not all markets use broking agencies but for the forex market they are important because of it volatile nature. These forex brokers often work with over a hundred thousand accounts internationally. These brokers are competing intensely to provide the best facilities for their customers.

Depending upon their performance and customer satisfaction index, these agencies are given rankings on regular basis; it is a prestigious issue to every broker to get top ten forex broker ranking continuously. They will not leave any stone unturned to get a place in a list of top ten or top hundred, depending upon the size of their agency.

The primary goal of the forex broker is to improve their customer satisfaction ranking so that theif overall ranking is healthy and looks appealing to future and current customers. Also this ranking shows their competition that they are popular or not causing other agencies to safe guard their clients. Although their customers are important the ranking is for overall importance so nothing is neglected.

Broking agencies hold no guarantees at the beginning many come and go in just a matter of a couple of years. New investors to the market are often fooled by start up companies that appear to offer them deals they cannot resist. New or potential investors should keep to the companies that are known for their success.

The number one broking agency is FXCM holdings. They have proven time and time again that their fincancial services are beneficial and will help you to make a profit. Their members are specialized in online trading as well as speculators in the foreign exchange market. The top ten are listed below; 1. FXCM 2. Interactive Brokers 3. MG Forex 4. Alpari-idc 5. Hot Spot FX 6. MB 7. WestCapFx 8. Dukascopy 9. Oanda 20. eToro.

Once a company has obtained a position on the top ten list it is hard to keep that position. The companies can keep that position only by giving their best effort on all fronts. The FXCM company realized this and has shown excellence in all required fields.

Looking for a job can be discouraging. It is hard to hear “no” all the time. That said, why not work harder to actually get the job? Simply use the tips below to help you get out of that rut and into a job.

Getting a job in today’s economy isn’t easy. You should be able to land a job in no time if you learn good interviewing skills. Be sure to look your interviewer in the eyes, and give good, sincere responses. You will then not be surprised when you get a call that you got the job.

Know how you will explain gaps in your work history. There are reasons anyone may have work gaps, and that is understandable. Be ready to be asked about them during an interview and have an answer ready, however. That way, you look calm and prepared, as well as giving an answer you aren’t flustered about.

Prepare several questions in advance on the day of the interview. At the conclusion of almost any job interview, the interviewer will ask you if you have any questions. Learn what you can about the work environment, the company’s goals and anything unclear about the position you seek.

With all of the credit card horror stories out there, it is no wonder that some people are afraid of credit cards. You do not need to be afraid of them. In fact, credit cards are useful when you want to buy something but don’t have cash on you. This article contains some credit card advice that will help you to make smart financial decisions.

Make sure that you make your payments on time when you have a credit card. The extra fees are where the credit card companies get you. It is very important to make sure you pay on time to avoid those costly fees. This will also reflect positively on your credit report.

You should try to pay your credit card balance off monthly. In the ideal credit card situation, they will be paid off entirely in every billing cycle and used simply as conveniences. Using credit cards in this way improves your credit score and prevents you from having to pay finance charges.

If you have poor credit and want to repair it, consider a pre-paid credit card. This type of credit card can usually be found at your local bank. It is used as a real credit card, with statements and payments, even though you can only use the money that you have loaded onto the card. By making regular payments, you will be repairing your credit and raising your credit score.

At some point in their lives, everyone has to manage their personal finances. They must decide how they will allocate their funds to best suit their present and future needs, as members of society gain income. Personal finance management is important to surviving in today’s world and the advice in this article will show you how to do so.

Writing down the amount you spend each day can be helpful in understanding where you spend your money. It might get forgotten because it’s not in plain sight, by writing it inside a notebook that can be closed. Try writing things down on a whiteboard in your kitchen or somewhere else that is visible. That way, you see it more frequently.

Don’t fall for the scam that an organization can guarantee you a clean credit report. Many companies put out marketing materials that make broad claims about what they can do for you. This isn’t even possible, since every individual has different credit issues. It is fraudulent to say that success is guaranteed.

Start your own business if you need more income. It can be small and on the side. For other people or business, even though do what you do well at work. If you are good at customer service, consider being an online or over the phone customer service rep, if you can type, offer to do administrative work for small home offices. You can make good money in your spare time, and boost your savings account and monthly budget.

You are here because you are considering getting started as a real estate investor. You’re probably also thinking that it seems rather overwhelming when you look at the whole picture. Well, never fear because you’re about to learn a few things, and the more you know the easier everything will seem.

Inspections cost money. However, if there are problems with the property that cannot be seen by the naked eye, you are likely to spend much more money in the long run. Therefore, think of an inspection like an investment and always have one done prior to purchasing a property. It may not uncover anything, but there is always the chance that there is something seriously wrong with a home.

When you are investing in real estate, make sure not to get emotionally attached. You are strictly trying to turn the most profit possible so try to put all your efforts into the renovation of the home that you purchase and maximizing value in the future. This will help you to make the most profit.

Learn all you can about real estate investments prior to spending any money buying properties. You could lose out on a lot of money when you’re not being careful if you make a mistake when it comes to real estate. Training is an investment more than an expense, and it helps you protect your money for years to come.

When people are saying bad to describe something, actually it does not mean that the thing is truly bad but it must be another way to arise its hidden beauty. It also happens to a term “bad credit auto loan”. The term bad credit does not always have a meaning that someone cannot buy a car, but it is more likely a term to show that the car loan will not break or ruin people’s monthly budget. Therefore, it is not entirely impossible to get a car nowadays with the bad credit because the automobile dealership will help people and give them a chance to make it out so you will be very easy to get a car.

These are some tips relating to get successful bad credit auto loan:

People who are wanting to take a bad credit auto loan ; they should make sure to do the first step of all steps here. The first step is they should check their credit report and scores. They should have critical thinking in this step because the auto shoppers will overpay for the loan. They do that because the bad credit which they settle for whatever they can get.

The second step after controlling the credit scores, they should get enough information for their credit report for free once a month so they can understand and check the movement of the scores they will get. Therefore, they will find the factors which give the most impact on their scores gaining. If they find any problems on their credit reports, they should repair it soon. Then, try to boost it again after being fixed.

After all, the credit loan gets ready to start shopping for an auto loan in a dealer and choose which car they want to buy. Do not forget to be smart in processing the credit while shopping because it can be an error or another unexpected things that can brother the process of successful bad credit auto loan.

Credit cards are a ubiquitous part of most people’s financial picture. If not used properly, while they can certainly be extremely useful, they can also pose serious risk. Let the ideas in this article play a major role in your daily financial decisions, and you will be on your way to building a strong financial foundation.

Be sure to limit the number of credit cards you hold. Having too many credit cards with balances can do a lot of harm to your credit. This is not true, even though many people think they would only be given the amount of credit that is based on their earnings.

Watch your balance carefully. Also make sure that you understand the limits placed on your credit cards. The creditor will impose fees if you do happen to go over your credit limit. It will take a longer period of time to pay off the balance if fees are assessed.

Always pay your credit card bills on time. Every bill you receive will have a due date and failing to pay by then will result in penalties and costly fees. On top of this, you could be permanently charged a higher interest rate, and this means all future transactions will cost more in the long run.

If you don’t use them very often, keep an eye on your credit cards even. And you do not regularly monitor your credit card balances, you may not be aware of this, if your identity is stolen. Check your balances at least once a month. If you see any unauthorized uses, report them to your card issuer immediately.

It is important for people not to purchase items that they cannot afford with credit cards. Just because an item is within your credit card limit, does not mean you can afford it. Make sure anything you buy with your card can be paid off by the end of the month.

Be sure to get assistance, if you’re in over your head with your credit cards. Try contacting Consumer Credit Counseling Service. This nonprofit organization offers many low, or no cost services, to those who need a repayment plan in place to take care of their debt, and improve their overall credit.

Add it into your monthly budget if you have a credit card. Budget a specific amount that you are financially able to put on the card each month, and then pay that amount off at the end of the month. Try not to let your credit card balance ever get above that amount. This is a great way to always pay your credit cards off in full, allowing you to build a great credit score.

Just about everyone has used a credit card at some point in their life. The impact that this fact has had on an individual’s overall financial picture, likely depends on the manner in which they utilized this financial tool. By using the tips in this piece, it is possible to maximize the positive that credit cards represent and minimize their danger.

Finding time to pay your bills is hard enough these days. Finding time to go over your spending and saving habits, in order to find ways to save is even harder. It is a task that needs to be done though, and the rewards can be huge, if you find ways to drastically change your bottom line.

Cooking at home can give you a lot of extra money and help your personal finances. While it may take you some extra time to cook the meals, you will save a lot of money by not having to pay another company to make your food. The company has to pay employees, buy materials and fuel and still have to profit. You can see just how much you can save, by taking them out of the equation.

Always pay your credit card bill in full! Many consumers do not realize that paying only the monthly charges allows the credit card company to add interest to your payments. You may end up paying much more than you were originally quoted. To avoid these interest charges, pay as much as you can up front, preferably, the whole amount due.

Put it in an online savings account if you have extra money. These accounts can earn you a lot of interest, which can add up to a lot of money over time. Use an online savings account if you want to make your money work for you to achieve your monetary goals.

A credit card can have benefits not seen in a debit card. Stick to using it on essential items, such as gas and groceries for your car, if you get approved for a credit card. You’ll earn points or cash back on those purchases when you use a rewards card.

If your finances are such that you can’t afford to put a sizeable down payment on a new car, you can’t afford that car. Cars depreciate extremely quickly, and unless you make a large payment up-front, you will end up upside-down on that loan. If the car were to be wrecked, owing more than the worth of your car makes it difficult to sell the car and can put you in a bad position.

Making items from stained glass can be a productive outlet for your creative abilities. The products you make such as window hangers, lamp shades, or larger pieces, could be sold to contribute to your own finances. Pieces could also be done by contract as you build customers.

Sell an old laptop. You can sell a broken one, but if it’s working it will be worth more. Even selling one’s broken laptop is a way to get a free tank of gas or other financial benefit.

Using the ideas here, you can make a big difference in the amount of stress that you carry around each month. Money matters are a huge burden to most people, so taking charge and finding ways to reduce your expenses and having more money set aside for unexpected surprises, will have you sleeping better at night.

Personal finance is every part of your life that has to do with money. From how much you spend at the grocery store to buying a house. You will read some easy and quick tips on the best things that you should be doing with your money.

As you invest in forex, it is important to pay attention to current trends. You must stay up with the current trends. That way you will be able to make the right buying and selling choices. You do not want to sell when the market is going through upswings or downswings. Make very clear goals when you choose to not completely ride out a trend.

One of the best ways to stay on track with regards to personal finance is to develop a strict but reasonable budget. This will allow you to keep track of your spending and even to develop a plan for savings. When you begin saving you could then move onto investing. By being strict but reasonable you set yourself up for success.

When you are saving for an emergency fund, aim for at least three to six months worth of living expenses. If you ever lose your job, this is not a large amount, considering the difficulty in finding employment. In fact, the larger the emergency fund, the better position you would be in to ride out any unforeseen financial catastrophes.

To get out of debt faster, you should pay more than the minimum balance. This should considerably improve your credit score and by paying off your debt faster, you do not have to pay as much interest. This saves you money that you can use to pay off other debts.

Consider biking or walking to reduce gas expenditure, which will improve your personal finances a little, if you live close to work. With fuel prices on the continuous rise, anytime that you can avoid using the car you will save. While some trips are necessary in the car, the shorter routes you can walk are often the ones you have the most stop and go. Cut the car out of the equation on these and watch your balance rise.

To improve your personal finance habits, be sure to keep a buffer or surplus amount of money for emergencies. An unexpected car problem or broken window can be devastating if your personal budget is completely taken up with no room for error. Be sure to allocate some money each month for unpredicted expenses.

Cost cutting is one of the most effective ways that you can save money during the course of the year. The first place that you should start is with things that you do not need. Cut ties with some of the channels that you do not use on your cable network to save money.

While some of these tips may seem a bit complicated, deciding exactly what to do with your money may take some time and a lot of thought. Don’t rush into any decision when it comes to money. Always make sure to do your research so you do not lose everything you have been working for.

Foro de Forex & ndash; Introducción. El mercado de divisas es alto rendimiento y medio arriesgado de tomar el beneficio de las operaciones con las tasas de cambio. Los instrumentos de trabajo en el mercado Forex determinan de muchas maneras el resultado del comercio de divisas que realizan los participantes en el mercado de divisas. Clientes de los corredores. Cada corredor de Forex ofrece su propio terminal, sin embargo la mayoría de los corredores y los comerciantes coinciden en la elección de MetaTrader 4 y MetaTrader 5 terminales. Este foro se crea para aquellos que prefieren el terminal de la serie MetaTrader en el comercio de Forex.

Foro de Forex & ndash; Discusión comercial. Forex previsiones del mercado, opiniones independientes de los comerciantes novatos y expertos del mercado de divisas & ndash; Todo esto se encuentra en el forex-foro de la discusión de los oficios. Una sólida experiencia de trabajo en Forex es preferible, pero todos los recién llegados incluyendo Forex-newbies pueden venir y compartir su opinión también. Ayuda mutua y diálogo & ndash; El objetivo principal de la comunicación en Forex-foro, dedicado a la negociación.

Foro de Forex & ndash; Diálogo con corredores y comerciantes (sobre corredores). Si tiene experiencia negativa o positiva de trabajo con Forex broker & ndash; Compartirlo en Forex Forum, relacionado con las cuestiones de la calidad del servicio de Forex. Usted puede dejar un comentario sobre su corredor que dice sobre ventajas o desventajas de trabajo en Forex con él. Las revisiones de corredores de los comerciantes agregados constituyen una calificación. En esta calificación se puede ver a los líderes y forasteros del mercado de servicios de Forex.

Free discussions at the Forex Forum You are a trader and want to relax? Entonces Foro de Forex para las discusiones libres es para usted. No hay duda de que la conversación sobre temas cercanos al mercado Forex es preferencial. Aquí encontrará bromas acerca de los comerciantes, la caricatura de los corredores de Forex y Forex de tasa completa fuera de la parte superior.

Bonuses for communication at Forex Forum This forum is created by traders for traders and is meant for deriving of profit. Sin embargo, cada post en el foro de Forex le da a su autor un bono de divisas. Que puede ser utilizado en el comercio de Forex en la cuenta abierta con uno de los patrocinadores del foro. Este pequeño regalo se presenta con el objetivo de recompensar a los comerciantes profesionales por pasar tiempo en nuestro foro.

Agradecemos su elección de Forex foro como una plataforma para la comunicación.

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trading strategies in commodity market

You can use many types of strategies to make money with futures trading. Here we’ll discuss how to start simply with any of the four basicfutures trading strategies. You can also take a future trading course.

[ 1 1 2 4 8. ] Commodity Market Trading Strategies For MCX Crude Oil. trading strategies in commodity market.

Picture of Tim Geithner, Ben Bernanke, and William Dudley in 2012 (America’s chief financial manipulators)! Notice the signs in the background. People understand that these dudes are at the center of American money and finance! Trading strategies in commodity market.

Traders would be required to provide details of the identity of those conducting program trading, and where they get their funding. Details on programtrading strategies and the location of trading servers would also have to be provided to the exchanges. Failure to do this could lead toyet-to-be-defined disciplinary action.

Trading strategies in commodity market - Read more

Read more trading strategies in commodity market

Trading in commodity futures includes a certain degree of risk as it is influenced by various factors, it is essential to protect positions ourselves. Using a sell or buy contains losses at a comfortable level or through using hedging strategies are important. The main reason why traders give uptrading is due to huge losses they suffer as they normally would not place a stop loss in their trading strategies. It has been noticed thatmaintaining appropriate stop losses helps minimising losses and maximise profits.

Apr 6, 2015. The commodity market is the place where deal happens between all forms of commodities. An extensive range of commodities will be traded .

Investment CharacteristicsCommodity trading in the exchanges can require agreed-upon standards so that trades can be executed (without visualinspection). You don't want to buy 100 units of cattle only to find out that the cattle are sick, or discover that the sugar purchased is of inferioror unacceptable quality.

Usually, the average speculative-futures trading strategies transaction includes straightforward buying or selling of future contracts to profit fromexpected increases or decreases in prices. However, spreads are another one of many other strategies that you can use as well.

Risky BusinessCommodities can quickly become risky investment propositions because they can be affected by eventualities that are difficult, if notimpossible, to predict. These include unusual weather patterns, natural disasters, epidemics and man-made disasters. For example, grains have a veryactive trading market and can be volatile during summer months or periods of weather transitions. Therefore, it may be a good idea to not allocatemore than 10% of a portfolio to commodities (unless genuine insights indicate specific trends or events).

Manipulation of ‘prices’ is the goal today within our global trading operations. This includes our Fed and its trading room on the 9thfloor of the New York Federal Reserve Building, 33 Liberty St.

Video trading strategies in commodity market

"Hi Ian - I thought I would start off 2005 by providing you with some feedback on TTEW. When it comes to the price, I think it's a bargain! It'sremarkable value for money and I don't think there are too many successful traders that would provide quality education at a comparable price. Themethodology itself is very impressive! In the archive on the website, you mention providing us with a 'massive shortcut' to trading. I absolutelyagree with this. The mentoring service and WICS are both excellent, and I'm looking forward to continuing my education in 2005." A. Patel." Trading strategies in commodity market make money.

2. Range bound values: The range in which the spread varies is range bound. This means that the range of values in which the spread can vary islimited to a particular set of values. By finding major support and resistance levels with technical analysis, a trend trader can buy spreads at thelower level of support (bottom of the channel) and sells them near resistance (top of the channel). The trader may repeat the process of buying atsupport and selling at resistance many times until the spread breaks out of the channel. The upper boundary of the channel is shown by a trendlinethat connects the points representing a spread’s highs over a given time period. The lower boundary of the channel is identified by connectingthe points representing a spread’s lows. The downside of this strategy is that when a spread breaks out of the channel, it usually experiences alarge price movement in the direction of the breakout. If the breakout direction is not favorable for the trader’s position, he or she couldlose badly.

If you are at least a little familiar with exchange trading, you've surely already .

Whereas price extremes have no boundaries, they don't last forever, eventually commodity market supply and demand factors will bring prices back to amore equilibrium state. Accordingly, while caution is warranted at extreme levels it is often a good time to be constructing counter trend trades asit could be one of the most advantageous times in history to be involved in a market. For instance, similar to the idea of call options beingover-priced when a market is at an extreme high, the puts might be abnormally cheap. Once again, your personal situation would determine whether anunlimited risk or limited risk option strategy should be utilized. Please realize that identifying extreme pricing scenarios is easy, it is much moredifficult to predict the timing necessary to convert it into a profitable venture.

Commodity futures are excellent portfolio diversifiers and (some of them) are an effective hedge against inflation. The momentum strategies buy thecommodity futures that outperformed in the recent past, sell the commodity futures that under-performed and hold the relative-strength portfolios forup to 12 months. Research shows that various combination of ranking periods and holding periods are profitable. Momentum returns are also found tohave low correlations with the returns of traditional asset classes, making the commodity-based relative-strength strategies good candidates forinclusion in well-diversified portfolios.(trading strategies in commodity market make money.|)

In our opinion, commodity markets coming off of long-term highs or lows typically present traders with an extraordinary prospect. However, it isimportant to realize that just because a commodity seems "cheap" doesn't mean that it can't go lower. Likewise, while we would never advocate buying(or being bullish with options) a commodity at an all time high, it is always possible that prices can continue higher but generally speaking optionsin such an environment are over-priced. As a result, they come with magnificently low odds of success.

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Sometimes you go to your mailbox and you are overwhelmed with the amount of credit cards bills you find. It seems like you just finished last months bills and this month’s are here already. If you are feeling hopeless and overwhelmed, you might want to use one credit card to consolidate all of your credit debt information. Instead of getting twenty to thirty separate bills, you will receive one statement in the mail each month and write only one check to pay the bill. Consolidating your credit debt is easy and can be done simply by making a phone call to the credit card you choose to consolidate to or by contacting a debt consolidate company.

If you choose to consolidate all you credit debt information on one card, you need to pick that card carefully. First make sure that the credit limit does not impede your pending action. If you have a five thousand dollar limit and you have seven thousand in credit card debt, you should not use that card to consolidate your credit debt information. The card would be maxed and you would still have more than one credit card to deal with. You would just be spinning your wheels and not accomplishing what you set out to do. Make sure the limit meets your debt. If it does not you will end up having more than one credit card and this is something you want to avoid

While meeting the debt limit you should also look at the interest rate that the card charges. You may have ten thousand dollars open credit, but the interest rate may set you back financially. The right card with you is the one with the lowest interest and at the same time has enough open credit to fit your debt into. With this new system you can now only receive one bill a month and only have to deal with one company. Your other cards will be satisfied and you can just cut those cards and throw them away. Remember you are trying to consolidate credit debt information into one card so you do not need the others.

If you feel that you do not have enough information or experience to consolidate your credit debt information on your own, you may want to try a debt consolidation company. These businesses will consolidate your credit debt information into one payment for you. They will either charge a fee or will ask for a donation if they are non-profit. You just have to provide all your credit cards information to the company and they will consolidate the credit debt information for you. No more will you get piles of credit card bills in your mail. You will get one bill that is simple to read, simple to pay, and simple to watch as your massed debt will get smaller and smaller. These companies will take care of all of the communication between the credit card companies and will negotiate the best price for you.

Many people do not realize that there are different types of identity theft. There are indeed several ways in which the identity thief can take advantage of your personal information, while leaving you to deal with the repercussions. Here’s what you need to know about the 5 types of identity theft.

The type of identity theft you are probably most familiar with is Financial Identity Theft. It is when the thief uses your information to set up financial accounts in your name without your permission or knowledge. The thief may obtain credit cards, loans, merchandise, homes, vehicles, vacations and more, all in your name. Financial identity theft can definitely cost you thousands of dollars in debt, not to mention the painstaking process of clearing your name and credit.

Another type of identity theft is Medical Identity Theft wherein the thief uses your information to obtain health and other medical benefits and services. Being a victim of medical identity theft can result to fraudulent billing and having erroneous medical files. Your ability to get a health and life insurance may also be affected. Imagine the nightmare of having an actual medical emergency and having your insurance company refusing to cover the bills as records show you’ve already had the procedure done or you’ve depleted your insurance coverage.

An identity thief can not only leave you with tons of debt, but leave you with a criminal record as well. With Criminal Identity Theft, the thieves use your information to obtain employment, to commit or distance themselves from crimes, or provide your information when questioned by law enforcement. Repercussions can range from undeserved tickets to outstanding arrest warrants and even temporary imprisonment. Victims can also be fired from their jobs due to an “undisclosed conviction”.

An identity thief can also use your identity to begin a “new life”. Basically, the thief openly lives and works as you. This type of identity theft is called Character Identity Theft or Identity Cloning. Using your name, the thief can collect tax refunds and receive your benefits, obtain professional licenses, be married, have children or file for bankruptcy. The thieves are usually criminals, fugitives, illegal aliens, or people with poor work or financial history.

Identity theft can not only be devastating to individuals but to businesses as well especially in cases wherein the business’ credit and the owner’s credit are one in the same. With Commercial Identity Theft wherein criminals get credit by charging it to another business’ name, business operations may be severely affected due to a loan being denied or called early or if interest rates on key credit accounts are increased due to a universal default cause.

Truly, an awareness of these different types of identity theft is helpful in protecting ourselves from becoming a victim of the crime. Given that identity theft has now become more common, it’s definitely wise to know what we are up against in order to take the appropriate preventive measures.

By: Bernard Pragides

There are numerous credit-card companies in the UK that compete with each other to provide services to customers. In fact, there are so many credit card providers that provide compelling offers to customers that it is often difficult to select a service without confusion.

There are almost 1500 different card types that are available in the UK. Cards that suit various needs of users are available today in the UK. As a result, consumers can avail premium cards as well as cards that are cheap to maintain even though the frills attached to lower-cost cards are less. Selecting a credit card is the tricky part while ensuring that one gets the right card for one’s needs. With competition rising in the credit-card industry, it is often easy to spot offers that give substantial discounts to users. Consumers must plan and use such offers to their advantage to reduce overall cost of ownership of credit cards.

Usually, all cards provide a 50-60 days grace period within which you need to pay the money that has been used to buy goods. Cautious users will ensure that the debt is paid within this period so that they do not pay unnecessary interest after the expiry of the grace period. Even if customers are not able to pay the full debt within the specified period, it will be advantageous to manage payments so as to reduce higher costs.

Even if customers feel that they may not be able to manage their payments effectively, they may opt for offers that will allow them to manage cost effectively. For example, some card companies offer zero-percent interest on services for a year. Similarly, during certain festive occasions, card companies may offer a zero-balance transfer offer that may be useful to manage existing debt.

Selecting the best card out of many may not be an easy task. However, with a bit of careful planning and imagination, one can select cards that are best suited to one’s needs.

At first glance, credit card offers may appear to be one and the same. You’ve probably seen countless offers advertising 0% APR or a rewards program. After awhile, all the credit card applications that land in your mailbox begin to look alike.

Search online, however, and you’ll find sites that organize credit card offers into different categories. This makes it easy to spot their top features. Low interest, cash back, and airline cards are just a few of the offers you can choose from. After looking through the various options, you can decide which one best suits you. Following are some suggestions to think about as you study online credit card offers.

Know your Style

Before signing up for a card, think about your money habits. Everyone has a different spending style, and that can affect what kind of credit card you need. If you grew up in a household where savings was stressed, you may be used to staying debt-free. A credit card offer with a rewards program could be perfect for you. If you come from a high-spending background, you might be more inclined to shopping sprees. Low interest rates will help you keep debt in check if you regularly carry a balance on your credit card.

Recognize your Choices

Understanding your spending style will allow you to set priorities. Think about what is most important for your financial position. Then look for a card that will benefit you most. Here are some of the features you can choose from in online credit card offers:

Annual Percentage Rate (APR): APR refers to the cost of credit. It is presented as a percentage rate. Many online credit card offers come with an initial low or interest-free period. When that ends, a different, often higher, APR will set in. If you plan to have a card for a long time or carry a balance, a low APR will help you out.

Balance Transfer: Some credit card offers allow you to shift the balance on your current credit card over to the new one. This can be a way to get rid of outstanding debt. If the card offers a 0% APR introductory period on the balance transfer, you have some time to pay down the debt. You can get rid of the balance in a few months, and save yourself valuable money on interest.

Rewards: Many credit card offers include cash back bonuses, travel rewards, or gas rebates. If you use the credit card for daily expenses, and then pay off the balance each month, this type of card is perfect for you. Check the fine print to make sure you understand how the program works.

Additional benefits: Some cards include extra features, such as travel insurance or custom designs. Others offer no annual fee. Still others, like bad credit credit cards, focus on helping you rebuild your credit score. Be aware of these benefits as you look through the various credit card offers.

Searching online is perhaps the best way to sort through credit card offers. Set your priorities and then sift through the options. When you find the right card, apply online. The credit card, complete with the benefits for you, will arrive in your mailbox in just a few days.

It’s a common trend in States to have a credit card. Many online banks that provide variety of credit card types, are offering balance transfer credit cards with low interest rate. If you have bad credit and thinking to apply for a credit card, you can go for secured credit card as with this card you can avail the facility of loan up to credit limit of your account. Among american credit cards, American express is rocking in market. Rate of interest is important factor either you want to apply for best loans or credit card.

By: Edward Vegliante

Responsible use of a credit card does not really exist unless you are paying it off in full every month. Credit card debt reduction is an all too common requirement and is becoming a really big problem on a world wide scale. There is not a positive side to the use of a credit card. Sooner or later you see something that you would like and the idea of paying it off over 3 months perhaps sets in. Then you need to use it because some ‘unforeseen’ debt crops up and before you know it, there are a few thousand dollars on it.

Using cash to pay for things feels better. There is nothing worse than seeing that credit card statement come in and the interest on it alone would have paid for your new tires this month or got new school uniforms for your children. The best option if want the convenience of ordering things over the telephone, is to use a debit card. You still get the ability to pay for mail order items, or over the internet, but it acts like cash, if there is no money in your account, it will not transact. Personal finances are really mostly to do with your behavior. There are bad spending habits and good spending habits and only you can make the positive changes that will get you out of debt.

If at all possible and you have teenagers, never encourage them to have a credit card. It all starts in adolescence. Teenagers these days think that once they have a driver’s license, a credit card and a mobile phone that they become adults. Banks use a marketing strategy often referred to as Brand Loyalty. The first bank to offer a credit card to a teenager, certifying their adulthood, normally gets to keep that person as a customer as teenagers are very loyal to the bank that issued their very first credit card.

So the very first thing to begin your credit card debt reduction is to freeze your credit card in a plastic box in the freezer so you cannot use it freely. The second thing to do is to pay off that debt. You will be so much happier when you know that the money you earn is for you, and not to pay off your credit card debt.

Have you check your credit score? Do you know how high your credit score is? Many people only pay attention to their credit score when they need it for any credit application. If you just realize you have low credit score at the time you need it for a loan or credit application, it might not help in getting the best rate because the best interest rate of any loan or credit always offer to the person with high credit score and time is needed to rebuild your low credit score. Hence, it’s better to pay attention to your credit score now and put your efforts to improve it if you found it low.

The three major credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion collect data from your lenders about your history of borrowing and paying back credit. The information is then being compiled into your credit reports. The company like FICO will then takes the information from your credits and applied a trade-secret formula to produce one score ranging from 300 to 850 based on your credit history. The more excellent of your credit history, the higher credit score you will get.

Top tier scores are range from 760 to 850. People who fall into the top tier scores are expected to get the lower interest rates as they are categorized as the lowest risk group by the lenders and this group has more choices to select their favorite loan package with more attractive offers. In general, a score about 500 to520 is the lowest acceptance level for many lenders to approve any loan or mortgage application. If your credit score is fall in this low acceptance range, you can be expected to be quoted significantly higher interest rates and may be offered with fewer varieties of loan offers. Any score below 500 has very low chances to be approved for any credit unless you go for secured loan.

Example below will give you a better picture on how the credit score will affect the interest rates of credit:

760 to 850 tier: Interest rate = 5.78%

700 to 759 tier: Interest rate = 6.00%

660 to 699 tier: Interest rate = 6.30%

620 to 659 tier: Interest rate = 7.10%

580 to 619 tier: Interest rate = 8.58%

500 to 579 tier: Interest rate = 9.50%

Let assume if you credit score is top tier (760 to 850) and you care being approved for $100,000 mortgage with 30 years term; the total interest for this $100,000 mortgage over 30 years is $110,772. Whereas, if your credit score is at bottom tier (500 to 579), the same $100,000 mortgage, the total interest over 30 years will be $202,709. You are paying about $92,000 extra interest just because your credit score is at bottom tier as compare to if you credit score is at top tier. That’s why you need to get the highest possible credit score so that you can save more money in term of interest for any credit you apply for.

Even your credit score is not as bad as fall into the bottom tier, as long as your credit score is not in the top tier, it worth for you to work it out to improve your credit score so that your credit score is fall into the 760 to 850 range so that you have more options to get the best offers whenever you need to apply for a credit.

Lenders measure your credit history based on credit score, the higher credit score the lower risk as seen by the lenders and you are at a better position to get better credit offers. Hence, it worth for you to improve your credit score if you r score is not fall into the top tier range.

By: Cornie Herring

Many consumers do not know that once a delinquent account is reported to a collection agency a consumer has a short amount of time to pay the bill. This is because collection accounts are put on a nationwide registry and each collection agency in the country gets notified of a collection account. However, only one collection agency has a legal right to collect money on a delinquent account.

It can be very difficult trying to make payments on a collection account because a collection agency holds a collection account for a few months, it they are unsuccessful in collecting on the debt owed the account is forwarded to another collection agency. This process continues until the account is paid or legal action is taken against the consumer.

Collection agencies don’t want you to know that as a consumer you have a legal right to question the validity of a collection agency which is called debt validation. Many consumers have paid money on delinquent accounts to a particular company only to find out that the company did not legally have a right to collect money on that account. As a result the consumer still owed the money on the delinquent account. To prevent this from happening to you, here are 7 ways to validate a debt and ensure you are paying the right creditor or collection agency:

1. Request the creditor, collection agency or attorney to provide documentation that the company is authorized to collect on the debt. Ensure the name and address of the collection agency appears on the documentation which should be on company letterhead.

2. Ask for proof of the total amount of the debt including payment history from with the original creditor and status of the account. Verify the documentation against your own records.

3. Request the collection agency to provide the original contract or other documentation showing the agreement you made with the original creditor including the name and address of the original creditor.

4. Ask the creditor to provide a copy of their business license to prove they are licensed in their state to collect money on delinquent accounts. However this varies from state to state.

5. If the creditor use profanity, harasses you, is rude or threatens you inform the collection agency that they are subject to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), they might argue and say they are not but they are considered debt collectors and are covered under the act.

6. If the creditor cannot verify the debt they cannot collect any money owed on your account and is not allowed to contact you about the debt. They also cannot report the account on your credit report.

7. A creditor may respond to your debt validation letter by sending you a summons to appear in court. This is a scare tactic and is illegal. A creditor has to validate the debt before they can file suit against you.

Keep records of all documentation you receive and all documentation you mail. Send all documentation via certified mail with return receipt. If you find that the creditor or collection agency is violating the FCRA you can file a complaint with your local small claims court, notify the credit bureaus and file complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, http://www. ftc. gov.

Article originally published at EzineArticles.

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