Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Forex En O Aeropuerto Tambo

OR Tambo International Airport & mdash; Johannesburgo, Sudáfrica

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Cambio de divisas tambo mejor tarifa

Tipos de cambio del aeropuerto de Sudáfrica

El tipo de cambio en el aeropuerto de Sudáfrica

Comentarios de los pasajeros

John A. Sundal (Noruega) - 25 de enero de 2014 Su nueva terminal es muy agradable, pero tengo un comentario y una pregunta sobre el tiempo de tránsito: El vuelo de Lufthansa de Frankfurt llega a Johannesburgo por la mañana y está estacionado lejos de la Terminal principal . Dejando la aeronave, el transporte de autobús desde la llanura a la terminal toma algún tiempo. Para los pasajeros en tránsito usted tiene que obtener verdadero control de pasaportes y control de seguridad, luego un largo paseo a la terminal 8 para abordar un vuelo internacional SAA que también se estacionan lejos de las puertas, por lo que tiene que llegar en autobús a la aeronave. Mi pregunta es? Desde el vuelo LH entrante se han abierto las puertas para que desembarcas de la aeronave (un 747 o 380), llegar en el terminal de tránsito, una cola normal en línea en el control de pasaportes, lo mismo en el control de seguridad. Luego un largo paseo normal a una puerta en la terminal 8 para volar a Mauricio. Cuántos minutos voy a usar?

Datos de viaje de Sudáfrica

Estadísticas básicas

Servicios bancarios del aeropuerto en OR Tambo International Airport

Servicios bancarios del aeropuerto en OR Tambo International Airport


Hay sucursales de First National Bank. Nedbank y Standard Bank en el nivel Mezzanine, justo encima de la terminal de llegadas A.

Una sucursal de ABSA está en el mismo nivel que el Terminal A de llegadas, más allá de los puntos de venta de divisas, en dirección a la Terminal B.

ABSA Bank también tiene una salida en la sala de espera de la terminal de salidas internacionales, pero esto no es para el uso de los sudafricanos.

Se encuentran cajeros automáticos (ATM). . En los bancos mencionados anteriormente, y en. Nivel uno de la zona comercial de la Terminal B.


ABSA. OR Tambo International Airport Branch Mismo piso que la terminal de llegadas A, más allá de los puntos de venta de divisas, en la dirección de la terminal B Datos de contacto: Teléfono. 011 390-7400 (línea directa) Horas. 06h00 - 22h00 (6.00am - 10.00pm), 7 días a la semana Sólo Cajeros y Servicios al Cliente

FNB. OR Tambo International Airport En el Nivel Mezzanine, directamente encima de la terminal de llegadas A. Datos de contacto: The Branch Manager Teléfono: 087 734-5169 (línea directa) Haga clic aquí para enviar un correo electrónico Horas. 06h00 - 22h00 (6.00am - 10.00pm), 7 días a la semana. Cajeros (por cantidades inferiores a R20,000). De lunes a viernes. 08h00 - 20h00 (8.00am - 8.00pm) Cajeros (por montos superiores a R20.000). De lunes a viernes. 08h00 - 17h00 (8h00 - 17h00) Sábado. 08h00 - 12h00 (8h00 - 12h00) Depósitos. 06h00 - 22h00 (6.00am - 10.00pm)

Nedbank. OR Tambo International Airport Branch Número de la tienda: 74 Central Terminal Building Datos de contacto: Teléfono. 011 390-9100 (línea directa) Fax. 011 390-9108 Haga clic aquí para enviar un E-Mail Cajero Automático Horas. 06h00 - 10h00 (6.00am - 10.00pm), 7 días a la semana. Banca Normal. 09h00 - 16h00 (9.00am - 4.00pm)

Banco estándar. OR Tambo International Airport Branch Número de la tienda: 75 Mezzanine Level, directamente encima de las llegadas internacionales, Terminal A Datos de contacto: Teléfono. 011 976-8120 / 6 Si no hay respuesta arriba, lo cual es muy probable, intente 011 636-9111 (Standard Bank), y pida que lo envíe al OR Tambo Branch Fax. 011 390-1764 horas. 06h00 - 22h00 (6.00am - 10.00pm), 7 días a la semana - Depósitos solamente. Cajeros De lunes a viernes. 08h00 - 18h00 (8.00am - 6.00pm) Sábado. 08h30 - 13h00 (8.30am - 1.00pm)

Banca aeroportuaria en el Aeropuerto Internacional OR Tambo.

ABSA Bank O Aeropuerto Internacional de Tambo. Absa Group Limited (Absa), que cotiza en la JSE Limited, es uno de los grupos de servicios financieros más grandes de Sudáfrica, que ofrece una gama completa de productos y servicios de banca, seguros y gestión de patrimonios. El negocio de Absa se realiza principalmente en Sudáfrica. La información anterior proviene del sitio web www. absa. co. za.

Primer Banco Nacional OR Tambo International Airport. FNB afirma ser el banco más antiguo de Sudáfrica y remonta oficialmente sus orígenes al Eastern Province Bank, que se formó en Grahamstown en 1838, debido al boom de las exportaciones de lana en el distrito. First National Bank es hoy uno de los "cuatro grandes" de Sudáfrica. Es parte de First Rand Limited, que cotiza en la JSE. FNB también tiene filiales en Swazilandia, Mozambique, Botswana, Namibia y Zambia. La información anterior proviene del sitio web en. wikipedia. org.

Aeropuerto Internacional Nedbank OR Tambo. Originalmente fundada en 1888 en Amsterdam como el Nederlandsche Bank en Credietvereeniging voor Zuid-Afrika ( "Banco holandés y Credit Union para Sudáfrica"), Nedbank es uno de los bancos más grandes de Sudáfrica; Sin embargo es uno de los bancos más nuevos que se incorporarán en Sudáfrica, y tiene su sede en Johannesburgo. La capitalización bursátil fue de 509.700 millones de euros (aproximadamente US $ 73.000 millones), al 31 de diciembre de 2009. La información anterior proviene del sitio web en. wikipedia. org.

Standard Bank O Aeropuerto Internacional Tambo. El banco se formó en 1862 como una filial sudafricana del banco británico de ultramar, Standard Bank, bajo el nombre de Standard Bank of South Africa. El Banco Estándar de Sudáfrica Limitada es uno de los mayores grupos de servicios financieros de Sudáfrica. Opera en 30 países alrededor del mundo, incluyendo 17 en África. La información anterior proviene del sitio web en. wikipedia. org.

Banca de servicios aeroportuarios.

Regreso de la Oficina Bancaria de Servicios Aeroportuarios del Aeropuerto Internacional OR Tambo al Aeropuerto Internacional de Johannesburgo

Página subida. 26 de julio de 2012 Página actualizada. 26 de agosto de 2015

Bidvest Bank Rennies Divisas

Bidvest Bank ha estado involucrado en divisas en el sur de África durante más de 150 años y se concentra en todas las principales monedas a través de una red global correspondiente. Las soluciones incluyen la importación y exportación de divisas, contratos de cobertura directa y al contado, servicios comerciales, transferencias de dinero extranjero y servicios de control de cambio. La sala de operaciones del banco también proporciona soluciones eficientes y efectivas para satisfacer las necesidades de las empresas. La diversa gama de productos y servicios de Bidvest Bank para los mercados de viajes y corporativos de divisas subyace en su posición de marca como 'The Foreign Exchange Specialists'.


Cambio de Divisas Seguros de Viaje Money Gram Tarjetas Telefónicas Mundiales Cuentas de Inversión Transferencias Telegráficas Contratos de Cobertura Directa y Adelante Servicios de Comercio Servicios de Control de Cambios Servicios Bancarios

Persona de contacto

De Moneda en Johannesburgo - Foro de Johannesburgo

Cambio de divisas en Johannesburgo

Normalmente, nunca uso comerciantes de divisas, pero me quedé con algunos Rand al salir de Sudáfrica. Cambié el rand a euros al salir de Johannesburgo. Por 905 rand, me cobraron una comisión de 50 rand, una tasa administrativa de 61 rand y una cuota de IVA de 7 rand. El total de estos hasta la cuota total fue del 13%. Además, por supuesto, fue el diferencial de tipo de cambio. Como un pateador añadido, me dieron 4 euros en monedas que resultó ser libras cuando me registré más tarde. Si yo fuera a Inglaterra, habría salido adelante, excepto que iba a París. El lugar se llama Master Currency, justo a la derecha de American Express entre los terminales A y B. Visita allí si te gusta ser legalmente estafados.

Editado: 4:25 pm, 24 de abril de 2012

Un destino mencionado en este post

Sudáfrica. info

OR Tambo Aeropuerto Internacional

El aeropuerto abastece 19 millones de pasajeros al año y emplea a cerca de 18 000 personas para mantener su moderna infraestructura y servicios integrales para los viajeros locales e internacionales que funcionan sin problemas.

Desde su inauguración en 1952, ha pasado por dos cambios de nombre: desde el Aeropuerto Jan Smuts hasta Johannesburgo Internacional en 1994 y en 2006 para honrar el icono de la memoria del combate, Oliver Reginald Tambo.

En términos de tráfico de pasajeros, es el aeropuerto más activo de África, inclinando a El Cairo a la cima.

Alberga 47 aerolíneas y es uno de los pocos aeropuertos del mundo que tiene vuelos directos a seis continentes.

En el 2015 World Airport Awards, OR Tambo fue nombrado el mejor aeropuerto de África, con Ciudad del Cabo en segundo lugar, y el Rey Shaka en Durban terminando en tercer lugar.


OR Tambo es capaz de manejar hasta 28 millones de pasajeros al año. El desarrollo del terminal se ha visto acompañado de actualizaciones de delantales adyacentes y de la red de carreteras que alimenta el aeropuerto.

Los terminales mejorados ofrecen una gran variedad de restaurantes y tiendas, un centro comercial de franquicia para viajeros internacionales y un centro de conferencias y una instalación de apoyo a las empresas.

Los terminales fueron diseñados para fomentar el movimiento natural de los pasajeros, así como para satisfacer las necesidades de las personas con discapacidad, con ascensores colocados en el centro de la terminal para facilitar el acceso de sillas de ruedas.

Las instalaciones de recogida y descenso situadas directamente fuera de la terminal aseguran un fácil acceso para los pasajeros que llegan o salen.

Transporte, estacionamiento

Se recomienda a los viajeros que lleguen al aeropuerto al menos una hora y media antes de la hora de salida de su vuelo nacional, o tres horas antes de la hora de salida de un vuelo internacional.

Información de vuelos de Acsa

OR Tambo International está a 24 km del centro de la ciudad de Johannesburgo (en la autopista del aeropuerto R24), por lo que es un rápido viaje en coche por el transporte del hotel, coche alquilado o taxi a su destino.

Para obtener una lista de empresas de alquiler de coches, vea Conducir en Sudáfrica.

El acceso al recinto aeroportuario se ha simplificado dramáticamente, con todas las bajadas de pasajeros que ocurren en una carretera superior y todas las recolecciones en una carretera más baja.

Con más de 16 300 plazas de aparcamiento, hay un amplio estacionamiento en el aeropuerto, incluyendo parkades de varios pisos, estacionamiento de sombra, cochera y estacionamiento abierto. También hay estacionamiento a largo plazo en la Super South Gate. Hay autobuses de 24 horas desde aquí hasta los edificios de la terminal.

Una opción aún más fácil es coger el Gautrain, el sistema ferroviario rápido, que enlaza OR Tambo con Sandton; Desde allí, el Gautrain va a Pretoria y al centro de Johannesburgo. Se tarda alrededor de 13 minutos para llegar al aeropuerto en este sistema de transporte de clase mundial. La estación de Gautrain está por encima del edificio de la terminal central.

Para una guía rápida y horarios, visite www. gautrain. co. za.

Hay varios servicios de transporte regular entre el aeropuerto y Johannesburgo, el más conocido es el autobús mágico, que funciona cada dos horas de 8am a 6pm. Comuníquese con +27 11 548 0800 o info@magicbus. co. za.

También hay otros servicios de taxis y lanzaderas Acsa acreditados - asegúrese de elegir operadores aprobados, que están obligados a mostrar el logotipo de Acsa en sus vehículos. Se pueden encontrar fuera de la zona de llegadas.

Instalaciones médicas, de negocios

La clínica médica del aeropuerto, abierta las 24 horas, ofrece una amplia variedad de servicios a los viajeros, incluidos los servicios de emergencia. El público puede ver a un fisioterapeuta, consultar a un médico, tener los ojos puestos a prueba, visitar al dentista - y los preocupados por las líneas alrededor de sus ojos pueden ir para inyecciones de Botox.

El aeropuerto cuenta con conectividad inalámbrica, con hotspots en el terminal doméstico (restaurantes de nivel minorista, restaurantes a nivel de salidas y puertas de embarque); Y en el internacional (salones de líneas aéreas, terminal de llegadas internacionales, restaurantes de nivel intermedio y el centro comercial libre de impuestos). Los cupones de reparto están disponibles en PostNet en el nivel del patio de comidas.

Si usted no tiene una computadora portátil o una tarjeta wi-fi, también hay cibercafés donde puede utilizar una red de conexión fija. Hay dos instalaciones en el terminal doméstico (una para el público en general cerca de los cajeros automáticos en el nivel minorista y una para los pasajeros sólo más allá de las puertas de seguridad); Y uno en la terminal internacional de salidas.

Otras instalaciones incluyen:

Concesionarios de divisas: terminal internacional

Reembolsos de impuestos: terminal internacional (centro comercial libre de impuestos)

Equipaje de cierre: Terminal internacional (sótano)

Postnet: Terminal nacional (nivel minorista)

Capilla y sala de oración musulmana

Para más información, incluyendo servicios de pasajeros, información de vuelos, clima, mapas y oportunidades de negocios, visite Airports Company South Africa.

Actualizado 11 Marzo 2016

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OR Tambo Aeropuerto Internacional

Aeropuerto Internacional de Johannesburgo / OR Tambo International Airport

Conocido como el aeropuerto más barato de Sudáfrica y África, el Aeropuerto Internacional de OR Tambo (anteriormente Johannesburgo Internacional) es también el centro de transporte aéreo del sur de África. Atiende a alrededor de 13 millones de pasajeros cada año, y necesita cerca de 20 000 personas para mantener su infraestructura moderna para los viajeros locales e internacionales que funcionan sin problemas. Administración segura y eficaz hace OR Tambo Internacional Uno de los aeropuertos más rentables del mundo. Ha superado El Cairo en términos de tráfico de pasajeros, y acoge a más de 50 aerolíneas.

En los World Airport Awards 2008, OR Tambo fue nombrado el segundo aeropuerto más importante de África, con Cape Town ganando, y Durban terminando en tercer lugar. Desde OR Tambo International, usted puede tomar un vuelo doméstico a otra ciudad sudafricana o, si te quedas en Johannesburgo - el aeropuerto está a 24 kilómetros del centro de la ciudad. Los servicios de Porter están en espera para ayudar con el equipaje pesado, mientras que los servicios bancarios, cajeros automáticos, distribuidores de forex, una farmacia, así como la policía de Sudáfrica están ahí para satisfacer todas sus necesidades.

Copyright © 2015 Group Transfers

Banco estándar - Sucursal

Somos un banco universal y un grupo financiero de servicio completo que ofrece servicios bancarios transaccionales, ahorro, préstamos, préstamos, inversiones, seguros, gestión de riesgos, administración de patrimonio y servicios de asesoría.

Desde nuestra sede central en Johannesburgo, hemos desarrollado y perfeccionado nuestras competencias bancarias universales, desempeñando un papel central en el desarrollo del sofisticado sector financiero sudafricano, en lo que hoy es una economía en desarrollo exitosa. Nuestras raíces profundas en Sudáfrica proporcionan una base sólida para nuestro crecimiento continuo en los mercados emergentes en África y en todo el mundo y nos posicionan bien para realizar oportunidades significativas para los clientes que hacen negocios en estos mercados.


Banca - Cuentas transaccionales / Tarjetas de crédito / Cuentas de ahorro. Préstamos hipotecarios / préstamos personales. Inversión - Depósitos de inversión / Fideicomisos de la unidad / Inversiones en el extranjero. Seguros - Seguros de Vivienda y Vehículos / Seguros de Préstamos / Tarifas de Seguros de Viajes, Tarifas y Precios - Tarifas de Cuenta / Tasas de Interés / Tipos de Cambio de Moneda Extranjera. Banca Comercial Corporativo e Instituciones

Persona de contacto

O. Aeropuerto Internacional de Tambo

El Aeropuerto Internacional de Johannesburgo (ORTIA) fue rebautizado como Aeropuerto Internacional OR Tambo (ORTIA) el 27 de octubre de 2006 (originalmente conocido como Aeropuerto Jan Smuts, pero había sido rebautizado Aeropuerto de Johannesburgo en 1994. El aeropuerto cambió del antiguo código OACI FAJS a FAOR, Nuevo nombre, que cogió algunos pilotos más viejos para hacer algunos errores inicialmente :) El aeropuerto de OR Tambo está situado apenas al este de Johannesburg en la provincia de Gauteng de Suráfrica, y es manejado por la compañía de los aeropuertos de Suráfrica (ACSA). En sentido estricto, sin embargo, el aeropuerto está en la ciudad de Ekurhuleni, no Johannesburgo.

OR Tambo Airport es el centro de transporte aéreo más concurrido de África del Sur.

Otros nombres del aeropuerto pasan son "OR Tambo", ORT, JNB, ORTIA y Tambo.

2016-02-11 Esperar retrasos en OR Tambo International Salidas a medida que comienzan las reformas en el pasillo de tiendas libres de impuestos. El sábado, 13 de febrero de 2016, algunos de los servicios de seguridad se trasladarán a frente a la KFC. Habrá guías en todo el aeropuerto para dirigir a los pasajeros confundidos, pero vale la pena asegurarse de que el check-in 3 horas antes de su vuelo para evitar retrasos. Ellos esperan terminar con renovaciones antes del período de Pascua ocupado.

2014-02-11 Tienes que ser capaz de ver a la tierra. Después de anochecer, las luces de la pista no funcionaban durante 35 minutos y algunos aviones no podían aterrizar.


Si está en tránsito y no quiere perder un tiempo precioso viajando entre el aeropuerto y su hotel, recomendamos el Intercontinental OR Tambo. City Lodge OR Tambo Aeropuerto o el Protea Hotel Transit OR Tambo. El Protea Hotel OR Tambo sólo podrá utilizar si tiene un vuelo internacional, ya que está situado detrás de inmigraciones para salidas internacionales. El City Lodge OR Tambo está situado sobre el parkade de varios pisos, y ofrece la opción más barata a poca distancia del aeropuerto. El Intercontinental OR Tambo Airport está situado justo fuera de los edificios de la terminal, al lado del edificio de alquiler de coches, y es el más alto nivel de los 3 hoteles en OR Tambo.

Otros hoteles cerca de Aeropuerto de OR Tambo incluyen el Protea Hotel OR Tambo, Corte Garden OR Tambo y Premier Hotel OR Tambo. Los lugares más baratos para permanecer cerca del aeropuerto están en Kempton Park (por ejemplo, el Airport Inn B o B o si desea ultra barato, pruebe el albergue de Backpacker Terrylin). El lugar mejor clasificado es el Peermont D'oreale Grande en el Palacio del Emperador. Antes de reservar para alojarse en un hotel lejos del aeropuerto, no comprobar si ofrecen un servicio de transporte.

Cómo llegar a ORT

Desde Pretoria se tarda unos 40 minutos en llegar a los 52km hasta el Aeropuerto Internacional OR Tambo. Continúe hacia el sur a lo largo de la R21 y, después de 45 km, tome la salida a OR Tambo International Airport / Jones Road, manténgase a la izquierda en la bifurcación para continuar a OR Tambo, luego gire a la izquierda en OR Tambo Airport Road, O TAmbo Airport Road.

Desde Sandton se tarda unos 30 minutos para conducir los 30 km de ORTIA. Gire a la derecha en la calle Katherine hacia el este, gire a la derecha en Marlboro Drive, tome la rampa hacia la N3, en el intercambio de Gillooly manténgase a la izquierda siguiendo las indicaciones para la R24 hacia OR Tambo, tome la salida R24 hacia OR Tambo manteniendo derecha para continuar en la R24 .

Desde Soweto se tarda unos 40 minutos para cubrir los 58 km de JNB. Tome la N12 hacia Johannesburg, tome la salida 67 para unirse a la N12 hacia OR Tambo, en la intersección de Gillooly manténgase a la izquierda y siga las indicaciones para la N12 hacia ORTIA, tome la salida 420 para R24 a OR Tambo.

ORT da la bienvenida a la nueva FBO, Fireblade

OR Tambo International ha dado la bienvenida a una nueva FBO de clase mundial llamada Fireblade al aeropuerto. Firblade fue establecida por la familia Oppenheimer que hizo sus miles de millones en la industria minera de Sudáfrica, que han estado entre las familias de la riqueza en Sudáfrica durante más de 80 años.

El FBO operará fuera de un edificio terminal nuevo con un hangar existente que sea igual en tamaño a cualquier colgador del FBO en Europa o los EEUU. Fireblade y la dirección en OR Tambo Internacional espera que la FBO lanzará el aeropuerto en el mapa de la aviación de negocios del mundo.

Firebalde estará compitiendo con Execujet que son la FBO en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Lanseria. Fireblade tiene algo de una ventaja sobre sus contrapartes en Lanseria porque los precios de combustible son 20% más bajos en OR Tambo. La compañía ha invertido un total de $ 15 millones hasta ahora en esta nueva empresa. Han dado a los empleados un 50% de participación en las utilidades, una forma de devolver a la comunidad.

Fireblade no proporcionará servicios de mantenimiento, pero los inquilinos pueden traer técnicos para trabajar en sus aviones dentro de la suspensión. El edificio de la terminal también tiene un spa, restaurante, salas de reuniones y un gimnasio para los clientes a utilizar. Actualmente la familia posee un Learjet 45, Pilatus PC-12, Global Express y un helicóptero AgustaWestland AW139.

Salones en OR Tambo

Sesfikile Llegadas Salón. El salón está programado para abrir en abril de 2015 y es la última oferta Menzies. Lo que hace que este salón único es que usted no tiene que estar en la propiedad de un billete de avión para acceder y se encuentra junto a la SAA Arrivals Lounge. La entrada se puede comprar desde R350 por persona.

SLOW Lounge: El Lounge Slow se encuentra en los salones de salida nacionales e internacionales. Sólo los clientes seleccionados de Comair y los clientes de FNB y RMB Private Bank calificados pueden acceder.

Salón Premier de Bidvest: El salón se encuentra en los salones de salida nacionales e internacionales. Su relación con varias aerolíneas y clientes corporativos permite el acceso gratuito a los titulares de tarjetas Diners Club y Priority Pass ya los clientes de Absa Private Bank e Investec Private Bank. También puede comprar acceso a partir de R174 para el salón doméstico y R289 para el salón internacional.

SAA Salones: SAA tiene cuatro salones diferentes para clientes premium: Cycad First Class Lounge, Salón First Class, Boabab Premium Class Lounge y Arrivals Lounge. El acceso al salón se basa en el billete de avión.

Virgin Atlantic Lounge: El Clubhouse es para los principales clientes de Virgin Atlantic y se encuentra en el nivel Mezzanine en el Salón de Salidas.

Shongololo Lounge: El galardonado salón dirigido por Menzies está abierto a los principales clientes de 18 líneas aéreas internacionales, incluyendo Etihad, Qantas, Qatar, Cathay Pacific, Air Seychelles, Zambezi Airlines y Saudi Arabian Airlines. También aceptan walk-ins a un precio mínimo.

Mashonza Lounge: Ubicado en la Terminal Internacional A ofrecen acceso a múltiples líneas aéreas.

Noticias & amp; historia

2014-01-02 Pero mamá, están tomando nuestros juguetes! Una niña de 5 años y su hermano de 6 años tuvieron sus serpientes de juguete confiscadas en por la seguridad en el aeropuerto internacional de OR Tambo. Su padre, el Sr. SJ Botha, dijo: "Dijeron que no se nos permite una réplica de una serpiente. No es una cosa de plástico. Si era uno de esos pequeños de goma, yo entendería. Pero estos son como un osito de peluche, Los niños los usan como almohadas ". La familia estaba en un vuelo de regreso de Johannesburgo a Ciudad del Cabo. El tío de los niños, que no volaba con ellos, llevó los juguetes a casa con él.

2013-11-15 Para celebrar el 7º aniversario de los vuelos de Mango. Los bailarines realizan en el aeropuerto internacional de OR Tambo:

2013-10-17. OR Tambo International Airport gana el Premio al Mejor Aeropuerto de África en los World Traveller Awards.

2013-08-04. Compruebe esta máquina del café de Douwe Egberts que fijaron en el aeropuerto internacional de OR Tambo - tiene el software facial del reconocimiento que identifica el momento que alguien bosteza & amp; Luego vierte el café.

2013-07-26. La exposición conmemorativa de Oliver Reginald Tambo se presenta en la cubierta de las salidas internacionales. Director de comunicaciones en el Aeropuerto Internacional de OR Tambo, Unathi Bayatshe-Filils dijo: "El Aeropuerto Internacional de OR Tambo tiene el honor de tener a esta figura icónica que defendió la educación y el sacrificio desinteresado como nuestro homónimo. Tenemos siempre que recordar la vida y el legado de este Venerado elefante de la lucha por la liberación y ser capaz de inspirar a la nación OR Tambo Internacional se enorgullece de su rica historia. Tenemos una historia que contar, de donde el aeropuerto ha sido y de OR Tambo, el icono desinteresado después de que el aeropuerto También queríamos documentar la historia del aeropuerto desde su establecimiento en 1952, cuando todavía se llamaba Aeropuerto Jan Smuts, al Aeropuerto de Johannesburgo en 1994 como parte del nuevo orden democrático y más tarde al Aeropuerto Internacional OR Tambo ".

2013-06-07. De acuerdo con la encuesta de Master International Destination Cities 2013, Johannesburgo obtuvo el 20º porcentaje de incremento en llegadas internacionales en los últimos 5 años.

1 Jun 2013. El SAPS & amp; OR Tambo International Airport tienen un incendio & amp; Campaña de seguridad en Wattville, Benoni, para educar a los residentes y proporcionar botellas de agua caliente y mantas como una forma alternativa de mantenerse caliente.

20 de abril de 2010. El presidente Jacob Zuma presenta una placa para inaugurar oficialmente el edificio de la terminal central en el aeropuerto internacional OR Tambo de Johannesburgo.


Utilice el enlace de aeropuerto para llegar de JNB a su destino.

Taxis & amp; Servicios de lanzadera

Con el fin de frenar la publicidad ilegal, ACSA ha nombrado un servicio de taxi y transbordador concesionario que cubre todas las principales ciudades, suburbios, centros comerciales y casinos.

Utilice únicamente los operadores de transporte acreditados y autorizados por ACSA. Los operadores aprobados muestran el logotipo de ACSA en sus vehículos y están disponibles fuera de las terminales de llegadas. Utilice únicamente los operadores aprobados por el aeropuerto. Póngase en contacto con los servicios de información de ACSA si necesita ayuda.

Cuatro compañías de autobuses pasan pasajeros entre el área de estacionamiento remoto y los edificios de la terminal; El tiempo medio de espera es de no más de 6 minutos por viaje. Los autobuses pueden acomodar pasajeros de pie, pasajeros sentados y personas en sillas de ruedas. Los aparcamientos remotos están equipados con intercomunicadores conectados al centro de operaciones conjuntas de ACSA, que permite a los pasajeros ponerse en contacto con el servicio de asistencia.

2013-06-08 OR Tambo para permitir que los servicios de lanzadera compitan con taxis medidos. La Asociación de Taxis de Sisonke se quejó de que la Compañía de Aeropuertos había otorgado a la Asociación de Taxistas del Aeropuerto Internacional de OR Tambo (ORTIATA) derechos exclusivos para operar taxis con taxímetro desde el aeropuerto de OR Tambo y no permitía que los operadores de transbordadores compitieran con los taxistas. ORTIATA fue formada por los operadores de taxímetros medidos que tuvieron éxito en la licitación inicial de ACSA en 1999. En una segunda licitación en 2002, ACSA adjudicó el contrato a los mismos taxímetros medidos que en 1999, y luego no volvió a licitar - ACSA Admitió que había infringido el artículo 5 (1) de la Ley al celebrar un acuerdo exclusivo con ORTIATA. ACSA ha acordado emitir una nueva licitación para los operadores de taxímetros medidos. También se acordó que ACSA debería permitir que los servicios de lanzadera compitan directamente con los taxis con taxímetro, en particular que se establezcan quioscos tanto en las llegadas nacionales como internacionales para permitir a los clientes reservar servicios de lanzadera y taxi.

Alquiler de coches

Puede alquilar un coche desde OR Tambo Aeropuerto Internacional con Avis, Hertz, Budget, First Alquiler de Coches, Europcar, Woodford o Alquiler de Coches Tempest. Todas las empresas de alquiler de coches se encuentran en la zona de aparcamiento junto al Intercontinental Hotel.


El Gautrain sale OR Tambo cada 10 minutos para Sandton, Centurion, Marlboro, Rosebank, Midrand, Pretoria, Midrand, Ortia, Rhodesfield y Hatfield. Precios: O Tambo a Sandton, Marlboro y Rhodesfield cuesta R135 / OR Tambo a Rosebank, Park y Midrand cuesta R145 / OR Tambo a Centurion, Pretoria y Hatfield cuesta R155. Los trenes comienzan alrededor de las 04h35 y el último tren sale de OR Tambo para Sandton a las 21h35.

Puntos de recogida

Para llegar al taxi y al terminal de lanzadera: siga los iconos de taxi y de lanzadera hasta el terminal, que está enfrente de las llegadas internacionales (Terminal A).

Para llegar al terminal de autobuses y autocares: siga los iconos de autobús y autocar hasta la terminal, que está en el aparcamiento de varios pisos, detrás de los depósitos de alquiler de coches.


El sistema de pago a pie del aeropuerto, en uso desde marzo de 1999, reduce las colas y acelera el proceso de pago. ACSA ha colocado estratégicamente 38 estaciones de pago en todas las áreas de estacionamiento.

Tomar su boleto de estacionamiento con usted al salir de su vehículo;

Insertar su boleto y la cantidad requerida en la estación de pago;

Recuperar su boleto y regresar a su vehículo; y

Insertando su boleto en la salida para abrir el boom.

El sistema acepta efectivo y tarjetas de crédito, pero se aplica un límite de tarjeta de crédito.

Datos interesantes

O. El Aeropuerto Internacional Tambo tiene vuelos directos a los 6 continentes habitados.

La mayor parte del tiempo los vuelos aterrizan desde el sur y despegan del norte.

Una de las pistas aéreas internacionales más largas en el mundo es ORL / ​​21R de OR Tambo, que tiene más de 4.400 metros de largo.

El aeropuerto más activo de África es O. R. Aeropuerto Internacional de Tambo (superando el Cairo en 1996)

Por cada 10.000 movimientos de aeronaves en el Aeropuerto de Johannesburgo (OR Tambo International Airport) hay un promedio de 5 ataques de aves. Agua permanente en el campo de aterrizaje atrae a las aves, por lo que la eliminación del agua ayuda a que el área menos atractiva para ellos. Los desechos de alimentos atraen a las gaviotas, por lo que la eliminación de los residuos de alimentos rápidamente ayuda a reducir el número de gaviotas. En el Aeropuerto Internacional OR Tambo, un Border Collie trabaja incansablemente con su manejador para ahuyentar a las aves locales (¡sin dañarlas!).

Hasta las primeras elecciones democráticas en Sudáfrica, O. R. Aeropuerto Internacional de Tambo fue conocido como Jan Smuts Airport.

Control de tráfico aéreo

Para garantizar la seguridad en malas condiciones meteorológicas, las principales pistas de ORTIA están equipadas con sistemas de aterrizaje de instrumentos de categoría II y ayudas de navegación visual relacionadas.

Preperaciones de vuelo

Almacenamiento de equipaje

Hay un depósito de almacenamiento de equipaje en el nivel superior de la parkade subterráneo, cerca del vestíbulo principal de ascensor en las llegadas internacionales. Mastercard y Visa aceptados. Abierto las 24 horas los 7 días de la semana. Teléfono + 27-11-3902318 para verificar cuáles son las tasas actuales de almacenamiento.

Tiendas en OR Tambo


Los puntos de venta de divisas del banco ABSA, American Express, Rennies y Master Currency se encuentran en el vestíbulo público de la sala de llegadas internacionales. ABSA también tiene una salida en el salón de celebración de salidas internacionales, pero esto no es para el uso de los sudafricanos.



Hay sucursales de Nedbank y ABSA en el entresuelo del concurso público en Llegadas Internacionales.

Cajeros automáticos Los cajeros automáticos se pueden encontrar en:

El concurso público de llegadas internacionales; y

Nivel 1 del centro comercial de la Terminal Doméstica.


El aeropuerto tiene una capilla y un área de oración para los pasajeros musulmanes.


El Premier Conference Center en la Terminal Nacional ofrece un ambiente moderno y elegante para reuniones de negocios, conferencias y seminarios. Cuenta con tres salas de 10 plazas, una sala de 12 plazas, una sala de 14 asientos, una instalación de seminarios para grupos de 25 o 50, así como una sala de conferencias para grupos de 60 o 120.

acceso a Internet

Airport Online, que ofrece acceso a Internet, tiene una sucursal en salidas internacionales y dos en la terminal nacional. Uno de ellos, que está abierto al público en general, está cerca de los cajeros automáticos en la zona comercial. El segundo, para uso exclusivo de los pasajeros, se encuentra entre el punto de seguridad principal y las puertas de embarque.

Salidas Internacionales también ofrece una opción inalámbrica y una tienda libre de impuestos. Que permite a los usuarios de computadoras portátiles con tarjetas inalámbricas conectarse a Internet desde cualquier lugar del salón de salidas, incluso desde la mayoría de los restaurantes de la terminal.

Si usted vuela con frecuencia desde el Aeropuerto Internacional de OR Tambo puede que desee comprar un valor de un año de acceso inalámbrico a Internet.

Clínica Médica La Clínica Médica del Aeropuerto ofrece tratamiento de emergencia las 24 horas del día, así como:

Cuidado rápido y víctimas

Clínica Médica del Aeropuerto Tel: +27 (0) 11 921 6609 Línea directa: +27 (0) 82 262 149


ORTIA ofrece servicios completos de portage, así que asegúrese de usar sólo los porteros aprobados por el aeropuerto & ndash; Que llevan uniformes anaranjados brillantes y camisas azul marino, y llevan permisos ACSA. Los porteros se pueden encontrar en los pasillos de llegadas y fuera de los terminales en la zona que conecta la terminal internacional y la terminal nacional. Ellos trabajan exclusivamente para consejos: una guía general es dar R5 (cinco rands sudafricanos) una bolsa.

Reembolsos del IVA

Hay mostradores de reembolso de IVA en el área pública de salidas internacionales (para usar antes del check-in) y en el salón de espera. Es necesario que todas las facturas sean selladas por los funcionarios de aduanas (en el público de la misma terminal) antes de proceder a la salida de reembolso de IVA.

Artículos relacionados

Directorio de tiendas

Directorio de tiendas por categoría

Hay un montón de opciones para las tiendas en el aeropuerto OR Tambo. Lo mismo ocurre con los restaurantes del aeropuerto OR Tambo. Los pasajeros que están esperando sus vuelos tienen mucho para elegir para pasar su tiempo o para conseguir en una comida. El aeropuerto también está abierto al público y es un buen día para presentar a los niños al mundo de la aviación o tomar los aterrizajes / despegues de los aviones en la pista de una de las 2 cubiertas de observación en los edificios de la terminal. La siguiente es una lista de categorías de lo que se puede encontrar en las tiendas del Aeropuerto Internacional OR Tambo.

Arte, Antigüedades, Curios, Tiendas de Regalos en OR Tambo Airport

Los orígenes africanos, fuera de África y Indaba El estilo de vida se puede visitar para algunas artes y artes locales. Estas tiendas pueden ser visitadas al salir del Aeropuerto Internacional OR Tambo para regalos y recuerdos con un tema exclusivamente africano. Tiendas no sólo incluyen retratos y esculturas, sino casa y ropa con un tema africano.

Audio, Electrónica, PC, Teléfono celular, Tiendas de fotos en el Aeropuerto OR Tambo

OR Tambo tiendas del Aeropuerto Internacional para ir a los productos de electrónica y tecnología incluyen Capi, MTN y Vodacom. Estas tiendas son donde los pasajeros pueden ir si necesitan cualquier artículos electrónicos de última hora antes de que salgan del aeropuerto de OR Tambo. Aquí los pasajeros tendrán cargadores, dispositivos Bluetooth, baterías o lápices USB. Los teléfonos celulares de contrato o de prepago también pueden organizarse en algunas de las tiendas electrónicas.

Bancos, Forex, Finanzas en OR Tambo Aeropuerto

Las instituciones bancarias con sucursales en el aeropuerto de OR Tambo son Standard Bank, First National Bank, Nedbank, ABSA y African Bank, equipadas para atender todas las cuestiones bancarias. También hay cajeros automáticos situados en todas las terminales si cualquier visitante del aeropuerto necesita acceso a dinero en efectivo. Las opciones de Forex incluyen Bidvest Bank, Master Currency y Travelex. Todo el intercambio de divisas se puede hacer con seguridad en estas tiendas justo en el aeropuerto antes de salir en un viaje al extranjero.

OR Tambo International Airport Shops for Books, Cards, Gifts, Stationery

CNA and Exclusive Books are the shops at OR Tambo Airport to go to for stocking up on stationery for a trip or for the latest books to read during a long flight. They stock a wide range of books and current magazines, with something for everyone from kiddies and fiction to non-fiction. Cards, stationery items, games, toys are just some of the other areas stocked at these stores as well.

Clothing Shops at OR Tambo Aiport

Burberry, Cruciani, Guess, Hugo Boss, Markham and Lacoste are a few of the OR Tambo International Airport shops in the clothing category. They cater for a wide range of demographics a

nd the choice of stores leave passengers spoilt for choice.

Department Stores at OR Tambo Airport

Department stores include Woolworths and the Big Five Duty Free stores. Woolworths is a major retail clothing store in South Africa with a well-known food section which has an emphasis on stocking local organic quality food.

Eyewear and Optometrists

Sunglass Hut has stores and kiosks at the OR Tambo Airport terminals. Their range is for men, women and children with polarized and different frame shape options.

Flower Shops at OR Tambo Airport

The Flower Centre Florist is the OR Tambo Airport shop for flowers. Flowers make a great welcome home gesture and if you would be picking someone up from the airport, a quick visit to the Flower Centre Florist will allow you to be waiting with a beautiful welcome home bouquet at the arrivals terminal.

OR Tambo Airport Restaurants

OR Tambo Airport restaurants which can be visited for a sit down meal are Nandos, Byte, Capello, Europa, Mugg and Bean, Ocean Basket, Spur and Wimpy.

OR Tambo restaurants which can be visited for an on the go snack are Cosmic Candy, Biltong on the Go and Haagen Dazs. Here passengers and visitors to the airport can get quick snacks of salty biltong, sugary delights and even an icy treat.

OR Tambo restaurants which serve up take away meals include Anat, Illy Cafe, Kauai and KFC. Meals from the take out OR Tambo restaurants can be enjoyed at the viewing deck while taking in sights of aircraft activity on the runways.

Footwear Shops at OR Tambo Airport

Capital Shoes is the shoe store situated at the OR Tambo International Airport. This well stocked store features a shoe range for men and women from unbranded to some by many famous designers. In addition they also stock wallets, handbags and belts.

Hair, Health, Beauty Shops at OR Tambo Airport

Shops at OR Tambo Airport in this category include The Body Shop, Link Pharmacy and the Letsema Xpress Spa. The spa offers many relaxing treatments to unwind after a long flight or to relax the body in anticipation of a flight ahead. The Body Shop is a renowned store offering beauty and skin products with an emphasis on naturalness. Link Pharmacy is a brand name pharmacy in South Africa with over 200 branches countrywide. The OR Tambo branch is dedicated to providing advice and medicines.

OR Tambo International Airport Shops for Home, Decor, Interior, Furniture

Carol Boyes has a presence at the OR Tambo Airport. The store is synonymous with high end house and lifestyle items. Pieces from the Carol Boyes range are often described as being collectible items.

Hotel and Conference at the OR Tambo Airport

The Protea Hotel and City Lodge have a base at the OR Tambo Airport. Overnight rooms can be booked for transient travellers who do not have a visa for South Africa. Since the hotel is located on airport property, they will not have to deal with immigration and still get a comfortable nights rest. The hotel can also be used for travellers who only need a room for the night and want to be as close as possible to the airport. Hotel guests will have access to restaurants and duty free stores right there at the airport in which the hotel is based in. The hotels also have internet connectivity, gym, swimming pool and laundry services.

Jewellery and Accessories Shops at OR Tambo Airport

OR Tambo International Airport shops in this category include Accessorize, Browns, Mont Blanc and The Diamond Works Duty Free. Passengers can indulge in jewellery at duty free prices at these shops at OR Tambo Airport.



OR Tambo International Airport, formerly known as Johannesburg International, is the hub of South Africa’s international and domestic air travel. This large airport has recently undergone a massive facelift and now competes with modern airports around the world. Lanseria, Rand, Grand Central and Wonderboom are smaller airports within Gauteng that are growing in popularity for local and some international flights. South African Airways (SAA) is the national carrier.

The country has a developed road infrastructure and routes are generally well sign-posted. South Africans drive on the left side of the road. Drivers must have an international driver’s licence and a minimum of five years’ driving experience to hire a car in South Africa. There are numerous reputable car-hire companies in Gauteng that can assist you with vehicle rental arrangements. Comparison of prices and booking can be done efficiently via the internet. Vehicles can be collected from OR Tambo International Airport or numerous outlets in the cities or suburbs.

Visitors landing at OR Tambo International Airport often use shuttle transport or chauffeur services to get to Johannesburg, Pretoria and other areas. Proceed to the demarcated shuttle service area at the airport to ensure a safe, professional, fast and reasonably priced journey.

Public transport systems in Gauteng are established in the form of the Gautrain, bus services, trains and taxis, but these are not always formalised, as in the case of minibus taxi transport. Most tourists use private taxis and tour companies that are known to be safe, reasonable and reliable. Transport can generally be arranged through your hotel or guest house.

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SOUTH AFRICA Forex Expo and Conference will be the gathering of the Industry Leaders, full of seminars, tutorials and discussions by key industry experts where investors can get the skills about whats moving the market We expect over 5,000 attendees including Beginner Investors, Experienced Investors, Read More

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About Drive South Africa

A lightbulb moment

Steve Conradie embarked on a six-month self-drive African safari, engaging his enthusiasm for 4x4 safaris and his desire to build on his previous African adventures. Upon returning, Steve met Andre Van Kets, a Business Science graduate with fervor for information technology, equally enthusiastic about Africa and the prospect of unlocking the continent to 4x4 fans through an online platform.

Drive South Africa is born

Starting initially as 4x4 buy-back service, the company emerged as an early authority in the 4x4 market, being able to offer comprehensive advice and first-hand experience for journeys into Africa.

Rapid growth

It wasn’t long before customers came looking for alternative to the 4x4 buy back option, wanting expert advice and short-term 4x4 hire. Drive South Africa decided to turn the outsourcing of 4x4 rental into an in-house service and in March 2003 began leasing 4-wheel drive vehicles to customers. By June 2003, demand for Drive South Africa’s attentive customer service permeated into the car rental market, with increasing requests for car rental, Drive South Africa incorporated car hire into it’s product catalogue.

More than just car rental

Camper hire followed in 2004 and services such as chauffeur hire, transfers and self-drive tours emerged over the course of 2004 and 2005.

Necesitas ayuda?

Find a rental vehicle today

Browse through our selection of rental vehicles to suit your every need. We offer budget car rental to luxury car rental, for short term or extended long-term car rental in Southern Africa.

OR Tambo

Oliver Reginald Tambo or OR Tambo for short was born in 1917 and died in 1993. OR Tambo was a central figure of the African National Congress and was an avid anti-apartheid politician.

On the 27th of October in 1917 Oliver Tambo was born. His mother was Julia and his father was Mzimeni. OR Tambo was born in Nkantolo in Bizana in the eastern part of Pondoland which is now named the Eastern Cape. After OR Tambo matriculated from St. Peters Johannesburg where he then proceeded to do his university degree at the Fort Hare University, however in 1940 he was expelled from the university along with Nelson Mandela because they took part in a student strike. OR Tambo went back to Johannesburg to teach science and mathematics at his former high school in 1942. OR Tambo. Mandela and Walter Sisulu founded the ANC Youth League in 1943 and became the first National Secretary of the league to become the National Executive in 1948. The ANC protested the anti-apartheid movement through the use of petitions and demonstrations, however the ANC Youth League believed that these actions were not enough and created their own programme of action which included various tactics like civil disobedience, strikes, boycotts and non-collaboration.

OR Tambo Airport

OR Tambo International Airport

The OR Tambo Airport also known as OR Tambo International Airport is an international airport which is a major airport situated in Kempton Park in Gauteng which is near Johannesburg. OR Tambo Airport is the hub for most international and domestic travel from and in South Africa and is able to cope with 28 million passengers per year. The OR Tambo Airport is also the centre for South African Airways which is South Africa’s largest domestic and international flight carrier as well as local airlines that fly domestically.

OR Tambo airport was not always named this and before was called the Johannesburg International Airport and before this it was called the Jan Smuts International Airport. The name was first changed in 1994 after the new South African Government came into being and in 2006 it was once again renamed to OR Tambo in dedication to the former President of the African National Congress.

The OR Tambo airport is classified as a hot and high airport which means that because of where it is placed the air is thin as its 1700 meters above sea level. The effect that this has on the airplanes is that the aircraft’s need to reduce their weight by having less fuel. Also the runways are also longer because of the air being thin.

A few features available at OR Tambo Airport

Flights can be booked via the O. R Tambo Website

O. R Tambo Airport has car rental facilities which can easily be booked online via this website

O. R Tambo Airport has hotels

There are also shuttle buses available to transport you in and around O. R Tambo International Airport.

OR Tambo Airport

OR Tambo Airport

Johannesburg Airport

OR Tambo International Airport is more commonly known by international travellers as Johannesburg Airport. Founded in 1952 Johannesburg Airport has formerly been known as Jan Smuts Airport. Johannesburg International Airport was its formal name from 1994 since the downfall of apartheid but in 2006 underwent another name change to the current O. R. Tambo Airport. It is one of two international airports in the city of Johannesburg with the other being Lanseria Airport. Johannesburg Airport is the busiest and largest in Africa and is located in the business hub of South Africa catering for both commercial and private travellers.

Johannesburg Airport is also the headquarters for SAA, the national flag carrier airline of South Africa. Capable of handling 28 million passengers annually, Johannesburg Airport conducts direct flights to all continents with the exception of Antarctica. A number of major airlines operate from Johannesburg International Airport including SAA (or South African Airways), British Airways, Singapore Airlines, Emirates, Airlink and Virgin Atlantic. Domestic airlines Flysafair, Kulula and Mango Airlines operate multiple flights at the airport daily. Johannesburg Airport is also capable of handling 650000 tons of cargo per year.

Johannesburg Airport was one of many airports in South Africa that underwent renovations in preparation for the FIFA World Cup that took place in the country in 2010. Johannesburg Airport has 2 runways which measure at 3400 and 4400 meters. The latter is one of the longest runways in the world. There are a total of 6 terminals at Johannesburg Airport which are categorized as being International, Domestic or Transit. Information kiosks can be found in both the international and domestic arrival terminals. Johannesburg Airport has 5 domestic lounge offerings and 9 international lounges for guests to unwind in away from the bustle of the rest of the airport. Johannesburg Airport has over 140 retail stores which are open from 6 in the morning until 10 at night. These times also apply to banks, bureau de change, dry cleaners, pharmacy and the spa. In additional, the duty free stores also stock products that are exclusively available only at Johannesburg Airport . Johannesburg Airport also houses a travel clinic, open 24 hours a day with full medical staff.

There is plenty of paid parking at the airport which can be paid in cash or with credit cards. Parking areas were also included in the refurbishment of the airport and now includes technology which allows visitors to easily spot available spaces. There are 3 transport options when it comes to leaving the airport. There is a rail option of using the Gautrain system to get from the airport to Sandton. From there the Gautrain also has various other stops within Johannesburg. Public buses are available at the airport in the mornings and afternoons for the influx of visitors during these times. Private buses also operate from the airport. The third option is to rent out a car which can be done directly at the airport. There are 10 car rental agencies at the airport which are Avis, Europcar, Bidvest, First Car Hire, Hertz, Tempest, Thrifty, Select Car Hire, Capital and Woodford Car Hire.

Johannesburg Tambo Airport (JNB) Terminal Map

Concourses at Johannesburg Tambo JNB Airport

The passenger terminal complex at Tambo Airport now consists of 3 buildings: International Terminal A & its International Concourse/ Pier, Central Terminal and Domestic Terminal B - all 3 buildings have an Arrivals & a Departures Level. The Central Terminal acts as a connector and houses the Gautrain station. For passenger dropoff use the upper roadway - for passenger pickups use the lower roadway.

Connecting from International to Domestic Terminal: From the International Transit Lobby on level 1 the Connector leads to Terminal B. Transit passengers needing overnight or short-stay sleep/rest facilities may use the Protea Hotel located inside the secured area of the terminal - for more information visit the Protea site at (www) proteahotels. com/hotels/Pages/protea-hotel-transit-or-tambo-airport. aspx .

Among the amenities & services offered at Tambo Airport are a 24-hr medical clinic, where travelers can consult with a doctor, visit a dentist, or see a physical therapist. WiFi connections for those who have their own electronic devices are avalable at hotspots in domestic & international terminals. Obtain a pay-as-you-go voucher at PostNet located on the food court level. Those without electronic devices may may use the internet cafes (a) in Domestic Terminal at pre-security on retail level near ATMs, and at post-security; (b) in International Terminal at internatnional arrivals, at mezzanine-level restaurants, in the duty-free mall, and at airline lounges. PostNet on the food court level offers pay-as-you-go vouchers for payment. NOTE: As of year-end 2015, common-use SITA self-service check-in kiosks will have been installed in all of South Africa's main airports. The International Terminal A has three levels: ground level (Level 0), on Level 1 & the Mezzanine level. The ground level (Level 0) of TA is for international Arrivals and includes: 10 baggage carousels, including one for fragile baggage, a clinic, health & Immigration, South African Police station, and 2 duty-free shops. Follow the signs to Customs, Terminal B & Salida. Level 1 of TA is for International Departures , has four exit/entrance doors to the south, and access to the Gautrain Station. The public area has airline ticket counters, and self-service checkin kiosks and to the east Dropoff SSA Voyager Lifetime/Platinum checkin and SSA Voyager Lifetime/Platinum checkin, as well as connection to T-B's international departure. Most of the food & drink establishments, stores, & duty free shops, are located in the post-security area, which includes (east) security checkpoints 1-11, followed by an International Transit Lobby, for transfers from TB, and access to the International Pier's departure level (west) Forex offers currency exchange services and ATM machines. This level also includes a wheelchair area, immigration office, South African Revenue and Police service, tax refund, & Vodacom. The Two-level international Concourse of TA (pier) with gates A7-A30 (gates A7-18 & bus gates A19-A30) houses some more duty-free shops and lounges and accommodates Airbus A380; i ts Transfer Corridor connects to Terminal B The Mezzanine Level of TA is for International Departures & Arrivals and includes a Wi-Fi Spot, and the following airline lounges for: Kopano Premier, BidAir Premier, Virgin Clubhouse, Emirates, South African Airways & British Airways.

The Domestic Terminal B (With boarding gates C, D & E) has four levels: Level 0 is the Domestic Arrivals level; Level 1 is the Retail level for both Domestic & International Departures; Level 2 is both the Domestic checkin level, and the Domestic Departure level (located at the access road's curve); and Level 3 has the SAA Baggage Claim office and BidAir, SAA, & British Slow Lounges. Level 0 of TB is the Arrivals level . which has 6 exits/entrances and in the center escalators to the basement and Parkade 1, level 1. On either side are escalators to the Retail Level. Services on this level include the South Africal police station, SAA landside international lost baggage, Airport Customer Care, Call C, Vodaphone & MTN rentals, quarantine, Telkom Direct and the these banking establishments: Travelex, American Express & Master Currency by Forex, BidVest Bank (Forex), African Bank, ABSA Bank; and a post office. This level also includes Baggage carousels 7 & 8. Level 1 of TB is the Retail level of both Domestic & International Departures : (a) At Domestic Departures it offers a number of shops and food stores. It also houses the Airport Management Center; and (b) at International Departures it offers food stores & shops and the following services: Immigration, South African Revenue & Police Services, Nedbank, First National Bank & Standard Bank. Level 2 of TB i s the Check-in & Departure level: (a) the Checkin area with 5 exits/entrances, and has to the right a ramp to the Gautrain Station. Closeby are escalators and stairway leading to the International Departures level. To the right are three double-sided checkin counter rows (B1-B13 & B14-B25; B26-B38 & SSA B39-B50; SSA B51-B63 & SSA B64-B75). Services include some airline tickes sales desks, Customs, and self-service checkin kiosks; Level 2 of T-B is also: (b) the Departure area (located at the access road's curve) has 4 exists/ entrances, and can also be accessed from the Retail Level. In its center are three rows of double-sided check-in desks (B76-B88 & B89-B101; B102-B114 & B1-15-B127; B128-B140 & B141-B153). Services include airline ticket sales, SAA passenger Service, & a security checkin for the disabled. To the right are some food stores and shops, leading to Boarding gates C, D & E - gates D1-D6 (east), gates C9-D12 (north), and Gates E1-E13 (via escalator up). Level 3 of TB houses the SAA Baggage Claim office and BidAir, SAA, & British Slow Lounges.

Johannesburg Tambo Bars, Cafes, Restaurants & Stores

Accessorize - Store

After Security | Gate/Area: Duty Free Mall

Phone: 27 (0)11 390 2300

Africa Lounge - Bar

After Security | Gate/Area: Duty Free Mall

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 2701

African Eco - Store

After Security | Gate/Area: Duty Free mall

Phone: 27 (0)11 390 1106

Anat - Restaurant

After Security | Gate/Area: Retail Level

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 3238

Big Five Duty Free - Store

After Security | Gate/Area: Duty Free Mall

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 2670

Cafe Dulce - Cafe

After Security | Gate/Area: Retail Level

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 3125

Cafe Nescafe - Cafe

After Security | Gate/Area: Domestic Departures

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 3309

Caffe Ritazza - Cafe

After Security | Gate/Area: Duty Free Mall

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 1951

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Capi Photo Eletronics - Store

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 2339/49/59

CNA - Store

After Security After Security | Gate/Area: Duty Free mall

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 1115

Cosmic Candy - Store

After Security | Gate/Area: Domestic Departures After Security | Gate/Area: Duty Free Mall

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 1115

Debonairs Pizza - Restaurant

After Security | Gate/Area: Retail Level

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 1352

Exclusive Books - Store

After Security After Security

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 1258

Flower Centre - Store

After Security | Gate/Area: Retail Level

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 3189

Fournos Bakery - Restaurant

After Security | Gate/Area: Retail Level

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 3502

Hugo Boss - Store

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 2781

Indaba Lifestyle - Store

After Security | Gate/Area: Duty Free Mall

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 3606

Kauai - Restaurant

After Security | Gate/Area: Retail Level

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 2402

Keg & Aviator - Restaurant

After Security | Gate/Area: Retail Level

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 3394

KFC - Restaurant

After Security | Gate/Area: Retail Level

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 2807

Lacoste - Store

After Security | Gate/Area: Duty Free Mall

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 1888

Makgala's - Store

Phone: 011 390 3231

McGinty's - Restaurant

After Security | Gate/Area: International Arrivals

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 3394

Nando's - Restaurant

After Security | Gate/Area: International Arrivals

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 2599

News Cafe - Cafe

After Security | Gate/Area: Duty Free Mall

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 2084

Ntinga - Store

After Security After Security

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 30

Occhiali - Store

After Security After Security

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 3000

Ocean Basket - Restaurant

After Security | Gate/Area: Retail Level

Phone: 27 (0) 11 390 3973

Out of Africa - Store

After Security | Gate/Area: Duty Free Mall

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 1683

Pharmacy - Store

After Security | Gate/Area: Duty Free Mall After Security | Gate/Area: Retail Level

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 3527

Soaring Eagle Spur - Restaurant

After Security | Gate/Area: Retail Level

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 3806

Steers - Restaurant

After Security | Gate/Area: Mezzanine Level

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 1352

Stogies - Store

After Security | Gate/Area: Retail Level

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 3195

The Body Shop - Store

After Security | Gate/Area: Duty Free Mall

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 1633

The Rai - Restaurant

After Security | Gate/Area: Retail Level

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 2122

Tie Shop - Store

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 2989

Timberland - Store

After Security | Gate/Area: Duty Free Mall

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 1705

Vodashop - Store

Phone: 011 390 1573

Wimpy - Restaurant

After Security | Gate/Area: Domestic Departures

Phone: +27 (0)11 390 3394

1 hr 35 minutes layover? 1 checked bag, Delta then Comair.

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Port Allen, Louisiana · 2 forum posts

I do exchange only with banks & American Express which are everywhere in the city. Does not matter much about the type of currency you have, just be sure to check out the rates carefully & know how to use the new currency you have. When you are in foreign country not a good idea to have a lot of cash on you especially in poor countries in Africa

Edited: Apr 24, 2012, 4:25 PM

Austin, Texas · 2 forum posts

Normally, I never use currency traders but I was stuck with some Rand when leaving South Africa. I exchanged the rand to euros when leaving from Johannesburg. For 905 rand, I was charged an commission of 50 rand, an administrative fee of 61 rand and a VAT fee of 7 rand. Totaling these up the total fee was 13%. In addition of course was the exchange rate differential. As an added kicker, I was given 4 euros in coins which turned out to be pounds when I checked them later. If I was going to England I would have come out ahead except I was going to Paris. The place is called Master Currency, just to the right of American Express in between Terminals A and B. Visit there if you like being legally ripped off.


Sandton rising above the urban forest

From O. R. Tambo International Airport. after you exit the airport, follow R24 Johannesburg signs and the R24 to the Gillooly's Interchange, from here follow the N3 North towards Pretoria, take exit 124 (Sandton/M60 Marlboro Drive) turning left into Marlboro Drive, follow Marlboro Drive until the T-junction with Katherine Street, turn left into Katherine Street, and follow Katherine Street into Sandton.

From the M1, take exit 23 (Sandton/M40 Grayston Drive) or exit 26 (Sandton/M60 Marlboro Dr), and follow Marlboro Drive west until the T junction with Katherine Street (400 m), and turn left at Katherine Street into Sandton.

From the N1, take exit 100 (Sandton/M9 Rivonia Road) and follow Rivonia Road south towards Sandton or exit 95 (Sandton/R511 Williiam Nicol Drive) and follow south until it intersects with Sandton Drive, where you turn left.

Rush hour traffic during the week can make getting into and out of Sandton a painfully slow business; you will be wise to avoid 7AM-9AM and 4PM-7PM.

Note that there is extensive Gautrain related construction happening in the Sandton area, specifically around the intersection of West and Rivonia Roads where then new train station is being build. Road diversions are in effect from time to time. The official Gautrain website [2] contains up-to-date road closure and blasting information.

Car rental Edit

Renting a car is your best option if you are a confident driver as the city's public transport is very, very limited. It is worth buying a good road map of Johannesburg, using a GPS (available when you rent a car) and planning your trips carefully before setting out. The city is large and somewhat poorly signposted. Make sure to be exceptionally clear with your rental agency what types of things are covered by their insurance plans. The phrase ``Full coverage doesn't necessarily mean full coverage.

Like any big city, there are some areas of Johannesburg that you don't want to stray into if you look like a tourist or dont have enough fuel to get out of. Ask advice. If in doubt, stop at a police station and ask them for directions.

From the airport: Stay on the freeway between the airport and Sandton, and don't divert through the townships and Alexandra on London Road. A GPS following the fastest route will usually divert around the townships, but it pays to know where you are going. (If you are coming from the airport and you are afraid of getting this wrong, carry on past Marlboro Drive with the N3 (which becomes the N1) until you reach Rivonia road. Then turn left/south and this will take you straight into Sandton, bypassing any townships.)

First Car Rental ( Car Hire ), ☎ +27 11 230 9999 (reservations@cmh. co. za ), [3]. Car rentals in Sandton and OR Tambo International Airport. editar

Pace Car Rental ( Car Hire ), 34 14th Street, Marlboro. Sandton. ☎ 011 262 5500 or 087 808 2542 (info@pacecarrental. co. za ), [4]. Long Term Car Rental in Johannesburg South Africa. editar

Europcar Car Hire ( Car Hire ), ☎ (011) 883-4352 (info@europcar. co. za ), [5]. Car rentals in Sandton and Johannesburg Airport. editar

Exeque Car Rental ( Car Hire ), No: 3 cnr Yster and First Rd Bartlett Boksburg. ☎ (010) 235-0898 or 083 693 4531 (info@exequecarrental. co. za ), [6]. Cash Car Rental Cheap Cash Car Rentals in Sandton and Johannesburg South Africa. editar

Get around Edit

By metered taxi Edit

Taxis can be found at entrance 12 to Sandton City. Metered cabs can also be hired by calling Sandton Taxi Cabs on +2711 039 4402 or Safecab on +27 (0)861 66-55-66. It is illegal for metered taxis to be hailed as is seen in many other cities (e. g. in New York City). Passengers may catch taxis only if booked (in person or by telephone), the only exception being in demarcated metered taxi zones.

Bus Edit

Several main Metrobus routes serve the Sandton area, running regularly during the day in 30 minto 60 min intervals, as well as in the early evening. The 5C also runs regularly on weekends, including the normal early evening service. The 5C runs along Oxford Road and connects many important tourist attractions, including Sandton City, The Zone@Rosebank, and The Mall of Rosebank. Contact Metrobus on +27 (0)11 375-5555 (Ext. 6) for more information on routes and timetables Metrobus is by far one of the safest and cheapest methods of getting around Sandton, and the City of Johannesburg. It must be noted, however, that Metrobus is not an alternative to private (hired) transport.

See Edit

Nelson Mandela Statue. Nelson Mandela Square, Sandton City. The 6 m bronze statue of Nelson Mandela is a favorite photo spot for tourists. editar

Gallery on the Square. Nelson Mandela Square. ☎ +27 (0)11 784-2847 (gots@mweb. co. za. fax. +27 (0)11 784-2849 ), [7]. Mon to Sat 9AM to 6PM. Exhibitions of South African and international art edit

Forex World Bureau de Change ( Bureau de Change ), Shop L20 by Michelangelo Towers, Sandton City. ☎ +27(0)11 326-8899. [8]. 24 hours. Best Rates, 24 hour forex service edit

Do Edit

Theatre on the Square. Nelson Mandela Square. ☎ +27 (0)11 883-8606 ( +27 (0)83 377-4969. tots@artslink. co. za. fax. +27 (0)11 883-9673 ), [9]. Shows Sat 6PM and 9PM, Tue to Fri 8:15PM. Usually R100 per person. editar

Buy Edit

Sandton City. 5th St. ☎ +27 (0)11 217-6000 (info@sandtoncity. co. za. fax. +27 (0)11 883-0978 ), [10]. Open 9AM to 6PM Mon to Sat and 10AM to 4PM Sun. An extremely vibrant and popular shopping mall that dominated the Sandton area. It is affordable, but be prepared to pay a bit for the good quality that you buy. There are many unique shops here as well as typical South African franchises and even some British stores. You could easily spend an entire day here, edit

Village Walk Shopping Centre. Cnr Maude and Rivonia Rd. ☎ +27 (0)11 783-4620 (info@villagewalk. co. za. fax. +27 (0)11 783-2003 ), [11]. Mon to Fri 9AM to 6PM, Sat 9AM to 4PM and Sun 9AM to 1PM. Smaller and quieter than Sandton City edit

Eat Edit

Forex World Bureau de Change ( Bureau de Change ), Shop L20, Sandton City ( Go towards Michael Angelo Towers close to Nelson Mandela square ), ☎ +2711 326 8899. [12]. 24. Best Rates, Safe and Secure, Quick and Easy, No hidden Costs, Open 24 hours edit

Sandton City Mall Edit

Nelson Mandela Square at night

Nelson Mandela Square at Sandton City [13] offers a number of restaurants to choose from, as well as a food court with fast food outlets.

Baglios. Nelson Mandela Square. [14]. Eat delicious hand-made ice cream at the "Bagelos" store. editar

The Bull Run. 20 Maude Street, Sandton ( Just between Sandton City Mall and Village Walk Shopping Centre ), ☎ + 27 (0)11 884-1400. [15]. editar

The Butcher Shop & Grill. Nelson Mandela Square. ☎ +27 (0)11 784-8676. [16]. editar

Lekgotla. Nelson Mandela Square. ☎ +27 (0)11 884-9555. [17]. editar

Montego Bay Seafood & Sushi Bar. Nelson Mandela Square. ☎ +27 (0)11 883-6407 ( fax. +27 (0)11 883-3965 ), [18]. editar

Pappas on the Square. Nelson Mandela Square. ☎ +27 (0)11 884-9991. [19]. editar

Saxon Hotel has one of the best restaurants in Johannesburg. It is the hotel where Nelson Mandela stayed shortly after being released from prison and where he wrote his book ´Long Walk to Freedom´. This is where you will have one of the best gourmet meals in the city, but you need to have deep pockets.

Trumps International Grillhouse. Nelson Mandela Square. ☎ +27 (0)11 784-2366. [20]. editar

Wangthai. Nelson Mandela Square. ☎ +27 (0)11 784-8484 ( fax. +27 (0)11 783-2368 ), [21]. editar

Sandton Area Edit

The Greater Sandton areas has many modern excellent restaurants.

Col’Cacchio. Benmore Gardens Shopping Centre, Cnr Benmore Road & Grayston Drive. ☎ +27 (0)11 783 7650. [22]. Excellent stylish pizzeria chain found across South Africa. Offers a large variety of pizza and pasta edit

Riverside Café & Bistro. Village Walk Shopping Centre, Maude Street Entrance. ☎ +27 (0)11 7843390/1. [23]. Offers excellent pasta edit

The Raj. Rivonia Junction, Cnr Rivonia Road and Mutual Ave. ☎ +27 11 807 0471. [24]. Delicious rich Indian food edit

Ocean Basket. Melrose Square Melrose Arch Corlett Dr Melrose & Sandton City Mall. [25]. Really good fish restaurant chain found across South Africa, good prices and quality food edit

M&A. Edward Nathan Building, Cnr West & Maude Street. ☎ +27 (0)11 783 4134. Good selection of Italian food edit

Drink Edit

The Blues Room. Village Walk Centre, Sandton. ☎ +27 (0)11 784-5527. [26]. Have a couple of drinks while listening to some of the best live jazz. editar

Taboo. 24 Central, Cnr Fredman Dr and Gwen Lane. ☎ +27 (0)11 783-2200 (ammar@taboo. co. za. fax. +27 (0)11 783-2217 ), [27]. editar

Vida e Cafe. Found scattered all across Sandton area. [28]. Great coffee and vibrant service edit

Sleep Edit

Sandton skyline from the Village Walk Center looking over the Balalaika Hotel towards Sandton City and the Michelangelo hotel

OR Tambo International

One of the main air transport hubs of South Africa, the Tambo International Airport is located about 24 kilometers from the Johannesburg city center of South Africa. It serves almost 17 million passengers every year. The airport was formerly called the Johannesburg International Airport it was renamed in 2006 as the O. R. Tambo International Airport.

The airport handles a majority of the domestic and international air traffic in South Africa. There are two terminals at the airport, Terminal A is dedicated to international flights and Terminal B is dedicated to domestic flights. Each of these terminals have two interlinking levels - departures on the upper level and arrivals on the lower levels.


O R Tambo Airport Rd, Johannesburg 1627, South Africa


+27 (0)11 921 6262

Prayer Facilities

The Airport has a Muslim prayer room open 24 hours a day. On Fridays, the Jummah Salaat is held just after noon with separate facilities for males and females. The prayer room is located in the basement parking area close to the arrivals at Terminal A.

Halal Food

There are a number of cafes and restaurants at both Terminal A and Terminal B of the Tambo International Airport. Nando's at the Terminal A (International arrivals terminal) serves Halal food.


The high speed Gautrain operates between the Johannesburg O. R. Tambo International Airport and Sandton. Buses operate between the airport and the city there is also a bus and taxi terminal at the multi-story car park building right behind the car hire desks.


The Tambo International Airport has a number of shops, souvenir outlets and duty-free malls at both, the international and domestic terminals. The duty-free malls present a number of entertainment options for passengers to enjoy during their transit wait.


Terminal A has a few money exchange outlets for the convenience of international travelers. Terminal B has a FOREX exchange shop. ATM's are available at the public courtyard of the international terminal (arrivals) and at Level one of the shopping court yards of the domestic terminal. Branches of banks like Nedbank and Absa Bank operate on the mezzanine level of the public hall of the international terminal (arrivals).

The Airport has an emergency medical clininc which includes a physiotherapist, dentist, general physician and also ophthalmologist. The emergency medical clinic has trained nurses and paramedics around the clock.

It also has wired and wireless Internet facilities. Airport Online has two outlets at the domestic terminal and one at the international terminal. The international terminal offer wireless internet facilities. Laptop users with wireless cards can make use of the Internet from the departures hall and also restaurants at the terminal.

The airport boasts of a small transit hotel, the Protea Hotel Transit. There are a number of 5-star and luxurious hotels within the vicinity of the airport.


Cape Town Airport

Cape Town Airport . also known as Cape Town International is the 2 nd largest airport in South Africa. It is a major gateway for tourism in the country seeing million of visitors arriving in the city of Cape Town annually. It is predicted that Cape Town Airport would have seen fourteen million travelers by 2015 making it the 2nd busiest airport in South Africa, and the third busiest in Africa, coming in behind OR Tambo International Airport and Cairo Airport.

Cape Town Airport standards are world-class and the airport was ranked the leading airport in Africa for 2012 at the World Airport Awards. OR Tambo International Airport in the city of Johannesburg came in second place, and King Shaka International Airport in Durban was rated 3rd. A central terminal connects both the international and domestic terminal of Cape Town Airport . Many airlines offer direct flights to Cape Town from various locations around the globe. All airlines operating in South Africa fly to Cape Town Airport which is located 22km away from the city center.

There are various different transport services available to get you to and from the airport including taxi’s. metered cabs, shuttle services and car rental cape town. It is advisable to travelers to arrive at Cape Town Airport atleast an hour before a domestic flight and 3 hours before International Flights. There is a passenger drop of zone located on the upper level of the Central Terminal building. The pick-up and go zone in the ground floor of the first parkade at airport, (Parkade P1). Longer term facilities for parking at Cape Town Airport are also available.

Cape Town Airport

Cape Town International Airport is a Spectacular major airport located in one of the world’s most beautiful cities, Cape Town. Also refereed to as the Mother City of South Africa, it is located on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean and at the foot of the spectacular Table Mountain. It is truly one of the best Airports not only in Africa but in the world.

Cape Town International Airport (CPT) offers easy access to this part of South Africa’s Western Cape. Not only is the nearby city of Cape Town scenically fabulous, but it is also one of the most fascinating and captivating destinations on the globe, home to a diverse melting pot of ethnic groups and featuring a vibrant social spirit and cultural scene.


Search Flights at Cape Town International Airport

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Find contact details for all airlines that operate at Cape Town international Airport


The airport which opened in 1954, and replaced the Wingfield Aerodome is situated about 20km from Cape Town’s city centre. All Cape Town Airport departure and arrival times can be found on this website with information as to whether the plane has landed or is delayed. Flights between Cape Town and Johannesburg are amongst the busiest routes in the world.

Flights at the Cape Town International Airport can be compared and booked directly on this website. The flight search engine is easy enough to use. Only city and dates will need to be entered in to yield the results. You may further categorize into one way or return type ticket, extra travellers, and your choice of airlines or cabin class.

The airport was expanded and fully refurbished leading up to the FIFA world cup in South Africa in 2010. The domestic and international terminals used to be separate but since the renovations it has been joined to the main terminal to allow for check-ins to happen at one central location. The baggage handling system at Cape Town International Airport is fully automated and can process 30000 bags per hour. Security is a top priority at the airport, from constantly monitoring the perimeter fence to checking up on all planes before departure.

Retail stores at the Cape Town Airport can be found on the lower level of the terminal building ranging from bookstores, currency exchange, and clothing and souvenir stores. Restaurants can also be found at the airport terminal which includes fast food, coffee shops, and sit down restaurants.

The Road Lodge, which is a budget hotel can be found next to the Cape Town International Airport . Also situated next to the airport is Hotel Verde who provide free airport transfers and Wi-Fi to their guests. There are 145 rooms at the hotel with 7 conference venues and a deli. The Cape Town Airport itself has its own conference centre with 4 rooms located next to the domestic terminal and can handle up to 80 guests.

Planes that are arriving into or departing from the Cape Town Airport can be viewed from the terminal building. Most of the major banking companies in South Africa have ATM’s that are located throughout the airport at both arrivals and departure terminals. The international arrivals and departure terminals also has its own bureau de change.

The airports medical services is located in the main terminal building and provides health care practitioners and health screenings. Restrooms are located throughout all 3 terminal buildings and most of them have baby changing areas.

The airport has premium lounges for both domestic and international guests. Some of the lounges are available to anyone although there will be an entrance fee and others are only available to British Airways International passengers, South African Airways passengers and Star Alliance members. The lounges are an excellent getaway from all the hype and activity of the airport.

The Cape Town International Airport is legitimately world class and does justice to being the gateway point into such a prolific and beautiful city.

Please note that this is an independent website and not the ACSA website.




A new dawn in public transport has begun and Gauteng now boasts the first rapid rail transport system in Africa: The Gautrain. In June 2010, the R24bn Gautrain took to the rails for the first time, offering safe, reliable and comfortable public transport.

This state-of-the-art rapid rail network comprises of two links, namely a link between Pretoria and Johannesburg and a link between OR Tambo International Airport and Sandton.

The best part of it all? The Sandton Gautrain station is a short five minute walk away from Sandton City. That means your exhilarating shopping experience can be topped off with relaxing first class transport to and from the centre.

Train Services The Gautrain system operates with two train services:

1 - Airport Service Links Sandton to the O. R. Tambo International Airport at a cost of R100 per single trip. All airport trains go via the Sandton station.

2 - The Commuter Service Links all the stations with the exception of the airport at various different costs.

Are we there yet? Travelling at speeds of 160 to 180 kilometers an hour, you can reach Pretoria from Johannesburg in just 40 minutes and from Sandton to the airport in only 15 minutes.

To and from the Gautrain The Gautrain system also accommodates easy transfers between the Gautrain and other forms of transport, such as the new Bus Rapid Transport services, taxis and Metrorail trains, which will bring the ease of using door-to-door public transport to the Gauteng community.

Fares There are various travel options available to Gautrain commuters. Special weekly and monthly packages are also available for regular users.

Snood or not to snood.

Bejewel to dazzle!

Potential Untapped

OR Tambo International Airport Information and Facilities

Location GPS co-ordinates:

Hours of Operation OR Tambo International Airport is operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Drop-off / Pick-up Zone Access to the airport precinct has been simplified dramatically, with all passenger drop-offs taking place on an upper roadway and all pick-ups on a lower roadway, with a pick-up and drop-off zone conveniently situated outside both the departure and arrivals halls.

Parking OR Tambo International Airport has various access controlled pay-parking options, but only very limited covered parking is available within close proximity to the terminal buildings.

Arrivals Hall For your convenience various banking services, automatic teller machines (ATMs) and forex dealers are conveniently situated in the arrivals hall.

Security Measures and Controls

Retail Centre and Restaurants The airport boasts a world-class variety of amenities, business centres, retail centres, restaurants and bars, as well as a five-star hotel.

Disabled Passengers / Passengers with Special Requirements

OR Tambo International Airport Background and History

OR Tambo International Airport (formerly Johannesburg International) is situated 24 kilometres East from the Johannesburg city centre and a quick drive by shuttle or taxi to your hotel or destination.

The airport�s name was changed from Johannesburg International Airport to O. R. Tambo International Airport on Friday, 27 October 2006, the late Mr Tambo�s birthday as a tribute to one of the new South Africa�s most important founding fathers.

OR Tambo International Airport is the busiest airport on the African continent. The airport serves transport hub of Southern Africa catering for more than 17 million passengers each year. Tight, effective management makes OR Tambo International one of the most cost-effective airports in the world, and has overtaken Cairo in terms of passenger traffic. ORTIA hosts over 50 airlines airlines from all five continents and has an important role to play in serving the air transport needs of Africa as a whole.

A massive multi-million construction project is currently underway at ORTIA to cater for dramatic passenger number increases expected during the 2010 Soccer World Cup, and for the imminent arrival of the giant A380 aircraft. The R450-million terminal development is accompanied by a R400-million upgrade of adjacent aprons and the road network feeding the airport. With more than 18,000 people employed by various companies at ORTIA, the airport plays a vital role in the city's and Gauteng province's economy, and boasts an impressive infrastructure that has expanded by thousands of square metres from its modest origins.

Oliver Reginald Tambo, fondly known as O. R. by his peers, is renowned in South Africa and abroad for his significant contribution to the liberation of South Africa. He was president of the African National Congress (ANC) for 30 years and spent much of this time in exile, mobilising international support for the ANC and opposition to the apartheid movement.

Tambo has been described as the glue that held the anti-apartheid movement together during its toughest struggles. He was a relentless lobbyist for South Africa�s freedom. His efforts helped create awareness of the plight of black South Africans, which eventually led to widespread international embargoes.

�There is no one more deserving of such an accolade than Mr Tambo and ACSA is honoured that our flagship airport, our international gateway, has been chosen to bear his name as a tribute to him,� says Monhla Hlahla, ACSA�s Managing Director.

On 24 April 1993, Oliver Tambo died from a stroke, having fought for the freedom of his people for the best part of his life.

Accommodation rates at Dove’s Nest Guest House includes a shuttle service to and from O. R. Tambo (Johannesburg) International Airport.


Single room accommodation: R 599.00 per room/per night

Double/Twin room accommodation: R 890.00 per room/per night

Family room accommodation: R 1200.00 per room/per night

Conference/Workshop Package @ R299.00 Per Person Per Day Dinner @ R99.95 Soft Drinks @ R15.00 each

Breakfast and Airport Transfers included in the accommodation price

Cash (Local Currency - Rand)

Debit Card

Tarjeta de crédito

Visa/Master Card

American Express

Diners Club etc.

EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)

Companies (As per Company Invoicing Procedure)

Guests are welcome to pay their accommodation bills with GBP & USD but forex will not be exchanged for cash!

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Transportation from JNB airport to Protea OR Tambo hotel - Johannesburg Forum

Transportation from JNB airport to Protea OR Tambo hotel

This is our first trip to SA. Our flight to JNB is scheduled to land at 10:05PM. We (3 ladies) have a reservation at the Protea OR Tambo hotel (NOT the transit hotel in the terminal building itself) for an overnight stay which is a 10 minute ride by car. The hotel informed us that their last shuttle is at 10:30PM. I am not sure if we can collect our luggage, clear immigration and be at the shuttle pick-up area within 25 minutes. The hotel is not providing any assurance that the shuttle service would be available even if we are delayed by a few minutes. If we miss the shuttle what is the best way to get to the hotel. How much does it cost for a taxi and how would we pay (currency)? What cab companies are reliable? Do they take foreign credit cards? U. S.$$? Considering we will not have working cell phones immediately, whom should be approach if we need any assistance? I am concerned about safety. TIA for your responses.

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The shuttle terminal is located directly in front of you as you enter the arrivals hall from customs, but about 100m away. You walk straight through the hall, cross the road outside, and follow the walkway between the parking garage and the Intercontinental Hotel. The shuttle terminal is directly behind the Intercontinental Hotel.

The shuttle itself is clearly marked.

It's a complimentary service running from the hotel and the airport, every half-hour, on the hour and half-hour (i. e. 8.00, 8.30, etc.). I've just phoned the hotel to check (information compliments of Daniel).

As you enter the arrivals hall, you'll find the forex counters on your left hand side. There are also several banks in the airport complex, and a number of ATM's. It's always quicker, easier and cheaper to draw local currency from ATM's (in my experience about 5% cheaper). You need to allow about 30 minutes to exchange currency, vs. 5 minutes to draw from an ATM. The easiest ATM's to find are FNB, directly on the floor above you as you enter the arrival hall.

Make sure your bank cards are cleared for use in SA, and exchange currency only as a last resort.

Espero que esto ayude.

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Or Tambo International Airport

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Transportation from JNB airport to Protea OR Tambo hotel - Johannesburg Forum

Transportation from JNB airport to Protea OR Tambo hotel

This is our first trip to SA. Our flight to JNB is scheduled to land at 10:05PM. We (3 ladies) have a reservation at the Protea OR Tambo hotel (NOT the transit hotel in the terminal building itself) for an overnight stay which is a 10 minute ride by car. The hotel informed us that their last shuttle is at 10:30PM. I am not sure if we can collect our luggage, clear immigration and be at the shuttle pick-up area within 25 minutes. The hotel is not providing any assurance that the shuttle service would be available even if we are delayed by a few minutes. If we miss the shuttle what is the best way to get to the hotel. How much does it cost for a taxi and how would we pay (currency)? What cab companies are reliable? Do they take foreign credit cards? U. S.$$? Considering we will not have working cell phones immediately, whom should be approach if we need any assistance? I am concerned about safety. TIA for your responses.

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The shuttle terminal is located directly in front of you as you enter the arrivals hall from customs, but about 100m away. You walk straight through the hall, cross the road outside, and follow the walkway between the parking garage and the Intercontinental Hotel. The shuttle terminal is directly behind the Intercontinental Hotel.

The shuttle itself is clearly marked.

It's a complimentary service running from the hotel and the airport, every half-hour, on the hour and half-hour (i. e. 8.00, 8.30, etc.). I've just phoned the hotel to check (information compliments of Daniel).

As you enter the arrivals hall, you'll find the forex counters on your left hand side. There are also several banks in the airport complex, and a number of ATM's. It's always quicker, easier and cheaper to draw local currency from ATM's (in my experience about 5% cheaper). You need to allow about 30 minutes to exchange currency, vs. 5 minutes to draw from an ATM. The easiest ATM's to find are FNB, directly on the floor above you as you enter the arrival hall.

Make sure your bank cards are cleared for use in SA, and exchange currency only as a last resort.

Espero que esto ayude.

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Nedbank Ltd Reg. No 1951/000009/06 Authorised financial services and registered credit provider (NCRCP16)

OR Tambo International Airport Information and Facilities

Location GPS co-ordinates:

Hours of Operation OR Tambo International Airport is operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Drop-off / Pick-up Zone Access to the airport precinct has been simplified dramatically, with all passenger drop-offs taking place on an upper roadway and all pick-ups on a lower roadway, with a pick-up and drop-off zone conveniently situated outside both the departure and arrivals halls.

Parking OR Tambo International Airport has various access controlled pay-parking options, but only very limited covered parking is available within close proximity to the terminal buildings.

Arrivals Hall For your convenience various banking services, automatic teller machines (ATMs) and forex dealers are conveniently situated in the arrivals hall.

Security Measures and Controls

Retail Centre and Restaurants The airport boasts a world-class variety of amenities, business centres, retail centres, restaurants and bars, as well as a five-star hotel.

Disabled Passengers / Passengers with Special Requirements

OR Tambo International Airport Background and History

OR Tambo International Airport (formerly Johannesburg International) is situated 24 kilometres East from the Johannesburg city centre and a quick drive by shuttle or taxi to your hotel or destination.

The airport’s name was changed from Johannesburg International Airport to O. R. Tambo International Airport on Friday, 27 October 2006, the late Mr Tambo’s birthday as a tribute to one of the new South Africa’s most important founding fathers.

OR Tambo International Airport is the busiest airport on the African continent. The airport serves transport hub of Southern Africa catering for more than 17 million passengers each year. Tight, effective management makes OR Tambo International one of the most cost-effective airports in the world, and has overtaken Cairo in terms of passenger traffic. ORTIA hosts over 50 airlines airlines from all five continents and has an important role to play in serving the air transport needs of Africa as a whole.

A massive multi-million construction project is currently underway at ORTIA to cater for dramatic passenger number increases expected during the 2010 Soccer World Cup, and for the imminent arrival of the giant A380 aircraft. The R450-million terminal development is accompanied by a R400-million upgrade of adjacent aprons and the road network feeding the airport. With more than 18,000 people employed by various companies at ORTIA, the airport plays a vital role in the city's and Gauteng province's economy, and boasts an impressive infrastructure that has expanded by thousands of square metres from its modest origins.

Oliver Reginald Tambo, fondly known as O. R. by his peers, is renowned in South Africa and abroad for his significant contribution to the liberation of South Africa. He was president of the African National Congress (ANC) for 30 years and spent much of this time in exile, mobilising international support for the ANC and opposition to the apartheid movement.

Tambo has been described as the glue that held the anti-apartheid movement together during its toughest struggles. He was a relentless lobbyist for South Africa’s freedom. His efforts helped create awareness of the plight of black South Africans, which eventually led to widespread international embargoes.

“There is no one more deserving of such an accolade than Mr Tambo and ACSA is honoured that our flagship airport, our international gateway, has been chosen to bear his name as a tribute to him,” says Monhla Hlahla, ACSA’s Managing Director.

On 24 April 1993, Oliver Tambo died from a stroke, having fought for the freedom of his people for the best part of his life.

Safe to carry USD notes into JNB airport? - Johannesburg Forum

Safe to carry USD notes into JNB airport?

We are traveling to South Africa next month and JNB's O R Tambo is our first port of entry. A friend who lived in South Africa for a couple of years sounded a note of caution which I found quite bizarre and alarming! She told me that the Customs officials at JNB confiscate foreign currency notes that you may be carrying on some pretext or the other!

Is this true? Has anybody had any experience of this? Is is it safe for us to carry a couple of hundred dollars (USD 200) in currency notes when we land in Joburg?

One destination mentioned in this post

People who "used to live in South Africa " are often "bizarre and alarming". It gets them like that a year or two after they leave and South Africa becomes, in their minds, some sort of criminal wonderland!

This is, of course, rubbish! You are allowed these days to bring in up to US$10,000 or equivalent in foreign notes without declaration. After that you need to declare it but you can still bring it in. You can also bring up to R25,000 in local currency before declaration.

Gautrain (High Speed Train)

From O. R. Tambo International Airport take the Gautrain (every 12 minutes from 05:30 to 08:30 and 16:00 to 19:00 and every 15 minutes from 08:30 to 16:00 and 19:30 and 20:30, last train leaves the airport at 20:30) to Sandton Station where you may take a taxi to hotel or alternatively change trains to Rosebank Station which is a 100 meters from Hotel entrance. The trip from the airport to Sandton is 14 minutes long and to Rosebank is an additional four minutes.

O. R. Tambo International Airport - Rosebank station, R125.00

O. R. Tambo International Airport – Sandton, R115.00

Sandton – Rosebank, R20.00

Airports, World Airports, Economic Impact of Airports

Airports play a significant role in globalization, connecting cities and countries. Airports are a major part of a country’s infrastructure and foster economic activities by encouraging international commerce and tourism and generating employment.

The Economic Impact of Airports

Airports play an eminent role in the economic development of a region, as well as the nation as a whole. Airports facilitate the fast movement of man and materials, thereby fostering trade and commerce.

Airports support employment generation. Direct employment opportunities include workers from the construction sector when the airport is being built. Once it is operational, personnel is required for a range of services, including airport operations and management, aircraft maintenance, storage facilities, charter services and leasing activities.

The Los Angeles Times reported that the Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) International Airport has been generating massive employment opportunities since its inception in the 1970s. Quoting data from the US Department of Commerce, the US daily said that the four counties surrounding the DFW airport had witnessed 148% growth in employment by the turn of the century. National employment surged 67% during this period.

Airports offer increased accessibility, which in turn fuels the tourism sector. With an increase in the number of visitors and airport users, more money flows into the local economy.

With increased economic activity and employment, consumer behavior changes, raising the standard of living of the people in the region. Thus, the availability of airports provides a thrust to the GDP of the local region, having a positively impact on the national economy.

The World’s Best Airports Ranked

The Honk Kong International Airport was cited as the world’s best airport in 2008, following a worldwide passenger survey organized by Skytrax, a London-based air traffic research firm. This marked the seventh time in the preceding ten years that Hong Kong had won the prestigious award, which ranks international airports based on customer satisfaction. As per this survey, the top ten airports in the world are:

Hong Kong

Singapore Changi

Seoul Incheon

Kuala Lumpur KLIA






Cape Town

Nouriel Roubini, a. k.a. “Doctor Doom”, is chairman of Roubini Global Economics and professor of economics at New York University’s Stern School of Business. Roubini has been consistently cited as one of the world’s top global thinkers. This year, he was voted as the most influential economist in the world by Forbes magazine.

An English journalist who, when he's not exploring the social consequences of political actions, likes to write about cricket for some light relief.

Head of Global Currency Strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman.

Dr Steinbock is an internationally recognized expert of the multipolar world. He focuses on international business, international relations, investment and risk among all major advanced economies and large emerging economies. In addition to advisory activities (www. differencegroup. net), he is affiliated with India China and America Institute (USA), Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (China) and EU Center (Singapore). For more, please see http://www. differencegroup. net/. Research Director of International Business at India China and America Institute (USA) and Visiting Fellow at Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (China) and the EU Center (Singapore).

Financial markets writer for IG. com, a leading provider of online trading for 40 years.

Deena Zaidi is the chief writer and owner of the economic website Financial Keyhole

Managing Partner at Fie-Consult in Kenya; supporting investors & entrepreneurs across Africa through investments & business advisory.

Airport Lounge access

SLOW & Bidvest Lounge

As a valued RMB Private Bank Cheque or Credit Card holder you can experience a place where the stress of traveling is momentarily forgotten.

At airports without SLOW Lounges or where capacity in the SLOW Lounge has been reached, you are welcome to use the Bidvest Premier Lounges.

The SLOW lounges have turned out to be immensely popular, we have had to introduce a capacity management system to ensure that lounge volumes are not in excess of occupancy. From 1 July 2015 access to all Domestic SLOW Lounges will now be limited to 90 minutes before boarding time.

Qualifying Criteria and Fees

As an RMB Private Bank Cheque or Credit card holder, you qualify for free entry based on your reward level as follows:


If you are not on a reward level, the fee per entry is R250 for the SLOW Domestic Lounges and R500 for the SLOW International Lounges. Terms, conditions and rules apply.

In order to qualify for unlimited access clients must hold BOTH an RMB Private Bank Cheque AND Credit Card (i. e. client must have both plastics).


Seasonal, freshly prepared food

Imported coffee prepared by a barista

A business centre - a work environment of the highest standard (Samsung Tablets, complimentary Wi-Fi access, printing and faxing facilities)

A library filled with recreational and business books for your reading pleasure

Private marble bathrooms

Armani spa offering where you get a complimentary 15-20 minute treatment before your flight

Slow Domestic Lounges can be found in the domestic terminals of O. R. tambo, Cape Town and King Shaka international airports before your flight.

In additional to this, the slow lounge at O. R. Tambo international offers you:

A front-of-house kitchen with a chef to prepare exquisite meals

Private dens and studies to catch up on work or simply relax

VIP private suite with en-suite bathroom for families travelling

Bidvest Premier Lounges

At airports without SLOW Lounges or where capacity in the SLOW Lounge has been reached, RMB Private Bank Cheque and Credit Cardholders are welcome to use the Bidvest Premier Lounges.

Bidvest Lounges can be found at O. R. Tambo International, Cape Town International, King Shaka International, Port Elizabeth, East London, and George and Bloemfontein Airports.

SLOW Lounge Operating hours

The slow international lounge can found in the international terminal of O. R. Tambo airport

SLOW Lounge Access Rules

NEW - All qualifying cheque and credit cardholders who have access to SLOW Domestic Lounges will only be allowed to enter 90 minutes before their boarding time

NEW - Should the lounge capacity be reached, FNB Business Black, FNB Private Wealth and RMB Private Bank customers will be granted preferential access

All your entries into the SLOW Lounges are non-transferable. All unused visits will not roll over to the next month

Any additional entries (in excess of those mentioned above) will be charged for

Access will only be permitted on presentation and swiping of applicable card by the cardholder

Only valid cards will be accepted. No expired cards will be accepted

Only one card will be permitted per cardholder per visit and must be accompanied by a boarding pass

Both the card and the boarding pass must be issued in the same individual's name

SLOW reserves the right to decline entry should any of the lounges be full. Access is subject to availability, according to SLOW Lounge capacity

SLOW reserves the right of admission and retains the right to deny access should they deem necessary

Cardholders under the age of 18 years will not be permitted access unless accompanied by an adult over the age of 18 years

Children younger than 2 years old may access the SLOW Lounge for free

All FREE entries will be allocated at main client level and can be used/ accessed by any card (Cheque, Credit or additional Credit Card)

Effective 1 July 2015

Bidvest Lounge Access Rules

The Bidvest Lounges will not accept any RMB Private Bank cardholders with expired cards.

The Bidvest Lounges will not allow the passenger into the lounge without an RMB Private Bank card present.

The Bidvest Lounges will only permit the cardholder access to the lounges if the RMB Private Bank Credit Card or Cheque Card presented is in their individual name.

Only one card (RMB Private Bank Credit Card or Cheque Card) will be permitted per client requiring access to the lounge and must be accompanied by a boarding pass (both the card and the boarding pass must be in the same individual's name).

The partnership in question is between RMB Private Bank and Bidvest and not RMB and Bidvest. Only clients of RMB Private Bank will be permitted free access to the lounge, on presentation of their RMB Private Bank Credit Card or Cheque Card and boarding pass.

View more information. including operating hours and directions.

Bidvest Premier Lounge access is limited to 120 minutes for Domestic Lounges and 240 minutes for International Lounges prior to boarding time. You may be charged for stays beyond this time limit at the applicable rate for the Lounges. Should you leave the Lounge for any reason after the expiry of this time limit, you will be charged at the applicable rate for re entering the Lounge.

RMB Private Bank Business Cheque Card

Cardholder qualifying criteria

Free entries** qualifying criteria Met

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Fly To Upington

Book cheap flights to Upington with Travelstart and save. Situated in the Northern Cape, this smallish town is right smack bang in the middle of the Green Kalahari – a unique, beautiful part of the country that is not unlike a semi desert oasis.

See and do

Things to see and do here include the SA Dried Fruit Co-operative, Orange River Wine Route, Orange River boat cruises and river rafting, camel rides, birding, Spitskop Nature Reserve, Augrabies National Park, Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park and many other attractions within the Northern Cape.

If you’re looking for goodies to take home after your trip, be sure to stop past The Mill. This farm style store is where you can get dried fruit, freshly baked goods, goat's milk feta cheese, arts and crafts, bath treats and home décor

Getting around Upington is generally quite simple, with a few basic options for public transport. Minibus taxis are always in good supply, much like they are in any other South African town. If those are a bit too daunting, you can also take the bus, or even the train to get around the city and its surrounds. And of course, the airport caters to a range of Upington flights to and from the rest of SA.

The Upington Tourism Bureau is situated in the Museum Complex, and can be contacted on +27 (0)54 332 1196 if you need further help.

Upington Airport - UTN

Upington Airport (code UTN) is where you will find Africa’s longest runway, which spans an impressive 5km. It is so long in fact, that apparently NASA was able to land a space shuttle on the runway. The main reason for such a lengthy landing strip is due to the area’s high elevation, its hot summer climate and also its suitability for Boeing 747s.

Of course, the important thing to note about Upington’s airport is whether or not it has what is required to see travellers through its doors. While it is small in size, it is efficient and staffed with friendly people who are more than happy to welcome visitors to their slice of Kalahari heaven. You will soon see for yourself with the help of Upington flights from Travelstart .

Coffee: The airport is a bit too small for added facilities such as restaurants, but it’s close enough to town that you can enjoy your java wakeup when you get to your chosen hotel.

Forex: You may be able to exchange currency at the Information Desk at Upington Airport – otherwise you will find all the usual banks such as ABSA, FNB and Standard in the City Centre.

Lost Luggage: The Information Desk is where you can go to sort out any luggage or other issues on your arrival or departure.

Airport Hotels: The nearest hotels include Protea Hotel Oasis, Protea Hotel Upington, Desert Palace Hotel and Casino Resort and Allianto Boutique Hotel and Spa.

Car Hire: Europcar, AVIS, First, Tempest and Argus all offer rentals from the airport.

Airport Hub: Upington Airport is a hub for Airlink, which offers scheduled flights to and from Cape Town and Johannesburg.

Fly To Vilanculos, Mozambique

Book cheap flights to Vilanculos on Travelstart and save money for the things that really matter on your Mozambique trip.

Vilanculos is a busy coastal town in the subtropical province of Inhambane, Mozambique. The people are very friendly and the atmosphere is lively; there is a great selection of restaurants, excellent accommodation and a vibrant nightlife. Vilanculos is also a gateway to the magnificent Bazaruto Islands.

The area is a holiday paradise and the warm, subtropical waters make for excellent fishing around the unsullied coral reefs which abound with in excess of 200 species of fish. Charter a yacht or a catamaran for the day or hook up with one of the tourism companies in the area, but make sure that you enjoy your stay in this tropical paradise. When you have had enough of the sea go for a camel ride at sunset and fall in love with this Mozambican city all over again.

About Vilanculos Flights

A flight between South Africa and Vilanculos takes approximately 1h20m and covers a distance of 852km as the crow flies.

For the latest info and schedule regarding flights between Vilanculos and South Africa, please refer to the booking engine on this page.

Remember, if you are searching for the cheapest flights to Vilanculos, Travelstart offers prices from all airlines flying between South Africa and Vilanculos for your chosen dates and times.

Visa Requirements & SA Embassy Details

South African passport holders do not require a visa for Vilanculos for stays of up to 30 days but must pay an immigration fee (approximately US2.50 or R17). Make sure your passport is valid for 6 months after you return from your trip and that you have 3 blank pages available for entry stamps.

The South African High Commission to Mozambique is in Maputo. Avenida Eduardo Mondlane 41, Caixa Postal 1120, Maputo. Tel: + 258 21 49 1614

See and do

The warm seas in the Bazaruto Archipelago, the 'Pearl of the Indian Ocean' are home to dolphins, manta rays, turtles, whales, and the endangered dugong, while unspoilt coral reefs provide underwater enthusiasts with top-notch diving and snorkelling opportunities amidst the thousands of mammal and fish species.

The most popular souvenirs in Vilanculos are frames, jewellery boxes, figurines, and other handicrafts made out of reclaimed sandalwood. Other handicrafts include jewellery, hammocks, key rings etc. woven out of Plia (Lala palm frond) and Tsambe (ground vine root).

Local Capalana fabric shirts, skirts and beach bags are also very popular, as is jewellery made from locally sourced seed, glass beads, coconut, wood, Nguni cow horn, etc.

Public transport in Vilanculos is rather poor, due to a lack of infrastructure and a poorly developed road network. It is advisable to use a 4X4 vehicle in most areas. There are buses that run up and down the coast regularly and a taxi service.

Vilanculos Airport – VNX

Vilanculos Airport (code VNX) received a major upgrade in 2011 and now consists of two departure terminals, a separate domestic terminal and an international arrivals terminal. Facilities now include ticket sales and enquiries, passenger and general services, baggage enquiries, and a `meet and greet’ Servicio.

Forex: There is no foreign exchange offered at the airport; there is a BCI Bureau de Change in the city.

Car Hire: The airport is serviced by Europcar, Hertz, Avis, Alamo, Dollar, and National.

Airport Hub: Vilanculos International Airport is a hub for Federal Air; Pelican Air Services fly between VIlanculos and Johannesburg and Maputo to Vilankulo and the Bazaruto Island Archipelago.

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If you place your order before 15h30 on the working day before you need your money, we will arrange free delivery of your foreign exchange to your address within 24 hours (within a 50 km radius of our suppliers) in the currency and denominations to suit your needs.

You also have the option to collect your cash and traveller’s cheques from American Express at OR Tambo International Airport between 05h00 and 21h00, any day, all year.

Within 30 days of your return to South Africa, we offer a re-purchasing service of surplus currency (in line with SARB requirements).

You will earn one Investec Dividends point for every R35 of foreign exchange you buy with your Investec Private Bank Account card from Investec Private Bank Foreign Exchange (traveller's cheques and cash only). Dividends points can also be redeemed towards your foreign exchange on online banking.

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You also have access to the Bidvest domestic and international lounges.

Call the Client Support Centre at any time

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International Visitor

International Visitor afprintex 2016-02-03T08:53:34+00:00

International print solution providers and suppliers wishing to attend Africa Print, will be able to source local distributors and partners, while also gaining insight into the vibrant African market. At the exhibition you will be able to find all the leading industry brands you know, and more.


Please check if you will need a Visa to visit South Africa. See the South African Department of Home Affairs website for info on applying for a SA visa as well as the list of countries exempt from South African visas. Simply pre-register online for your free visitor badge and you will receive confirmation of your registration which you can then use for your visa application.


Gallagher Convention Centre FESPA Africa is taking place at the modern Gallagher Convention Centre in Johannesburg. Gallagher Convention Centre is based in Midrand, which is easily accessible from neighbouring countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe with direct connections into the OR Tambo International Airport, which is not far from the Gallagher Convention Centre by the Gautrain (a modern high speed train) and a newly upgraded freeway infrastructure.

OR Tambo International Airport Gallagher Convention Centre is just 45 minutes from OR Tambo International Airport, the country’s leading air terminal, serving 30,000 travellers daily. Airport-approved operators provide train, taxi, bus and shuttle services between the terminal and Gallagher. There is quite a bit of traffic in and around Johannesburg so train (Gautrain) can be the most effective and quick transport method.

Train (Gautrain) The Gautrain has a station at the OR Tambo Airport, Sandton, and Midrand where the Gallagher Convention Centre is located. Single fares can be purchased at the station. Or a Gold Card can be purchased for R12 which can be topped-up with credit and used on journeys (gaining a small discount on fares). Peak single fares are priced as follows: To/From OR Tambo & Sandtown R125 To/From OR Tambo & Midrand R135 To/From Sandton & Midrand R26 Taxi Services The Uber app connects you with a driver at the tap of a button. Available on the App Store or get it on Google play.

Taxi Service Johannesburg can cater to all transportation needs, whether you require a drive home after a night out on the town, to and from work, a lift to the airport or shuttle services we will cater to your every need. They also do day tours, including trips to Sun City, SAB world of Beer, Lion Park, Gold Reef City, The Lion Park, Apartheid Museum, Rhino Park, Lesedi Cultural Village and SO much more in our Cabs. Pat a tame cheetah at the Lion Park, enjoy the valley of the waves at Sun City or a Day out at Gold Reef City Theme Park Rates are dependant on time, distance and location.

Sandton The venue is half an hour from the Sandton area, which is an ideal location for international visitors to stay during their visit. It has a large choice of hotels, fantastic selection of restaurants at Nelson Mandela Square. shopping and night life. Midrand also offers accommodation, but has less amenities.

You can take the Gautrain to and from the venue, or if you wish to take a taxi they are available and we recommend you to do this through your hotel. Sight-seeing Why not take time after the exhibition to see some of the breath taking sites Johannesburg has to offer and soak up the beautiful winter sun. Whether it is a safari trip just a couple of hours drive from Johannesburg or a visit to the Aparheid Museum. Accommodation XL Protea Travel are the official agency for travel, hotel and sightseeing packages, please contact: Maritza van Niekerk Tel: +27 (0)11 805-3120 Email: sales@xlproteatravel. co. za



Situated in the heart of the Waterfall City commercial district, this hotel is in close proximity to the restaurants of Waterfall Corner, only 15 minutes from Sandton’s CBD, 5 minutes from Midrand’s CBD and the Gautrain station, and 40 minutes from the CBD’s of Johannesburg and Pretoria. It is also close to many major conference venues such as Gallagher Convention Centre and Kyalami Racetrack & Exhibition Centre and the Netcare Waterfall City Hospital. In time to come, the future ‘Mall of Africa’ will be this hotel’s neighbour.


Tel: (+27 11) 269 7000 or gcsandtoncity. reservations@tsogosun. com or helgard. meissenheimer@tsogosun. com

Located next door to the Sandton Convention Centre. Offering complimentary shuttles that operate from 06h00 to 20h30 between the hotel and the Sandton Gautrain station. Guests must please call the hotel switchboard upon arrival at the Sandton station for the shuttle to be dispatched and to perform the transfer. For airport transfers, coach, bus and shuttle services, the Garden Court Sandton City recommends Professional Passenger Services! For all bookings please contact the transport desk at gcsandtoncity. reservations@tsogosun. com


Tel: +27 (0) 861 11 9000

This four star hotel in Midrand is situated halfway between the dynamic, bustling cities of Johannesburg and Pretoria. The luxurious Protea Hotel Midrand provides optimum access not only to this prestigious business district’s numerous corporate headquarters and conference venues, but also to business and shopping destinations throughout the Gauteng region.


Situated in the heart of Kyalami just north of Johannesburg, Tintswalo at Waterfall is an exclusive 5-star boutique hotel offering unparalleled cuisine, exceptional luxury and typical Tintswalo service standards.

Accommodation in Midrand

The Midrand Villa Tuscanna (4*) is at the top entrance of Gallagher and the Mecure Inn (3*) is at the bottom entrance. Please contact Maryna from Midrand. net +27 (0) 82 448 6680 maryna@midrand. net

Average Temperatures Winter in South Africa (May to July) is characterised in the higher-lying areas of the interior plateau by dry, sunny, crisp days and cold nights, sometimes with heavy frosts. It’s a good idea to bring warm clothes.

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OR Tambo “stowaway” lands head-first on London roof, pal survives

The incredible story of South African stowaways on the British Airways flight from Johannesburg to London has grabbed global media attention. Why they would take such a huge risk to their lives raises its own issues. But we also need to ask some uncomfortable questions of the State-owned Airports Company of SA. Like what’s the point of long lines at passenger security checkpoints when a couple of lads can amble over to a foreign plane and jump into the wheel casing? As a follow-up, in this age of international terrorism, how tight are the processes to stop those who would put explosives into the same exposed area? One hopes this tragedy sparks a massive improvement in OR Tambo’s airport security. And focuses attention onto an area of vulnerability where, quite obviously, not enough is being paid right now. & # 8211; Alec Hogg

By Robin Millard of Agence France-Presse

A suspected stowaway was found unconscious on a flight from Johannesburg after the plane landed in London and a second man may have died falling out of the same flight, British police said Friday.

The man found alive on Thursday is believed to be 24 years old and police said that he had been hiding in the undercarriage of the British Airways plane at the end of a journey that usually lasts 11 hours.

“His condition is now described as critical,” a police statement said.

Police had found the body of the dead man on the roof of an office under the flight path to London Heathrow Airport and were trying to work out if he could have fallen out of the plane.

A police spokesman told AFP that the possibility was “one of the lines of inquiry.”

The police were called about the suspected stowaway on the 12,875-kilometre (8,000-mile) flight from South Africa at 8:28 am (0728 GMT) and about the body at 9:35 am (0835 GMT).

@alechogg How difficult can it be to inspect the wheel bays before take-off?

— Colin Dennis (@colindennis1970) June 20, 2015

The flight takes 11 hours and outside temperatures during the journey would fall as low as minus 60 degrees Celsius (minus 76 Fahrenheit).

“We are working with the Metropolitan Police and the authorities in Johannesburg to establish the facts surrounding this very rare case,” a British Airways spokeswoman said.

The body was found on the roof of the offices of notonthehighstreet. com, an online retailer, in Richmond, a wealthy part of southwest London.

“Officers and the London ambulance service attended and found the body of a male on the roof of the premises,” the company said in a statement.

@alechogg How much info do we have of this unfortunate phenomenon? People are losing lives. Something needs to b done urgently.

& Mdash; Payback Time (@EMdMakushu) June 20, 2015

“The death is currently being treated as unexplained but early indications are that the body may be that of an airline stowaway ,” the statement said.

Hady Khoshkbary, who runs a printing shop next door, said: “We were very lucky that the body did not drop on the road.

“Already this is a tragedy but that would have been horrific to see this incident,” Añadió.

There have been several cases of stowaways being found dead clinging to the landing gear of planes.

In 2012, a man from Mozambique fell from the undercarriage of a Heathrow-bound flight from Angola onto a street under the flight path near Richmond.

An inquest found that he may have survived freezing temperatures for most of the flight but was “dead or nearly dead” by the time he hit the ground.

“It’s very shocking when it’s so close to you,” said Reverend Neil Summers from the St John the Divine Church opposite where the body was found on Thursday.

“In one sense it’s not totally surprising as it’s happened before,” él dijo.

In April, an Indonesian stowaway survived an hour-long flight from Sumatra to Jakarta hidden in the undercarriage of the plane.

© 1994-2015 Agence France-Presse

By Ahmed Areff and Mpho Raborife, News24

Johannesburg – The body of one of the two suspected stowaways on a British Airways flight from Johannesburg was found stuck in box on top of a building in Richmond, London, according to a report on Friday.

The Telegraph reported that a resident, who spoke to a police officer who was first on the scene, recounted how she came across two legs “sticking out of an electrical box or air conditioning unit” on top of the building.

The man fell onto the roof of the business NotOnTheHighStreet. com on Thursday morning.

The Telegraph reported on its website that it was understood that the second man, believed to be 24 years old, was found unconscious in the undercarriage of the plane at Heathrow Airport about an hour earlier. He was taken to a west London hospital where police reportedly said he was in a critical condition.

The Guardian quoted an unnamed Scotland Yard spokesperson on its website who said: “We were called at 09:35 on Thursday 18 June to Kew Road, Richmond, to reports of a body discovered.

“Officers and the London Ambulance Service attended and found the body of a dead man on the roof of a business premises. The death is currently being treated as unexplained.”

British Airways in South Africa said earlier it was working with UK authorities to investigate how two suspected stowaways got on to a flight from Johannesburg to London.

“We are working with the London metro [Metropolitan Police] and authorities in Johannesburg to establish the facts surrounding this very rare situation,” said Stephen Forbes, speaking on behalf of BA in South Africa.

Airports Company SA described it is a tragic situation.

“As this is a very serious, Airports Company South Africa is working closely with the South African Police Services to fully investigate the matter and establish the facts relating to the incident,” said Acsa spokesperson Colin Naidoo.

“The authorities in London are investigating the matter and making efforts to establish the identity of the stowaways, and it is believed that one of the stowaways is a male aged between 25 and 30 years and is at a West London hospital in a serious condition.”

The SAPS said it was not commenting on the matter, and referred News24 back to Acsa.


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South Africa Customs, Currency & Airport Tax regulations details

Customs Rules

Free import of: 1. 200 cigarettes and 20 cigars and 250 grams of tobacco ; 2. 2 bottles (2 litres) of wine and 1 bottle (1 litre) of spirits or liquor ; 3. 50 ml. of perfume and 250 ml. of eau de toilette per person; 4. other goods up to a value of ZAR 5,000.- per person. Goods imported from from Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland, up to a value of ZAR 25,000.- per person, are exempt from VAT; 5. 25 kg of handmade articles for commercial purposes, made of glass, plastic, leather, stone or wood, for travelers arriving from Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Allowances will only be granted once per person in any 30 day period, after an absence of 48 hours or more from South Africa. Residents of South Africa must hold any TRD 1 and NEP forms accompanying any reimported goods.

Tobacco products and alcoholic beverages limited to those of 18 years and older.

Tobacco products and alcoholic beverages limited to those of 18 years and older.

Plants and plant material: import permit is required for a. o. seeds, flowers, fruit, honey, margarine and vegetable oils. Prohibited: restrictions apply and declaration upon arrival is required for meat, processed meat, cheese and other dairy products. An import permit from the Director of Veterinary Services is required prior to the importation of the above. All medication, except for personal use, is subject to an import permit. Narcotic drugs are prohibited. Also prohibited are flick knives, explosives and pornography containing minors and bestiality.

must be packed separately in a locked firearm case, with all ammunition removed from the firearm. They should also not be packed with clothing. Furthermore: 1. Nationals and residents of South Africa require a RSA firearm licence. 2. Visitors require a Temporary Import Permit, which will only be issued for foreign hunters and participants in an organised sport shooting event. Temporary Import Permit can be obtained: - by applying at least 21 days prior to arrival with the Central Firearms Control Register, Private Bag X811, Pretoria 0001, South Africa; or - by applying on arrival. Please consult www. saps. gov. za for application form (SAPS 520) and full information including supplementary documentation that must accompany the application.

Free export of household consumables (foodstuff, cleaning materials, etc.) up to a value of ZAR 5,000.-.

Residents of South Africa can register valuables with Customs prior to departure by completeing a TC-01 and TRD 1 forms. The TRD 1 form should be retained and shown upon return in South Africa. Goods to be brought back valued at more that ZAR 50,000.- require an NEP form obtainable for a bank.

Crew are not entitled to import alcoholic beverages, tobacco products or perfumes but are entitled to an allowance of ZAR 700.- for other goods.

All animals and animal products must be transported as manifested cargo under Air Waybill, also in case of transit if transhipment is involved. A veterinary import/in transit permit must be obtained from the Director Veterinary Services, Private Bag X138, Pretoria prior to despatch of the pet, and must be valid on the date of entry into South Africa and all required documents must accompany the shipment. Pets need to have microchip implants, readable by an ISO 11784 or ISO 11785 scanner, for identification. In addition, a Veterinary health certificate is required stating that the dog/cat: - comes from an area with a radius of 25 km. free from rabies for 6 months prior to export of the pet; - was vaccinated against rabies not more than 12 months and, in the case of primary vaccination, not less than 30 days before arrival. Quarantine measures apply to dogs coming from certain countries. For more information contact the Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries in South Africa, tel. +27-12-3197514.

The following dogs are permitted in the cabin: - seeing eye dogs, provided accompanying a blind person; and - Emotional Support Animals and Service Animals (ESAN/SVAN). These dogs must be accompanied by a special letter from a licensed mental health professional. The transporting carrier must be notified at least 48 hours prior to departure to South Africa. All regulations concerning required documents must be complied with.

Baggage is cleared at the first airport of entry in South Africa.

Exempt: baggage of transit passengers with destination outside South Africa, provided the passengers do not leave the transit area.

Airport Embarkation Tax

No airport tax is levied on passengers upon embarkation from the airport.

Currency rules

Allowed. RESIDENTS and NON-RESIDENTS: local currency (South African Rand-ZAR): ZAR 25,000.-; foreign currencies and traveller's cheques: unlimited, provided amounts over USD 10,000.- are declared upon arrival. Kruger coins will only be accepted with prior approval of the South African Reserve Bank.

No limit for travel between South Africa and Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland, as these countries belong to the same common monetary area.

Allowed : RESIDENTS: local currency (South African Rand-ZAR): ZAR 25,000.-. A single discretionary allowance of ZAR 1,000,000.- per calendar year for those aged 18 years (ZAR 200,000.- for those aged under 18) may be permitted when arranged through an authorized dealer; foreign currencies: up to the value of ZAR 160,000.- per adult and ZAR 50,000.- per child (aged under 12 years) per calendar year. Prior clearance from an authorized dealer is required. Amounts reduce to ZAR 25,000.- per person if prior clearance has not been obtained. Kruger coins will only be accepted with prior approval of the South African Reserve Bank. NON-RESIDENTS: local currency: ZAR 25,000.-; foreign currencies and traveller's cheques: up to the amounts imported and declared. Up to 15 Kruger coins can be exported, provided the visitor can prove that they were acquired with imported foreign currency.

No limit for travel between South Africa and Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland, as these countries belong to the same common monetary area.

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Business opportunities south africa gauteng

Business opportunities south africa gauteng Analysis

For the project 'Recording Business Opportunities in South Africa' the. World Net Logistics PTY Ltd. was filmed in Johannesburg, Gauteng P. The OR Tambo International Airport and the N12 Johannesburg-Maputo Corridor create economic opportunities in logistics and transport, business tourism and. business opportunities south africa gauteng Franchise Ideas A Review of International Franchises Discover interesting business opportunities If ever there was the time to start new a business in South. CSTs give all South Africans access to affordable mobile phone services. Cell C wants to get all the people of South Africa talking. To achieve that goal we'd like.

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Business opportunities growing for young people. most of the funeral parlours in Soweto and other places outside Gauteng,” she said. problems facing South African youth such as skills development and unemployment. Kwikweb business opportunities enables you start your own business in one day. This proudly South African web business provides training from offices all. The Gauteng Provincial Government says the new city will benefit. "There will be jobs created, there will be business opportunities for local.

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Although Gautrain is in a very exciting phase of new extensions, no business or job opportunities are available as yet and there will not be in the near future. Feasibility studies are due to start and, once this is completed, long and comprehensive tender processes will take a couple of years. Neither the Gautrain Management Agency or the Bombela Concession Company will do any employment as this will be the function of the winning bidder bidding for extension of Gautrain.

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Could have been worse - Review of Airport Inn B&B

Reviewed 18 November 2015

I needed a room for the day close to the airport to use between a 5am arrival and a 8pm departure and found the City Lodge on the airport site itself very unhelpful and expensive (they wanted to charge me for the night before and again for the following day).

Although I wasn't able to contact the Airport Inn in advance having left it too late waiting for City Lodge to get back to me, I decided to go there on spec to see if they could help me out.

I walked to the hotel bus pick up area and waited to their mini bus to arrive - they are advertised to come on the hour every hour from 5am although they were a bit late arriving around 6.20.

It is only a 5 minute drive to the hotel and on arrival the owner was very helpful and more than happy to accommodate me for the day. The room was simple but clean and comfortable with decent toilet/shower tv and kettle. All I really needed for the day.

The place is also within walking distance of the Rhodesfield Gautrain station from where I took the train to Sandton for R33 instead of the R166 it would have cost from the airport station less than a kilometer away. So this saving plus not having to use the left luggage at the aiport actually paid for the cost of the room with the added bonus of having somewhere to rest and freshen up.

The gardens are mostly taken up with accommodation but there is a nice pool area and a wooden tower from where you can watch the plane movements just a short distance away at the airport.

This is not a fancy holiday resort but a cheap and cheerful place to rest up between or before/after a long flight and on that basis it ticks all the boxes.

Room Tip: The rooms are dotted all over the grounds of two or three plots which have been joined together.

See more room tips

Stayed November 2015, travelled on business

Reviewed 13 November 2015

We were just passing through JoBerg enroute to other parts of Africa. Our Rwandair flight arrived around 22:30 so we didn't want to have a hassle with our hotel or the shuttle to get there. An airport employee walked us to the waiting area for hotel transports and the Airport Inn driver arrived within 20 minutes. He was professional and helpful. The trip to or from the airport is about 10 minutes.

The check-in was smooth and they even loaned us a few Rand to tip the driver and luggage porter. I also bought phone credit from them. When available, they are willing to exchange dollars for Rand but their rate is expectedly lower than the Forex.

The grounds are full of small buildings and guesthouses which provide lots of trails for kids or adults to explore. Most of the grounds is landscaped with tropical flowers and trees. There is a small play area for children as well as a large caged area with ducks and guinea pigs. The swimming pool looks clean but is quite cold. Our kids still took advantage of it. There is free WiFi which did reach our room (204) but was stronger near the front desk/restaurant.

The rooms are dated but clean. The sounds of the airplanes taking off and landing are loud but not obtrusive. We were in a Family Room that slept 6- a Queen, 2 singles, and bunkbeds. The beds were firm but comfortable. The bathroom is undersized for a room that sleeps 6. It is squeezed into a corner but was functional. You must enter the bathroom and close the door to access the lavatory.

One of the best parts of our stay was the included hot breakfast served from 7-9 a. m. One could eat a continental breakfast or choose the eggs, ham, bangers, etc on the buffet. We did not eat the lunch or dinner but those are evidently available for purchase.

Stayed November 2015, travelled with family

Problem with this review? Informe

Ask Joel M about Airport Inn B&B

This review is the subjective opinion of a TripAdvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC

Reviewed 16 September 2015 via mobile

A super place near the airport. Value for money with a beautiful little garden and doesn't feel like just another airport overnighter. The breakfast was more than adequate it was good Free shuttle service from and to the airport is an added bonus. Just a pity that one pedantic guest insisted on leaving before the stipulated time and I was left waiting. Stand your ground. You can't please everybody all of the time.

Stayed September 2015, travelled solo

Safe to carry USD notes into JNB airport? - Johannesburg Forum

Safe to carry USD notes into JNB airport?

We are traveling to South Africa next month and JNB's O R Tambo is our first port of entry. A friend who lived in South Africa for a couple of years sounded a note of caution which I found quite bizarre and alarming! She told me that the Customs officials at JNB confiscate foreign currency notes that you may be carrying on some pretext or the other!

Is this true? Has anybody had any experience of this? Is is it safe for us to carry a couple of hundred dollars (USD 200) in currency notes when we land in Joburg?

One destination mentioned in this post

People who "used to live in South Africa " are often "bizarre and alarming". It gets them like that a year or two after they leave and South Africa becomes, in their minds, some sort of criminal wonderland!

This is, of course, rubbish! You are allowed these days to bring in up to US$10,000 or equivalent in foreign notes without declaration. After that you need to declare it but you can still bring it in. You can also bring up to R25,000 in local currency before declaration.

I have never heard rubbish that you are not allowed to travel into SA with forex. South africans are required to exchange forex within 30 days of returning. I would take a bit of US dollars with you and then draw cash at ATM and use your credit card. take the usual precautions with cards but otherwise its easy. It is however, not easy to change forex except in banks etc. so change at the airport and shops etc. do not accept dollars.

Tshegofatso Kau

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I don't smoke or drink alcohol, I exercise regularly. Exceptional analytical & problem solving skills & able to provide financial information to many areas of the business whilst ensuring that all management information is accurate. Having a proven ability to drive out inefficiencies through process improvement as well as assist in the maintenance & development of financial systems and accounting procedures. Having a proven ability to ensure that day to day work is carried out in line the agreed policies and procedures and quality standards. Now looking for a new & challenging accountancy position, one which will make best use of my existing skills and experience to benefit the organisation.


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints

January 2015 – Present (1 year 3 months)


April 2012 – August 2014 (2 years 5 months)

As Customer Service and Hosting Manager;

Daily inputting of funds to the banking system. Identifying and promoting cost-reducing measures. Control of authorization and payment of unsecured lending. General ledger maintenance & purchase & sales ledger data entry. Updating & entering journals for cost recovery and other transactions. Reconciliation of general ledger accounts.

Enthuasism for the market and transfer my influence to my people and they often reach the branch target on revenues.

April 2008 – April 2011 (3 years 1 month)

Understanding of bank accounts and products. Delivery of excellent customer service. Banking system and company policy. FICA changes and adaptation of the client information-KYC.


January 2007 – March 2008 (1 year 3 months)

Worked in different ABSA branches including OR Tambo international and there I did Forex transactions.


July 2013 – August 2013

Identified a high school near the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints in Kagiso. We then helped to scrup off the grafity on the desk. We scapped of the weeds in the field and replaced old desks with new ones.




Professional working proficiency


Native or bilingual proficiency


Academy of Financial Markets

NQF 6, Financial Markets, 70%

& Gt; Develop practical skills through knowledge of the markets and instruments used in the markets > Allow learners to actively analyse, manage and control business activities and financial market activities within a business environment

Activities and Societies: Modules: Financing, loans & financial mathematics Economic principles & the financial services Financial indicators & the financial markets Equities, money & capital markets Financial statement analysis Derivatives & Offshore investments Financial risk management & hedging Technical analysis CIS & Applications in the financial environment Insurance & retirement fundamentals Taxation Wealth management & Estate Planning

NQF5, School of accounting, National Certificate

For a full year I was three weeks at work in ABSA and one week at the Lecture given by the staff of UNISA in JHB.

Activities and Societies: BANK SETA

Pricess High School


Financial Markets and trading room. Reading. Watching and Playing soccer.

Volunteer Experience & Causes

Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saints

October 2002 – October 2004 (2 years 1 month)

Causes Tshegofatso cares about:


Economic Empowerment



Human Rights

Poverty Alleviation

Science and Technology


Gautrain (High Speed Train)

From O. R. Tambo International Airport take the Gautrain (every 12 minutes from 05:30 to 08:30 and 16:00 to 19:00 and every 15 minutes from 08:30 to 16:00 and 19:30 and 20:30, last train leaves the airport at 20:30) to Sandton Station where you may take a taxi to hotel or alternatively change trains to Rosebank Station which is a 100 meters from Hotel entrance. The trip from the airport to Sandton is 14 minutes long and to Rosebank is an additional four minutes.

O. R. Tambo International Airport - Rosebank station, R125.00

O. R. Tambo International Airport – Sandton, R115.00

Sandton – Rosebank, R20.00

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Gautrain extends airport service, now serving OR Tambo 16 hours a day

If Gautrain ever needed an Ambassador, I’m up for it. Most days Gauteng’s underground gets me to work and home with the minimum of fuss. It’s so slick that you can set your watch by it. The one irritation has been the early close-off of the evening service from OR Tambo. That has been addressed with the times extended by half an hour each way – first train leaving Sandton before 5am and the last one departing the airport just after 9pm. Gautrain CEO Jack van der Merwe came through to the CNBC Africa Power Lunch studio to explain why. And shared how Gautrain is such a success that he gets flown to places like Russia and the Philippines by the World Bank – to promote Public Private Partnerships. Someone should also send him to Cape Town and Durban. & # 8211; AH

ALEC HOGG: Joining us in the studio now for an update on the Gautrain is Jack van der Merwe, Chief Executive of Gautrain Management Agency. Jack, every time we talk and I boom the Gautrain (because it’s a fantastic service – you can set your watch by the time that it arrives at my local station and I love using it), I get people emailing me and saying ‘what’s wrong with you? Don’t you know that we’re all paying for this? We as taxpayers are paying for it and in fact, the money could have been spent better elsewhere. The middle class is happy, but the rest of South Africa isn’t’. If I get it, you must get it in dollops.

JACK VAN DER MERWE: Yes, but I think it’s very important. The Gautrain was initiated by the Gauteng Provincial Government as a long-term economic engine to drive the economy of the province. Firstly, it’s an economic driver and one has to look at the jobs we created and look at the investment that’s happened around the stations. We are currently busy doing an economic evaluation of what the impact was and it seems like twice the amount of money that we spent on the train is being spent around our stations, so I think there is a success.

ALEC HOGG: Just from the efficiency business of all those thousands of people that you move every day: if they were to be on the roads as well (and the time you spend in traffic is unproductive) then your economic models might show some very substantial improvements.

JACK VAN DER MERWE: Yes. Look, the thing is that we have to move towards public transport. We can’t afford to build more roads and just clog up the system further. The only way that you can make public transport work is if it becomes a mode of choice. Public transport in our country is a mode of force. People only use public transport because they’re captive. What is magical about Gautrain is that 75 percent of our riders left their cars at home and they’ve come to the Gautrain.

ALEC HOGG: And ‘well done’ in that respect. Something we’ve spoken about before is the irritation when you arrive at the airport. Many people who watch this channel are businesspeople, their flights might be delayed, they get to the airport, 8:30 is the cut-off for Gautrain and you have to take a taxi or get your wife to come and fetch you etcetera, but you are going to address that.

JACK VAN DER MERWE: Yes. What we’ve done is we’ve instituted two earlier trips in the morning, so our first train leaving Sandton is now at 4:50am the next one is at 5:05am, and the third one is at 5:20am, which was the original one. Coming back, we’ve instituted a train at 8:46m and then the last one at 9:04pm, so we’ve actually put in two extra services to try to cater for the people. The stations will stay open 15 minutes after the last train has departed, or has arrived.

ALEC HOGG: So can you get to Pretoria if you catch the last train?

JACK VAN DER MERWE: No. We are just running the service from O. R. Tambo to Sandton. The two earlier trains don’t stop at Marlborough, so if you want to take the early train, you have to use Sandton as your base.

ALEC HOGG: And similarly, coming home.

JACK VAN DER MERWE: And similarly, coming home.

ALEC HOGG: So you won’t be able to get to Hatfield from Sandton if you get the last train from the airport.

JACK VAN DER MERWE: No. Hatfield Stations stays open as normal now.

ALEC HOGG: So at least it’s one-step in the right direction. How does it work from your perspective, on extending hours and when the hours might be extended, to the whole network?

JACK VAN DER MERWE: We have an agreement with the concessionaire.

ALEC HOGG: Who is the concessionaire?

JACK VAN DER MERWE: The Bombela Concession Company. If they have to run extra trains, there are extra costs so we do economic analyses of what we’re doing. If it seems to be economically viable (not immediately, but in the next few years), we will institute another service.

ALEC HOGG: How many people is this going to affect?

JACK VAN DER MERWE: Well, we have 5,500 people per day, using the airport train. We have 62,000 people per day using the total service.

ALEC HOGG: But how many planes arrive after 8:00pm?

JACK VAN DER MERWE: Look, there are actually three or four domestic flights that come in, but then there’s always this thing – you fly to Cape Town and the flight’s delayed coming back, so we hope to catch four to five extra flights coming in, in the evenings and four to five flights leaving earlier in the morning.

ALEC HOGG: How many people who fly into O. R. Tambo are now using Gautrain rather than their own cars? Have you had any analysis on that?

JACK VAN DER MERWE: No, we haven’t done that yet.

ALEC HOGG: So you have 5,500 people who are using Gautrain, who otherwise would probably have their cars parked at the airport.

JACK VAN DER MERWE: Yes, and they would be clogging up the system: the R21 and the R24 carry a heavy load. The R24 is one of the roads in Gauteng that has counter-flow and flow of about the same magnitude, so this road is really running at capacity.

ALEC HOGG: Jack, it is one of the big success stories of this province – of South Africa -, the Gautrain. Are you getting people from abroad coming to have a look, analyse, and perhaps seeing how they can implement it in their countries?

JACK VAN DER MERWE: When I started off, I used to go overseas and ask the people ‘what would you do differently’. what lessons are to be learned, and I always hoped they would come to South Africa. Now we have about two delegations per month coming to us, asking ‘what have you done? How have you run the PPP? How do you do this very complex document’, so the World Bank is now sending me all over the world to go and talk on PPP’s – these mega projects. They’ve sent me to Russia and I’ve gone to the Philippines, so it is a bit of counter-flow of knowledge and experience.

ALEC HOGG: Are you going to Durban and Cape Town?

JACK VAN DER MERWE: Well, if they invite me…

ALEC HOGG: What about those two cities? You would have thought a great city needs an underground. Johannesburg has one.

JACK VAN DER MERWE: I think the two cities that are ripe for developing something similar are Durban and Cape Town. Cape Town has now created the Transport Authority, which is looking at everything holistically. That’s the first step of actually doing integrated transport planning for a very large urban area. I don’t think it would be farfetched to think that something like this would be happening there in the not too distant future.

ALEC HOGG: How long is ‘the not too distant future’? Let’s just say that the Cape Government decided today ‘we are going to put a Gautrain into the Western Cape. How long would it take from the date of decision to the first train?

JACK VAN DER MERWE: Internationally, these projects take 14 years on average, from somebody dreaming the idea until the mayor cuts the ribbon. I think you could most probably do it in ten years. We’ve now done an integrated transport master plan for Gauteng and because of that, we will now extend the Gautrain service so within the next two weeks, we’ll announce the new consortium – that we’re going to start with the design. We then hope to run the service from the east of Pretoria (from Mamelodi), running 45 degrees down past Midrand and Randburg, through to the West of Johannesburg, to Maleni and Soweto. We hope to be planning and finishing that within the next two to three years, and then if possible, start building.

ALEC HOGG: Jack van der Merwe, it just shows that visionaries are required in every single aspect of life today. We enjoy the Gautrain, but if it weren’t for the visionaries of those who did the discussions 10/15 years ago, it just would never have happened. Come on, Cape Town and Durban – your turn next. That was Jack van der Merwe, the Chief Executive of Gautrain Management Agency.

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Bayerische Motoren Werke. OR Tambo heist suspect killed in shoot-out


Johannesburg - Shots rang out in the dead of night as police closed in on suspected airport-heist gang members in Kempton Park on Thursday night.

And when the gunbattle which had been preceded by a high-speed chase along Barbara Road was over, one of the men lay dead while another was taken to hospital in a critical condition.

said police officers attached to the National Investigation Unit had been following up information in Isando regarding gunmen following people from OR Tambo International Airport and robbing them.

"While driving in Barbara Road the team spotted a BMW fitting the description from information received. The driver of the vehicle ignored warnings to stop and instead the occupants allegedly opened fire on the police, resulting in a shoot-out and a high-speed chase," he said.

Naidoo said that during the chase the suspects drove against oncoming traffic through the streets of Isando, while continuing to shoot at the police.

"One suspect then jumped out of the moving vehicle and escaped. Shortly afterwards, the BMW came to a standstill. The driver jumped out and fled on foot," he said.

Inside the car, with its engine still idling, police found two men with gunshot wounds.

One was declared dead on the scene while the other was taken to hospital where he is under police guard.

Officers recovered three firearms in the car which had been hijacked elsewhere, Naidoo said.

He added that the recovered firearms would be sent for ballistic tests to establish whether they were used in other crimes.

A manhunt was under way for the two suspects at large.

Thursday night's incident comes just a month after a video went viral of two men being robbed at gunpoint in Lonehill, Sandton, after being followed from the airport.

In the video, two robbers were seen getting out of a vehicle carrying big guns, and walking behind the victims, who had been travelling in a white Toyota and waiting to pull into a boomed gate at an estate in Lonehill.

They were then seen pointing the guns at the victims, forcing one of them out of the back of the car and onto the ground.

The two robbers opened all the car doors and the boot, and searched it.

At one point one of the robbers climbed into the front passenger seat while pointing his gun at the driver.

It's believed the men stole cellphones, an undisclosed amount of cash and the car keys.

The robbers jumped into the getaway car and sped off.

In January, an Angolan journalist was shot after robbers climbed into the taxi in which he and his crew were being transported from the airport to Sandton.

Two of the robbers forced their way into the taxi with one taking the wheel while the others robbed the occupants at gunpoint, taking money and cellphones from the journalists. While fleeing the scene the criminals then fired shots at the taxi. One of the bullets struck the journalist.

He was hospitalised for treatment and later discharged.

In a third incident also in January, two tourists were robbed of R100 000 at gunpoint after being followed to a guest house from the airport. The robbers stole their luggage, passports and airline tickets.

(c) 2016 Independent Newspapers (Pty) Limited. All rights strictly reserved. Proporcionado por SyndiGate Media Inc. (Syndigate. info). Fuente Medio Oriente & amp; Diarios del Norte de África

Forex: CBN sold $2.5bn in November, got $2.48bn inflow - Nigeria Sun

Forex: CBN sold $2.5bn in November, got $2.48bn inflow

Vanguard Tuesday 16th February, 2016

* N20.4708 trn aggregate credit to domestic economy

*N18.7068trn banking system's credit to the private sector

*N1.63321 trn currency-in-circulation

By Gabriel Omoh, Business Editor

THE Central Bank, CBN yesterday in its Economic Report of the Nigerian Economy for the month of November 2015 said that $2.48 billion foreign exchange came into the country through it while $2.50 billion went out. This it said resulted in a net out flow of $2million.

According to the report "Foreign exchange sales by the CBN to the authorised dealers amounted to $2.20billion and represented a 0.


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This week we celebrate International Happiness Day and the launch of theWorld Happiness Report, making it a perfect time to highlight the ways economic participation makes women happier. One way of doing that is by tapping into the power of digital payments and digital financial services.

A growing number of political leaders, policy-makers and business leaders around the world understand this urgency. That's because the imperatives to empower women are stronger than ever - not just to enable women to build better lives but because the unrealized talents and ambitions of women present a vital source of economic growth, at a time when the global economy appears to be slowing. It's instructive that the global conversation about inclusive growth is taking place at a time when, according to the World Bank, less than half of women worldwide are employed, compared to three-quarters of men. These are the sorts of facts that underpinned the G20's commitment in 2014 to "bring more than 100 million women into the labour force, significantly increasing global growth and reducing poverty and inequality".

However, while the need to boost female economic participation is clear, what may be less so is how to go about delivering on that commitment. It's also difficult to understand what barriers to economic participation are leading to the ongoing financial exclusion of so many women. In other words, why is it that of the 2 billion people currently excluded from formal financial services, most are women?

Social, cultural, legal and technological barriers

Those barriers are varied and complex. But often, they're tied to social, cultural, legal and technological factors. For example, women often don't have equal access to education, they more frequently lack financial literacy skills, and they tend to adopt technology at a slower rate than men in some developing countries. For many women, it is difficult or impossible to travel freely, which presents problems when opening a business requires a visit to a city centre.

While technology offers a viable solution to address physical access barriers, many women do not have access to technology, including mobile phones and the internet.

In terms of legal barriers, in some countries, women aren't allowed to own property and must provide a man's signature to access formal financial services. Women also frequently lack identification, making it difficult to register a business or access formal financial services.

The good news is there is a much longer list of ways in which such barriers can be overcome by harnessing the potential of digital payments. Across government, business, the financial services sector in particular, and the development community, everybody has their part to play, with steps they can start taking now. Here are some of the most important.

The role of governments

Governments can digitize the ways they make and receive payments themselves. Because of the large scale of government payments, combined with their policy-making powers and infrastructure, governments can drive women's inclusion in the formal economy and boost public familiarity with digital payments. For example, the Mexican government is saving an estimated $1.27 billion a year, or 3.3% of its total expenditure on wages, pensions and social transfers, by digitizing and centralizing payments.

Governments can also develop customer protection frameworks to help protect women with low financial literacy and build trust in digital payments. Finally, they can reform discriminatory policies and laws that impact harshly on women, such as requirements to provide assets as collateral for financial services, which women often lack.

The role of business

Large businesses can digitize their own payments, particularly wage and supplier payments, delivering greater convenience, security and financial inclusion for their male and female employees and suppliers, as well as cutting their own administrative costs.

Businesses can also work with their wholesalers, suppliers and retailers, many of whom are female small business operators, to help them develop digital capabilities. Some are already doing this. For example, the Nigerian Bottling Company (the contracted bottler of Coca-Cola in Nigeria) negotiated with several banks to offer no-fee accounts to many of its wholesalers, and supported them with administrative help through the account registration process.

Businesses should also work with governments and other stakeholders to improve the interoperability of their digital services. This can make digital services more attractive and convenient for women, who can be discouraged from learning new technology skills if those skills can't be applied across different transactions and service providers.

The role of financial services

Financial service providers can develop alternative credit scoring models using data from mobile phone use or by using alternative methods designed for women who don't have access to traditional credit assets or a credit history.

They can also offer new technologies, such as biometrics, to overcome the lower levels of technology adoption and literacy among women in some countries.

Financial service providers can also realize major cost savings themselves by digitizing payments. It's estimated that in the Philippines, the banking sector could increase net profits by almost 10% if they adopted digital payments instead of cash and checks.

The role of development organizations

Development organizations can help fund market infrastructure, particularly in partnership with digital financial service providers, to help product and service providers meet market demand.

These organizations could also adopt digital payments to dramatically improve their own aid distribution, and incentivize women to improve their skills. For example, the World Food Programme in Afghanistan is providing payments by electronic vouchers to women who undertake basic job skills training courses.

And finally, development organizations can deploy their resources and expertise to support the policy and regulatory environment for digitization of financial services, and in particular, consumer protection frameworks.

Boosting women's economic participation

There are many more ways of taking digitally-focused action to drive women's economic participation, which are set out in a new paper by the World Bank, Better Than Cash Alliance, Bill amp; Melinda Gates Foundation and Women's World Banking. Of course, it's also important to note that these actions frequently need to be taken collaboratively with other stakeholders if they are to have maximum impact.

In recent years, female workforce participation has stagnated in many economies. In some, it's even gone backwards. Clearly, then, the need for this cooperative action is greater than ever. Now is the time to pick up the tools of digitization and start putting them to work. If we can do so, the prize is immense: more robust and inclusive growth and better lives for women and their families.

Latest Nigeria Sun news

Nigeria Sun News Poll

Oil prices slip on dollar strength

Oil prices were marginally down on Friday on a stronger dollar and lingering concerns about the global glut of oil.

Brent crude for June delivery LCOM5, -0.34% traded broadly flat at $66.70 a barrel on London’s ICE Futures exchange. On the New York Mercantile Exchange, light, sweet crude futures for delivery in June CLM5, -2.12% was recently trading down 0.3% at $59.68 a barrel.

A rising dollar DXY, +0.51% on Friday exerted downward pressure on oil. As it is priced in dollars, oil becomes more expensive to holders of other currencies as the greenback appreciates. The Wall Street Journal Dollar Index BUXX, +0.50%. which tracks the dollar against a basket of other major currencies, rose 0.3%.

Market participants were also bracing for the release of the latest U. S. oil drilling rig numbers later on Friday.

The rig count — a proxy for activity in the industry — is down 58% since a peak in October. The decline, however, has slowed in recent weeks and some shale players are expecting to add rigs in the coming months if prices stabilize near the current levels.

Oil prices were further pressured by continuing concerns about the global oversupply.

Futures have rebounded by about 40% in recent months from their lows earlier in the year. Analysts, however, say the global supply and demand balance hasn’t changed significantly to support such a price increase.

Recent data points to “still loose underlying fundamentals despite price optimism,” analysts at UBS wrote in a note to clients. “It is still early with no obvious signs of physical market tightening.”

Earlier this week, the International Energy Agency said that while it expects U. S. shale-oil output growth to show signs of slowing, other producers such as Russia and Saudi Arabia continue to ramp up production.

Oil prices largely shrugged off an incident involving an oil tanker in the Middle East. Iranian patrol boats on Thursday opened fire on a Singapore-flagged vessel as it moved through the Strait of Hormuz. The incident raised new concerns about Iran’s attempts to exert more control of commerce in the Persian Gulf.

This is the second time in two weeks that Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps naval patrol boats have confronted a commercial ship moving through the strait, according to U. S. officials.

“The fact that the market is no longer reacting euphorically to such news could indicate that the price rally — for which there is little fundamental justification — is running out of steam,” said analysts at Commerzbank.

June gasoline RBM5, -1.52% fell 0.3% to $2.0519 a gallon, while ICE gas oil for June changed hands at $610.50 a metric ton, down $3.50 from Thursday’s settlement.

Based in London, England, Craig Erlam joined OANDA in 2015 as a Market Analyst. With more than five years' experience as a financial market analyst and trader, he focuses on both fundamental and technical analysis while conducting macroeconomic commentary. He has been published by The Financial Times, Reuters, the BBC and The Telegraph, and he also appears regularly as a guest commentator on Bloomberg TV, CNBC, FOX Business and BNN. Craig holds a full membership to the Society of Technical Analysts and he is recognized as a Certified Financial Technician by the International Federation of Technical Analysts.

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Welcome to Johannesburg International Airport

Johannesburg International Airport is one of the busiest airports on the continent – and is the air transport hub of southern Africa. The airport caters for over 13-million passengers each year, and employs some 18 000 people to keep its impressive, modern infrastructure, and numerous services for local and international travellers running smoothly.

Tight and effective management has found Johannesburg International to be one of the most cost-effective airports in the world. It has overtaken Cairo in terms of passenger traffic, and now plays host to some 53 airlines. The opening of a new domestic terminal in 2003 significantly expanded its retail facilities. The new terminal offers a huge array of restaurants, shops and services to meet the needs of passengers, while a duty free retail mall for international travellers has boosted passenger spend by 66%.

First stop on many a trip to South Africa is likely to be Johannesburg International. The only major airport in Johannesburg, it is located 24 kilometres to the north-east of the city centre. From here you can take a domestic flight to another South African city (see: Domestic flights), or if you're staying in Johannesburg it's a quick drive by hotel shuttle, hired car or taxi to your destination.

There is ample parking at the airport, with shuttle and golf cart services to ferry you between remote parking areas and terminals. Porter services are on stand-by to help you with your heavy luggage, while banking services, Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs), forex dealers, as well as a choice of car rental services can be found dotted throughout the terminal buildings.

Johannesburg International Airport

Cities of South Africa

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Written by Super User on 02 October 2013. Posted in Uncategorised

Shuttle Group Transfers PTY Ltd respects your privacy. The information collected on this website will only be used for the purposes of making a reservation and liaising with you, or for payment confirmations and authorization. All data will be treated with the utmost of discretion and privacy.

Any cancellations must be done at least 36 hrs before the pick-up/booked time. A service fee of 10% will be charged on all cancellations within 36 hrs of the original pick-up time. If a trip is cancelled after the driver has already arrived at the pick-up point without any notice of cancellation from the client, full costs will still be charged to the client.

Shuttle Group Transfers PTY Ltd is a privately owned Shuttle Services provider in the Gauteng region. We deliver a service from anywhere in Gauteng as a departure point to any other part/region within the borders of South Africa. Shuttle Group Transfers PTY Ltd may, at any time suspend this website or stop all of it's products/service offerings without notice. By using this website you agree to the Terms and Conditions as set out by the owner/s. The pricing and terms and conditions may be changed from time to time without any notice to you. Your use of this website and any of it's services and any content provided by you are done so at your own risk. We do not accept any liability for theft, injuries or death caused to you while making use of our services. However reasonable care will at all times be taken to prevent such losses. During game drives or tours you must adhere at all times to the rules of the game reserve or to instructions from your driver or tour guide. Shuttle Group Transfers PTY Ltd accepts no responsibility for any injuries, damages, loss or worst case scenario, death should any of the game reserve rules not be adhered to. Should any client/tourist refuse to adhere to the prescribed rules of the game farm/tour/drive the service will come to an abrupt end and no refunds will be provided. Clients/ Passengers must at all times take care of their personal belongings such as wallets, cellular phones, sunglasses, cameras, binoculars, backpacks, etc. You will at all times be reminded of this fact during your time spent in any of our vehicles. The onus is upon the client/passengers to inform the Shuttle Group Transfers PTY Ltd of flights that have arrived earlier or later than scheduled, Shuttle Group Transfers PTY Ltd is not obligated to honor the amended time should a flight be late or arrive early. Shuttle Group Transfers PTY Ltd relies on Airports Company of South Africa (ACSA) for flight information, and will not be held liable for ACSA supplying incorrect information or unable to supply accurate flight information for what-so-ever reason. Maximum waiting time is 60 minutes from the flight arrival time for domestic flights and 90 minutes for international flights, there-after waiting time surcharges apply, or with notice to the client/passenger, the carrier will leave the collection point and the client/passenger will be liable to pay for a "no show" charge. Should the client/passenger not be able to identify or locate the carrier or their representative, the nearest ACSA information desk or counter will become the default waiting point. It is the responsibility of the client/passenger/s to provide and pay for the driver's meals, single accommodation and secure overnight parking for the vehicle/s and trailer should there be a booking for an overland trip stretching over several days.

The driver must obey traffic regulations at all times and under no circumstances may the speed limit be exceeded. It is compulsory in South Africa for all passengers to wear a seatbelt. Shuttle Group Transfers PTY Ltd will not be held liable for any action taken by the authorities or be responsible for injuries sustained to passengers resulting from non-adherence. The driver may in unsafe conditions or emergency situations, with prior notice to the passengers override or apply different standards to the conditions of carriage to ensure the safety and well-being of passengers. It is the responsibility of the passengers to ensure that they have complied with any health requirements for their travel, including health certificates, inoculation and vaccination certificates, and are aware of the intense physical and mental exertion that may occur during travel, and further warrant that they have no medical or mental conditions that may in any way endanger themselves, other passengers and representatives of the carrier during or after travel. The carrier will not encourage or participate in any way whatsoever to the conveyance of illegal drugs, commodities, weapons or illegal immigrants in its vehicles, and will fully co-operate with the authorities of any country with regards to prosecution of such illegal practices. The carrier reserves the right to refuse to undertake the carriage of, or the continued carriage of any passengers who are intoxicated, unruly, rude, causing annoyance, becomes disrespectful or intimidating towards any other passenger or employees of Shuttle Group Transfers PTY Ltd in any way. No unaccompanied children under the age of 12 (twelve) years will be transported without being accompanied by an adult or a minor aged at least 16 (sixteen) years or older, who will take full responsibility for the child or children. Passenger liability cover is provided at approximately R1million per occupied seat and passengers are responsible for their own medical and personal insurance. It is deemed the client/passenger/s have read, understand, accept and agree to all terms and conditions as set out in these documents and their participation in travel and any related activities is voluntary and entirely at their own risk.

No drinking of alcohol or smoking inside the vehicle. Valet fees applicable for any spillage or messes caused. No eating inside the vehicle No unruly behaviour. Drunk and unruly passengers will be asked to vacate the vehicle or will be dropped off at the nearest Police Station. No overloading allowed Seatbelts to be worn at all times All damage to the inside of the vehicles caused by your negligence will be added to your invoice/account. This includes any spillage that would require a Vehicle Valet.

Written by Super User on 02 October 2013. Posted in Uncategorised

Términos y Condiciones

All rates are for one way trips only. Indicated costs are per vehicle.( please note max passengers per vehicle type)

All prices for tours not on our price list, as well as transfers between two points will be calculated on demand

A surcharge of R 50,00 will be charged for any additional stops other than the pick up and drop off points specified during the booking.

R150 surcharge for normal road trailers.

Please contact us for pricing on off road trailers or caravans

For transfers before 06h00am & after 19h00pm, an additional R 60,00 will be charged per trip and R50 for every additional pick-up or drop off points

Please note that all tour bookings are subject to a 50% deposit to comfirm your booking. The balance must be paid to the driver or proof of EFT payment must e handed in before any tour commences. EFT (Electronic payments/internet payments)-Bookings will only be honoured once proof of payment has been received by our offices. INVOICE - Corporate/Commercial clients will be invoiced as per agreements. All cash payments must be made to the driver before departing to your destinantion although we prefer not to handle cash in the vehicles for safety reasons.

Proof of online payment must be sent via e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla. or faxed to +27827737942.

Please mark your personal details clearly on all faxes

Payments made by Credit Card will be subject to a 5% fee on top of the normal charge. Services and bookings will only be confirmed/rendered when a successful transaction for payment has been registered by our bank.

In the case of timeous cancellations after credit card payment has been made, a refund will be made within 7 South African working days. All administration fees due to cancellations will be for the client's account/will be deducted from the refunded amount. The same goes for payments that have been made in cash or via EFT.

All our vehicles are road worthy, air conditioned, clean and well maintained on a regular basis.

All our drivers are equipped with street maps as well as GPS devices to ensure a safe and timeous arrival at the your destination.

Our drivers are experienced and have the necessary public drivers permits

Although we will be able to assist you with your request most of the time it must be kept in mind that the successful submission of an online reservation does not guarantee that the service is available at your chosen time or date. Final confirmation is subject to full or partial payment and will be confirmed by our office staff.

Johannesburg International Airport/ OR Tambo International Airport

Known as the bussiest airport in South Africa and Africa, OR Tambo International Airport (formerly Johannesburg International) is also the air transport hub of southern Africa. It caters for about 13 million passengers every year, and needs close to 20 000 people to keep its modern infrastructure for local and international travellers running smoothly. http://www. acsa. co. za/ Tight, effective management makes OR Tambo International one of the most cost-effective airports in the world. It has overtaken Cairo in terms of passenger traffic, and plays host to over 50 airlines.

In the 2008 World Airport Awards, OR Tambo was named the second leading airport in Africa, with Cape Town winning, and Durban finishing third. From OR Tambo International, you can take a domestic flight to another South African city or, if you're staying in Johannesburg - the airport is 24 kilometres from the city centre. Porter services are on stand-by to help with heavy luggage, while banking services, automatic teller machines (ATMs), forex dealers, a pharmacy as well as the South African Police are there to serve your every need.

Wonderboom National Airport

At a mere 14kms from the Pretoria CBD and mostly for passengers who do not want to commute to OR Tambo International for a commercial flight to either Durban or Cape Town, Wonderboom Airport is perfectly situated to get you on a flight to any of these two destinations in no time and without the hassle of having to rush through traffic. An estimated 20-30% of passengers using OR Tambo for their commercial flights are Pretoria residents.

Wonderboom Airport is all about convenience for Pretoria residents. Check-in counters for flights only close 15 minutes before departure, while boarding gates close only five minutes before departure. For regular travellers this means an end to extreme check-in limits at other airports. Wonderboom Airport has two runways

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Fastjet. Sets Johannesburg to Vic Falls Maiden Flight for March

Fastjet. the low-cost pan-African airline, has announced that it will commence flights to Victoria Falls from Johannesburg on March 25 in response to strong passenger and tour operator demand from within the South African market. Services between Johannesburg's OR Tambo International Airport and Victoria Falls International Airport will operate using fastjet's modern Airbus A319 jet aircraft with seating for up to 156 passengers.

Initially operating twice a week on Fridays and Sundays, fastjet's flights will depart Victoria Falls at 1240 and land in Johannesburg at 1415, with a flight time of 1 hour 35 minutes.

The return flight from Johannesburg departs at 1455 and lands in Victoria Falls at 1635.

Tickets for the Victoria Falls flights from Johannesburg are on sale immediately, with fastjet advising passengers to book early to take advantage of its lowest priced fares of ZAR1,939 one-way, which includes all government and airport taxes.

To promote its newest international route, fastjet will provide a discount of R510 for any tickets booked before March 25 for travel from March 25 to October 30 2016. To earn this discount customers will need to use the promo code JET30.

"fastjet believes that affordable air travel is key to the continued growth of tourism between Zimbabwe and South Africa. with Victoria Falls being long established as a tourism drawcard to the region," said

director of Flight Operations at fastjet Zimbabwe .

"Launching this route between Victoria Falls and Johannesburg makes it more affordable for South Africans to visit the area's many sights and attractions."

"Prior to announcing these flights to Victoria Falls. fastjet had detailed discussions with South African and Zimbabwean tour operators in order to deliver suitable flight components to include in packaged tour offerings.

"We will rely on continued support from the travel agents and tour operators due to the destinations' strong tourism attractions," said

"fastjet Zimbabwe wants to bring Africa to Zimbabwe and Zimbabwe to Africa. Affordable air travel is key to Zimbabwe's economic growth, particularly in the tourism sector.

"We continue to work closely with Government and civil aviation stakeholders to bring low-cost air travel to Zimbabwe for this very reason," said

"The commencement of this new route supports the vision of Zimbabwean Tourism Minister

to grow the country's tourism sector by in the 2015 /2016 financial year and beyond," continued

Copyright The Herald. Distributed by AllAfrica Global Media (allAfrica. com). source News Service English

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Last week OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg was the first of many international airports in South Africa to start the pilot project of capturing biometric data.

Although they are not taken yet, the training for the staff has already begun.

By taking the biometric data the Department of Home Affairs tries to bring forth the Enhanced Movement Control System (EMCS), which aims to secure the movement at the borders and control immigration at all ports of entry.

This is one of the main steps in the modernization process of the DHA.

picture source: https://wikimedia. org

The pilots are planned to be run at Lanseria International Airport, OR Tambo International Airport, King Shaka International Airport and Cape Town International.

While the last two of them are planned to start on the 12 th of November, OR started a week ago and Lanseria was supposed to start on the 2 nd of November already, although officials did not seem able to tell if the training has actually started already.

At first it will only be selected travelers whose biometrical data will be taken until officials can be sure the biometric system is secure and works like it should and DHA plans to install the procedure completely from November 25 then.

Advantages of Gautrain for airlines/airport Chris Smyth (GM: operations, SAA) and Chris Hlakane (GM, Acsa)

ALEC HOGG: We’re on the Gautrain platform at OR Tambo international airport. It is quite an experience. Chris Smyth, general manager of operations at SAA airways popped in our little outside broadcast studio. You haven’t done much of these before, Chris, but you have ridden on the Gautrain. You can give us your experience.

CHRIS SMYTH: I was absolutely amazed. It’s an incredible achievement. It’s up there with the best in the world as well.

ALEC HOGG: How would you compare it, because you, being involved in an airline, travel a whole lot. If you were to, say, compare it with the Heathrow Express in Britain, which many South Africans would know?

CHRIS SMYTH: I think the Heathrow Express has been around for some time. There are obviously technological improvements on this train. For example, it travels a whole lot smoother. It’s almost like you are not on a train, and it’s certainly up there. I reckon it beats the Heathrow Express.

ALEC HOGG: The other Chris who is in the outside broadcast studio here is Chris Hlakane, who’s the general manager at Acsa. Chris, this is certainly going to take a little bit of pressure away from your parking facilities, no doubt.

CHRIS HLAKANE: Definitely so. We have already factored that in. It’s going to take about 400 bays, the equivalent. But there are positive spinoffs from my point of view. With the airlines we are working very well in terms of getting on-time departures, … make sure the facilities are maximised, so we have to get … going as much faster as we can. So with such a facility, train, … on time.

ALEC HOGG: What about the difference between what is going to happen at OR Tambo now, where you have the overseas passenger who comes out and uses this facility – and one who gets a similar airport experience in Durban or Cape Town, but they won’t have the train there. Are you agitating to perhaps have KZN trains or Western Cape trains?

CHRIS HLAKANE: Not quite. I think yes, it’s positive for OR Tambo in terms of the experience. It takes the airport to the next level, comparative to all the international airports. But I guess with Cape Town as an example, there will be an alternative bus system. So that will probably complement that, not to the same benefit, but from a time utilisation point of view you will get the same benefit.

ALEC HOGG: Do you work here at the airport?


ALEC HOGG: Are you going to be using Gautrain every day?

CHRIS HLAKANE: I have planned a lunch on the 8th. Hopefully I’ll get a ticket to go and have lunch in Sandton.

ALEC HOGG: And Chris Smyth, what about your travels on this train? It will make it a bit easier to get to work in the morning.

CHRIS SMYTH: Yes, it will, and I think that’s the main point as well, because at the moment the only way to get to the airport and back for our passengers is by road – either by taxi or by your own car. Just to take the point a bit further from what Jack was saying, most of our international flights arrive here at 6, 7, 8 o’clock in the morning. About 12 flights arrive. And those guys get straight up into our traffic, which is normally between two and three hours to Sandton. & # 8230;

ALEC HOGG: From the broader market perspective for the country, when you arrive in the country instead of being stuck in traffic as you say, for a couple of hours, 15 minutes later you are in Sandton and can conduct whatever business – as you would do at the moment if you go to London and I suppose New York as well.

CHRIS SMYTH: Precisely. & # 8230;

ALEC HOGG: You’ve run another airline in Africa, other parts of Africa. Are they ready for a Gautrain?

CHRIS SMYTH: I think certainly with the poor road systems in Africa it certainly would be a huge advantage. At places like Lagos it can take you three to four hours to get to the airport. It would certainly benefit from this kind of technology.

ALEC HOGG: Chris, you guys are involved as well in India, Acsa. Do they have anything like this there?

CHRIS HLAKANE: Not at the moment. Oh, given the density in terms of road transport up there, this technology is quite relevant. And obviously integrating with one of the major airports there would benefit that …

ALEC HOGG: What does it mean about check-in time from travellers. We often have people who come into our Melrose Arch studios and struggle to get to the airport in time, or they have to leave for a 9 o’clock flight just after 7, and they are worried whether they are going to make it. With Gautrain, and with the kind of efficiency that Jack van der Merwe was saying, is that going to make any difference?

CHRIS SMYTH: Absolutely. One of the big problems about trying to get to the airport in time is the uncertainty of the traffic. So you still have to allow yourself time for check-in. This thing gives you certainty. You know the train is going to arrive within one or two minutes, as opposed to … the travel time just by car. So it makes a difference. It should probably shorten the departure to take-off time from Sandton, say, for example, from around two hours to not much more than an hour. So there’s a huge saving time-wise.

ALEC HOGG: And does it have a saving on the international side as well, for international flights?

CHRIS HLAKANE: Definitely, because the time it will take you to prepare to come here, obviously you factor it if the transport system is not reliable. With reliability this time around we can do it in less of that time. At the same time, with home checking and remote checking you can do a lot more … time to the airport.

ALEC HOGG: I’ve been on flights often, and quite often on international flights, where guys haven’t pitched, they don’t arrive at the airport, they even check in and then not get on, I’m sure Gautrain is not going to help that much. But how often does that happen? Is that just because I was an unlucky guy?

CHRIS SMYTH: No, it’s far too frequent, unfortunately. It’s one of the downsides of having a silent airport. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have silent airports, we should, but we are looking at ways and means of trying to get hold of those customers to get them back to the departure gate.

ALEC HOGG: But generally speaking Gautrain is going to make your two lives a lot easier.

CHRIS HLAKANE: Definitely.

ALEC HOGG: Our thanks to Chris Hlakane, who’s general manager of Acsa, and Chris Smyth, general manager: operations at South African Airways.

Well, it’s been a historic outside broadcast here from OR Tambo airport, the platform of the Gautrain. Wayne McCurrie and I have had our debut on the platform. We are suitably impressed, aren’t we, Wayne?

WAYNE McCURRIE: Oh, I must say so, ja. But it’s a real winter’s evening.

ALEC HOGG: Well, when you live in Mooi River…

WAYNE McCURRIE: But we don’t all live in Mooi River.

ALEC HOGG: You need to bring your fleeces and your scarves next time, Wayne.

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CSA announce R108 million profit for 2015 financial year

FILE PICTURE: CSA President Chris Nenzani. Picture: Duif du Toit/Gallo Images.

Cricket SA (CSA) announced at their Annual General Meeting a profit of R108 million for the 2015 financial year, at OR Tambo International airport, on Saturday.

The cricketing body had projected a loss of R106m, but an increase in sponsorship by 16 percent as well as the struggling Rand helped CSA turn around their financial situation. The broadcast revenue for CSA made up 55 percent of its profits.

The total revenue for CSA for the year totalled R765m, added to their financial income of R38m for a figure of R803m. Offset by R695m in expenses, CSA were left with their substantial profit of over R100m.

Though CSA’s profit was significant, it was down on 2014’s net profit of R199m and 2013’s R133m.

CSA president Chris Nenzani said there was a continued pursuit of aggressive and progressive transformation targets.

“With over R200m spent on development across the country in 2015, members are now measured on their contribution towards the overall Transformation goal of CSA,” said Nenzani.

“Transformation remains a key strategic goal for CSA in pursuit of excellence and redress. It is my firm belief that the majority of the people of the country expect us to advance Transformation and for us to take such actions as necessary to ensure a truly national character for cricket. We remain committed to achieving the Transformation targets set by government.”

As part of a four-year cycle which started on May 1, 2014, and ending on April 30, 2018, CSA identified five key sources of revenue.

First, was international and Domestic Broadcast Rights, which would fluctuate depending on the Future Tours Program.

Second would be the distributions from the ICC depending on the world cricketing body’s events.

Third, predictably, would be sponsorship. Fourth would be from ticket sales, financial income including interest and Forex gains. Fifth would be ensuring there were adequate cash reserves for CSA at an estimated R500m.

Cricket South Africa CEO Haroon Lorgat said franchises would be funded on an activity-based basis according to an operation model instituted for the 2014/2015 season.

“We fund franchises on an activity-based basis. We plan the activities, fund the activities and then score the activities so we can provide incentives. We aim to have heightened accountability,” said Lorgat.

The allocated funding by CSA for franchises increased by 31 percent in 2015. As part of the new operational model initiated, the Africa T20 Tournament which was launched in September also plays a key role.

As part of a second operational model for the 2015/2016 season, CSA planned to evaluate the operational effectiveness of the Stadium Operating Model. Better member engagement through audits and cricket roadshows and admin and finance strategies would be implemented. Also performance management at members would be critical.

“We want to govern better, track every one of our activities and make sure the targets in the system must be achieved and possibly sanctioned if they are not met,” said Lorgat.

CSA also outlined its strategy to managing schools cricket. The three main areas here were monitoring the traditional cricketing schools, focus schools and provincial academies.

With traditional schools, the emphasis was to influence these schools to assist CSA in its transformation objectives by actively attracting black talent to their schools and through the resources speed up the development of identified talent.

In focus schools, it meant monitoring schools where cricket was previously played but had since lacked the resources like coaching to continue producing talent, despite the facilities already in place.

The aim was to improve the number of matches for disadvantaged schools played. As an example, a disadvantaged school might play five matches during the season compared to the 30 or more matches the traditional cricketing schools were playing.

Provincial academies would provide the link between schools and franchise level.

In other decisions taken at the AGM on Saturday, the Members resolved to terminate the Associate Member status of both Kei Cricket Board and KwaZulu-Natal Inland Cricket Union largely due to poor governance and administrative issues. They will now be incorporated into the existing Border and KwaZulu-Natal Affiliate Member structures. The cricket playing structures remain unchanged.

The meeting also passed various amendments to the Company’s Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI) that, inter alia, clarifies the types of Membership, the powers of the Board and Members Council and requires all Members, Clubs and Officials to follow a prescribed Dispute Resolution process.

The AGM also dealt with the election of two Non-Independent Directors and the re-appointment of two Independent Directors. Rihan Richards and Zola Thamae were elected by the Members as Non-Independents and Norman Arendse SC and Adv. Vusi Pikoli were appointed to serve a second and final three-year term of office as Independent Directors of the company.

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Delegates need to book flights to arrive at Cape Town International Airport.

The majority of international flights into Cape Town would fly via Johannesburg (OR Tambo International Airport).

Cape Town International is world-class and was named Africa's leading airport in the 2012 World Airport Awards.

Cape Town International is South Africa's second-largest airport, and a prime tourism gateway serving millions of visitors arriving in the Mother City every year.

Go to Airports Company South Africa Traffic through the airport reflects this: in 2005, around 60 000 aircraft ferrying 6.7-million passengers were recorded; by 2015, 14-million passengers are expected to pass through Cape Town International.

The airport is the second busiest in South Africa, and the third busiest in Africa, coming in behind OR Tambo and Cairo.

Cape Town International is world-class and was named Africa's leading airport in the 2012 World Airport Awards, with OR Tambo International (Johannesburg) coming in second, and King Shaka International coming in third.

King Shaka International The airport has domestic and international terminals, connected by a central terminal. Several international airlines offer direct flights to Cape Town, including from London, Amsterdam and Windhoek. All of South Africa's airlines fly to Cape Town, with the route between Cape Town and Johannesburg particularly well served.

Getting around

The airport is 22 kilometres from the city centre, with a range of transport options to get you where you need to go. Besides car rental services, these include metered taxis and private shuttle services.

Travellers are advised to arrive at the airport at least one-and-a-half hours before the departure time of their domestic flight, or three hours before the departure time of an international flight.

Acsa flight information: +27 (0)86 727 7888

The drop-off zone is on the upper level of the Central Terminal building. There is a pick-up and go zone in the ground floor of Parkade P1 (the first parkade as you enter the airport). There are also long-term parking facilities available.


The airport offers convenient, international-standard banking, forex and car rental services. Most retail shops, including bookshops, clothing an souvenir shops, are on the lower level (arrivals) of the Central terminal.

There is wi-fi available at the airport, with hotspots throughout the terminals. Pay - as-you-go vouchers are available.

For detailed information on scheduled flights into Cape Town, visit the Airports Company of South Africa’s website on www. acsa. co. za

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Various domestic and regional destinations are served from KMIA as shown in Figure 7, international air freight destinations are served via the various International airport. Regional flights to Vilankulu in Mozambique are also available.

Figure 7. Destination served from KMIA

Air Cargo World Trends

After years of steady growth from 2003, air cargo traffic has faced a severe downturn, linked to the global economic conditions and a slump in consumer and therefore manufacturing demand. However, most in the forecasting community remain convinced that the market will recover, as economic fundamentals are expected to once again create a real demand for the transportation of goods, particularly by air.

Air freight offers the advantage of speed compared to other means of transport, particularly advantageous for some products like high technology or perishable goods.

It offers additional value by freeing up capital more quickly, as the value of goods transported by ship for example, is locked in over longer journey times. As borrowing is more difficult today and liquidity key, this benefit of air transportation is now even more valued by customers and freight forwarders. Finally this is often taken for granted, but sending goods by air has the additional benefit of being probably the most secure method of transport for high value goods. This is an important factor when transporting goods in regions of the world where security threats, such as piracy, have increasingly become a serious consideration.

Airbus World air cargo forecast [Source: AIRBUS Global Market Forecast 2009-2028]

International Freight Traffic Shares

This section presents International Freight Traffic Shares for various regions of the world including Africa as a total of the overall total market share. The data is presented for the years 1985 and 2005.

Figure 27: International Freight Traffic Shares by Region - 1985

It is shown in Figure 27 above that Africa as a region enjoyed 5.0% of the international freight market share in 1985, which as can be seen in Figure 28 below has since decreased by 2% in 2005. Figure 28: International Freight Traffic Shares by Region вЂ" 2005

Airlines of the Asia/Pacific regions achieved the highest share of air traffic of about 38% while the European and North American airlines saw their shares decline to 31.2% and 18.3% respectively, in 2005.

Freight Forecast for Africa

International freight traffic in Africa has tended to grow rapidly than domestic traffic, and in the 20 year period between 1985-2005 freight traffic has more than doubled while domestic freight traffic stayed almost unchanged as shown in Figure 29.

World Freight Forecast

World wide international freight traffic has being growing exponentially in the 20 year period between 1985-2005 and it is expected to follow this trend till the year 2025. World wide domestic traffic on the other hand has been growing steadily in the same period and it is not expected to differ much in the year 2025.

African Air Freight Market

Goods exported from Africa have been primary raw materials, as well as fresh produces like flowers, fresh fruits and vegetables. Interestingly, the countries emerging today are showing interest in African markets and capabilities, with places like China, keen to safeguard supplies of oil and other raw materials. However, this interest is not just limited to natural resources. For example, Indian manufacturer TATA Motors has targeted Africa for vehicle production. In 2008, the company announced that it would build a bus manufacturing plant in Mombasa, Kenya.

The plant, which will produce between 10 and 60 buses per month, will boost sales, as they will not attract import duty and therefore cost 25% less when locally manufactured. This will also allow TATA to supply vehicles to the neighbouring markets of Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Ethiopia, Zambia and Malawi. TATA consider Africa a key emerging market for its products.

With growth in this sort of inward investment, beyond mining or farming for example, economies will benefit and grow, leading to an increased need for air freight. Today, the highest number of FTKs goes to Europe and North America, but in the coming years other emerging markets including China will represent a bigger part of the trade from this continent.

Regional and International freight destinations points

South African Air Freight Market

Air freight information in South Africa is in its early stage of computerisation although it has been recorded for some time now at certain airports. Air freight information that is made available is supplied as cargo tonnage which is useful for capacity planning and to a limited extend, economic projections. Some of the major air freight facilities are shown in Figure 32.

Figure 32: Major air freight facilities in South Africa [source: www. flysaa. com/saa_cargo]

Air freight information at Cape Town, OR Tambo, Kruger Mpumalanga International airports has been acquired and is presented below. Air freight records for Mala Mala airfield are not available and will not be presented here.

Air Freight Stats at KMIA airport

Total air freight tonnages presented above for major air freight airports in South Africa, which clearly shows the high level of cargo handled at OR Tambo International Airport with respect to others airports in the country. Import air freight at OR Tambo exceeds export which is due largely because of the fact that most parcels from abroad going to other provinces go through this air facility.

Import cargo levels at Cape Town International airport are about 10% of the levels at OR Tambo while exports are about 20%. What is of interest is the fact that exports at CPT are higher than imports for the period under consideration, which could be related to a high level of export perishable cargo at the coast.

The data at KMIA (Kruger Mpumalanga International Airport) is presented for the period 2007-April 2010. Here also, imports far exceeds exports which could be driven by industry importing equipment for their operations which is a sign of an active industry which is working but the province is not earning the forex it needs. The decline since 2008 is linked to the global financial down-turn which started in New York in 2008.

The information as presented is of limited use since the actually commodities are not known accurately, commodity information is vital for future economic planning and forecasting. This is one area of air freight research that still needs a lot of attention.

Air Cargo Operations

In a typical business environment, a buyer will place an order for an item from the manufacturer/supplier which is delivered by road if the buyer is nearer but high value and perishable items are generally shipped by air for speed and safety. The parcel is packaged and handed to a courier company which takes the item to the cargo terminal at the airport. The parcel is air shipped and delivered to the client on the other side which results in a payment as depicted in Figure 34.

At a cargo terminal, parcels arrives at the reception mainly through freight forwarding companies or brought by individual owners and then documentation is created, since cargo cannot move without documentation. Due to the rapid movement of large volumes of cargo, electronic data processing is essential to control flow of cargo through the terminals with a high level of accuracy and reliability.

In addition the documentation must be available to a large number of persons who are separated in the system, both spatially and temporally.

Figure 35 shows a simplified form of a typical cargo terminal operations flow and control for the export side.

Reservations of space are made by checking computer records of the current status of space available on individual flights. Then freight can be scheduled to arrive in time for the outgoing flight. At reception, the freight is weighted and checked, an airway bill is produced, then it is computerised from an on-line terminal, and an on-line manifest is printed out. In conjunction with flight data, the individual consignment information is aggregated into the flight tally for loading purposes.

The freight is sorted at reception into small, heavy, and special or out-of-gauge freight and is temporarily stored in the terminal stacks. Cargo is moved into the flight assembly area in accordance with the flight tally.

Cargo Handling Chain

Air cargo arrives at the terminal in two forms: as large number of small consignments that require sorting, storing, and batching before transfer to the aircraft or as containerized large unit loads, requiring far less handling at the cargo terminal itself.

Figure 36 illustrates how export cargo flows through the airport terminal. Incoming cargo for export passes through the reception area, is moved through the documentation area (where it undergoes count, checks, weighing, measuring, and labelling), and either is passed directly into a pre-flight assembly line-up or is placed in a short-term storage area, from which it is eventually transferred into pre-flight assembly.

Next, the cargo is moved into the flight assembly area, the nature of which depends on whether the freight is to be carried by a passenger-cargo or by all-cargo aircraft. From the flight assembly area, flight loads of freight move to the final staging area and then across the cargo or passenger apron to their outbound flight.

Figure 37: Material flow at import cargo terminal

Figure 37 shows that import cargo can similarly arrive on mixed payload or all cargo flights. On arrival, it is passes through an initial holding before sorting and check-in. After sorting, cargo requiring customs clearances goes to in-bond storage, from there by way of customs clearance to a cleared bond storage area, and eventually to the receiver via import delivery.

Domestic cargo, on the hand, requires no customs clearance and proceeds directly from the check-in area to a pre-delivery hold area, where it remains pending arrangement of delivery.

Volumes and Freight Capacity Analysis

Although most airports are capable of handling air freight in some capacity, the size and form of the cargo terminal facilities vary substantially. The degree of sophistication provided depends on the following factors:

The mix and flow characteristics of the cargo.

The characteristics of the surface and air vehicles.

Materials handling, documentation, and communication techniques.

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Zulu Warrior & Wildlife Tour

Day 1: Johannesburg

We’ll Meet You Off Your Flight At Or Tambo International Airport, Introduce Ourselves And Get To Know You, Before You’re Transferred By Airport Shuttle To Your Overnight Accommodation, At A Nearby Hotel.

Day 1: Johannesburg

We’ll Meet You Off Your Flight At Or Tambo International Airport, Introduce Ourselves And Get To Know You, Before You’re Transferred By Airport Shuttle To Your Overnight Accommodation, At A Nearby Hotel.

Day 2: Spioenkop

Our Adventure Begins In Earnest Today, So After Indulging In South African Breakfast, We Head Out, Destination Spioenkop, The Third And Bloodiest Attempt By The British To Relieve The Besieged Ladysmith. There, Right On The Battlefield, We’ll Meet Our Specialist Guide, Who’ll Waste No Time Transporting You Back To January 1900, As He Plays Out The Tragic Battle Between Boer And Brits. We’ve Chosen To Enjoy A Picnic Lunch Today, To Take Full Advantage Of The Sensational Scenery. We Return To The Comfort Of Our Chosen Hotel, Arriving Around Midafternoon, Allowing Time To Absorb The Drama Of The Day And Relax Into Our Accommodation Before Dinner.

Meals : Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 3: Isandlwanaand - Rorke’sDrift

Tuck Into A Hearty Breakfast This Morning, For We’re Off To Battle Today, An Experience Enhanced By The Magical Storytelling Skills Of Our Specialist Battlefields Guides. We Move Onto The Eerie Landscape Of Isandlwana, Where 20 000 Mighty Zulu Warriors Took On The Firepower Of The British Troops, And Wiped Out Close To An Entire Regiment In About 2½ Hours. We’ll Thrill To Stories Of Individuals And Regiments, Feel The Anguish Of Both Friends And Enemies, And Soon, Watch A Clear Picture Develop Of How This Battle Influenced The Next. After Lunch, We Visit Rorke’s Drift. Here, On The Very Site Where The Battle Took Place, We’ll Relive The Experience Of A Handful Of British Soldiers, Outnumbered 35 To 1; We’ll Feel The Tension As They Fought Off 4000 Zulus For 12 Hours, In A Battle Which Saw The Award Of 11 Victoria Crosses, The Highest Number Awarded To A Regiment (The 24Th Regiment Of Foot) In A Single Action. What An Extraordinary And Impressionable Day, Filled With Real Tales Of Hardship, Heartache And Bravery. We Return To Our Country Hotel, Thoughts Lingering Of Young Lives Lost, Medals Won, And History Made. To Be Greeted With Warm Hospitality And A Delicious Dinner.

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner

Day 4: Makhosini - Valley Of The Zulu Kings

We Breakfast Early In Anticipation Of A Journey Of Expansive African Landscapes And Fascinating Cultural Insights Into Centre And The Kwazulu Cultural Museum At Ondini, Both Offering An Interactive, Accessible Tale Of Zulu Culture, From Traditions To Today - You Move At Your Own Pace Through The Centre, Watching Movie Clips, Enjoying Well-Designed Displays And Working The Interactive Topographical Table. The Adventure’s Not Over. For We Travel To Our Accommodation Through Kwazulu-Natal’s Flagship Hlulhuwe-Imfolozi Game Reserve, With The Distinct Possibility Of Spotting A Vast Range Of Game, Including The Impressive Big Five.

Day 5: Hlulhuwe - Imfolozi Game Reserve - Emdoneni Cat Experience

We Meet Our Game Ranger At Around The Same Time The Wild World Is Waking Up And Active. We Traverse The Acclaimed Hlulhuwe-Imfolozi Game Park For Five Hours In An Open Safari Vehicle, So There’s Little Between You And The Landscape, Or What We Hope To Be A Big Five Adventure. We’ll Track The Big Five, But We’ll Enjoy Numerous Other Species Like Zebra, Giraffe, And With Luck, Cheetah And Wild Dog. This Afternoon, An Extraordinary Experience Awaits - An Interactive Encounter With Cheetah At A Cat Rehabilitation Programme.

5 breakfasts [B], 1 Lunch [L] and 2 Dinner [D] included.





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Centurion Map

Map of Centurion, Gauteng

Centurion Map - Centurion detail and street level map showing the suburbs and landmarks of Centurion. Lying just outside of Midrand on the N1, part way between Johannesburg and Pretoria. Centurion is probably best known for its mall - one of the largest shopping centres in South Africa with over 200 stores and restaurants. For additional information about Centurion please visit Centurion Information .

If you are interested in overnighting in the area, we can recommend some great hotels, guest houses and self catering establishments. Find them at Centurion Accommodation. If you're only planning on driving through Centurion, en-route to another destination, you may want to peruse our Centurion Restaurants before you leave to see if you should plan a stop here for lunch or maybe just a coffee. Also check out Centurion Things To Do to see if there are any activities for which you would consider stopping.

Featured Attractions in (or near) Centurion

Named for the blue skies and open country of its surroundings, the Gary Player designed Blue Valley is a perfect blend of hospitality, sport and nature. Situated conveniently between northern Johannesburg and Pretoria, the residential estate offers a location second to none in the. más información

Centurion Golf Course is an excellent Golfing Estate with a very challenging golf course designed by Peter Matkovich. Two different nines, where water comes into play on the one and desert on the other. This exciting and challenging golf course offers one the opportunity of playing. más información

The Gautrain is an 80 kilometre mass rapid transit railway system, which is a long-winded way of saying that Johannesburg constructed a (really) fast train that cuts out all of the traffic to and from the airport, just in time for the Soccer World Cup of 2010. Its presence is estimated to cut 20% of the. más información

The Rietvlei Nature Reserve is one of the world's largest urban nature reserves, 3 800 hectares in extent, situated south of the city but still within the city limits. The Rietvlei Nature Reserve lies very close to the highway between Pretoria and OR Tambo International Airport at a height of about 1700 m. más información

The Roodeplaat dam was constructed in 1956 and was initially called the 'Pienaars Rivier Dam'. The Dam supplied the surrounding landowners with irrigation and was later developed into a tourism destination. Rich with abundant fish, bird and wildlife, the reserve which lies on the eastern shore of. más información

If you haven’t already visited the house in which Jan Smuts lived, then take advantage of staying in the vicinity and go and see the Big House, as Jan Smuts and his family used to call their home in Irene, half way (more or less) between Johannesburg and Pretoria. In similar fashion to the Kruger House Museum in Pretoria, Smuts House. más información

Designed by golfing legend, Ernie Els, the Els Club at Copperleaf Golf & Country Estate is all about top-notch golfing in a gorgeous setting. Situated just 40 minutes from the shopping Mecca of Sandton in Johannesburg, this golf course offers pro golfers as well as beginners a memorable experience in. more information

The Zwartkop Country Club is situated on what was originally the farm Zwartkop named after the bird found nesting on the farm. It has long been a tournament venue for both professional and amateur events, and is also the permanent site for the annual ICL International, which forms part of the FNB Tour. más información

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About The Michelangelo

Over the heart of Sandton Square, Johannesburg, towers the majestic Michelangelo - the perfect vantage from which to observe the entertainment and corporate capital of Africa. Immerse yourself in the culture and breakneck pace of Sandton. Then return to convalesce in the serenity of Renaissance-style elegance that makes Michelangelo one of the Leading Hotels Of The World.

The Michelangelo provides the busy corporate executive with all the services and facilities he may require in which to conduct business.


The 218 Deluxe and Superior rooms, as well as the 22 Premier and Executive suites have all been tastefully decorated to reflect the elegant Renaissance style that has been carried throughout the rest of the hotel. The two Presidential Suites each have a private dining room and lounge as well as 24-hour butler service for the more discerning guest.

All suites have private bathrooms with a separate shower and toilet, hairdryers, radio, colour TV, pay movie channel, 24-hour CNN and CNBC, individually controlled aircon, direct dialling phones, direct in and out dialling for personal fax/modem, Internet, electronic razor plug (220/110V), complimentary tea & coffee and mini bar. For your security, all rooms are equipped with electric safes and smoke detectors with sprinkler systems.

There is nothing you could possibly want for during your sojourn at the Michelangelo. Maybe just a little more of everything. The comprehensive service includes:

Intermezzo Residents' Lounge with shower facilities (for early arrivals/late departures) Express checkout 24-hour room service Same day laundry Dry cleaning Valet service Car rental and VIP limousine service Shuttle service to and from Johannesburg International Airport Covered parking In the nearby shopping centre: hairdresser, banks/forex, travel agent, beauty salon Babysitting service Doctor and dentist on call Conference and function facilities


Piccolo Mondo: True to its name, the Piccolo Mondo really is "a world in one". You can circumnavigate the globe in a journey of tastes that transports you from Mozambique to the Mediterranean. Piccolo Mondo's seafood menu includes Mozambican prawns, lobsters, langoustines, mussels, oysters, crab, clams, calamari and Norwegian salmon. Order from the Mediterranean style а la carte menu or opt for a three-course set menu. All meals are complemented with the pick of South Africa's most commended wines.

The Il Ritrovo Lounge: The Il Ritrovo Lounge serves high tea every afternoon and you can toast the sunset with cocktails, complemented by tapas and other light snacks. Business lunches are served daily and fit neatly into the diary of the busy executive. We are geared to your pace, allowing you to conclude your business discussions and your lunch within the hour.


Conference rooms are fully equipped with a data projector, overhead projector, slide projector (35 mm carousel), a lectern, a P. A. system, laser pointer VHS with monitor and flipchart. Special features include 3-phase power and background CD music. Dancefloor and stage pieces (2,4m x 1,2m section) are available.

Arrangements can be made for a portable P. A. Barco-vision projector, Sony video projector, single house video projector, multiple slide shows, laser light shows and U-matic video player. All function rooms have independently controlled house lights, aircon and wall-to-wall carpeting.

Find out more about Sandton Square or view things to do in Sandton. Please let us know how you enjoyed your stay by leaving a review.


= in all rooms

= in some rooms

Additional bed / mattress


Area information booklet

Bar fridge


Bathroom (en-suite)

Bathroom towels supplied

Bed linen supplied

Children: cot, highchair, etc.

Clock radio

Complimentary toiletries


Disabled equipped

DVD player


Hi fi

International plug point(s)

Internet connection (ADSL)

Internet connection (dial up)

Internet connection (wireless)

Iron / trouser press

Kitchen (fully equipped)

Safe for valuables

Smoking: allowed

Smoking: not allowed

Tea and coffee facilities

Telephone (direct dial)

Television (SABC, eTV only)

Television (with satellite)

Video player

Wheelchair Friendly


Business facilities

Child friendly (all ages)

Childcare / babysitting service

Complimentary newspapers


Dry cleaning service

Foreign exchange desk

Guest lounge with TV

Gym / fitness centre

Health spa

Housekeeping (daily)

Laundry service

Parking (undercover)

Reception (24 hours)

Safe deposit box (reception)

Secretarial services

Security (alarm system)

Security (guard)

Smoking: in demarcated areas


Wake up calls

Wheelchair access


Audio-visual equipment


Breakaway area(s)

Business services

Catering (in-house)

Co-ordinator (in-house)

Dance floor


Disabled equipped

Exhibition space

Internet connection (ADSL)

Internet connection (wireless)



Secretarial services

Standard conf. equipo

Team building facilities

Wheelchair friendly

Bar (fully licenced)

Complimentary tea / coffee

Restaurant / dining room

Room service

Airport transfers

Other transfers available

Tour assistance

King Shaka International Airport

King Shaka International Airport - La Mercy, North Coast, KwaZulu Natal © Iqbal Osman. Copyright

King Shaka International Airport

Known by many who make their way to Durban for both tourist and business pursuits, The Durban International Airport was opened in 1951 as a replacement for the Stamford Hill Aerodrome. The airport was originally named after old South African statesman Louis Botha, and was known as Louis Botha International Airport until 1994 when it was renamed Durban International Airport. While the airport served the domestic market well, its two main drawbacks were low numbers of international passengers and a runway which was too short for a fully loaded Boeing 747 to take off. As a result of these two factors Durban International Airport lost much of its international traffic to the OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg. Durban International Airport was decomissioned in April of 2010 with the new replacement airport located at la Mercy, 35 kilometres north of Durban, opening in May.

The new King Shaka International Airport (KSIA) was named after the great Zulu King Shaka who ruled during the 19th century, and is known as a greenfield airport - built from scratch to avoid any likely constraints. The new airport, designed by Osmond Lange Architects and Planners and built at a total cost of R7,9 billion is South Africa's second largest transport infrastructural project after the Gautrain rapid rail link, and boasts a new passenger terminal building with a total floor surface area of 102 000 m² - much bigger than the old airport's terminal which only covered 30 000m². The new King Shaka International Airport will be capable of handling an annual capacity of seven and a half million passengers, compared to the four and a half million which passed through the old Durban International Airport. Additional space has also been set aside for large scale expansion in the future.

KSIA's new runway, which is almost 2 kilometers longer than that of the old Durban International Airport, stretches a distance of 3.7 km and is capable of safely accommodating some of the world's largest aircraft, including the double-decker Airbus A380. Provision for future construction of a second runway has also been made. Other upgraded features at the new King Shaka International Airport include an increased number of aircraft parking bays which now total 34, of which the old airport only had 23; sixteen air bridges, 20 more check-in counters than Durban International, 18 self-service kiosks. 52 retail outlets housed in over 6 500m² of retail space, and 6 500 vehicle parking bays - 4000 more than the old airport.

The passenger terminal building at King Shaka International Airport has been designed in such a way, and incorporates the latest in design concepts - ensuring for the easy movement of passengers from arrival to departure. KSIA also offers visitors a full range of banking, forex and car rental services, and also include an appealing variety of restaurants, bars and duty-free stores.

Accommodation Near King Shaka International Airport

Sleeps: 18 in 4 units/rooms

Per person, per night sharing.

3.4km East of centre of King Shaka International Airport

Away from the noise and activity of the busier suburbs, Eden Rose Manor offers a tranquil setting for the busy executive who can wake up to birdsong every morning.

Corporate Card

For executives who travel frequently and need to settle their travel & entertainment expenses directly.

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Travel Lodged Account

For the settlement of travel expenses of the travellers who don't qualify for company cards.

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Aviation Services Card

For the fulfilment of aircraft fuel, parts and maintenance costs.

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Travelink Card

For the direct settlement of local car rental & accommodation expenses.

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Courier Card

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Cape Town International Airport

Cape Town International is the second larger airport in South Africa, and a prime tourism retreat, that serves millions who choose to come to the Mother City. Traffic through the airport reflects this: in 2005, nearly 60,000 aircraft, carrying about 6.7 million passengers was recorded; 14 million are expected by 2015, to come through the Cape Town International.

The airport is the second busiest in South Africa, and the third busiest in Africa, after OR Tambo and Cairo. A central terminal connects domestic and international travels. Many airlines traveling internationally offer direct flights from Amsterdam, London, and Cape Town. All airlines in South Africa go to Cape Town, and the routes from this city to Johannesburg, are always well served.

For domestic, it is advised to arrive 1.5 hours prior to flight, and up to 3 hours for international departures. Drop offs are on the upper level in the the Central Terminal building. There is a pick-up and go zone in the ground floor of P1 (the first parkade you see upon entering the airport. More than five 500 parking bays are offered, along with long term parking in multilevel parkades, and a shaded parking bay has 600 spots. Shuttles are available to transport those who are going directly from their car to a terminal.

There are international banking facilities, forex, car hire and rental services offered on site at the airport. Retail shops, which include bookshops, souvenir clothing, and other shops, are found on the lower level, where arrivals come in, near the Central Terminal. Wi Fi is available, when you are near the hot spots around different terminals; you can find pay as you go vouchers, if you would like to save on the cost to use the internet at the airport.

You can contact Cape Town International Airport at +27 021 937 1275 .

Copyright y copia; SA Cheap Flights 2011-2013. Todos los derechos reservados

Forex installing and filling of pending orders

Forex installing and filling of pending orders

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Forex installing and filling of pending orders

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Cops warn of ‘airport gang’s’ modus operandi


Johannesburg - They spotted the family at the airport, followed them home, and attacked them in the driveway.

That’s the theory behind an armed robbery this week that left 21-year-old Josephine Kalala dead.

The second year marketing student from the DRC fetched her mother from OR Tambo International Airport on Sunday but was killed by a gang who held them up at gunpoint in the driveway when they got home. The robbers also made off with jewellery, luggage and $1 000 in cash (R11 220).

Police say they’ve launched a manhunt, and now everybody’s talking about “follow home” gangs. But it’s not the first time crimes of this nature have been reported. A rash of attacks last year led to talk of the “airport gang”.

Police said those crimes, too, targeted mostly African nationals who had just arrived back in the country and were attacked in driveways, robbed of their foreign currency:

* In November, two people at the City Lodge in Fourways were robbed after visiting a Forex branch. Police confirmed it was a “follow home” robbery from OR Tambo.

* Last September, former Nigerian consul-general Adams Abbas was attacked in a Magaliessig driveway after arriving in South Africa to visit family. One robber was killed when a gunfight broke out with security guards. The others made off with Abbas’s luggage and laptop.

* In July last year, former deputy finance minister Jabu Moleketi was robbed at gunpoint in his driveway in Observatory after returning to South Africa from a summit in Russia. The gang of three stole his luggage and valuables, said to be worth R70 000. Moleketi said he was followed from the airport, but police weren’t so sure.

* In May last year, Nigeria’s deputy high commissioner in South Africa Kayode Oguntuase and his wife Hailey were attacked in the driveway of their Waterkloof Ridge home in Pretoria. Oguntuase’s driver, who warned the couple to lock their doors as he thought they were being followed, was injured when the would-be robbers fired shots at the car windows.

How to protect yourself

* Be alert. If you have a large amount of money or foreign currency on you, watch if you’re followed.

* If you do suspect you’re being followed, do not go home. Instead drive to a police station.

* You can also call 10111 and ask the police to send a vehicle to assist you. – Additional reporting by Brendan Roane

MORE news/crime-courts

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A foreign exchange relationship centre (FRC) that provides guidance and advice on the financial aspects of all international trading activities including foreign exchange risk management, foreign currency cash management, online dealing and payment solutions, exchange control and international trade payment mechanisms (please ensure different bullets for sub-sections)

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The integration of FX Trading into International Banking is another way we are making your foreign exchange experience simple and efficient. International Banking Foreign Exchange (IBFX) helps to make the foreign payment process more manageable with an easy to use, simple platform. The platform allows you to conveniently initiate and track payments anywhere, anytime. You are able to secure spot rates instantly and guard against exchange rate volatility.

Create your payments on the international banking system and execute your foreign exchange transactions seamlessly and securely on one system.

IBFX combines the benefits of International Banking and FX Trading:

Easy set up

Seamless processing of international cash requirements

Competitive rate

Secure platform that enables segregation of duties and individual limits

Real-time dealing

Electronic Balance of Payments (BOP) form

Fast and reliable

Integration with main stream accounting packages

Historic search

IBFX takes care of all your forex payment needs.

Getting started - application forms

Please complete the below application forms and e-mail it to forex@standardbank. co. za

Should you need any further assistance please contact us on 08000 FOREX(36739)

New Business Online Clients

Existing Business Online Clients

Our FX e-Channel offering includes functionality encompassing all aspects of the foreign exchange cycle where an electronic interface is used.

While the benefits associated with using FX e-Channels are, to a degree, dependent on the nature of your business, there are broad benefits to be gained by all participants in the foreign exchange market:

Real-time dealing and execution

Streaming of rates

Deal management

Indicative rates

Trading from any internet-based computer

Archive search and record of historical and related deals

Limit orders, including stops, linked and profit-take

Price transparency and consistency

Online confirmation

FX e-Channels allows your entire transaction process to be presented in a clear and concise manner that fully empowers you to make informed decisions on the relevant transactions. By transacting electronically, a clear audit trail is established and immediately available making it easy for clients to review past transactions, pricing and associated details.

We provide two wholesale product offerings, eMarketTrader and FX Trading. packaged to suit the needs of your business.

Standard Bank's Renminbi capability

As the largest banking group in Africa, Standard Bank provides a centralised solution for payment clearing and trade settlements in Renminbi. Our relationship with Asia, and with China in particular, is underscored by our close ties with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, which holds a 20% stake in the Standard Bank Group.

What is Renminbi

The Renminbi (RMB) is the official currency of the People's Republic of China. It is commonly known as the Yuan (CNY - the base unit of the RMB) and means "people's currency" in Mandarin.

For information on what the internationalisation of the RMB mean for you, click here

Benefits of trading in RMB

For South African companies:

Better negotiation opportunities with suppliers from China

Improved business relationships with counter parties through price transparency and avoiding the use of an "intermediary" currency (such as USD) in the pricing process

Prepayments (advance payments) can be made to incentivise discounts from your supplier

South African operators of Chinese parent companies can repatriate RMB funds to an offshore Standard Bank service provider in Hong Kong, for use in other offshore investments or payments

For Chinese counterparts:

Faster tax rebates - as a "Renminbi Settlement Status" holder, Chinese exporters qualify for automatic tax refunds or exemptions on qualifying exports products at the moment of invoicing, providing a faster rebate than when any other currency is used

Risk reduced by diversifying FX exposure and avoiding foreign currency translation risk

Improved working capital cycle and shortened cash conversion cycle, lowering the cost of funding

Better matching of assets and liabilities

Reduced administrative burden in managing foreign currency revenue and cash flows

Supporting China's national interest to promote the use of RMB

China is now Africa's single biggest trading partner and trade volumes continue to grow. Now that RMB is accepted as a currency of global trade, Standard Bank Group is well positioned to facilitate settlement of the currency.

Standard Bank's RMB product suite

In South Africa, we offer the following capabilities to support RMB payments and settlements:

Transactional products and services:

Customer foreign currency accounts (CFC) denominated in RMB for clients to settle RMB proceeds from import and export trades with enterprises in China

RMB cash settlement and clearing for trade related transactions

CNY notes ordered on request. For information on our cash management solutions click here

Money market and credit facilities:

RMB credit facilities (short term)

RMB money market deposits (trade related receipts into cfc account)

FX and hedging instruments:

Spot FX

CNY deliverable forwards (via the offshore CNH market in Hong Kong)

Across Africa, we provide CNY accounts and services for clients in most of the 19 countries in which we have a presence.

Standard Bank's skilled foreign exchange team is on hand to help our clients negotiate all aspects of RMB settlements

The Forex Relationship Centre (FRC) is an advisory team managed by a group of qualified foreign exchange specialists. They are mandated to provide you with comprehensive service and support for any and all foreign exchange matters.

As an FRC client, you can expect more than just an exchange rate. We offer a wide range of products and services that are aimed to enhance your forex dealing experience.

Products: Spot rates, forward exchange contracts, FX swaps, derivatives and currency futures

Channels: Electronic dealing and telephonic dealing

Services: Market updates, educational tools and events

We aim to provide clients with an exceptional personal service with a strong focus on education. The team endeavours to keep clients informed of the latest developments and best practices in the foreign exchange market, by providing economic research and the latest market rates.

Contact the FRC desk on 08000-FOREX (36739) or email forex@standardbank. co. za for answers to your FX queries and solutions matched to your FX needs.

As a value-added service, the Forex Relationship Centre is dedicated to educating our clients about the foreign exchange market, online forex dealing solutions, online cash management systems and possible risk mitigation strategies.

The foreign exchange market Read about the background, uses and matters influencing the market pricing of one currency against another.

The spot market Read about spot transactions, settlement and dealing.

The forward foreign exchange market Read about FECs, their pricing mechanics and application.

For further information, the forex sales team is available to assists.

Exchange rate risk mitigation

Derivatives are contracts between two or more parties where the parties agree to the price of a transaction now that will take place at some time in the future. "Derivative" refers to the value of that financial instrument is based on, or derives from the value of what is going to be bought or sold at a future date. Derivatives are used for "hedging" (reducing or removing price risk associated with a particular transaction at a future date) or for "trading" (speculation) and arbitrage purposes.

Basically, there are two types of derivatives – forwards (fixed rate or price, such as FEC and options.

Forward exchange contracts Read about the types of forward cover, delivery and advantages and exchange control requirements.

Currency options Read about currency options contracts and their pricing dynamics as well as some practical applications of currency options that importers and exporters can utilize.

Currency futures A currency futures contract is an agreement allowing market participants to buy (long) or sell (short) one currency for another at a specified price and date in the future. The underlying instrument of a currency futures contract is the exchange rate between one unit of foreign currency - USD, GBP, AUD or euro - and the South African rand.

Options on currency futures Options on currency futures grant the purchaser the right, but not the obligation, to trade a currency futures contract at a predetermined date and at a prearranged price. Participants are able to buy or sell these contracts.

Customer Foreign Currency Accounts (CFC) Read about the advantages of managing foreign currency receipts (export proceeds) and payments (import settlements) as well as settlement of services relating to the movement of goods.

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Johannesburg is a city in South Africa's Gauteng Province. Johannesburg budget travel makes it easy to experience one of the country's premier cities without breaking the bank.

Johannesburg Budget Travel

Below is a list of Johannesburg's top activities, click on the link to view all details and tours.


Johannesburg HIV/AIDS basic precautions include the following: •Don't ever share needles or syringes •Practice safe sex at all times •Equipment should be sterilized •If you require self-administered injections, take an adequate supply of your own needles •Avoid tattoos, acupuncture treatment or body piercing from suspect or unsterile operators


Nearest Johannesburg airports include the following: •OR Tambo Johannesburg International Airport


Johannesburg birdlife is fairly diverse, with a large number of nature reserves and key habitats around the city and surrounds. Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve, which lies just outside the city, is one of the main birding areas in Johannesburg and offers excellent bird sightings of many species including secretary birds and falcons.


There are a number of Johannesburg conservation efforts which range from lion projects to game farms, botanical gardens, Johannesburg Zoo, nature reserves and bird parks. Many conservation projects offer volunteer programs which to educate the public and allow more community involvement. Some of the key conservation issues within the area include habitat loss, pollution, as well as urbanisation and water restrictions.


Johannesburg cultures include the following: •Music and dance play a key role in many ethnic groups cultures •Film is an emerging culture trend •Food and cuisine is influenced by a range of cultures and heritages •Art plays an important role in modern and ancient cultures •Literature is another integral part of Johannesburg culture


Johannesburg customs allows for free import of the following: •2 litres wine •1 litre spirits and other alcoholic beverages •200 cigarettes, 20 cigars or 250g cigarette or pipe tobacco •50ml Perfume and 250ml eau de toilette


Johannesburg is a fairly developed city, with a range of hospitals, private hospitals, doctors, clinics, pharmacies, alternative medicine practices and other health facilities. State funded hospitals are often overcrowded and under-staffed; however private clinics and hospitals have good facilities with reasonable prices. There are no major health risks aside from a very high HIV/AIDS risk, and travelers should have a safe and healthy travel experience.


Recommended inoculations for travel to Johannesburg are: •Hepatitis A •Hepatitis B •Typhoid •Polio •Rabies •Tetanus


Johannesburg languages include: •Nguni 32% •Sotho 24% •English 18% •Afrikaans 7% •Tshivenda 6%


•Johannesburg is a malaria-free city so no medication is needed •If you are travelling onwards to a malaria-zone then you will need to start a course of malaria medication before you leave for your destination •Consult your doctor to learn more about available medication •Do not ever take malaria medication if it is not required, side effects can be strong


Johannesburg money and banking information includes: •Banks are open Monday to Friday from 9h00, 15h00, and Saturdays from 8h30-11h30 •ATMs can be found across the entire city, especially within malls or shopping areas •Online banking can be done at any internet cafe •Foreign exchange facilities are widely available at malls, airport, hotels and banks •Credit and debit cards are widely accepted at almost all shops, hotels and restaurants


Johannesburg people include the following groups: •Black African 73% •White 16% •Coloured 6% •Asian 4%


Johannesburg local phrases in Sotho include: •Hello - Dumela •How are you? - O phela joang? •I'm fine, thanks. Y usted? - Ke teng, wena o kae? •Goodbye - Sala hantle •Thank you - Ke a leboha


Johannesburg plants are fairly varied, with a number of ecosystems to be found across the city and surrounding velds, ranging from savannas to woodlands, with key wetlands to be found in addition to lush botanical gardens which house thousands of plant species. A number of succulents and cacti can also be found across many areas.


Johannesburg religion includes the following: •Christian 53% •Non-religious 24% •Traditional beliefs 14% •3% Muslim •Jewish 1% •Hindu 1%

Safety Tips

•Johannesburg has a high crime rate, but if basic safety precautions are taken then it is safe to visit •Robberies have been known to occur outside airports, do not accept unsolicited help or lifts, instead call a reputable cab service •Be cautious around ATMs, crowded areas, trains and remote areas and do not walk around alone, especially after dark •Keep car windows up and doors locked when driving, and keep all valuables out of sight in the car when travelling or parked •Do not walk around with valuables in plain sight, use a moneybag hidden under your shirt instead or lock valuables in hotel safe


Johannesburg local transport options include: •Car •Taxi •Bus

Travel Books

Johannesburg recommended travel books include: •Johannesburg: The Bradt City Guide by Lizzie Williams •Johannesburg: The Elusive Metropolis by Sarah Nuttall, Achille Mbembe, Jonathan Hyslop and David Bunn •Johannesburg Imagined South Africa Guide by Keith Beavon •Handy Guide Johannesburg by Peter Joyce •Soweto: Johannesburg's African City by Ellen Hellmann

Visa Requirements

Johannesburg visa information is as follows: •Most visitors do not require a visa, check with your embassy to find out if your country requires a visa or not •A valid passport of 6 months minimum is required to enter South Africa •You will need 2 blank pages in your passport to enter the country •Proof of sufficient funds during your stay is required to enter the country

What To Buy

•Johannesburg guide book with a good map •Plug adapter for UK and US visitors •Good sized backpack plus a decent moneybag •Sleeping bag if you are on a camping or overland tour

What To Pack

•Camera, spare batteries and film or memory cards plus binoculars •Sunglasses, sunhat and sunscreen, plus swimming costume •Casual clothes plus smart clothes for dinner or drinks at night •Comfortable walking shoes plus sandals •Warm jacket for cooler summer days and warm clothes for winter visits

When To Go

•The best time to visit Johannesburg is between September and April •Winters run from May to July, with fairly mild weather •Summers run from October to February, with humid and hot weather •Summer thunderstorms are common, with short bursts of rain


Travellers can expect to see a wide range of Johannesburg wildlife, with a number of game viewing destinations ranging from beautiful game reserves to the famous Johannesburg Zoo, where over 2,000 animals can be found. Africa's Big 5, which include lion, leopard, elephant, rhino and buffalo, can also be seen at some of the game farms within the city and surrounds.

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Raslouw - Centurion, Gauteng

The suburb of Raslouw which is situated to the North West of Centurion is one of the more established areas with beautiful gardens, large stands and an abundance of trees! The suburb consists of approximately 381 houses and 466 townhouses. The suburb is popular with the upper middle class as it is very centrally situated in Centurion in terms of accessibility. The type of properties varies and includes houses, townhouses, duets, vacant land, guesthouses, security estates and new developments. Some of the larger stands have been developed into Estates, and the three popular Estates are Raslouw Lifestyle Estate, Raslouw Glen Estate and Raslouw Manor Estate. The freehold stands range in size from 200 sm to 25,000 sm. The price of houses ranges from R1, 430,000 up to and including R6, 500, 000 (2012). The price of townhouses ranges from R790, 000 to R1, 800,000 (2012). Vacant stands vary in price from R330, 000 to R800, 000. The property owners in Raslouw are extremely stable as 60% of the owners have lived in their homes for more than 5 years.

The suburb is bordered by the Wierda Road (M10) to the North, Philirene Road (Heuwelsig Estate) to the West, Gouws Avenue (Wierda Park) to the East and Ruimte Avenue (R114) to the South.

Due to the fact that Raslouw is one of the older suburbs in Centurion, most of the properties have large well established wooded gardens. Residents prefer Raslouw for its convenient location, extra-large stands, style of house built, tranquil environment and the fact that there is very little building activity in the area.

Being an older established suburb, Raslouw has access to many public parks in the area. The closest post office is the Wierda Park Post Office on the corner of Willem Botha Street and Ruimte Road. The nearest library is situated in Eldoraigne on Ireland Avenue. Raslouw has two popular guesthouses, namely Swan Lake and Swans Rest Boutique Hotel. There are two Nurseries in the area, which are situated in Ruimte Road and Lloys Street.

Raslouw also offers easy access to the N1 and N14, for commuters travelling by car to either Pretoria, Midrand, Kempton Park, Johannesburg, Krugersdorp, Gautrain, OR Tambo International Airport as well as Lanseria Airport.

Facilities in the Centers also includes all the major banks & Forex dealers, leading restaurants and take away. major retailers such as Checkers, Pick ‘n Pay, Woolworths, Clicks, Pep, Ackerman’s, Mr. Price Home, DISCHEM, Edgars plus smaller independent outlets offering jewelry, hair and beauty products, footwear, audio, electrical music and entertainment. For the concerted Golfer, Copperleaf Golf & Country Estate designed by our very own Ernie Els is in close proximity.

Schools in the area include Laerskool Wierdapark, Bakenkop Laerskool, Springvale Primary, Eldoraigne Hoërskool, Sutherland Secondary School, Centurion Christian School and Doxa Deo (South Campus). Nursery schools include Froggies, Kleuterhoekie, Ietsie Bietsie and Ietsie Bietsie Crèche (all in Rooihuiskraal), Pieriewierie, Kabouterland, Little Village, Bambi, Maranataland, Waterland and Klitsie (all in Wierdapark)

Places of worship include Great Hope Baptist Church ( Wierda park), NG Church (Wierda Park South), West View Methodist Church ( Wierda Park), AFM New Life ( Raslouw), Eldoraigne Musallah, Centurion Vineyard Christian Fellowship (Celtisdal), Doxa Deo South Campus ( Raslouw), Afrikaanse Protestante Kerk ( Wierda Park), Church of the Nazarene ( Wierda Park), Saint Stephens Anglican ( Eldoraigne) and Centurion Presbyterian Church( Raslouw).

The UNITAS hospital is a short distance away and the area boasts the following; Wierdapark Day Clinic, Bakenkop Medical Clinic, Rooihuiskraal Provincial Clinic, Medipark Clinic, Eldoraigne Provincial Clinic, Medicross Eldoraigne, Clicks Clinic in the Mall @ Reds Centre and the DisChem Clinic in the Raslouw Lifestyle Centre. Amongst the 100 plus shops in the Mall @ Reds Shopping Centre is the Mall @ Reds Post Office, the Cine Centre Movie house and the Virgin Active Gym.

The closest police station is the Wierda Bridge Police Station situated in Valhalla.

Western Cape

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Nepal Customs, Currency & Airport Tax regulations details

Customs Rules

Free import: - 250 cigarettes, 50 cigars and 20 grams of tobacco; - whisky/wine not exceeding 1.15 liters or beer up to 12 cans; - cloths and goods for personal use; - steel camera film 15 pieces and movie camera film 12 pieces; - medicines for personal use up to a value of NPR 10,000.-; - tin pack food stuff up to an value of NPR 1,000.-; - fresh fruit up to a value of NPR 2,000.-; - 50 grams of gold ornaments and 100 grams of silver ornaments.

Free export of personal effects previously imported and declared by the passenger. A clearance certificate from the Customs is required for export of antiquities and curios.

Cats and dogs must be accompanied by a veterinarian health and rabies certificate.

Baggage is cleared at Kathmandu (KTM).

Airport Embarkation Tax

No airport tax is levied on passengers upon embarkation at the airport.

Currency rules

Local currency (Nepalese Rupee-NPR) and Indian currency: nationals of Nepal and India: unlimited and in small denominations. Other nationalities: foreign currencies exceeding USD 2000.- must be declared.

Local currency (Nepalese Rupee-NPR) and foreign currencies: up to the amounts imported and declared. Only ten per cent of the amount exchanged into local currency will be re-exchanged into foreign currency at the airport upon departure.

Passport, Visa & Health advice

Learn all about regulations for your destination country. From airport tax to be paid on departure, to importing pets, as well as rules on how much currency you may bring into and out of a country.

Dear OR Tambo. What the heck is going on? - Singapore Star

Dear OR Tambo. What the heck is going on?

News24 Monday 7th March, 2016

I see you are making headlines again, what did you do now -

This letter is actually long overdue. You've been on my mind for quite a while now, but I got busy and you had your hands full with multiple multi-million rand drug busts (congratulations by the way), a bomb threat, a guinea-fowl related emergency landing and to top it all off you got nominated as one of the leading African airports in the World Travel Awards! Well done buddy, I'm so proud.

A photo posted by Going Somewhere Slowly (@going_somewhere_slowly) on Oct 3, 2015 at 11:36pm PDT

But on that note, I think we should have a chat.

The headlines are telling me that you are flirting with the World Travel Awards and getting a face lift but at the same time I'm reading big words like absenteeism. You know me; I like to make sure I understand big words, so I turned to the wisdom of Master Google. He said that it means "regularly staying away from work without good reason ". Eish buddy, that's bad. I'm quite worried about your absenteeism, the rand is weak, tourists are stepping on your welcome mat and you are busy with refurbishments.

Tambs, in the spirit of refurbishments, do you mind if I give you some pointers to make your abode a bit more user-friendly - I don't know what your plans are for the future, but hear me out and maybe tell papa ACSA too -

A photo posted by Going Somewhere Slowly (@going_somewhere_slowly) on Oct 3, 2015 at 10:24pm PDT

Travellers need wi-fi buddy. I know you have a connection that is always on, but 30 minutes of wi-fi in this day and age is not enough - and I'm not even talking about the difficulty of registering for that connection when you arrive without a local or international sim card.

Your posters in the bathroom offers me the opportunity to rate your service. In Singapore I saw the same posters - the paper was a little bit thicker and I could rate the service on a scale of smiley faces from happy to sad on some kind of touch-screen-poster; ah those Asians and their fancy inventions. Your poster is telling me to send an SMS and then you charge me R2 for that SMS. Tambs, come on. That's not cool. Insert emoji: sad face.

You are the only airport with bathroom butlersgreeting guests with"welcome to my office ". That is just brilliant and unique, don't change that.

Tambs, I think your porters need a bit of training or even some of that absenteeism (might be cheaper). They should read their audience; pushing a trolley or wheelie bag is not that difficult but we appreciate the gesture. It would be so kind if they could let us through without blocking the way, we'll call on them if we need help.

I was so excited to visit your viewing deck for the first time when I got back from Singapore where they had a butterfly garden in the airport, I kid you not, in the airport! So I imagined you had a big screen with some lovely tourism ad, maybe a plant, a water feature and some nice chairs but when I got there it was just an open space. I saw a statue of Mr Oliver Tambo there (so cool that you are named after him) and he just stared into the nothingness of the viewing deck. He gave some airport workers the stink eye after they left their rubbish on the floor. I was quite shocked too; the bin was literally five steps away from them.

A photo posted by Going Somewhere Slowly (@going_somewhere_slowly) on Aug 20, 2015 at 5:19am PDT

Now Tambs, I know this is not totally part of your family, but please tell the in-laws that they should include some refreshment in their Sandton to OR Tambo Airport train ticket. The ticket from Sandton to O. R Tambo Airport is R142, the ticket from Sandton to Rhodesfield is R37. Math has never been my strong point, but surely I'm missing out on some pap and worswhen I pay R105 for the last kilometer to O. R Tambo Airport - It is not even a full kilometer. Anyway Tambs, that's just my suggestions. I know you are one of the busiest airports in Africa so you should probably put this letter away and get back to work now.

It was a good chat, buddy. Good luck with the refurbishments and don't misplace the welcome mat. Hope to see you soon again and please send my regards to the family.


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Featured Story

At a time when the world is looking for new ways to build peace and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), encouraging young people to innovate and create knowledge is vital in effectively addressing those challenges.

UNESCO's Youth Mobile Initiative builds on the experience of many programmes worldwide to introduce young people to computer science programming (learning-to-code) and problem solving (coding-to-learn). The Youth Mobile Initiative also recognizes the significant potential of mobile device as a tool for expression, creativity and innovation which should be mastered for harnessing its potential and deliver innovative services. The Initiative is particularly relevant as the next 1 billion new Internet connections will be from mobile devices in the hands of young people in developing countries.

Within this framework, UNESCO will bring a critical mass of young people to the FOSSASIA Summit 2016 in Singapore from 18 to 20 March to acquire basic technical skills and confidence to develop, promote and sell locally relevant mobile applications that address issues of sustainable development.

Over the next three days, 100 young girls and boys will join one of the six UNESCO's Youth Mobile training workshops and will be trained in different stages of mobile apps development from creation, design, coding, to implementation by more than 15 mentors from 7 countries. Students will also be encouraged to work on applications making use of open data and open online resources, and harness information and knowledge as one of the biggest challenges in today's increasingly interconnected world.

The series of Youth Mobile trainings is part of a larger programme of FOSSASIA 2016 where inspiring communities of Open Tech developers, designers, startups and contributors across Asia gather. Over 3,000 pre-university students from Asia will also be trained on ICT development and entrepreneurship to create viable employment opportunities in the mobile and ICT industry.

Latest Singapore Star news

Sydney - Australia's iconic Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge went dark on Saturday night.

At a time when the world is looking for new ways to build peace and.

Singapore, March 19 (IANS) The Singapore ArtScience Museum on Saturday unveiled a new exhibit that.

Singapore, March 18 (IANS) Singapore's Changi Airport has been voted the World's Best Airport for.

Cape Town - Five of South Africa's airports have been named among the world's best.

Singapore Star News Poll

Travel News

Fly Blue Crane has applied for an international air service licence in hope of launching services to Swaziland and Maputo out of OR Tambo International Airport. The application was presented to the Department of Tourism yesterday (March 17).“This was the first stage of the application process,” Fly Blue Crane coo, Theunis Potgieter said “The process is expected to be finalised in about three weeks – by when we are hoping our application will be approved.”Fly Blue Crane has not confirmed when it hopes to launch the routes, however it has applied to fly seven times a week to King Mswatii III…

Cemair will operate flights between Johannesburg and George from March 18-20.The airline said it was testing the popularity of the route this weekend following high demand for the flights with the upcoming school holidays, which start on March 18.Flight 5Z0 124 will depart Johannesburg at 10h00 to arrive in George at 11h40, with return flight 5Z0 123 departing George at 12h15 to arrive in Johannesburg at 13h55.Tickets are on sale at R2 900 one way, including all taxes.

Cruises International has confirmed that cruise lines Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises have skipped their calls at Bali as a result of the increasing terrorist threats on the island. The company, however, said that the change is only temporary.

A car bomb has exploded in Guven Park in the Kizilay district, a key transport hub and commercial district in the Turkish capital, Ankara. According to the BBC, the bomb is said to have killed at least 32 people and injured over 100.

Turkish Airlines is set to expand its connections to the Americas with the launch of flights to Bogota, Colombia, and Panama. The Istanbul-Bogota-Panama-Istanbul (IST-BOG-PTY-IST) service will operate three times a week, effective May 4.The service will run until October 30, with flight TK 175 departing Istanbul on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 02h10 to arrive in Bogota at 08h00 the same day. The flight will depart Bogota at 09h30 to arrive in Panama at 11h00. The return flight will depart Panama at 12h30 to arrive in Istanbul at 10h25 the following day. On October 30, TK 175 will arrive in…

South African business travellers to Namibia are required to apply for a visa at the Namibian High Commission in Pretoria as part of the country’s new visa regulations. The cost of the visa is R80 for the handling fees and R390 for the visa itself. The processing time is between two and three working days. A spokesperson for the High Commission said that all corporates travelling to Namibia for business meetings or to present at a conference in Namibia can apply for a business visa in Pretoria.

SAA and JetBlue Airways have introduced codeshare operations on SAA’s flights between Washington, DC and Accra, effective immediately. JetBlue flies from Washington DC to various areas throughout North America, including Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston, Orlando and Fort Lauderdale. JetBlue is now placing its B6 code on SAA-operated flights between Washington, DC-Dulles Airport and Accra, Ghana. Customers purchasing a codeshare itinerary will benefit from having a single ticket combining JetBlue and SAA-operated flights, as well as the convenience of one-stop check-in and baggage transfer. JetBlue’s TrueBlue members can earn TrueBlue points on SAA’s entire global network where SAA is the operating carrier. SAA offers…

Heuweloord - Centurion, Gauteng

The suburb of Heuweloord which is situated to the West of Centurion is one of the older & established affordable areas in Centurion, with most properties boasting large well established gardens. Residents prefer the suburb for its convenient location, variety of dwellings and tranquil environment. The suburb is very popular with young family buyers as it offers affordable housing and is centrally situated in Centurion in terms of accessibility.

Most of the properties have a view over the Rietspruit or South over the R28 towards Thatchfield. The suburb consists of approximately 786 houses and 196 townhouses. The type of properties varies and includes houses, townhouses, duets, apartments, vacant land, clusters and guesthouses. The freehold stands range in size from 600 square meters up to 1000 square meters. The price of houses ranges from R600, 000 to R1, 700,000 (2012) whilst the price of other properties in the area ranges from R430, 000 to R780, 000 (2012). There are very few vacant stands available, however the ones that do remain command around R350, 000 in today’s market! (2012).The property owners in Heuweloord are extremely stable as 75% of the owners have lived in their homes for more than 5 years.

The suburb is bordered by Ruimte Road (M34) to the North, Voortrekker Road (R55) to the West, Rietspruit (Amberfield) to the East and the R28/N14 (Krugersdorp Highway) to the South.

Heuweloord also offers easy access to the N1 and R28/N14, for commuters travelling by car to either Pretoria, Midrand, Kempton Park, Johannesburg, Krugersdorp, OR Tambo International Airport as well as Lanseria Airport.

There are plans for a new school in the area, however due to the economy no final plans or date has yet been set! Other plans on the table for the area include a regional shopping Centre, sports facilities and a hospital.

Shopping Centers in the immediate vicinity include Celtis Ridge, Mall @ Reds and the Raslouw Lifestyle Centre, offering a full range of retail outlets, restaurants and cinema!

Facilities in the Centers includes all the major banks & Forex dealers, leading restaurants and take aways. major retailers such as Checkers, Pick вЂ˜n Pay, Woolworths, Clicks, Pep, Ackerman’s, Mr. Price Home, DISCHEM, Edgars plus smaller independent outlets offering jewelry, hair and beauty products, footwear, audio, electrical music and entertainment. For the concerted Golfer, Copperleaf Golf & Country Estate designed by our very own Ernie Els is in close proximity.

Schools in the area include Laerskool Wierdapark, Bakenkop Laerskool, Springvale Primary, Eldoraigne HoГ«rskool, Sutherland Secondary School, Centurion Christian School and Doxa Deo (South Campus). Nursery schools include Froggies, Kleuterhoekie, Ietsie Bietsie and Ietsie Bietsie CrГЁche (all in Rooihuiskraal), Pieriewierie, Kabouterland, Little Village, Bambi, Maranataland, Waterland and Klitsie.

Places of worship include Great Hope Baptist Church ( Wierda park), NG Church (Wierda Park South), West View Methodist Church ( Wierda Park), AFM New Life ( Raslouw), Eldoraigne Musallah, Centurion Vineyard Christian Fellowship (Celtisdal), Doxa Deo South Campus ( Raslouw), Afrikaanse Protestante Kerk ( Wierda Park), Church of the Nazarene ( Wierda Park), Saint Stephens Anglican ( Eldoraigne) and Centurion Presbyterian Church( Raslouw).

The UNITAS hospital is a short distance away and the area boasts the following; Wierdapark Day Clinic, Bakenkop Medical Clinic, Rooihuiskraal Provincial Clinic, Medipark Clinic, Eldoraigne Provincial Clinic, Medicross Eldoraigne, Clicks Clinic in the Mall @ Reds Centre and the DisChem Clinic in the Raslouw Lifestyle Centre.

Amongst the 100 plus shops in the Mall @ Reds Shopping Centre is the Mall @ Reds Post Office, the Cine Centre Movie house and the Virgin Active Gym.

Sports facilities in the surrounding suburbs include karate, dancing, badminton, wrestling, pigeon racing, athletics, tennis, soccer, birding, ballet and gymnastics. Many other sports are available in the surrounding suburbs.

The closest police station is the Wierda Bridge Police Station situated in Valhalla.

Western Cape

South African currency hits record lows

JOHANNESBURG (AP) -- The prospects of rising interest rates in the United States, coupled with a downturn in the Chinese economy contributed to the South African currency's record drop on Monday, said economists.

The South African rand plunged to 14 rand to the dollar before recovering slightly to 13 rand as trade closed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

The rand was the worst affected among 25 other emerging market currencies, buckling under China's currency devaluation, reported Business Day, a financial newspaper. In the United States, the Dow Jones industrial average lost more than 1,000 points as trade began on Wall Street.

Since the beginning of the year, the rand has lost 15 percent against the dollar and is further weakened by a number of domestic factors, said economist Richard Downing. A rudderless economic policy, labor strikes, frequent electricity blackouts and a neglected manufacturing sector make the South African rand vulnerable to international currency fluctuations, he said.

"We need clarity on a fiscal policy," said Downing, adding that South African policy makers must do more to regain the faith of international investors. "It's not promoting confidence in the South African economy."

As some investors turned to more solid stocks, the price of gold increased but it was not enough to rally the currency, said Downing.

Known for its gold and other precious metals, South Africa is particularly susceptible to currency swings as a commodities exporter, said economist Mike Schussler.

Last week, the rand weakened to 13 rand to $1 — reaching lows last seen in 2001 — recovering slightly as the week ended, only to fall again on Monday.

For decades, the rand was on par with the dollar, beginning to weaken as political transition in the country sparked investor fears in the late 1980s, according to Federal Reserve records.

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Internationally, almost 200 million people work in the travel and tourism industry with tourism playing an enormous role in the South African economy. Our National Certificate in General Travel Qualification has been designed to enhance your skills and knowledge thus increasing career opportunities in this rapidly expanding industry.

Our National Certificate in General Travel takes place over a 1 year period and is registered as a Level 5 qualification. This qualification focuses on the management and administrative aspects of tourism and will assist with the regulation of people entering the travel industry, ensuring a more competent workforce. The qualification will also provide the basis for further development of the learner into specialist and management areas within the travel industry.

Students can expect to learn more about managing tourist attractions, travelling arrangements, call/contact centres, foreign currency, accommodation etc. Please see the unit standards covered in the table below. Our learners have the opportunity to include the cabin crew member licensing course in this qualification.

This General Travel qualification is the ideal course to consider if you enjoy travelling or are seeking a career in the tourism industry. If an office job is not for you, this course will prepare you for a career in being a flight attendant, a customer service agent, working on cruise ships, the hotel industry, becoming a call centre agent etc. etc. etc.

Unit standards to be covered include:

Flight Attendant Training

Process incoming and outgoing telephone calls

Analyse Airport and Customs Systems

Demonstrate basic forex transactions and forex conversions

Describe the world from a travel perspective

Access information on Travel Products and Services

Advise customers on travel entry document and assist with application

Analyse the tourism industry and the links between various sectors

Book and issue Documentation for Land Travel and Accommodation

Demonstrate knowledge of South Africa as a travel destination

Operate central reservation or global distribution system

South African currency hits record lows

JOHANNESBURG (AP) -- The prospects of rising interest rates in the United States, coupled with a downturn in the Chinese economy contributed to the South African currency's record drop on Monday, said economists.

The South African rand plunged to 14 rand to the dollar before recovering slightly to 13 rand as trade closed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

The rand was the worst affected among 25 other emerging market currencies, buckling under China's currency devaluation, reported Business Day, a financial newspaper. In the United States, the Dow Jones industrial average lost more than 1,000 points as trade began on Wall Street.

Since the beginning of the year, the rand has lost 15 percent against the dollar and is further weakened by a number of domestic factors, said economist Richard Downing. A rudderless economic policy, labor strikes, frequent electricity blackouts and a neglected manufacturing sector make the South African rand vulnerable to international currency fluctuations, he said.

"We need clarity on a fiscal policy," said Downing, adding that South African policy makers must do more to regain the faith of international investors. "It's not promoting confidence in the South African economy."

As some investors turned to more solid stocks, the price of gold increased but it was not enough to rally the currency, said Downing.

Known for its gold and other precious metals, South Africa is particularly susceptible to currency swings as a commodities exporter, said economist Mike Schussler.

Last week, the rand weakened to 13 rand to $1 — reaching lows last seen in 2001 — recovering slightly as the week ended, only to fall again on Monday.

For decades, the rand was on par with the dollar, beginning to weaken as political transition in the country sparked investor fears in the late 1980s, according to Federal Reserve records.

Mark Theunissen

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WORK HISTORY 1998 – 1989 SADF (South African Defence Force) 1990 – 1995 ABSA BANK 1996 – 1997 FNB 1997 – 1999 ABSA 1999 – 2008 American Express Foreign Exchange I started work for American Express in June 1999 as a senior forex consultant. I got promoted to Supervisor in 2001. A opportunity went open in the ICT depart which I took, as an ICT career path seamed better at that stage

2008 – Present Komatsu South Africa I started with Komatsu as a Network Administrator in 2008. I got promoted in 2014 to Supervisor: ICT Processes. We are a SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley) compliant company and part my current function is to ensure that we are complaint to these standards. The means making sure that all policies are followed and standards are met. Current duties - Ensure that daily backups are done. - Monitoring of LAN and WAN and reporting any line issues. - Ordering of network points - Ensuring workstations are correctly setup by my staff - Maintaining Active Directory - Creating new SAP users using GRC system. - Setup of new Exchange accounts - Maintaining and monitoring of Anti-Virus - Maintaining of network printers - Assist with helpdesk support - Escalate issues that cannot be resolved by us - Checking policies and workflows - Assisting auditors with inspections and audits - Doing daily health check and reports on our GRC system. - Ensuring all documentations is completed correctly and authorised - Monitor web usage of users - Maintaining of internet policies - Investigate new software and systems - Liaise with vendors on a regular basis - Ensure SLA`s are met. - Allocating of SAP firefighter roles - Assisting with anything ICT related.

Komatsu is an International global company with a presence on each continent. Our mother company is in Japan and our main competitor is Caterpillar. We support all of Southern Africa meaning Botswana, Zambia, Mozambique and Namibia. We currently have 30 branches and or depots located on mines and other cities


August 2014 – Present (1 year 8 months) Johannesburg Area, South Africa

I started with Komatsu as a Network Administrator in 2008. I got promoted in 2014 to Supervisor: ICT Processes. We are a SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley) compliant company and part my current function is to ensure that we are complaint to these standards. The means making sure that all policies are followed and standards are met. Current duties - Ensure that daily backups are done. - Monitoring of LAN and WAN and reporting any line issues. - Ordering of network points - Ensuring workstations are correctly setup by my staff - Maintaining Active Directory - Creating new SAP users using GRC system. - Setup of new Exchange accounts - Maintaining and monitoring of Anti-Virus - Maintaining of network printers - Assist with helpdesk support - Escalate issues that cannot be resolved by us - Checking policies and workflows - Assisting auditors with inspections and audits - Doing daily health check and reports on our GRC system. - Ensuring all documentations is completed correctly and authorised - Monitor web usage of users - Maintaining of internet policies - Investigate new software and systems - Liaise with vendors on a regular basis - Ensure SLA`s are met. - Allocating of SAP firefighter roles - Assisting with anything ICT related.

May 2008 – July 2014 (6 years 3 months)

As per attached document

American Express Foreign Exchange

1999 – 2008 (9 years) Johannesburg Area, South Africa

I started work for American Express in June 1999 as a senior forex consultant. I got promoted to Supervisor in 2001. A opportunity went open in the IT department which I took, as an it career path seamed better at that stage.

SADF (South African Defence Force)

January 1998 – December 1999 (2 years) Cape Town Area, South Africa

I completed two years compulsory military service at Anti-Aircraft in Youngsfield Cape Town I received my corporal rank in 1989

1997 – 1999 (2 years) Johannesburg Area, South Africa

I returned to ABSA bank at the OR Tambo Airport where I resumed all my old supervisory duties. I got promoted again in 1998

1996 – 1997 (1 year) Johannesburg Area, South Africa

I started at First National Bank as a Senior Forex Consultant. I got promoted and had 5 staff members reporting to me My duties included the recon of accounts and staff management. Releasing of Telegraphic Transfers an booking of forward exchange rates Control of the floor

January 1990 – 1995 (5 years) Johannesburg Area, South Africa

Started as a teller in Germiston Worked in all sections of the bank which included tellers, loans, housing and recons I transferred to the airport branch and started work as a forex teller I got promoted to accountant in 1994 My duties included the running of shifts and being in charge of 10 staff members. The management of safes to the amount of 6 million in rand and 20 Million in foreign exchange.





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