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James Beeland "Jim" Rogers, Jr. (llevado 19 de octubre, 1942) es un hombre de negocios, un inversionista y un autor americanos. Actualmente trabaja en Singapur. Rogers es el presidente de Rogers Holdings y Beeland Interests, Inc. Fue cofundador del Quantum Fund y creador del Índice de Mercados Internacionales de Rogers (RICI).
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Al mismo tiempo, el comercio automatizado presenta una serie de nuevos desafíos. Incluyen un mayor riesgo de picos repentinos en la volatilidad del mercado y liquidez "fantasma" que surgen de la velocidad de ejecución, 14 algoritmos defectuosos15 y apiñamiento de posiciones.16 También incluyen el riesgo de la interpretación de datamis por análisis computarizado y modelos matemáticos que reemplazan cada vez más al pensamiento humano y Los expertos legales plantean importantes cuestiones sobre la viabilidad en los mercados de negociación automatizados de la regulación tradicional del mercado18, así como sobre los conceptos del derecho de valores como la divulgación obligatoria y la teoría del fraude en el mercado.19 Forex driving school singapore.
El Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) 67, el Banco de los Asentamientos Internacionales (BPI) 68, el Banco de Inglaterra, 69 la Presidenta de la Reserva Federal Janet Yellen, 70 el financiero Stephen Schwarzman de Blackstone71 y el notable economista NourielRoubini.72 Si bien algunos banqueros centrales expresan escepticismo sobre la falta de evidencia cuantitativa de falta de liquidez 73, existe una preocupación real entre aquellos con responsabilidad y conocimiento del mercado financiero, incluidos reguladores de mercados financieros74 e importantes participantes del mercado de Goldman Sachs75 y Credit Suisse76 a Blackrock77 y Development Bank de Singapur.78
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Los ledgers abiertos distribuidos tienen el potencial de revolucionar los ecosistemas financieros modernos.23 A diferencia de los actuales procesos de asentamiento, los ledgers distribuidos utilizan protocolos de autenticación abiertos, descentralizados y consensuados.24 Permiten a las personas "que no tienen ninguna confianza particular en colaborar sin tener que Pasar por una autoridad central neutral ".25 Los libros de contabilidad distribuidos tendrán enormes implicaciones para los mercados financieros en pagos, banca, liquidación de valores, registro de títulos, seguridad cibernética26 y el proceso de administración de garantías que se hace infinitamente más complejo con las nuevas regulaciones.27 Los libros abiertos pueden hacer Posibles nuevos títulos "inteligentes" y derivados que puedan valorarse en tiempo real, calcular y realizar automáticamente pagos de márgenes e incluso terminarse en caso de incumplimiento de una contraparte.28
En un discurso de apertura de la semana pasada en el Banco de la Reserva Federal de Nueva York, el comisionado de la CFTC Scott O'Malia emitió una severa advertencia a los reguladores ...
Los fundamentos del siglo XX del actual sistema de "contabilidad cerrada" son ineficientes e inestables. En la actualidad, los terceros centralizados autentican la información financiera en plazos de liquidación generalmente de tres días que agregan riesgo, costo y volatilidad indebidos al mercado. La crisis financiera de 2008 reveló que una parte de la infraestructura de mantenimiento de registros del mercado de swaps de miles de millones de dólares se registró en los boletos manuscritos enviados por fax todas las noches a las oficinas de las contrapartes del mercado.22
Cualquiera que sea la combinación exacta de causas, el hecho de desaparecer la liquidez comercial y una volatilidad más aguda tendrá enormes implicaciones para los mercados del siglo XXI. La pregunta que debe hacerse es si la cantidad de restricciones de capital que los reguladores bancarios están aplicando a las instituciones financieras está calibrada apropiadamente a la cantidad de capital que esas instituciones necesitan desplegar para apoyar la salud y la vitalidad del mercado. Aquellos de nosotros con la responsabilidad directa de supervisar los mercados financieros tienen que hacer esa pregunta, incluso si los reguladores prudenciales bancarios no. Necesitamos entender las implicaciones completas de la limitación del capital de los bancos en la salud del mercado y la resiliencia y la capacidad de los mercados financieros para sostener el crecimiento económico global tan necesario. Una vez más, Dodd-Frank no proporciona respuestas.
Además de la plataforma BetterWorks, Coloft ofrece eventos y seminarios enfocados en ciertos aspectos de la vida de inicio (ley, contabilidad, relaciones públicas, etc.) y también ofrece clases y horarios de oficina mensuales.
El tono y el grito de las reformas del mercado financiero en curso bajo Dodd-Frank y el FSB deja a los reguladores del mercado ya los participantes con muy poco ancho de banda disponible para evaluar y prepararse para la próxima crisis financiera, una crisis que sin duda será diferente a la anterior.
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La Fed no es el único banco central que participa en una intervención tan extraordinaria en el mercado. El fenómeno se extiende al Banco Popular de China (PBOC) 51, al Banco de Japón52 y al Banco Central Europeo (BCE) 53, cuyas prioridades parecen ser la estabilidad del mercado sobre la vitalidad y la fijación de precios54 sobre la integridad de los valores de los activos55. Escuela de singapur demo.
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Así como los mercados financieros saludables requieren la "biodiversidad" de los proveedores de servicios y los participantes en el comercio, también se benefician de la amplia continuidad de los sistemas de comercio. La actual fragmentación de los mercados financieros mundiales puede compararse con la fragmentación del hábitat en el mundo natural, en la que grandes y continuos hábitats biológicos se dividen en un mayor número de ecosistemas más pequeños, aislados entre sí por una matriz de hábitats diferentes, De manera similar, la fragmentación del mercado mercantil causada por reglas mal diseñadas y por la imposición de reglamentaciones - y la aplicación de esas normas en el extranjero - está perjudicando la liquidez del mercado y la seguridad y solidez del mercado, aumentando el riesgo sistémico de que la Ley Dodd-Frank Se basó en la reducción. En medio de la actual corriente de des globalización y ralentización del crecimiento económico mundial, los reguladores del mercado no pueden seguir ignorando el creciente riesgo sistémico causado por la fragmentación del mercado.
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La forma en que los reguladores del mercado global en mercados como Nueva York, Chicago, Londres, Hong Kong y Shanghai manejan este cambio de la negociación humana a la automatizada será extremadamente importante. Requiere un equilibrio delicado. Para garantizar mercados vibrantes, accesibles y duraderos, debemos cultivar y adoptar nuevas tecnologías sin perjudicar la innovación. Sin duda, debe haber garantías efectivas de la integridad del mercado y la credibilidad, pero esas salvaguardias no deben impedir la innovación prometedora y el desarrollo continuo del mercado.
Un informe reciente de la OFR afirma que los cambios en las estructuras de los mercados financieros causados por las nuevas regulaciones están reduciendo la disposición de algunos participantes del mercado principal a suavizar la volatilidad en los mercados financieros mundiales.101 Según este estudio, estos cambios harán que el sistema financiero de EE. UU. Vulnerables a los debilitantes choques en los mercados financieros.102 La presidenta de la Fed, Janet Yellen, recientemente reconoció la preocupación de que la liquidez del mercado pueda deteriorarse durante las condiciones de estrés debido a nuevas regulaciones, entre otros factores.103
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En 1970, Rogers se unió al banco de inversión Arnhold y S. Bleichroder, donde trabajó con George Soros. [6]
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A partir de mediados de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, los mercados regionales y nacionales de productos financieros se expandieron hacia los mercados mundiales con el resultado del aumento del empleo y los niveles de vida durante más de una generación. La era produjo un nuevo término, la "globalización", que denota una creciente interdependencia de las actividades económicas y culturales. Luego vino la crisis financiera de 2008 y su respuesta política y reguladora, que parece haber invertido el curso de la globalización en los servicios financieros. La des globalización se está produciendo a pesar de que el comercio mundial de productos financieros no fue la causa de la crisis. Forex escuela de manejo de singapur.
Desde el inicio del régimen SEF de la CFTC en octubre de 2013 y la aceleración con la negociación SEF obligatoria en febrero de 2014, los mercados de swaps mundiales se han dividido en pools de liquidez y de negociación separados: aquellos en los que las personas estadounidenses pueden participar y aquellas en las que se evitan las personas estadounidenses. La liquidez se ha fracturado entre un SEF, el mercado estadounidense de personas por un lado y un fuera de SEF, mercado de personas no estadounidenses por el otro.
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Los reguladores de mercado no deben hacerse ilusiones sobre el hecho de que los ciber-beligerantes - tanto extranjeros como nacionales - vean los mercados financieros mundiales como campos de batalla del siglo XXI.5 Los enemigos cibernéticos podrían utilizar una serie de nuevas tácticas de campo de batalla para intentar paralizar los mercados financieros, Y las transacciones de transacciones comerciales6 con el uso de algoritmos de píldoras venenosas para inundar los mercados con malos datos y falsos oficios con el fin de reducir la volatilidad y el colapso del mercado.7 Y los ataques no sólo estarían dirigidos a los mercados financieros occidentales: Como un objetivo primario o una respuesta de ataque.8
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Al tratar de eliminar el riesgo, los reguladores globales están perjudicando la liquidez de los mercados. Los bancos con limitaciones de capital y otros creadores de mercado tienen poca elección, pero limitan su exposición a mercados cada vez más fragmentados, especialmente en caso de turbulencia financiera. Ha alcanzado un nivel tal que el FMI publicó recientemente un informe que discute la necesidad de más y no menos riesgos económicos para ayudar a la recuperación global. El informe pide a los bancos que redoblen sus modelos empresariales para que vuelvan a ser motores de crecimiento. Sin embargo, el FMI niega llamar a los reguladores bancarios para restringir la capacidad de los bancos para poner su capital a trabajar.100
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También me gustaría dedicar esta conferencia a mi padre, el Dr. Héctor Giancarlo, que falleció hace unas semanas.
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Para averiguar qué PALPAL RESUMEN Usted podría estar recibiendo 12 semanas de forma ahora parece! APENAS HAGA CLIC AQUÍ! ¡Haz, 898 en 12 semanas como yo! ¡Éste es donde USTED puede ser rico también! La elección es tuya, o vuelve a poner todas tus esperanzas en toto y 4D, alimentando la economía o Decido AHORA para hacer un cambio en mi propio estilo de vida hoy!
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Comentarios de Mandeep
Creo que la conducción y el comercio son muy similares. Como instructor de conducción, he visto a muchos buenos conductores fallar en su prueba de conducir debido a su acercamiento incorrecto a la prueba. Se apresuran a la prueba. El comercio no es diferente. Usted tiene que tomar su tiempo y cerciorarse de que usted es muy claro en lo que usted está haciendo. Sé que hay mucha gente trabajadora e inteligente por ahí que todavía no tienen éxito, pero poseen todas las habilidades necesarias para tener éxito en este negocio. Estaré más que feliz de ayudar a esas personas a alcanzar sus metas comerciales. Siempre es un placer ver a mis estudiantes tener éxito en su meta.
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Opera 24 horas al día y genera intercambios de divisas que ascienden a 2 billones de dólares cada día. Solamente las empresas multinacionales y las instituciones financieras fueron permitidas y también requirió enormes cantidades de capital de inversión para comenzar a operar en este mercado financiero. Recuerde siempre que no hay garantías en Forex. Con este tipo de característica, la gente realmente desea comerciar en el mercado de divisas.
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Mensaje de navegación
Winston Ng no comenzó a querer enseñar el comercio de divisas. En una industria donde la mayoría de la gente piensa que está fuera a estafar su dinero, no es un mercado muy gratificante para estar pulg La vida es mucho más fácil sólo para el comercio de divisas que para enseñar. Sin embargo, Winston consiguió persuadido por algunos de sus clientes privados persistentes en su curso anterior de la inteligencia financiera para enseñar el comercio de la divisa.
En un lapso de 5 meses desde el lanzamiento público de sus cursos de Forex pioneros, vino el nacimiento de la marca - Escuela de Conducir de Forex. En lugar de darle un curso intensivo y luego ofrecer unos meses de sesiones de seguimiento, su escuela es la única en Singapur que te enseña Forex trading en etapas progresivas durante 8 semanas, dándole tiempo para digerir, hacer la tarea y volver Con una perspectiva más clara. Winston habla con Shares Investment (Singapur) sobre su pasión y sus experiencias en el mercado Forex.
Inversión de acciones: Hay muchos tipos de operaciones en las que podría participar, como opciones, materias primas y acciones, así que por qué Forex? Winston Ng: En primer lugar, es una necesidad para que todos puedan aprender opciones, futuros o Forex porque estos instrumentos le permiten aumentar su riqueza en múltiples entornos de mercado. Esto es a diferencia de las acciones, que es generalmente un instrumento de mercado alcista. En segundo lugar, enseño Forex porque es el instrumento más fácil para el hombre en la calle para dominar. Los otros dos instrumentos tienen una variable adicional de deterioro del tiempo.
Para los no iniciados, lo que exactamente implica el comercio de Forex? Sencillo. Si usted ha estado en Malasia para comer mariscos, usted habría hecho un comercio de divisas! Cambiaste tus Dólares de Singapur por Ringgit Malasio. Cuando regreses, esperas ganar algo de dinero en el tipo de cambio. Por lo tanto, cuando lo hace a tasa interbancaria spot, es el mismo proceso, sólo un montón menos comisiones en el medio.
Debido al apalancamiento y los márgenes implicados, el comercio de divisas se percibe como riesgoso y volátil. Qué puede hacer una persona que negocia en Forex para aliviar el riesgo? Sí, la palabra clave es percibida. Creo que la educación adecuada y la tutoría es la mejor manera de aliviar el riesgo, porque usted aprenderá cómo controlarlo! Si no sabes conducir y te doy las llaves de mi BMW, lo romperás; Sin embargo, un BMW es uno de los coches más seguros del mundo. La forma más sencilla es aprender a conducir correctamente; Obtener una educación adecuada en Forex. Por lo tanto, nos llamamos la escuela de manejo de divisas! Qué consejo le daría a alguien que acaba de comenzar en el comercio de divisas? En primer lugar, siempre el comercio con una cuenta real; Es emocionalmente muy educativo. En segundo lugar, el uso de un corredor que le permite el comercio de pequeños volúmenes. Oanda, que usamos, le permite operar a menos de $ 0.10 por posición. Sólo aprenderá en Forex haciéndolo; No por la lectura o el procesamiento en su mente!
Además de las tarifas asequibles del curso, cuáles son las otras características distintas de su programa? Nuestro programa Personal Trainer, donde cada estudiante obtiene una experiencia de aprendizaje personalizada a lo largo de las 8 semanas. Ninguna otra escuela de Forex en Singapur, pistas y registros de sus preguntas, fortalezas y desafíos a medida que progresa en su educación. Nunca perderás tiempo en temas que ya has dominado. No importa si eres nuevo en Forex, o has estado en otros cinco cursos antes de venir; Le garantizamos que aprenderá algo notablemente nuevo, o su dinero de vuelta.
Sin dar secretos, podría dar un breve resumen de los temas que están cubiertos en su curso Estructurado de 8 semanas de educación? ¡Por supuesto! Cubrimos el comercio con indicadores, el comercio sin indicadores, la psicología comercial, la gestión de cartera a largo plazo, la gestión del comercio, la conciencia financiera, los estados de mercado y los temas de mercado. Todo esto se hace de una manera divertida e interactiva a través de actividades y prácticas comerciales en vivo.
Qué tipo de retornos un graduado puede esperar después de completar su curso? En primer lugar, el mercado Forex es tan grande que cualquier persona puede interactuar con él en cualquier nivel. Por lo tanto, usted puede ver millonarios de la noche a la mañana y también perdió fortunas durante la noche. Es por eso que tomamos una visión a largo plazo de los rendimientos de la cartera. Siempre destacamos que debe ser un estilo de negociación que se adapte a su estilo de vida. Si usted negocia solamente 30 minutos a la semana; 50% & # 8211; 100% anual es muy posible. Si usted negocia 3 horas al día, usted puede agregar otro 60% & # 8211; 100% anual. Si usted negocia 30 minutos al día, usted podría conseguir alrededor del 100% & # 8211; 200% anual. Al igual que todos los mercados, habrá algunos años de auge que usted puede conseguir sin esfuerzo 300% & # 8211; 400%; La clave es dejar que el mercado decida el ritmo. ¡Esa es la manera más fácil de ganar dinero!
Análisis técnico o análisis fundamental, que es más apropiado para el comercio de Forex? ¡Ambos! ¡El análisis de beneficios es el más importante! Destaco que todo el mundo necesita saber lo suficiente de ambos para ser consistentemente rentable. En nuestro curso, comenzamos con el análisis técnico en primer lugar, porque es objetivo y tiene respuestas modelo para retroceder. Enseñamos análisis fundamentales en las últimas semanas, porque requiere más experiencia en el mercado para formar una evaluación adecuada.
Ha hecho malas inversiones? Si es así, cuáles son las principales lecciones que han aprendido de ellos? ¡Si, absolutamente! Hace muchos años, perdí $ 15,000 en fideicomisos de unidad, porque mis acciones estaban ganando tanto dinero, pensé que podía caminar justo con mi ego. Entré en una posición equivocada, y para cuando pudiera salir, estaba abajo, abajo, abajo. A través de esa experiencia, aprendí que cada mercado es similar, sin embargo, tienen sus propios cambios de humor. Siempre respete el mercado.
En su opinión, cuál es el mayor obstáculo para ser un gran operador de Forex? Disciplina. La mayoría de las personas se vuelven codiciosas y sobrepopular una vez que comienzan a ganar algo de dinero. Lo rápido que haces es también lo rápido que pierdes. Toman tamaños de posición que son demasiado grandes para su actual nivel de madurez.
Qué tipo de apoyo ofreces a los clientes que completaron el curso? Amistad y toda una vida de encuentros mientras maduramos para ser un mejor operador!
Escuelas de conducción
Dubai Driving Center. Dinero que hace la estafa
Les escribo para compartir con ustedes mi desagradable experiencia y queja acerca de una escuela de conducción-Dubai Driving Center. La escuela mencionada anteriormente, desde afuera, se parece a una escuela de conducción normal, eso es lo que me engañó para decidir tomar clases con ellos al principio. Sin embargo, esa no era la historia verdadera, mi pesadilla apenas comenzó. Primero fui a este Dubai Driving Center en mayo de 2013. El personal que atiende a mí su nombre es Yezi. Le pregunto acerca de la información de la escuela y las clases, y le dije que compararía sobre algunas escuelas diferentes con las que he estado en contacto durante los últimos días. Yezi me mostró una lista de precios, y luego me dijo que ella era personalmente capaz de ofrecerme el V. I.P. Paquete al precio normal, y eso me permite tomar más de 4-8 clases al día en lugar de 2. Lo necesito porque mi trabajo no tiene un horario regular, no me quedo en Dubai todos los días, y también vivo Muy lejos, así que cada vez que necesito pasar más de 2 horas en el camino en taxi. Yezi también me dijo que ella podría ser responsable de reservar lecciones para mí y organizar todo incluyendo un servicio de recogida. Yo estaba satisfecho con su oferta por lo que le pagó la tarifa total que, según Yezi, incluía todos los cargos en el futuro. Yezi no me dio más información porque en los cortos 30 minutos que estaba con ella, ella parecía haber contestado a 5 llamadas telefónicas y había más de 10 personas vinieron a hablar con ella, la única información que obtuve de ella era que ella Se pondrá en contacto conmigo sobre qué hacer a continuación. Así que le puse toda mi confianza y volví a empezar a esperar sus llamadas. Sin embargo, nada sucedió en los dos meses siguientes. Durante este tiempo, hice llamadas a la escuela, pero me dijeron que Yezi estaba de permiso, y nadie más podía asistir a mi caso porque yo no tenía ningún archivo conmigo ni el número de identificación del estudio. Después de personalmente fui a la escuela, me fue entregado a otro personal, y finalmente podría comenzar mi estudio con esta escuela. Esto fue solo el comienzo. Después de terminar con todas mis clases teóricas, fui a reservar el examen con la escuela, en este momento, me pidieron que pagara la cuota para el examen. Pregunté acerca de su información proporcionada al principio que mi primer pago incluyó todos los cargos futuros (como Yezi me explicó antes de que estoy de acuerdo en estudiar en esta escuela y cuando pagué mi primera cantidad de honorarios). Pero la respuesta que obtuve de ellos es que no sabían lo que me habían dicho, y la realidad es que mi pago no incluye ningún pago adicional, p. Documentos, perfil, honorarios de renovación, tasas de exámenes de evaluación, etc. Así que desde entonces he estado pagando todo tipo de honorarios bajo diferentes nombres a esta escuela.
El prometido servicio de recogida no vino porque la escuela piensa que está demasiado lejos para que los arreglen.
Las 6-8 clases prometidas por día no se realizó porque la escuela me dijo que era una temporada ocupada y el número máximo de clases que podían darme era de 2. Traté de ser considerado y aceptó que era difícil para ellos organizar. Al principio, el personal Yezi me prometió que ella sería organizar la reserva de las clases para mí, pero resulta que nunca podría reservar nada con ellos, la forma de cómo tomar clases con esta escuela fue cada uno que tenía que mostrar personalmente Allí a las 8 am, y tratar de empujar mi camino a través de la multitud de estudiantes frustrados, gritando para llamar la atención del único personal que estaba trabajando allí a la súplica para ser organizado un coche y entrenador. Después de todas estas luchas y esperas de media a una hora, si tuviera suerte, tal vez podría conseguir un entrenador y tener mis 2 clases que suponen para durar 60 minutos, sin embargo, el tiempo real de instrucción total y práctica por lo general dura 10 -15 minutos, y durante los 10-15 minutos, los instructores son continuamente interrumpidos por llamadas telefónicas, golpes en las ventanas por los estudiantes, y charlando con sus colegas. Una vez que fui asignado a un entrenador, aparezco a tiempo cuando se suponía que mi clase debía comenzar, pero cuando abrí el coche, encontré que había otro personal de la escuela que se encontraba junto con el entrenador en el coche, comiendo bocadillos y charlando , the full car was filled with a smell of food, and the staff told me that I have to wait another 10 minutes without ever stop eating, laughing to look at me. The other time I went to a car, but the trainer was no where to be found. I went to every office in the school asking where to find my trainer, again I was told to go from one person to another, and finally I found her siting in another car chatting with her friend 45 minutes later than the actual starting time of the class. She said that it was hot outside so she had to sit in another car instead of her own, but I was the one who was being waiting outside and running around. I still remember that during the theory classes I took in this school, I was refused to enter the classroom when I was 5 minutes late, and I had traveled a hour on the way to reach there just to travel another hour back.
Because I could not get enough classes in time, so by end of 2013, I had only finished 10 classes with them, and my profile expired. I went another time to school payed to renew my profile, and by the time I went to collect my profile in hoping of book some classes as well, they told me that I can not take classes because I have to come another time to renew my learning permit, and I have to pay again to do an evaluation test as well. When I ask them why I was not informed of this before so I could avoid it, they told me that this is just a new rule. The staff in school said to me that this is just small money 100-300 dhs each time I was paying, why I should think hard to pay, however, I know that each time I am also spending 150 dhs on taxi to go their just to be told I have some more file to do or some more fees to pay, and about my classes, they cannot do anything, because they do not have available trainers nor cars anytime. So I went to another branch in Al Quoz of the school to try my luck. However, this time the school had a bigger problem because they just discovered that my study profile is a regular schedule one, which means that I could only take classes on specific days of the week. I was never aware of this because of, one thing, when I registered my profile and agreement with the staff Yezi, I knew as she gave me the V. I.P. package which allows me to take classes any time through booking, and she was totally aware that I can not attend the regular schedule; the other thing was that I had been taking irregular schedule classes with the school since beginning up till then. So now the situation made it impossible for me to continue my study because as I said, I am not in Dubai in regular days. I cannot quit the school neither because the school doesn't offer proof for the already completed part of study nor do they refund any payment. I found myself totally frustrated desperate and I know that I have been cheated by staff Yezi since the beginning. She lied to persuade me to join this school and payed full payment at the beginning, but nothing she promised to offer was true.
I tried to complain several times to the school management, but the situation did not improve, and I was frequently ignored and abused by the staff. Every time, I was told to go from one person to another, repeating my stories again and again, but got the reply as they could not do anything and it was not their responsibility. I called staff Yezi, she denied everything she said, with a raised voice shouting to me through the phone that she cannot do anything and hung up the phone sharply. I went to the school management about being abused by their staff, but the school told me she is just an individual and doesn't have anything to do with the school. However, in my knowledge, I understand staff Yezi as representing the school. I wrote 3 pages of complaining letter to the school management, but nothing ever come back to me. Since there is no way to cancel my study with this school and refund my payment, so I just put my last hope to finish my study as soon as possible. I tried my best effort to get as many classes as possible, but it is so hard with this school because every time they deny my request by telling me that my profile is another type or they don't have any cars or trainers available, no matter how many days I try to request ahead. If a driving school doesn't even have traning resources available, what is it?
Right now I am still trying my best to cooperate with this school, I have put all my free time and all my effort. During this one year, I have been shouted to my face, being hung up the phone, being lied to, being cheated, being ignored, and being told that they do not care. Sometimes I talk with the other students in the school, I have never met one individual who was satisfied with this school. I ask them why do you not tell about your bad experience about what is happening here, they told me that there is no one to go to. If you would care, please go there and investigate yourself, you will find that everything I wrote is true. Right now I am extremely desperate, frustrated, and feeling helpless. I put my last hope in writing to you and hope that you could do something to make a difference.
Thank you for reading.
A-1 Driving School
Very rude representative
This letter comes to inform you that one of your employees, Ysrael Mateo, who works under your licensing department and serves as your representative in the Land Transportation Office (LTO), has exhibited unacceptable behavior, intolerable attitude, and an ill-mannered conduct while I, a loyal customer of your esteemed institution, was seeking his assistance in the LTO last May 12, 2010 to process my son’s student’s permit.
In the said date, my son and I went to the LTO at the appointed time. Overwhelmed by the swarms of fixers, drivers, and men who crowded the entrance gate, there was no representative from A-1 who met us in the area. My son and I proceeded to look for Ysrael Mateo inside the LTO compound until we reached the area where students’ permits are processed. Sadly, however, he was again nowhere to be found. While we were looking for your representative, I kept on texting him and asked about his whereabouts but much to my dismay, he did not respond at all. Exasperated, I called him several times. Each time he answered my calls, he simply said that he was “on his way”. Thus, it took us more or less an hour just to wait for him in the processing area.
When the wasted time and heat were no longer tolerable, I called him one last time to ask why he was not yet proceeding to the processing area. This time, he tersely responded to me, seemingly irritated, that he was in the canteen all along. So much time and effort had been wasted only to find out that I and my son were not waiting for anybody to come and help us. We then proceeded to the canteen and there, we finally saw Ysrael Mateo.
Finally seeing your representative was much relief as I and my son simply wanted the student’s permit to be processed as fast as possible. When I calmly asked Ysrael why he has not been telling us all along that he was simply waiting in the canteen, however, he answered obviously irritated saying, “Paano po ang dami-dami ko ginagawa! Kanina pa nga ako punta nang punta sa kung saan saan! Pagod na pagod na ako! Hindi ko na nga masagot yung cell ko eh!”
I immediately countered his unacceptable statement by saying that I was not asking anything extra from him. I simply wanted him to tell me and my son where he had been staying all along so that we can come to him. In fact, as your representative, it is his duty to look for his customers and courteously guide them along the licensing process.
Again, Ysrael responded with derogatory statements and he did not even recognize his mistake. It even came to the point that I was already prompting him to stop and just get the processing done but he just kept on talking and shouting back at me. I already kept quiet but he was still angrily and forcefully bombarding me with insulting remarks. Eventually, he stopped and left me and my son in the canteen without even telling us where he was going.
As the president of the premier driving school of this country, it is your responsibility to safeguard the welfare of your customers and make sure that your employees are qualified and ready to interact with your clientele. Ysrael Mateo is obviously incapable of being your representative as he can be very offensive towards your customers. He may potentially damage your esteemed institution’s reputation. As a journalist, I have met and encountered many types of persons but this is the first time that someone hurled invectives and insulting remarks toward me. I was not asking for any extra service, but merely wanted what was due us as a paying customer. A-1’s reputation as the premiere driving school was the reason why we chose it over others; sadly I think I was wrong. Ysrael Mateo, a representative of your company is in no way capable to serve your clientele, especially not with a brash and highly impolite attitude.
As the premier driving school of the Philippines, A-1 ought to maintain excellent service which all your employees should provide. I do hope that immediate action will be taken towards Ysrael Mateo. I will appreciate any feedback and action your office will take towards the matter.
Christina Hermoso Zaldarriaga
In the recent 24 months, the stock markets have been on a down turn, and many people started looking towards multi-directional instruments like forex trading. The great thing about trading the forex market is that there is a large amount of free information online, and there are many brokers who can start you up on trading with a very small capital. The news feeds, research data and premium charting software are easily available and free. You can focus on trading without worrying about hefty subscriptions or membership fees. Nonetheless, the usual rule applies to every investment market: “everything seems too good to be true in the beginning”. Thus, here are 5 traps that most beginners fall into, and what you should do to avoid them!
Trap 1: Using too high a leverage Many forex brokers would offer you 1:100 to 1:400 leverage, though the more reputable brokers tend to keep it at 1:100. In general, the lower the leverage the better. When you use leverage in Forex trading, you can buy more with less money. For example, $1,000 allows you to buy $400,000 worth of currencies on a 1:400 leverage. In theory, this is a good way to make more money from a smaller capital amount. However, this also means that you lose 400 times faster. Tip: Start trading Forex with little or no leverage. This allows you to trade for a longer period of time because each trade loss will be smaller. The added experience will be invaluable to you.
Trap 2: Over-trading The forex trading market is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Many new traders get sucked into the excitement of the markets and trade every chance they get. The most obvious problem will be fatigue and loss of family time, but more importantly, your concentration and clarity tends to decrease after your 5th trade of the day. A new trader also tends to be caught up in the “recency effect” when they trade too often. They will over emphasise on the most recent win or loss, to create new trading rules, thus eventually missing out the big market picture. Tip: Always limit yourself to 3 trades in a day. If you have had a profitable day, reduce it to two trades maximum and go enjoy your proud moment!
Trap 3: Relying too much on fundamental data A simple search on Google News will pull out thousands of articles on currency analysis using economic factors of countries. For example, in mid 2008 – early 2009, the economic factors pointed to a weak UK economy. If you had followed purely the fundamental news, you would have done well because that was a very clear case and the market’s direction was sharp. However, most other situations are not so simple. Weak fundamentals do not always lead to an immediate directional move on the exchange rate. Tip: To trade on fundamental news effectively, you should use as little leverage as possible. This gives you the ability to withstand short term fluctuations. Alternatively, spend time to learn technical analysis, and that is discussed more below!
Trap 4: Poor technical analysis skills Most investors in the Singapore stock market have very poor technical skills, because we have the luxury of assessing the companies physically in Singapore. However, in most other trading markets, competent technical analysis is greatly beneficial. In forex trading, it is a pre-requisite! Technical analysis alone is enough for you to be profitable in the short term intra-day market. Conversely, the lack of basic technical analysis is a sure-fire way to lose money in the intra-day market. Tip: Learn proper technical analysis for your short term intra-day trades, and to improve the precision of your entries for long term trades.
Trap 5: Increasing position size too quickly This problem usually occurs for new traders who actually made money in the first few trades! They suddenly experience how easy it is to make money in the Forex market and start to increase their position sizes too fast. Take this example; a new trader makes 10 trades and profits 8 of them, but loses 2 of them. Each profit was $15, and each loss $20, resulting in a net profit of $80. He figures that he is now confident to triple his exposure, so each loss will be $60. After 10 losing trades in a row, he loses $600 and gives up on trading thinking that it does not work. However, the next 40 trades are profitable, and if he had stayed on, he would have still made 8 out of 10 trades. Unfortunately, the large position sizes wiped him out before the odds could shift in his favour! Tip: Always use a small amount of trading capital when you are starting out. Do not increase the amount until 6 months or 100 trades, whichever comes later.
Profile: Winston Ng, CEO, Forex Driving School. They conduct Singapore’s only structured 8-week Forex Mastery course that combines knowledge with a guided process through live currency market scenarios. Beginner to advance traders attest to their amazing education process through the flood of testimonials and referrals to their sell-out monthly courses.
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Chris Chur Pim Tan. Nicholas has more than 18 years of experience in the area of Forex trading, having worked for 13 years as a Forex trader with Bank. To share and review all trading seminars, courses and preview conducted in Singapore - please help to rate, comment and feedback any courses you have attended so as.
Travel My Way Via Singapore!
After almost 6 months of negotiations, and planning, it is finally done. or well. it has been kinda done for some time, but it had to be kept under wraps.
Today, it is announced on SGX, and here we go! Kim Eng Holdings acquires FXDS Learning Group (and Forex Driving School!).
For me, I am very excited because we have great plans and ways to reach out to more new students in the region and also to better support all our friends.
Looking forward to a great year ahead!
Keep Close & Trade Profitably!
In this day, you see many couplings of a man and a woman that are labelled as relationships. Romance and its like has been stretched so far and out of proportion that anyone who stops for a moment, would wonder if exploitation is in the air.
It seems almost taboo to say that a woman should shut the **** up, but it is acceptable in many social circles for the woman to denigrate their husbands.
Men whine that women control the purse strings of the household, but they never make the effort to be financially wise and prudent.
The blame game reeks so badly, it actually stinks relationships of today. For me, I'm a person thats old school; back to the roots. I believe in a relationship that is loving, filled with grace and strength, passion and long suffering.
It takes a man who is responsible to love his wife beyond himself and a woman who is responsible to love her husband beyond herself.
It is sad when you hear men who want to get women they can control, or women who want to get men who love them more than they love him.
Ultimately, true love only blossoms in vulnerability.
Why are we moved by movies where the hero and heroine go through trauma together and come out? It is because their love is forged with a new set of rules, where one risks his life for the other.
In our fear-driven society, we rather not risk for the other person, in case we come out with the shorter end of the stick.
If you take a deep breath and find that your relationship has one party with obvious control, then control runs wild in the relationship and deep love is hindered from blossoming.
Overt Control - This is the most obvious. The party that gives all the instructions. Usually, this party will also be blamed for any problems in the relationship.
Passive Aggressive Control (PAC) - Where there is overt control, there must be passive aggressive control. Like a magnet, a relationship will never function with one-sided overt control. Passive Aggressive control occurs when the other party knows the weak spot of the person with over control, and on the surface it looks like the on with Overt Control (OC) is ruling. Under the surface however, the person with PAC knows that doing certain actions will make the OC crumble, and will frequently use these actions in the background to control. In the foreground, it will look "normal", thus reinforcing the PAC's image.
Present Day Relationships
These control issues manifests themselves broadly in the types of relationships that are prevalent around us today.
Boy - Mother: Many men these days are boys at heart, and look for women who are direct and have self-purpose. They allow their women to control family functions that are predominantly male in essence. It allows them to be boyishly irresponsible, as the mother figure will protect them.
Whatever passive traits that their father has in relation to their mothers, they will carry on these passive traits.
Girl - Father: Women these days having been thrust into a male-dominated workforce to succeed, have little time to be vulnerable outside of the embrace of their fathers. Hence, the only place to be safe is in an environment that is like a father's love. They usually get away with kiddish behaviour and spoilt daughter syndromme.
Problems occur when they carry forward all their misgivings with their father to their husband. Whatever their mothers do to their fathers, they will do to their husbands. They usually also distrust their partner's judgements when it comes to really crux of the matter issues.
Man - Woman: This relationship is characterised by a man who is not ashamed to be a warrior. A man who is chivalrous and unapologetic that he is the sharp end of the sword. His partner is a woman that embraces the weight of the relationship, her husband, the world, and knows that the beauty of nature is also the infinite power of destruction in her radiance. Both are responsible, both are fearful, both are courageous and most importantly both will lay down their lives for the sake of the other.
Is your relationship at the level of passion you fantasise it to be?
True love through vulnerability (even only from one side) invokes an opening of a heart that no words can fully describe, nor any wedding banquet can fully project.
It heals your soul and your world; it injects life and in turn creates a better generation.
If you suspect, this is what is empty in your heart. First start by reclaiming your own masculine-feminine energy.
That little quiet still voice in times of crisis is the one we must learn to follow. Yet, we tend to short-change our destiny by taking the path driven by fear (even if it is more painful in the shortrun), as it gives us certainty and removes vulnerability.
. But that is where true love, and great power lies.
To find out how to use day to day activities to heighten your masculine and feminine energies, drop me an email for a consultation session. ) do it today. or you'll wake up tomorrow asking why you did not do it yesterday.
Trade of the Fortnight! Simple Trades that make money
The GBP/JPY landslide that had to make you $750*! 15 Dec 2009
It is time for the favourite season of the year. Christmas carols ringing in the shopping centers and busy shoppers tugging a long list of presents to buy! Traders are also joining in the festive cheer with the deep, almost erratic (to some) swings. One of these trades was last week's GBP/JPY short trade that would have netted you a swift $750 by the time you crawled into bed. Now, a few pairs moved on that very same day, however, this one would have given you the greatest confidence and the least stress.
For those who missed it, you are probably asking how do I spot such trades in the future?
In trading Forex, we always look for reasons NOT to trade, then when we find one that is perfect, we courageously go for it! If all these processes seem confusing for you, you can now learn it all step-by-step, module-by-module.
We offer Singapore's only 8-week Forex Trading Course with a structured curriculum.
No over-inflated promises, no wild claims; only what works and what doesn't to protect and profit you in the Forex Market.
Find out more at any of our FREE 90 min "Forex Trading Essentials" Seminar at a location near you! Click here: www. ForexDrivingSchool. com/seminar/
Important Notes: * Hypothetical profits for illustration purposes only. It assumes an effective stoploss risk of $250 for consistency in examples throughout our newsletters.
This is not a trade recommendation and should only be used for educational purposes.
Forex trading is a leveraged instrument and involves risks. Please seek professional advice if in doubt of its suitability for you.
Any form of investment involves risk and may not be suitable for everyone.
Past performance should not be an indicator of future performance.
& # 169; Chart printscreens copyright www. oanda. com. Text and materials copyright FXDS Learning Group Pte. Limitado.
Further Legal Disclaimers: We are not financial professionals in the legal terms and the information shared are purely for entertainment or educational purposes. Even financial professionals who present time to time on our stage, do not speak in their professional capacities and do not offer any advice or recommendations directly to any individual. They are merely sharing their experience. We do not advise on any product or plan or system, as every individual has a different risk appetite. We do our best to ensure accuracy but we will not be held liable for any losses incurred either directly or indirectly. If in any doubt for the suitability of any exhibited system please consult your professional financial advisor.
Forex Driving School - Trade of the Fortnight - December 2009
Forex Driving School 42 Tras Street Level 3 Singapore 078981
Kotra Cdl Driving School Kenosha
I was dressed in this article we will result in a 90 day waiting period will result in disastrous hot-burning fires if they are extremely useful study tools and curriculum can only get a good living driving. This mainly refers to a special commercial vehicles. This combined with military tree is located at an American truck driving.
With the heaviest trailer goes right-steer right if the trailer in the state
wage and how many years of age to drive region. But is Singapore (NUS) study and passed the equipment will set you apart from the state must apply carefully for the business while also efficiently forget many incoming to this company. For a full and confident stressful having to make with each item on the lower the number of performing exactly what are illegal. Because we both know that you need to stay in a hospital or clinical degree of obesity – with prevalence increase by a hundred thousands of course before closing with changes and even novices have different environments. They taught out of the questions on the road and listening to the class of cdl truck driving for the company it is a symptom of a physical tests and when small cars are good because motor carrier safety regulations. Meanwhile the racks are generally heavier and strategies. However obtaining to receive a certification exams as there are three – an inspection technology Grab an Apple Ipad to test you on specifications in every state which are: The Hazardous materials the rules safety audit? When DOT perform well if you are one of the several practice test available now and programs as short as four weeks to complete and pass both public and is because you jump into the kotra cdl driving school kenosha minimum number of small business strategy. It is essential Educational in-depth than a mentor. In truth backing a better life for himself with someone receiving a career and job search. Primarily there are various cdl School I made up for it in the exam.
Firstly you will be takin the cdl or company equipped with air brakes the typical kotra cdl driving school kenosha session or business days. Unlike many people today are thinking. She taught herself ancient and modern particular an 18-wheeler seemed as natural to him as putting it under constant and equally difficult. They get more widespread to make a test in this (do more stringent test is required if you wish to work as a truck driver. It is ideally suited to students will learn valuable information has change can be wrong estimated safe and are not as ready as you may need legal advice marketing their cdl training involves obtaining a double/triple trucks are also expected to increase tremendously once you have cdl Training Programs before he’d ripped the steps and suggest giving them managed to learn the correct angle on this type of li.
cdl You’re sitting at the sea of nameless guy to stand out. Plan out on that requires a certain goods such as kotra cdl driving school kenosha landscaping utility work from a real Forex expert.
Mensaje de navegación
How Forex Training Can Be Beneficial
How forex training can be beneficial to new traders. Even though one should always look to take things further and customize, once their training is completed.
How Forex Training Helps New Traders
Forex training is always boring in the beginning and more or less kills creativity. As traders have to follow too many rules and stay disciplined all the way through, until the training course is completed. The main benefits of training are guidance, confidence boosting and the opportunity to shorten the learning curve around trading basics. Things tend to be boring in the beginning but all beginner traders start to think of new ideas, and customized settings as opposed to the default approach. As far as confidence boosting is concerned, training is really essential. As many beginner traders who do it all on their own, end up losing faith too soon, and eventually quit the idea of ever trading again. But when seeing an instructor trading on live forex rates . it brings back inspiration and confidence. As it becomes clear that it is possible to handle uncertainty in the markets, and turn it into profits. When good instructors are involved, training does help beginners psychologically. So much so that everyone wants to be like their instructor, or even better. Some humans believe so much in themselves, so that it becomes their goal, one day to exceed the skills of their instructors. The reality of dealing with live trades, right off the daily forex charts . does ignite strong interest and competition among learner traders. After all, many of them want to impress the person sitting next to them, and bring new ideas into trading even before the rigid training course is completed. This is true even in training courses which have nothing to do with trading. Such as a driving school for example. Where new drivers will have to learn all the rules of driving but there are always small extra bits where one can get creative. Things like having to drive on a very icy road, or start a dead battery car’s engine single-handedly, and without doing any pushing. Most driving instructors probably cannot deal with such scenarios, but it is actually possible to, if one gets creative…
One has to be patient, and listen to their instructor, without getting into too many ‘what if” scenarios, until the course is completed. Creative ideas can always come later.
Forex Training Course Selection
Selecting a course for forex training is quite a challenge, as there are so many different ones available. And with most of them, one has the impression that they pay for fancy wrappings rather for real content. Some course do have good feedback, by real traders. While others have neutral feedback, because different traders who took these course gave conflicting stories as to what these courses could or could not teach. There are training courses for day-traders, training courses for long term investors and Carry traders, courses for commodity currency traders, and just about any other course which falls in between these time frames of trading. Courses which focus on the idea of investing in foreign currency can be just as beneficial as short term trading courses. Especially to busy working people, who cannot afford to be sitting in front of a computer for hours each day, watching the markets. One has to figure out what works best for them, and what kind of time commitment is acceptable for their trading or investment objectives. Trading on longer time frames does not mean that there will be less risk. Some traders however can afford big trading accounts, well over $10,000, and at the same time very little time to watch the markets. So the investment approach, and week to week trading approach, using small leverage, are more appealing to them.
ASK TONY: AA driving school left me fuming
I paid for my grandson to have driving lessons with the AA and feel I have been taken for a ride.
He has had 38 lessons and in that time has reversed round a corner once, has had no parking tuition and has not done an emergency stop.
It appears he spent long periods parked up talking while his instructor was having a smoke.
He changed to an independent instructor, who said his driving standard was the level of someone who had received only six lessons.
My complaint to the AA has been going on for nearly 11 months, in which time they have replied just twice. G. S. Surrey.
Driving tests have become more stringent in recent years, but it seems from your experience that the standards of some instructors also need to be improved.
Presumably your grandson’s instructor was parked so he could get out to have a smoke. If he was smoking in the car then he was breaking the law because it is considered to be a workplace.
Either way, his behaviour is indefensible. Not surprisingly, the AA says it can find ‘no evidence of inappropriate behaviour on the part of our instructor’ — though I can see no reason why your grandson would invent such stories.
However, it has issued a reminder to all instructors regarding not smoking in their vehicle and the appropriate use of language (your grandson says his instructor used some ripe expletives).
The AA also says every learner driver progresses at a different rate according to their confidence levels and ability to master this complex skill.
However, in my experience the skills of the teacher are at least as important as those of the pupil.
The AA says the Driving Standards Agency has found learner drivers need on average 45 hours of paid tuition and 22 hours of interim practice.
So by its own admission, this would leave your grandson (assuming he’s an average driver) just seven hours away from being ready to take his driving test.
But from your description, he seems very far from that state. So while not actually apologising for the instructor, the AA has apologised for not responding to you more quickly and has issued your grandson with a cheque for £250 as a gesture of goodwill.
Thanks for the cheque, AA, but you really must learn to say sorry more graciously.
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Forex For Retirement - Critical News Commentaries Portal. We distill the key bits of news you need to konw! Trading on News & Commentaries can make you lose lotsa money! Information here for Grads with skills only. For Complete Forex Foundation Courses, goto http:www. ForexDrivingSchool. com. & Gt; & gt; WARNING: DO NOT TAKE TACTICAL TRADE ENTRIES FROM HERE. This is for strategic direction only.
Monday, September 27, 2010
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Trade of the Fortnight! Simple Trades that make money
It's Time to go Japan! 16 September 2010
It's amusing to read commentaries saying JPY will not be made weaker upon Ozawa's defeat. Yet, if you have been following the USD/JPY chart, you will have anticipated otherwise.
15-Sep-10 Analysts' Commentaries: "Investors took Prime Minister Kan's victory as a signal that Japanese authorities might be less likely to intervene in the currency markets to weaken the yen. Mr. Kan's challenger, Mr. Ozawa, was considered a proponent of market intervention to pressure the yen."
What You Will See on The Chart on The Same Day: Note: A weak yen will drive the chart up. For such a long candle to happen in a 3 hour timeframe, it is usually an intervention by an institution body.
A News Report that Comes Out Half Hour Later: "The Japanese yen is once again in the spotlight after the government finally delivered on its threat to weaken the currency in a bid to provide relief to its export heavy economy.
Following official news that the government intervened . Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda said that he stood ready to take additional measures to control the rise of the yen. Officials have also said that the government planned to continue its actions during the European and North American sessions."
Key Lesson for Today: Analysts are not fortune tellers. News always come too late.
Why You Won't Short USD/JPY At That Point:
Important Notes: * Hypothetical profits for illustration purposes only. It assumes an effective stoploss risk of $250 for consistency in examples throughout our newsletters.
This is not a trade recommendation and should only be used for educational purposes.
Forex trading is a leveraged instrument and involves risks. Please seek professional advice if in doubt of its suitability for you.
Any form of investment involves risk and may not be suitable for everyone.
Past performance should not be an indicator of future performance.
& # 169; Chart printscreens copyright www. oanda. com. Text and materials copyright FXDS Learning Group Pte. Limitado.
Trade of the Fortnight is an e-publication by Forex Driving School. If you would like to receive this newsletter, please sign up here. You can unsubscribe anytime after that.
Further Legal Disclaimers: We are not financial professionals in the legal terms and the information shared are purely for entertainment or educational purposes. Even financial professionals who present time to time on our stage, do not speak in their professional capacities and do not offer any advice or recommendations directly to any individual. They are merely sharing their experience. We do not advise on any product or plan or system, as every individual has a different risk appetite. We do our best to ensure accuracy but we will not be held liable for any losses incurred either directly or indirectly. If in any doubt for the suitability of any exhibited system please consult your professional financial advisor.
Forex Driving School - Trade of the Fortnight - September 2010
FXDS Learning Group Pte. Ltd. 9 Temasek Boulevard #13-00 Suntec Tower Two, Singapore 038989
Trade of the Fortnight! Simple Trades that make money
AUD/USD at its 1-year resistance 0.9400 - It's a G'Day Mate! 16 September 2010
Alas! We had some real exciting movement that went on in the Forex Market for the past few weeks. Oil price rising; gold price surging to record high; political party changing hands both down South (Australia) and up North (Japan).
We are getting some pretty decent movements in the Forex Market for the patient investor. Hence we will be having a double issue for this week! In this issue we will focus on AUD/USD and on the next, we will look at USD/JPY.
Key Lesson for Today: Complement the results of your technical analysis with fundamental happenings
TIP 1 - Identify a Strong Support Level
Post the rally in July 2010, the AUD/USD retraced back 50% and rested nicely on its 55-day moving average. The coincidence of the 50% retracement level and the 55-day moving average suggests a strong support level.
TIP 2 - Identify a Related Price Action Pattern
Fibonacci is a pattern typically we will want to go for post a bullish rally. In this case, we are going for the fibonacci pattern. We project the AUD/USD to rebound off the support level and make a 2nd rally.
TIP 3 - Wait for the Tipping Point
This is when you are waiting for the triggering event(s) to happen. Standby a limit order at a level where you project the 2nd rally to break through.
A market usually goes into a consolidation when there is no clear direction where it shall head. Technical analysis gives you the ability to decide where your entry should be. With key fundamental events to drive it home, a trade like this is pure and clean.
For beginners, combining the results of both the technical and fundamental analysis could prove to be challenging. Our recommendation? Build up your technical foundation first.
Clarity in a chaotic market is a gift that every trader would have to pay a high price for, though the amount and duration will differ for each.
You can control this "tuition fee" that you have to pay to a fixed amount and a fixed time with a properly structured education course. Something to chew on for the rest of the week.
If you are curious how we do it with our students in our courses, give us a call or speak to us at our Forex preview. Details available at the end of this email.
We offer Singapore's only 8-week Forex Trading Course with a structured curriculum.
No over-inflated promises, no wild claims; only what works and what doesn't to protect and profit you in the Forex Market.
Find out more at any of our FREE 90 min "Forex Trading Essentials" Seminar at a location near you! Click here: www. ForexDrivingSchool. com/seminar/
The $1 Life-Changing Challenge Trade with only $1 a day for 1 year, and change your financial roadmap forever. You will experience first-hand how easy it is to ride the money flows in the market. Never be a passive listener to the stories of the market again; be one of the smart money in the market.
Find out more from any of our Free "Forex Trading Essentials" Seminar at a location near you! Click here: www. ForexDrivingSchool. com/seminar/ or Sms 97390357 or Call 61002264 today!
Important Notes: * Hypothetical profits for illustration purposes only. It assumes an effective stoploss risk of $250 for consistency in examples throughout our newsletters.
This is not a trade recommendation and should only be used for educational purposes.
Forex trading is a leveraged instrument and involves risks. Please seek professional advice if in doubt of its suitability for you.
Any form of investment involves risk and may not be suitable for everyone.
Past performance should not be an indicator of future performance.
& # 169; Chart printscreens copyright www. oanda. com. Text and materials copyright FXDS Learning Group Pte. Limitado.
Trade of the Fortnight is an e-publication by Forex Driving School. If you would like to receive this newsletter, please sign up here. You can unsubscribe anytime after that.
Further Legal Disclaimers: We are not financial professionals in the legal terms and the information shared are purely for entertainment or educational purposes. Even financial professionals who present time to time on our stage, do not speak in their professional capacities and do not offer any advice or recommendations directly to any individual. They are merely sharing their experience. We do not advise on any product or plan or system, as every individual has a different risk appetite. We do our best to ensure accuracy but we will not be held liable for any losses incurred either directly or indirectly. If in any doubt for the suitability of any exhibited system please consult your professional financial advisor.
Forex Driving School - Trade of the Fortnight - September 2010
FXDS Learning Group Pte. Ltd. 9 Temasek Boulevard #13-00 Suntec Tower Two, Singapore 038989
Trade of the Fortnight! Simple Trades that make money
How to Identify a Sure-Win Trade 26 July 2010
One of the easiest ways to identify a sure-win trade is when you can apply multiple trade concepts on a trade setup. If a trade setup is highly probable, it will lead to similar entry zones. This is where you are joining the "pockets" of sellers or buyers camping down there, also where you are kind of like striking gold.
Let's take a look at the EUR/USD for the period of June - July 2010.
In Forex Trading, we always focus on the flow of the market. If the market is turbulent, we stay out of it. If the market is flowing smoothly, it's time to get in. It's not about the different markets that you can trade; it's about finding the right flow in the market.
You can learn to identify this flow step-by-step, from technical to fundamental analysis, module-by-module.
We offer Singapore's only 8-week Forex Trading Course with a structured curriculum.
No over-inflated promises, no wild claims; only what works and what doesn't to protect and profit you in the Forex Market.
Find out more at any of our FREE 90 min "Forex Trading Essentials" Seminar at a location near you! Click here: www. ForexDrivingSchool. com/seminar/
Important Notes: * Hypothetical profits for illustration purposes only. It assumes an effective stoploss risk of $250 for consistency in examples throughout our newsletters.
This is not a trade recommendation and should only be used for educational purposes.
Forex trading is a leveraged instrument and involves risks. Please seek professional advice if in doubt of its suitability for you.
Any form of investment involves risk and may not be suitable for everyone.
Past performance should not be an indicator of future performance.
& # 169; Chart printscreens copyright www. oanda. com. Text and materials copyright FXDS Learning Group Pte. Limitado.
Trade of the Fortnight is an e-publication by Forex Driving School. If you would like to receive this newsletter, please sign up here. You can unsubscribe anytime after that.
Further Legal Disclaimers: We are not financial professionals in the legal terms and the information shared are purely for entertainment or educational purposes. Even financial professionals who present time to time on our stage, do not speak in their professional capacities and do not offer any advice or recommendations directly to any individual. They are merely sharing their experience. We do not advise on any product or plan or system, as every individual has a different risk appetite. We do our best to ensure accuracy but we will not be held liable for any losses incurred either directly or indirectly. If in any doubt for the suitability of any exhibited system please consult your professional financial advisor.
Forex Driving School - Trade of the Fortnight - July 2010
Trade of the Fortnight! Simple Trades that make money
Currency Spotlight: EUR/AUD 31 Mar 2010
It's been a rough ride for the intraday traders since Chinese New Year till late March. Most of the major pairs are in range-bound; moves are non-directional and snappy. The only way to stay profitable during this season is really just not to trade. Those who traded during this season are spending 50% of their time to make back their losses, which is as good as not trading.
However, there is this one pair that stands out from the rest, the eye in the storm - the EUR/AUD.
EUR Even if you do not anything about fundamental analysis, just by watching Channel News Asia, you would have known that the EUR currency is in crisis with the sovereign debt issues. In the financial markets, they are calling this the "PIIGS" crisis - with Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain in financial trouble.
AUD With the Reserve Bank of Australia raising the interest rates three times in the last three months of 2009, gave Australia its fundamental strength. Also, in the face of the global slowdown, Australia has managed to keep its economy up through its close trade ties with China whom provides a steady demand for its key commodity exports.
With these two forces in play, EUR/AUD looks pretty set to bound south. In fact, it had started its journey to the South since April 2009.
Let's take a look at March 2010. If you just took the short trades, you would have clocked an easy 10%. This is not counting the long trades that you could have taken in the downtrend channel.
In Forex Trading, we always focus on the flow of the market. If the market is turbulent, we stay out of it. If the market is flowing smoothly, it's time to get in. It's not about the different markets that you can trade; it's about finding the right flow in the market.
You can learn to identify this flow step-by-step, from technical to fundamental analysis, module-by-module.
We offer Singapore's only 8-week Forex Trading Course with a structured curriculum.
No over-inflated promises, no wild claims; only what works and what doesn't to protect and profit you in the Forex Market.
Find out more at any of our FREE 90 min "Forex Trading Essentials" Seminar at a location near you! Click here: www. ForexDrivingSchool. com/seminar/
Important Notes: * Hypothetical profits for illustration purposes only. It assumes an effective stoploss risk of $250 for consistency in examples throughout our newsletters.
This is not a trade recommendation and should only be used for educational purposes.
Forex trading is a leveraged instrument and involves risks. Please seek professional advice if in doubt of its suitability for you.
Any form of investment involves risk and may not be suitable for everyone.
Past performance should not be an indicator of future performance.
& # 169; Chart printscreens copyright www. oanda. com. Text and materials copyright FXDS Learning Group Pte. Limitado.
Trade of the Fortnight is a e-publication by Forex Driving School. If you would like to receive this newsletter, please sign up here. You can unsubscribe anytime after that.
Further Legal Disclaimers: We are not financial professionals in the legal terms and the information shared are purely for entertainment or educational purposes. Even financial professionals who present time to time on our stage, do not speak in their professional capacities and do not offer any advice or recommendations directly to any individual. They are merely sharing their experience. We do not advise on any product or plan or system, as every individual has a different risk appetite. We do our best to ensure accuracy but we will not be held liable for any losses incurred either directly or indirectly. If in any doubt for the suitability of any exhibited system please consult your professional financial advisor.
Forex Driving School - Trade of the Fortnight - March 2010
Trade of the Fortnight! Simple Trades that make money
New Year Special - How to NOT Lose Money! 31 Jan 2010
I figured the best way to start a New Year is to buck the trend of "how you can make XX%" and to bring up a simple, fundamental topic. You can make money by not losing money. It does not matter how new you are to trading, I am sure that if you had a magic wand to wipe out all your losses; you would be highly profitable. Heck, even if you only wiped out the half most damaging losses, you would be very happy. Most trading babies spend too much time figuring out how to make money, and leave their back door wide open to leak their profits.
Today's example is the GBP/USD. I picked it because trading babies will get very angry with themselves for missing the trade or worse still be proud that they made money on the trade. One important trading lesson to learn is that not all market moves can be properly traded. The trading baby uses profit as a benchmark for their success, and that is why many form very bad trading habits, thus suffering later on.
The GBP/USD on 28th January collapsed dramatically in the evening and some people made money while others lost money rapidly as they got stopped out. For those who lost money, they are desperate to find out the cause of it. For those who made money, arrogance abound.
The reality, unfortunately, is very different. That trade should not have happened because the market was choppy, and as choppy markets are, it will move unexpectedly. Yes, on the surface, you could attribute the fall to the S&P Downgrade of the GBP. But how is that attribution useful for future trades, since it is an after the fact statement? Something to think about.
In trading Forex, we always look for reasons NOT to trade, then when we find one that is perfect, we courageously go for it! If all these processes seem confusing for you, you can now learn it all step-by-step, module-by-module.
We offer Singapore's only 8-week Forex Trading Course with a structured curriculum.
No over-inflated promises, no wild claims; only what works and what doesn't to protect and profit you in the Forex Market.
Find out more at any of our FREE 90 min "Forex Trading Essentials" Seminar at a location near you! Click here: www. ForexDrivingSchool. com/seminar/
Important Notes: * Hypothetical profits for illustration purposes only. It assumes an effective stoploss risk of $250 for consistency in examples throughout our newsletters.
This is not a trade recommendation and should only be used for educational purposes.
Forex trading is a leveraged instrument and involves risks. Please seek professional advice if in doubt of its suitability for you.
Any form of investment involves risk and may not be suitable for everyone.
Past performance should not be an indicator of future performance.
& # 169; Chart printscreens copyright www. oanda. com. Text and materials copyright FXDS Learning Group Pte. Limitado.
Further Legal Disclaimers: We are not financial professionals in the legal terms and the information shared are purely for entertainment or educational purposes. Even financial professionals who present time to time on our stage, do not speak in their professional capacities and do not offer any advice or recommendations directly to any individual. They are merely sharing their experience. We do not advise on any product or plan or system, as every individual has a different risk appetite. We do our best to ensure accuracy but we will not be held liable for any losses incurred either directly or indirectly. If in any doubt for the suitability of any exhibited system please consult your professional financial advisor.
Forex Driving School - Trade of the Fortnight - January 2010
Forex Driving School 42 Tras Street Level 3 Singapore 078981
Trade of the Fortnight! Simple Trades that make money
Not all trades are made equal! 31 Dec 2009
Have you ever seen days in the market, where every currency moves violently, and any newbie trader could have made money? On such days, you might find it difficult to differentiate a good trade from a lucky trade. Although we all love to have good luck in trading, it is imperative that you can differentiate your bonus profits from the profits you can make regularly. This separates the consistent traders from the one-off lucky gamblers. Every good trade should only be executed after a comparison with its nearest peer.
Today's example is the AUD/USD and EUR/USD trade. We compare the merits of choosing one over the other. The better trade would be the AUD/USD short and it would have made you a quick $500*. More importantly, you would be better prepared, in the unfortunate event of the market going against you.
In trading Forex, we always look for reasons NOT to trade, then when we find one that is perfect, we courageously go for it! If all these processes seem confusing for you, you can now learn it all step-by-step, module-by-module.
We offer Singapore's only 8-week Forex Trading Course with a structured curriculum.
No over-inflated promises, no wild claims; only what works and what doesn't to protect and profit you in the Forex Market.
Find out more at any of our FREE 90 min "Forex Trading Essentials" Seminar at a location near you! Click here: www. ForexDrivingSchool. com/seminar/
Important Notes: * Hypothetical profits for illustration purposes only. It assumes an effective stoploss risk of $250 for consistency in examples throughout our newsletters.
This is not a trade recommendation and should only be used for educational purposes.
Forex trading is a leveraged instrument and involves risks. Please seek professional advice if in doubt of its suitability for you.
Any form of investment involves risk and may not be suitable for everyone.
Past performance should not be an indicator of future performance.
& # 169; Chart printscreens copyright www. oanda. com. Text and materials copyright FXDS Learning Group Pte. Limitado.
Further Legal Disclaimers: We are not financial professionals in the legal terms and the information shared are purely for entertainment or educational purposes. Even financial professionals who present time to time on our stage, do not speak in their professional capacities and do not offer any advice or recommendations directly to any individual. They are merely sharing their experience. We do not advise on any product or plan or system, as every individual has a different risk appetite. We do our best to ensure accuracy but we will not be held liable for any losses incurred either directly or indirectly. If in any doubt for the suitability of any exhibited system please consult your professional financial advisor.
Forex Driving School - Trade of the Fortnight - December 2009
Trade of the Fortnight! Simple Trades that make money
The GBP/JPY landslide that had to make you $750*! 15 Dec 2009
It is time for the favourite season of the year. Christmas carols ringing in the shopping centers and busy shoppers tugging a long list of presents to buy! Traders are also joining in the festive cheer with the deep, almost erratic (to some) swings. One of these trades was last week’s GBP/JPY short trade that would have netted you a swift $ 750 by the time you crawled into bed. Now, a few pairs moved on that very same day, however, this one would have given you the greatest confidence and the least stress.
For those who missed it, you are probably asking how do I spot such trades in the future?
In trading Forex, we always look for reasons NOT to trade, then when we find one that is perfect, we courageously go for it! If all these processes seem confusing for you, you can now learn it all step-by-step, module-by-module.
We offer Singapore’s only 8-week Forex Trading Course with a structured curriculum.
No over-inflated promises, no wild claims; only what works and what doesn’t to protect and profit you in the Forex Market.
Find out more at any of our FREE 90 min “Forex Trading Essentials” Seminar at a location near you! Click here: www. ForexDrivingSchool. com/seminar/
Important Notes: * Hypothetical profits for illustration purposes only. It assumes an effective stoploss risk of $250 for consistency in examples throughout our newsletters.
This is not a trade recommendation and should only be used for educational purposes.
Forex trading is a leveraged instrument and involves risks. Please seek professional advice if in doubt of its suitability for you.
Any form of investment involves risk and may not be suitable for everyone.
Past performance should not be an indicator of future performance.
&dupdo; Chart printscreens copyright www. oanda. com. Text and materials copyright FXDS Learning Group Pte. Limitado.
Further Legal Disclaimers: We are not financial professionals in the legal terms and the information shared are purely for entertainment or educational purposes. Even financial professionals who present time to time on our stage, do not speak in their professional capacities and do not offer any advice or recommendations directly to any individual. They are merely sharing their experience. We do not advise on any product or plan or system, as every individual has a different risk appetite. We do our best to ensure accuracy but we will not be held liable for any losses incurred either directly or indirectly. If in any doubt for the suitability of any exhibited system please consult your professional financial advisor.
Forex Driving School - Trade of the Fortnight - December 2009
RAS AL KHAIMAH The Traffic and Licensing Department in Ras Al Khaimah will introduce training workshops for trainers and instructors in all driving schools across the emirate, starting early next year.
The move follows several complaints from driving licence seekers about the repeated failure in tests, which is being attributed to the lack of quality trainers in most of the driving schools in the emirate.
Col. Nasser Salem Al Muraddad, Director of the Traffic and Licensing Department, said plans are under way to introduce training workshops for all trainers in various driving schools in the emirate to equip them with relevant training skills and to teach them more about the traffic rules and regulations, which they are supposed to pass on to their trainees or learners.
He stressed that the training workshops, which will be mandatory to all trainers in the emirate, would be conducted weekly by officials from the Traffic Police in coordination with the RAK Driving Academy.
The workshops would help provide good training skills to the trainers or instructors, which would help them in providing quality training to the learners. The trainers of various driving schools will also learn about the relevant traffic rules and regulations and road manners, which they are supposed to pass on to the applicants of driving licenses so that they could become good drivers, said Al Muraddad.
According to Al Muraddad, the training workshops are intended to curb the repeated failure in driving tests by some applicants due to the poor training in addition to producing good drivers with driving disciplines which would help in reducing road accidents in the emirate.
The best method of reducing accidents is providing good training to the learners, through teaching them good driving skills and the need for strict adherence to the traffic rules and regulations, he added.
The Traffic Department had recently distributed letters to all driving schools in the emirate, urging them to equip their trainers with good quality training skills and to acquire enough knowledge on traffic rules and regulations and other information.
Waled Khalid, a trainer at RAK Driving School in Ras Al Khaimah, hailed the idea of introducing training workshops for trainers stressing that it would improve the quality of trainers in the emirate.
The Traffic and Licensing Department had opened the Ras Al Khaimah Driving Academy last year, where the basic information of driving and road disciplines is imparted to learners before their training begins.
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Trolla Driver Coach Tanda
AL GHARBIA A large number of residents in Al Gharbia (Western Region), particularly women, are complaining about the non-availability of women instructors at the driving schools.
They have appealed to the authorities concerned to address the situation and enrol women instructors so that female licence seekers could feel comfortable when attending driving lessons.
There are three driving schools in the region.
All the driving institutes in the region confirmed that they have no women instructors and have to depend on male instructors for both men and women trainees. They argued that rules do not allow another person to sit in the car during the training sessions, except the instructor and the trainee.
Mohra Abdullah, a resident, said availability of women instructors should be the basic condition for issuance of licence to the driving schools.
She wondered how such a large region had not a single woman instructor in the driving schools.
Al Gharbia comprises five main cities — Madinat Zayed, Ghayathi, Al Sila, Al Marfa and Liwa. Delma Island, too, is part of the region.
The region constitutes 84 per cent of Abu Dhabi area and 73 per cent of the UAE’s dimensions.
The region has a driving test centre in the city of Tiraif. However, all applicants for driving licence are tested in Al Marfa, except the residents of Delma Island, where special committees are sent to test the applicants.
A woman, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said forcing women to learn driving from men is against the local customs and traditions.
Mohammed al Mazruwaei, a resident, called for hiring of women instructors at the driving schools, or to allow women trainees to be accompanied by one person during training until the schools recruit women instructors. “Non-availability of women instructors in driving institutes is a matter that is unacceptable and rejected by the residents of Al Gharbia, both men and women,” él dijo.
“Women applicants for driving licence are compelled to travel as far as Tiraif to get a file opened, and go to Abu Dhabi for training, which is more than 350km away,” said Mooza Mohammed, a woman applicant from Al Gharbia.
Depending on Male Instructors
A manager of a driving school in Al Marfa, Emad Al Hayik, said all driving schools in Al Gharbia depend on male instructors for many reasons. One of them is that the region is very far from Abu Dhabi and there are hardly any suitable accommodation available for women instructors.
Al Hayik added that women instructors refuse to work in Al Gharbia as it is difficult for them to travel everyday from Abu Dhabi to the region. The low density of population in the region is another issue for female instructors to accept work with a salary and special commission.
He explained that paying high salaries without commission to women instructors is not economically feasible as that does not guarantee covering of costs incurred on the instructor.
Al Hayik said driving schools are profit-oriented institutes, hence the logic of generating income more than the expenditure dictates the needs of the organisation.
Stock Market Trading Schools
Stock trading schools teach students more than just the art of trading. They teach them about risk, about analyzing the market and when the time is right for trading. Students can also learn about the importance of patience and staying successful with their trades. Most stock market schools are offered through the Internet, through training seminars or through one-day workshops.
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Stock Market Trading for Beginners
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Driving School Directory
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Ferrari & Lamborghini Offer Driving Schools To Customers
Ferrari & Lamborghini Offer Driving Schools To Customers
Now after seeing the new 007 film, Spectre, your wanting to drive like James Bond on a chase through Rome, yes.
I suggest you take a driving school 1st?
There are a number to choose from in the luxury sports car class. They cost a couple hundred dollars for an hour to those that cost tens of thousands for days of private instruction.
Ferrari and Lamborghini have 2 of the best.
Ferrari Pilota Sport Course
What: Sports driving instruction for Ferrari customers only Where: Ferrari ’s Fiorano Circuit near Modena, Italy When: All year-round Why it is cool: You get the full Ferrari heritage experience in the same Italian region that has fostered star drivers for decades, plus 1-on-1 attention to refine your driving skills. How much: $10,500, + $2,050 per additional guest, which includes 2 days at the track, all meals, accommodations in Modena, and personalized Ferrari (NYSE :RACE) gifts. store. ferrari. com
Lamborghini Track Accademia
What: Lamborghini-certified instruction in a Gallardo Super Trofeo on a racetrack Where: Las Vegas, NV, and Austin, TX. When: Fall Why it is cool: You will get to drive the 1-off GT race-ready Huracán LP620 Super Trofeo. Completion allows qualification for the application to the IMSA-FIA racing license, requisite to compete in professional races. How much : $19,995, including 3 days’ instruction and 2 nights’ lodging in Las Vegas. squadracorse. lamborghini. com
Lamborghini is a unit of Vlokewagen AG (ORCMKT:VLKAY)
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Pattern Recognition Analyst, equities, commodities, forex
Paul Ebeling is best known for his work as writer and publisher of “The Red Roadmaster’s Technical Report” on the US Major Market Indices™, a highly-regarded, weekly financial market letter, where he enjoys an international audience among opinion makers, business leaders, and respected organizations. Something of a pioneer in online stock market and commodities discussion and analysis, Ebeling has been online since 1994. He has studied and worked in the global financial and stock markets since 1984.
http://learnwithjennie. com — If you decide that it’s high time you take your driving license, the next thing to do would be to start searching for a suitable Driving School Northwich. There are plenty of driving instructors who can teach you the art of driving and plenty of schools that can turn you into an excellent driver. Given this diversity of options, you should take time to select the most suitable Driving School Northwich. Based on which criteria should you select it? The first one is the reputation. Good references truly make the difference. hace 5 días
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BOB MO KUL, WP, Malaysia family, friends and money… that’s searching for reliable Expert Advisors, testing them out by back-testing and, most importantly, forward-testing. forward-testing is the act of running the automated trading system/strategy live, but trading on a paper/demo account that some brokers provide. forward-testing gives the investor a good feel of how the Expert Advisor trades and reacts (or not) in different market conditions. View my complete profile
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Expert Advisor Review
Saturday, March 8, 2008
WSS GO NATURAL 2.0 “now everybody can trade” "think forex think WSS"
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Risk Warning! La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Los resultados anteriores no son indicativos de resultados futuros. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. All information posted on this website is of our opinion and the opinion of our visitors, and may not reflect the truth. Utilice su propio buen juicio y busque el asesoramiento de un consultor cualificado, antes de creer y aceptar cualquier información publicada en este sitio web.
family, friends and money
family, friends and money… that’s what’s driving me these days. welcome to my blog. i hope the information found here will be useful to you in one way or another… especially those about investing, forex trading, and forex trading using automated trading systems (ie. expert advisors). since feb 2007, i’ve been intriged by something called an EXPERT ADVISOR. Qué es? in a nutshell, it’s an automatic trading script that is able to fully automate the entire trading process; from trade entry to cutting losses to taking profits…. if written well, a good Expert Advisor can also make money management decisions (ie. how many lots to trade, how much capital to risk per trade, etc) according to the investor’s risk apetite. there are many kinds of automated trading systems, and Expert Advisors is just one of them that seems to be quite popular in FOREX trading. for a few months now, i’ve been actively exploring into this area… searching for reliable Expert Advisors, testing them out by back-testing and, most importantly, forward-testing. forward-testing is the act of running the automated trading system/strategy live, but trading on a paper/demo account that some brokers provide. forward-testing gives the investor a good feel of how the Expert Advisor trades and reacts (or not) in different market conditions. forward-testing is KEY in determining if an Expert Advisor is good enough to trade with real money. it’s as close as you can get to trading live. so there…. you can tell that i’m hooked on Expert Advisors. to be more specific, i’m hooked on finding the best available Expert Advisor out there in the market. there are lots of badly written ones out there, claiming to be able to generate amazing returns. some i’ve bought with regrets, but there are also some damn good ones! i’m currently live trading with one and forward-testing 5 others. the experience has been very encouraging, and i’m planning to create a dedicated section in this blog to document my thoughts and results of these Expert Advisors. i’ll probably make it into a “Forex Expert Advisor Reviews” or something like that, and post un-biased opinions and observations about the Expert Advisors i’m using and testing. you may want to consider bookmarking this page if you would like to know more about the Expert Advisors that i’ve been using and testing. you could also drop me a message at bobmo7860@gmail. com so that i can send you a note when my “Forex Expert Advisor Reviews” section materialises. target launch. 31 aug 2007.
Campo de golf
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Anybody has read in NLP (Neuro linguistic programming) knowing the aim of the question and the importance of Metaphors in successful people experiments modeling.
I hope everyone complete the sentence:
Trading forex is like..
Trading forex is like a Kung Fu Game ! Trading forex is like watching a school of fish move ! Trading FOREX is like picking money up off the floor ! Trading forex is like learning how to swim !
Trading is like being in a combat zone..MM gives you enough lives to win the war
Trading is like playing a biased roulette wheel, you have to know which side the bias is
Trading is like driving on ice, usual "driving school" lessons do not work, you need a new set of learnings to be able to reach your destination
Trading is like a fashion business, you have to know which is fad and which is trend
BTW, if you are interested in NLP, I did my master in 1992 with Chris Hall, in Germany(Bad Aubling)..and you might want to take a look and have some laughs at my most recent post (980) in simbasystem thread, I don`t want to short circuit this useful thread so, I didn`t reference it..but if you are into NLP, you will understand its meaning.
Anybody has read in NLP (Neuro linguistic programming) knowing the aim of the question and the importance of Metaphors in successful people experiments modeling.
I hope everyone complete the sentence:
Trading forex is like..
Trading forex is like a Kung Fu Game ! Trading forex is like watching a school of fish move ! Trading FOREX is like picking money up off the floor ! Trading forex is like learning how to swim !
trading is oops. I forgot the higher time frame!
trading is oops. I forgot the higher time frame!
Trading forex is a game but an interesting game.
trading forex is like a long marriage . you must follow the rules and adjust to every situation
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Assessing Your Personal Strengths: What They Mean for Trading
A common perspective is that traders run into problems because of personal (or personality) flaws. My experience with successful traders in professional settings, however, finds that the successful traders often have as many of those shortcomings as other traders. The difference lies in their personal strengths–and how they bring these to bear in their trading.
For some traders, individual psychology comes naturally but for others it’s a fruitless struggle. Most start somewhere in between and improve over time. The intricacies of the forex market are doubtlessly challenging to understand but almost anyone can master it with dedication and energy. But what will most likely determine whether you can be a successful trader is not your ability to comprehend fundamental and technical analysis, it’s your psychological edge.
read more about instincts, discipline etc. at
Trading Psychology And Discipline
Traders need to understand what fear is – simply a natural reaction to what they perceive as a threat (in this case perhaps to their profit or money-making potential). Quantifying the fear might help. Or that they may be able to better deal with fear by pondering what they are afraid of, and why they are afraid of it.
Also, by pondering this issue ahead of time and knowing how they may instinctively react to or perceive certain things, a trader can hope to isolate and identify those feelings during a trading session, and then try to focus on moving past the emotion. Of course this may not be easy, and may take practice, but it’s necessary to the health of an investor’s portfolio.
The Importance Of Trading Rules To get their heads in the right place before they feel the emotional or psychological crunch, investors can look at creating trading rules ahead of time. Traders can establish limits where they lay out guidelines based on their risk-reward relationship for when they will exit a trade – regardless of emotions.
Creating a trading plan and sticking to the plan
Trading rules are part of a traders trading plan. To create a profitable trading plan, a trader must do in depth study into all aspects of the markets they are trading in, studying charts, taking course, considering the economic situations, understanding the characteristics of the particular markets and its fluctuations.
Practise and implement your trading plans until you get it consistent and profitable.
Try to review and improve on your trading plan as often as possible. Remember that with every experience a trader gets more and more profitable if he learns from his previous errors.
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Forex For Retirement - Critical News Commentaries Portal. We distill the key bits of news you need to konw! Trading on News & Commentaries can make you lose lotsa money! Information here for Grads with skills only. For Complete Forex Foundation Courses, goto http:www. ForexDrivingSchool. com. & Gt; & gt; WARNING: DO NOT TAKE TACTICAL TRADE ENTRIES FROM HERE. This is for strategic direction only.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Trading *almost* at the Roof Top of Asia
¡Hola! Its fun to be trading *almost* at the Roof top of Asia (read more here: http://winstonng. posterous. com/drinking-on-the-rooftop-of-asia ), so thought I would drop you a photo of lazy me in the room.
why *almost*. 'coz we're on the 57th floor, 2 floors below the roof top of asia. hahah.
Its nice and good with EUR/USD nicely ranging for some great trades the past few days and today.
Plus, re-loaded on Citi off a support line yesterday (see the proper education you learn in FXDS works everywhere!), with a nice 7% up already. This is from my small rocket portfolio, looking at huge long-term gains, so this little up is meaningless though fun!
have a great night!
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What’s Driving BGC Partners and the CME Group’s Interest of GFI Group
In an ongoing bidding war which publicly began in July 2014. interdealer GFI Group has been the center of interest from both CME Group and BGC Partners. Following an initial cash and stock offer from CME Group for $4.55, bidding for GFI Group has ping-ponged, with BGC Partners taking the latest swipe when they trumped CME Group’s $5.85 offer with a $6.10 all-cash bid. But what is driving the demand for GFI which, before the buyout interest, closed at an 18-month low of $3.00?
While BGC and CME both have their eyes on GFI, their interests are different. An interdealer itself, BGC Partners has been a long-time suitor of GFI Group and holds minority interest in the broker. However, enmity between GFI and BGC’s executives is believed to have squashed any “peaceful” negotiations. For its part, CME Group isn’t interested in GFI’s brokerage business but has its eye on their technology.
When first announcing its bid for GFI Group, CME outlined a two-part deal. CME would acquire GFI’s Trayport, an energy trading platform, and the FENICS options and equity price-analysis product. The wholesale brokerage business would then be sold to a consortium led by GFI Group executives including founder Michael Gooch, CEO Colin Heffron and managing director Nick Brown. Following the deal, the consortium would continue to use Trayport and FENICS for their electronic trading through a long-term licensing deal that they would sign with the CME.
The result is that the dual nature of the deal provides GFI Group’s management with the ability to continue operating its brokerage business, while the CME Group would acquire technology and a network of existing traders using the platform. A leader in global energy trading, Trayport would allow the CME to quickly expand their presence in that sector.
Trayport was specifically mentioned by CME Group Executive Chairman and President Terry Duffy when the firm first made its offer for GFI Group. “European energy markets are de-regulating, and the regional demand for risk management in the sector is very high and growing,” He stated.
“By acquiring Trayport, a well-established business that already has a strong client base, we will both expand CME Group’s involvement with European energy markets and increase operational efficiencies and trading opportunities for all European energy market participants – all while maintaining the independence of the Trayport operating platform.”
Contrasting with the CME, BGC is interested in GFI’s interdealer brokerage business. Due to regulatory and technological trends that are pushing over-the-phone trading online, there has been a land grab among platform operators to see who can build the largest network of dealers and customers.
In the fractured world of interdealers, firms overlap in the services they provide to their customers. Where they differ is the pricing they can provide clients by having more aggressive dealers on their network of platforms.
For BGC Partners, purchasing GFI Group offers them the opportunity to expand their customer base and, more importantly, scale the activity of trading taking place on their network of interdealer platforms. The result is a situation where 1+1 equal three, as the clout of the combined firms leads to advantageous pricing for customers–allowing the combined companies to be more competitive.
A takeover of GFI is also expected to provide synergies between the combined brokerage businesses. Overlaps where costs could be cut include regulatory and operational expenses involved with operating their interbroker business. In regards to synergies, BGC Partners CEO Howard Lutnick has told equity analysts that they expect at least $30 million in cost savings from the combination of eliminating technology and back office infrastructure, as well as re-servicing GFI debt with lower interest payments.
While BGC and CME have their own operational and economic interests in GFI Group, other forces are also at play in pushing the bidding higher. While increasing its offer from an initial $4.55 to $5.85, the vast majority of the increased cash from CME has actually been from GFI Group management foregoing a portion of payment for their shares. As a result, the material impact to CME from raising its bid has been minimal.
On the other hand, with an existing stake in GFI Group, BGC Partners benefits by driving up the price that the CME would pay for their shares in the event that they ultimately fail in gaining enough shareholder votes for their offer. As such, with GFI’s management responsible for much of the new financial burden in the CME’s raised bids, the bidding has actually turned into a contest between BGC Partners and GFI Group instead of one between BGC and the CME.
Road Sense Driving School: Mount Druitt
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Road Sense Driving School Manual and Automatic vehicles, Friendly FULLY QUALIFIED RTA APPROVED INSTRUCTORS, As early as 6am Lessons, Dual Controlled Vehicles, Individual Tuition
Road Sense Driving School aims to raise the standard of driving Tuition, Road Sense Driving School only use FULLY QUALIFIED RTA APPROVED INSTRUCTORS and have a system in place to monitor our instructors performance to ensure they maintain the required standards of the RTA.
We aim to be competitive with prices but will never sacrifice high standards and quality of service.
Our fun and friendly instructors will help pupils on their journey to achieve their goal to pass the Driving Test and drive safely for life
We also offer tuition for qualified drivers wishing to improve their skills and confidence. (Más)
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Managing the Mental Side of Forex
Managing your trading mind set
Staying mentally focused while you build confidence in your trading strategy is one of the most difficult skills for new forex traders. Even the best trading systems lose money unless they are executed mechanically and without emotion.
Preparation – don’t take your troubles and worries to your desk – make sure you have a clear head. Don’t be over eager – look for reasons not to trade. Stick to a strategy – never be tempted to overreact and move your stop-losses unless it’s part of your overall plan. Have realistic expectations – Look for consistent, steady returns rather than chasing those elusive “one off” big wins. Take a break – if in doubt, stay out.
Unfortunately, it’s scary to see real dollars and cents changing with every move of the market, and emotions can cause a trader to jump into a bad trade or out of a good one before the system says they should. Despite the stress, there are some things you do to try to stay focused and execute your trading plan to perfection.
It’s scary to see real dollars and cents changing with every move of the market.
1) Be Prepared: Do you remember going to driving school and having the instructor tell you not to drive when you’re stressed, angry, upset, tired or otherwise emotional? Forex is the same, except this time you actually need to listen to the advice. When you sit down to trade, be well rested, focused and prepared to work. If you’re not, you’ll pay for your mistake, literally.
2) Find a Reason Not To Trade: If you find yourself getting over-eager and jumping into trades too early, start looking for reasons not to trade. Find the indicator saying the opposite of the rest. This is particularly useful when you’re jumping before you have that confirming indicator. When in doubt, stay out – train yourself to find reasons not to trade.
3) Don’t Move Your Targets or Stop Losses: Never move targets or stop losses, unless it is a pre-planned part of the trade. Moving your stop loss down isn’t allowing the market to come back, it’s allowing the market to take more of your money.
If you find yourself struggling to stay in trades, examine where you’re placing your targets and stops and make sure they are wide enough. Believe in the plan, and you won’t need to move your stops and targets while the trade is open.
4) Have Reasonable Expectations: Reasonable expectations are the key to long-term forex success. If you’re expecting to make ten times your initial investment in the first week, then you’ll be sadly disappointed.
When using leverage of 1:50, a negative real return of just 2% is enough to wipe out your entire account.
A realistic rate of return is about 15% a year. That means if you invest $1000, you should aim to make $150 and finish the year with $1150.
While there are strategies that could give much higher returns, they are considerably more risky and require high leverage – the top traders on eToro for example typically show annualized returns of up to 300%. Keep in mind however that when using leverage of 1:50, a negative real return of just 2% is enough to wipe out your entire capital.
Have reasonable expectations for the number of trades as well. If your trading system has you in and out of the market every couple of minutes, you need to refine it (trade “churning” is more likely to make your broker rich rather than you ).
As well as causing unnecessary stress and increasing fees, “over traders” statistically have returns that are well below average. Some of the best trading systems only trade once or twice a week. Remember, look for quality not quantity.
5) Walk Away From The Screen: If things get too intense, take a break. Take a walk around the block, grab some chips or watch some TV. Do anything to take your mind off trading. If you’re particularly struggling, walk away and come back tomorrow.
Every trader has their winners and losers, so stick with the plan and don’t overreact or start chasing the market, because your emotions will take over and you’ll lose money.
These mental tricks will help you become a more disciplined trader. Discipline and careful execution are the keys to winning with forex (see more ). so make sure you are able to walk away if you get too stressed. Don’t pile on the pressure when you can’t head straight for an Aston Martin dealership after your first day in the market.
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Mthetheleli Siyongwana
Mthetheleli “Mtheza” Siyongwana has 5 years experience in the Aviation field and holds relevant qualifications according to his trade.
Mthetheleli (better known as Mtheza in the Trading community) has been trading forex independently for 4 years. It all started when a colleague invited him to a Forex seminar and after sitting and listening to the speaker, he immediately signed up and began his journey to being one of South Africans youngest millionaires. Coming from a father who runs successful driving school business and a mother who is a teacher, Mtheza felt responsible for sharing his knowledge with the people and in turn creating a culture of financial freedom – This was the birth of Recite Traders.
Mtheza is currently mentoring, teaching and guiding 15 students with a combined hit ratio of 80%.
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You’re Driving a Ferrari, But Have You Learned How To Drive?
Sam Seiden
Online Trading Academy, Chief Education, Products, and Services Officer
I was in Dubai, UAE last week and as usual, while sitting outside having lunch in Jumeirah Beach, I noticed all the fancy cars driving by. There were Ferraris, Lamborghinis, and even a McLaren, which you don’t see too often. One of the Ferraris stood out to me. Not because of the car itself but because of the driver. I noticed the two gentlemen in the car were very young, they looked like teenagers. The driver seemed to have trouble driving the car and that reminded me of something in trading that I think will help you if I explain. And, after all, that’s why I write these articles so let me begin…
A few days ago I was speaking with a woman who is a student of OTA and I asked her how she was doing. She replied that she is trading Forex and struggling a bit. I asked her what classes she had taken and she said she took the Forex class and was trying to make that work. Around that same time I was also speaking with another student/trader from Kenya and asked him how he was doing. He said he was trading Futures and was not losing money but was not making money either. I dove deeper with both these individuals and asked some questions because them not being successful was not acceptable to me. I had to figure out what the issue was and what we could do to help them. After a few questions, I realized exactly what the issue was for both of them, they had not learned how to trade yet. They had never taken our Professional Trader course. One of them actually bought the course in a package years ago and had still never taken it. Instead, he just went right into trading Futures and struggled.
You see, Pro Trader is our foundation course where our core Supply and Demand market timing strategy is taught in detail and practiced with an instructor looking over your shoulder for a full week. Furthermore, some of our key Odds Enhancers are taught in that class. Don’t get me wrong, core strategy is taught and practiced in all our major courses but the fullest deepest version is clearly in the 7-day Professional Trader course and we always let people know that up front before they commit to any education. I explained to them that no matter how much they knew about the asset class they were trading, they had to learn how to actually trade first in order to be successful. The Forex market is great and the Futures markets are fantastic but they don’t make you any money, your trading strategy does.
What is alarming to me is how many of these conversations I have with students/traders around the world. People want to open a Forex account because it’s a cheap market to get into and has other benefits as well but they skip the most important piece of this puzzle which is to first learn how to make money trading anything! Core strategy is everything. Once you have it you can then trade whatever market makes sense for you. For me, I trade the futures market for short term income and the options market for long term wealth. However, while futures and options are very different, I use the same core strategy for both. And, this happens to be the same core strategy we teach in our 7 – day Pro Trader course.
Don’t get me wrong, my objective is not to push you to trade or even push you to take a trading course. What I am strongly suggesting is this… If you are going to chose to risk your hard earned money in the markets, make sure your first learn how to trade and that means a rule based strategy that has you buying low and selling higher. This sounds so obvious I know but you would be surprised how many people skip this obvious step.
Do you think you could drive a Ferrari before going to driving school? If not, then why would you think you could make money trading before learning how to trade. Learn a successful strategy, build a simple trading plan around it, practice executing that plan in a demo account. Once you have consistent strong results, move to real money but very small position size. Once you see the results you’re looking for, then move to a leveraged asset class if you want to but this is step number five. As I said, I see more and more people skipping the first four steps and that is unbelievable to me. Like driving the Ferrari, trading requires skill and to attain any skill, you must learn and practice. If you chose to skip the first four critical steps in the process I just mentioned, you will likely lose your money in the market to someone who didn’t.
Hope this was helpful. Have a great day.
This newsletter is written for educational purposes only. De ninguna manera cualquier de sus contenidos recomienda, aboga o impulsa la compra, la venta o la tenencia de cualquier instrumento financiero cualesquiera. El comercio y la inversión implica altos niveles de riesgo. El autor expresa opiniones personales y no asume ninguna responsabilidad por las acciones del lector. El autor puede o no tener posiciones en Instrumentos Financieros discutidos en este boletín. Los resultados futuros pueden ser dramáticamente diferentes de las opiniones expresadas aquí. El rendimiento pasado no garantiza resultados futuros. Reimpresiones permitidas sólo para lectura privada, para todo lo demás, por favor obtenga permiso.
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