Sunday, November 13, 2016

Equidad De Forex

Cuál es el patrimonio y el saldo de una cuenta de inversión?

El saldo de una cuenta de inversión es de 1.000 USD al principio del intervalo de negociación. Sin embargo, al final del intervalo de negociación, el patrimonio ha caído a 500 USD. Cuando la cuenta hace una pérdida, el inversor no paga compensación al gerente. Por lo tanto, la equidad más la remuneración del gerente es de 500 USD. El inversionista decide retirar 100 USD, o 20% del patrimonio de la cuenta de inversión. Después del retiro, el saldo, el patrimonio y el patrimonio más la remuneración del administrador son 20% más bajos y son iguales a 800 USD, 400 USD y 400 USD en consecuencia.

Si hay una ganancia en el momento en que el retiro tiene lugar de la cuenta de inversión, entonces el gerente recibe su compensación.

Unas pocas semanas después del inicio del intervalo de negociación, el gestor hace que el inversor obtenga una ganancia del 20%. Según la propuesta del gerente, su compensación es del 50% del beneficio. La inversión inicial realizada fue de 1.000 USD.

El saldo de la cuenta de inversión se mantiene en 1.000 USD. El administrador tiene derecho a la mitad de la ganancia, que es de 100 USD. El patrimonio más la remuneración del gerente se ha incrementado a 1.200 USD, y el capital menos la remuneración del gerente es de 1.100 USD. El inversor decide retirar 110 USD, que es el 10% del capital. Esto significa que los valores caen un 10%. El saldo, el patrimonio neto y el patrimonio neto más la remuneración del administrador será de 900 USD, 990 USD y 1.080 USD, respectivamente. El administrador también recibirá el 10% de su compensación, que es de 10 USD.

Encontraste la informacion que estabas buscando?

Alpari Limited, Cedar Hill Crest, Villa, Kingstown VC0100, San Vicente y las Granadinas, West Indies, está registrada bajo el número de registro 20389 IBC 2012 por el Registro de Empresas Comerciales Internacionales, registrado por la Autoridad de Servicios Financieros de San Vicente y las Granadinas.

Alpari Limited, 60 Market Square, Ciudad de Belice, Belice, está registrada bajo el número de registro 137.509, autorizado por la Comisión de Servicios Financieros Internacionales de Belice, número de licencia IFSC / 60/301 / TS / 16.

Alpari Research & Analysis Limited, 209 Tower Bridge Business Center, 46-48 East Smithfield, Londres, Reino Unido, E1W 1AW (investigación financiera y análisis para las empresas Alpari).

Alpari fue una de las empresas involucradas en la formación de CRFIN (el Centro de Regulación de Instrumentos Financieros y Tecnologías de OTC).

Alpari es miembro de la Comisión Financiera. Una organización internacional dedicada a la resolución de disputas dentro de la industria de servicios financieros en el mercado Forex.

Descargo de Riesgo. Antes de empezar a operar, debe comprender completamente los riesgos relacionados con el mercado de divisas y el comercio de margen, y debe ser consciente de su nivel de experiencia.

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Definición de "Equidad" En el comercio de Forex

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Comercio Forex, materias primas y índices bursátiles con opciones binarias & ndash; Ver cómo

Qué es la equidad?

En Forex, el concepto de equidad tiene que ser mirado en términos de cuando los oficios están abiertos y también en términos de cuando no hay posiciones activas en el mercado. Cuando el comerciante tiene posiciones activas en el mercado (es decir, cuando el comerciante tiene operaciones abiertas), el capital en la cuenta de la divisa es simplemente la suma del margen puesto para el comercio de la cuenta de la divisa más el margen libre o utilizable (que en La plataforma MT4 se llama la equidad). Cuando no hay posiciones comerciales activas, el patrimonio es el mismo que el margen libre, y es igual al saldo de la cuenta.

Equidad en forex por lo tanto, se refiere al valor total de la cuenta de un comerciante, cuando las posiciones abiertas se han tenido en cuenta en la ecuación. Por ejemplo, un vistazo a los gráficos MT4 dará alguna idea acerca de lo que la equidad en Forex realmente representa. Después de que un comercio se abre, un número de figuras se enumeran en la plataforma MT4, en la ventana del terminal comercial. La ventana del terminal de comercio muestra los siguientes parámetros:

A) Saldo: se refiere al saldo inicial total en la cuenta del comerciante. No se ve afectada por ninguna posición abierta hasta que todas las posiciones comerciales activas estén cerradas.

B) Equidad de negociación: se refiere a la cantidad real de dinero que un comerciante se quedará con cuando todas las posiciones activas están cerradas. El saldo de la cuenta del comerciante se compone del patrimonio neto y la ganancia o pérdida no realizada en posiciones activas.

C) Ganancias / pérdidas no realizadas: Es la ganancia o pérdida en términos financieros que la cuenta de un comerciante acumula de todas las posiciones abiertas. Se refieren a ellos como no realizados porque son en realidad hechos, no verdaderos beneficios o pérdidas. Su presencia sólo indica el estado de las posiciones en el mercado, y debido a que aún no se han agregado a la cuenta, siguen sin realizarse y están sujetos a cambios. Sólo se convierten en ganancias o pérdidas realizadas cuando las posiciones son cerradas, y esta es la única vez que se pueden agregar o quitar de la cuenta del comerciante. En esta etapa, no puede ocurrir ningún cambio en la ganancia o pérdida de un comerciante.

D) Margen: El grado de garantía que el comerciante debe poner para el comercio con el fin de utilizar el apalancamiento proporcionado por el corredor. Recuerde de algunas de nuestras discusiones anteriores que el forex es un mercado altamente apalancado, permitiendo que los comerciantes pongan una suma de dinero (el margen) para controlar comercios más grandes.

Por lo tanto, de todo lo que se ha dicho anteriormente se deduce que el patrimonio del comerciante es una función del grado de ganancia o pérdida que la cuenta mantiene desde posiciones abiertas o cerradas. El patrimonio cambia a medida que cambian las ganancias / pérdidas no realizadas en posiciones activas. Cuando las posiciones se cierran y los beneficios se agregan ahora (o las pérdidas eliminadas) del saldo de la cuenta, entonces se conoce el patrimonio del comerciante.

Los conceptos de saldo de cuenta, equidad, apalancamiento y margen están entrelazados. Un comerciante debe saber cómo se conectan todos a fin de preservar el capital cuando se negocia. Los comerciantes que sufren la llamada de margen temido son los comerciantes que no entienden la interrelación entre la equidad, el apalancamiento, el margen y el saldo de la cuenta. Como tales, abren posiciones de una manera que no crea el equilibrio entre el equidad de negociación, los requisitos del apalancamiento y del margen y el capital de la cuenta.

La equidad también se conoce como el factor de apalancamiento. Generalmente la equidad en la cuenta de la divisa debe ser más alta que el margen usado para las operaciones. El factor de apalancamiento utilizado para el comercio puede ir un largo camino para determinar los beneficios obtenidos o las pérdidas sufridas en la cuenta. Esta es la razón por la cual es muy importante para los comerciantes entender cómo utilizar el capital para crear un equilibrio entre el riesgo y la recompensa de un comercio, y el papel del apalancamiento en todo esto.

Vamos a utilizar algunos ejemplos para explicar la relevancia y los usos de la equidad para el comerciante de divisas.

Usos de la equidad Echa un vistazo a la ventana de terminal en la plataforma MT4 cuando hay posiciones activas en el mercado.

El saldo de la cuenta cambiará sólo cuando el operador cierra la (s) posición (es) activa (s). Los beneficios / pérdidas de tales operaciones se añadirán / deducirán del saldo inicial de la cuenta y el nuevo saldo se mostrará en la ventana del terminal.

Suponiendo que hay un saldo de $ 5000 en la cuenta y hay operaciones activas que suman $ 100 en ganancias o pérdidas no realizadas / flotantes, entonces

Balance & # 8211; Ganancia / Pérdida Flotante = Patrimonio $ 10,000 & # 8211; $ 100 = $ 10,100

Margen = $ 2,859.52 (volumen de comercio (en términos monetarios) x precio del activo) / 100 = $ 2,860.00

Equidad & # 8211; Margen = Margen Libre $ 10,050 & # 8211; $ 2.859,52 (margen) = $ 7,190.48

(Equidad / Margen) x 100 = Nivel de Margen ($ 10,050 / $ 2,859.52) x 100 = 351,46%

También echa un vistazo a la interfaz MT4 cuando no hay posiciones activas en el mercado: (Diagrama) Aquí, cuenta de equidad = margen libre = saldo de la cuenta

Eche un vistazo a dónde se encuentra la Equidad en la cuenta. Se puede ver claramente que la equidad es el dinero que un comerciante tiene en su cuenta, más o menos el dinero que el comerciante tiene cuando todas las posiciones abiertas se liquidan. En otras palabras, Equity es el saldo de la cuenta más el resultado flotante o no realizado en cualquier posición abierta.

Por ejemplo, si el comerciante tenía $ 3,000 en su cuenta de negociación y había dos operaciones abiertas que eran colectivamente en ganancias por la suma de $ 400, el patrimonio en la cuenta sería de $ 3,400 cuando ambas operaciones se cierran.

Si hay dos posiciones abiertas que son $ 300 en ganancia, y una posición abierta que es $ 600 en una posición de pérdida (es decir - $ 600), el patrimonio de la cuenta mostraría & # 8211; $ 300. Cuando las operaciones se cierran, los $ 600 se quitarán del saldo de la cuenta y esto se mostraría como $ 4,700. En este caso con una posición cerrada, el patrimonio sería el mismo que el saldo de la cuenta.

Posición abierta: Equidad = Balance + Ganancia / Pérdida Flotante

Posición cerrada: Equidad = saldo de la cuenta

Y por ejemplo, cuando usted tiene algunas posiciones abiertas y son $ 1,500 en ganancias en total, entonces el saldo de su cuenta es el saldo de su cuenta más $ 1,500. Si sus posiciones fueron de $ 1,500 en pérdida, entonces el saldo de su cuenta sería el saldo de su cuenta menos $ 1,500.

Examinemos ahora la relación entre equidad y margen libre.

Equidad y Margen Libre Cómo se relacionan el patrimonio y el margen libre entre sí? El margen libre se define como la diferencia entre el patrimonio y el margen de todas las posiciones activas.

Margen Libre = Equidad & # 8211; Margen

Cuando no hay posiciones activas en el mercado, no se requiere un margen del comerciante como garantía comercial, de modo que nada se extrae de la cuenta para este propósito. En este estado, el saldo de la cuenta será el mismo que el de la cuenta y el margen libre.

En el momento en que se inicia un comercio en el mercado, la situación cambia. Por ejemplo, si un comerciante con una cuenta de $ 5000 abre posiciones y presenta un margen de $ 450 para el comercio, y el total de todas las posiciones abiertas es de $ 200 en ganancias,

Equidad = $ 5,000 + $ 200 = $ 5,200

El margen libre = $ 5,200 & # 8211; $ 450 = $ 4,750

Esto lleva a otro cálculo conocido como el nivel de Margen, que es:

Nivel de Margen = (Patrimonio / Margen) x 100

El nivel de margen es utilizado por los corredores para averiguar si los comerciantes son capaces de entrar en nuevos oficios o no. Algunos de ustedes aquí que han tratado de negociar con capital bajo en MT4 y obtener el mensaje & # 8220; NO SUFICIENTE DINERO & # 8221; Estarán familiarizados con este concepto.

El nivel de margen se establece en un límite de porcentaje denominado nivel de llamada de margen. Cuando el Equity = Margin, no se pueden abrir nuevas posiciones.

Por ejemplo, si un titular de la cuenta de $ 5,000 que usa $ 500 como margen incurre en una pérdida de $ 4500, el valor de la equidad (5.000 y 4.500) habría igualado el margen, lo que significa que el comerciante no tiene más margen para apoyar nuevas posiciones.

Si el mercado experimenta una rotación y hay una reducción en el grado de pérdidas, entonces se libera más margen y el patrimonio volverá a superar el margen. El tamaño del nuevo comercio se determinará entonces en la medida en que el patrimonio sobrepasa el margen.

Si el mercado sigue moviéndose contra el comerciante, entonces el patrimonio caerá a un nivel donde será menor que el margen, lo que hace imposible sostener las operaciones abiertas. Naturalmente, las posiciones perdedoras deben ser cerradas para equilibrar la ecuación y proteger el capital de apalancamiento del corredor. Un intermediario puede establecer el límite de porcentaje que forma el valor de umbral para que se produzca este evento. Si un corredor establece el nivel de margen a 10%, significa que cuando el nivel de margen se aproxima al 10% (es decir, cuando el patrimonio es del 10% del margen), el corredor cerrará automáticamente las posiciones perdedoras, empezando por la que tiene la mayor pérdida flotante . Si después del cierre de una posición con la pérdida flotante más grande, el mercado continúa moviéndose contra el comerciante de tal manera que el capital del corredor se vuelve a amenazar, el corredor tomará el mismo curso de acción para cerrar Cualquier posición (s) con las mayores pérdidas no realizadas. Por supuesto, si el comerciante deposita más capital para aumentar el saldo de la cuenta utilizando un medio de depósito instantáneo de la transacción (por ejemplo, tarjeta de crédito), entonces el dinero puede ser tomado del saldo de la nueva cuenta para agregar al margen, manteniendo así las posiciones abiertas .

Entender el papel de la equidad en todo esto ayudará a un comerciante a estructurar su actividad comercial para evitar tomar demasiado riesgo y riesgo de obtener el margen de la cuenta llamada.

La lección importante aquí, es que la equidad debe mantenerse en niveles que son lo suficientemente altos para que en ningún momento en el tiempo la cuenta sufren al perder los oficios se incurren. Esto puede consistir en incrementar el capital de la cuenta (capital de la cuenta) o mediante el uso de requisitos de apalancamiento / margen compatibles con el tamaño de la cuenta.

¡Atención! Los puntos de vista del autor son enteramente suyos.

Cómo las acciones afectan el mercado de divisas

Los operadores de divisas (divisas) siempre están buscando tendencias y perspectivas económicas para predecir el movimiento potencial en una moneda. Algunos miran los informes económicos o el PIB. O relaciones comerciales, pero es posible que pueda predecir estos informes utilizando los mercados de renta variable. Los mercados de renta variable tienen miles de empresas en todo el mundo que producen cientos de informes cada día que puede ser una fuente útil de información para los comerciantes de divisas. (Para obtener más información sobre el comercio de divisas, echa un vistazo a cómo convertirse en un comerciante exitoso de Forex.)

El problema fundamental En última instancia, una moneda fluctúa en función de las características de la oferta y la demanda. Cuando más inversionistas exigen una divisa, es probable que se refuerce en relación con otras monedas. Cuando hay exceso de oferta, lo contrario es cierto. Este principio fundamental, sin embargo, está influenciado por muchos factores que conducen a fluctuaciones cambiarias constantes cada día. Está más allá del alcance de este artículo discutir muchos de estos factores. El enfoque se centrará en cómo los mercados de renta variable pueden proporcionar una visión de los mercados de divisas.

Un juego global Los mercados de divisas son verdaderamente un mercado global, más grande que cualquier otro mercado de valores. Así que cuando se piensa en las acciones y su influencia en los mercados de divisas, usted realmente tiene que pensar globalmente. Las mejores empresas a considerar son naturalmente las que tienen operaciones internacionales que realizan transacciones en varias monedas. Por ejemplo, como el mayor minorista del planeta, Wal-Mart se ocupa de cuestiones de divisas al igual que cualquier otra empresa que se podría pensar. Otro gran nombre es Coca-Cola. Estas acciones de consumo global negociar con los consumidores de todo el mundo y proporcionar la mejor visión corporativa en el mercado de divisas.

El mercado de materias primas también puede ser útil con respecto al mercado de divisas. Considere la principal materia prima mundial, el petróleo crudo. Los precios mundiales del petróleo están denominados en dólares estadounidenses. Como ejemplo, el precio del petróleo puede aumentar porque el valor del dólar estadounidense disminuye en relación con las principales monedas globales. Así que el precio del petróleo tiene que subir para igualar el precio que otros países extranjeros compran en sus monedas de origen. Mientras que otras materias primas globales - azúcar, maíz y trigo - ofrecen ideas similares, el petróleo es el producto más importante que se relaciona con los mercados de divisas.

Un mercado de acciones importante también puede influir en los mercados de divisas de otra manera. Una moneda débil favorece a los exportadores en ese país en particular. Cuando su moneda local es débil, las exportaciones son más baratas en el extranjero. Eso ayuda a impulsar el crecimiento y los beneficios de esos exportadores. Cuando las ganancias están creciendo, los mercados de renta variable tienden a hacer bien. Por supuesto, la situación es más probable que ocurra en los mercados de acciones respaldados por las principales divisas globales - el dólar de EE. UU., el yen, el euro, la libra esterlina, etc (Para saber más sobre los precios de las materias primas pueden afectar a la moneda global, Precios y movimientos monetarios.)

Mirando hacia el futuro Debido a que los mercados de divisas son dinámicos y fluctúan muy rápidamente, la mayoría de las industrias sirven como indicadores rezagados para la dirección de los mercados de divisas. No es hasta que una empresa informa sus ganancias que uno comienza a conocer el efecto de los movimientos de la moneda. A menudo, los resultados de la compañía serán muy diferentes de las estimaciones de los analistas cuando forex ha jugado un papel importante. Es en ese punto que los inversores pueden analizar los comentarios de la administración con respecto a la perspectiva futura de las fluctuaciones monetarias. Las cosas a buscar son cualquier indicación de las estrategias de cobertura que una empresa llevará adelante.

Tratar de diferenciar qué tipos de activos - duro o blando - mejor identificar los movimientos de divisas no tiene sentido. Más bien, lo importante es la necesidad del activo. Cosas como la comida, la gasolina y la medicina serían más útiles que la ropa o la joyería. Una empresa como Kraft, que vende alimentos en todo el mundo sería más útil que Tiffany's, el minorista icónico de la joyería.

Participación del gobierno Se podría pensar que las instituciones financieras globales servirían un propósito significativo en los mercados de divisas. Lo hacen en el sentido de que ayudan a facilitar los mercados de divisas. Pero en términos de identificación de dirección, recuerde que el valor de su principal material - el dinero - está influenciado por la política del gobierno.

Desafortunadamente, las acciones no proporcionan ningún indicador significativo. El valor del dinero está determinado por su oferta y demanda, que generalmente es determinada por el gobierno a través de cambios en las tasas de interés u otros movimientos de políticas. Tratar de usar las acciones como un indicador líder no sería sabio cuando los gobiernos pueden influir en los movimientos a voluntad.

La realidad es que las acciones por sí solas no son una forma prudente de predecir la dirección de las monedas. Los balances de los gobiernos, la política monetaria y las tasas de interés juegan un papel importante en los mercados de divisas. La historia reciente de Estados Unidos sirve como un ejemplo importante. Como respuesta a la crisis financiera de 2007-2009. La Reserva Federal aumentó significativamente la oferta de dinero al comprar más de un billón de dólares en bonos. Si bien este programa - conocido comúnmente como flexibilización cuantitativa - ayudó a la economía a salir de la peor recesión desde la Gran Depresión, el dólar se debilitó significativamente frente a una cesta de monedas globales. Este debilitamiento del dólar se produjo incluso cuando los precios de las acciones de Estados Unidos subieron de 2009 a 2011. (Para leer más sobre la crisis financiera, véase The 2007-08 Financial Crisis In Review.)

Pensando fuera de los Estados Unidos Sin embargo, los inversores pueden buscar patrones entre estas empresas globales.

De hecho, ha habido un patrón importante que ha surgido a través de los años. Por ejemplo, a finales de los años 2000, el gigante del café Starbucks esbozó un plan para impulsar el crecimiento futuro expandiéndose en el extranjero. La compañía describió planes para cerrar 800 ubicaciones, la mayoría ubicadas en el foco de Starbucks de los Estados Unidos en las tiendas crecientes elaboradas internacionalmente, y la compañía creció ventas y beneficios, y recompensó a los accionistas con un mayor precio de las acciones.

Pero Starbucks no es la única empresa que vio la escritura en la pared: el mejor crecimiento proviene de mercados emergentes y en desarrollo. Casi todas las empresas globales han concentrado esfuerzos de crecimiento significativos en las partes emergentes y en desarrollo del mundo.

El punto de vista del crecimiento desde el exterior ha coincidido con un dólar más débil a expensas de otras monedas. Aunque no es garantía, las economías fuertes suelen estar respaldadas por divisas fuertes a largo plazo. Los inversores deben entender claramente que las fluctuaciones a corto plazo no son la excepción cuando se trata de los mercados de divisas. Por supuesto, está lejos de ser 100% exacto que una economía fuerte desmiente una moneda fuerte. Durante la crisis financiera en los Estados Unidos, el yen japonés siguió fortaleciéndose en relación con el dólar estadounidense, a pesar de que la economía de Japón había estado en un funk durante décadas. Pero eso fue el yen frente al dólar y la economía estadounidense en ese momento estaba cayendo más rápido que Japón. (Para aprender más sobre la correlación entre la economía y la moneda, vea los factores económicos que afectan el mercado de divisas.)

Donde las compañías globales invierten es a menudo una señal principal que esas compañías ven el crecimiento económico fuerte. Donde hay un fuerte crecimiento económico. Generalmente hay una mayor demanda de la moneda. Lo que es más importante, una economía fuerte suele sugerir un balance sólido del gobierno que ayuda a soportar los precios de divisas. Cuando una nación está muy endeudada o tiene que seguir emitiendo divisas, los efectos a largo plazo sobre esa moneda no son favorables.

La línea de fondo Los mercados de divisas son mercados dinámicos complejos. El uso de un punto de datos, como las acciones, para predecir las futuras direcciones de divisas puede ser un ejercicio limitativo. Las acciones pueden ser indicadores útiles. Pero los inversores deben ser conscientes de que las acciones por sí solas no pueden ser suficientes para proporcionar una evaluación precisa.

La ventaja comparativa es una ley económica que demuestra las formas en que el proteccionismo (el mercantilismo, en su momento).

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Microeconomía es generalmente el estudio de los individuos y las decisiones de negocios, la macroeconomía se ve más arriba en el país y. Leer respuesta >>

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Una garantía con un precio que depende o deriva de uno o más activos subyacentes.

Un asesor de política económica que promueve políticas monetarias que implican el mantenimiento de tasas de interés bajas, creyendo que.

Activos altamente líquidos mantenidos por instituciones financieras para cumplir con obligaciones a corto plazo. Coeficiente de cobertura de Liquidez.

La ventaja competitiva que una empresa tiene sobre otras empresas de la misma industria. Este término fue acuñado por renombrado.

Un crédito fiscal en los Estados Unidos que beneficia a ciertos contribuyentes que tienen bajos ingresos de trabajo en un año fiscal determinado.

Equity Trail Robot de Forex

El Steinitz Equity Trail Robot fue diseñado para trabajar con Metatrader 4 software de gráficos. El propósito de este software es monitorear la equidad de su cuenta las 24 horas del día por la razón específica para realizar funciones especializadas (se discutirán más adelante) automáticamente sin necesidad de estar cerca de su computadora.

Éste es un & ldquo; EA & rdquo; Asesor experto también conocido como robot. Se adjunta a su Metatrader 4 gráfico al igual que cualquier otro robot que ha utilizado en el pasado. Esta EA tiene la capacidad de controlar todas las posiciones abiertas simultáneamente independientemente de cómo se originó el comercio, es decir, robótica o manualmente.

Cuántas veces ha deseado que fue capaz de cerrar ciertos oficios cuando se convirtieron en rentables, pero se perdió la oportunidad porque no está disponible? Del mismo modo, cuántas veces ha deseado que podría haber evitado una gran pérdida, pero una vez más se perdió la oportunidad porque usted simplemente no estaba alrededor? Por último, cuántas veces ha deseado que no tomó sus beneficios tan temprano porque la posición fue muchos pips más a su favor?

Si la respuesta es afirmativa a lo anterior, ahora podrá dejar que el robot Steinitz Equity Trail elimine todos los que deberían tener & rdquo ;, & ldquo; podrían tener & rdquo; Escenarios.

Cómo funciona: El robot Steinitz Equity Monitoring tiene la capacidad de realizar las siguientes tareas:

Cierre todas las posiciones abiertas con un cierto porcentaje objetivo de beneficio

Cierre todas las posiciones abiertas con un cierto porcentaje objetivo de pérdidas

Lock-in un cierto porcentaje de beneficio y el rastro de allí

Cualquiera de estas funciones puede utilizarse individualmente o en combinación entre sí. Analicemos cada función y usemos ejemplos para hacer estas operaciones claras. Todos los ejemplos comenzarán con $ 10,000 como su saldo en su cuenta.

Digamos que quería cerrar todas sus posiciones abiertas cuando la participación en su cuenta crezca un 10%. En este caso usted está mirando para hacer el beneficio $ 1000. Establezca su porcentaje de participación en la ganancia tomando el 10%. Tan pronto como su capital alcance un beneficio del 10% (patrimonio de $ 11.000) todas las posiciones se cerrará automáticamente bloqueando sus ganancias.

Digamos que quería cerrar todas sus posiciones abiertas cuando la equidad cae un 10%. En este caso usted está mirando para limitar sus pérdidas a $ 1000. Establezca la configuración de porcentaje de pérdida de porcentaje de participación en el 10%. Tan pronto como su capital caiga en un 10% ($ 9000 de capital) todas las posiciones se cerrará automáticamente, no permitiendo más pérdidas.

Digamos que desea agregar otra función por la que está dispuesto a bloquear un cierto porcentaje de beneficios con la posibilidad de ganar más dinero si las cosas van a su manera. Esta función se denomina porcentaje de activación de capital y porcentaje de patrimonio.

Digamos, por ejemplo, que desea establecer un objetivo de beneficio del 8% y una pérdida de stop de 1%. Se establecería el porcentaje de activación de patrimonio en un 8% y se establecería el porcentaje de patrimonio para el 1%. Tan pronto como su capital crece a $ 800, el robot bloquea automáticamente $ 700 (1% de seguimiento). En este punto usted no puede ganar menos de $ 700.

A medida que su posición continúa moviéndose a su favor, también lo hace su pérdida de stop de arrastre que siempre está bloqueando y arrastrando en un 1%. Si su comercio avanza a $ 900 de ganancia de su rastro se moverá a ganancias de $ 800. Ahora este punto no se puede ganar menos de $ 800.

Mientras la posición continúe moviéndose en su favor así que hace su stoploss que se arrastra. Tan pronto como su posición va en contra de usted en un 1% el robot se cerrará todas las posiciones abiertas, resultando en un beneficio igual a lo que nunca ha sido bloqueado.

Tenga en cuenta que puede utilizar todos los ajustes al mismo tiempo. Tomemos un ejemplo final. Tenemos nuestro beneficio de toma establecido en el 10%. Tenemos nuestra pérdida de stop en 10%. Tenemos nuestro porcentaje de activación de acciones fijado en un 8%. Y el porcentaje de la trayectoria de la equidad fijó al 1%.

En este punto, el robot Steinitz Equity Trail se cerrará cuando exista alguna de las condiciones anteriores. Esto se convierte en la solución definitiva para cerrar sus operaciones abiertas sobre la base de su configuración personal y el estilo de la negociación.

Cómo se relaciona Forex con los mercados de renta variable

Los mercados de divisas y renta variable son impulsados ​​por los cambios en las tasas de interés. Los aumentos o la perspectiva de aumentos en las tasas de interés domésticas generalmente elevarán el valor de la moneda local, mientras que tenderá a deprimir los mercados de renta variable nacionales.

Como resultado, durante períodos de aumentos sostenidos de las tasas de interés, los mercados de renta variable pueden volverse atractivos y el comercio de divisas atractivo.

Hoy en día, las principales empresas mundiales ganan una parte cada vez mayor de los beneficios en el extranjero. Las fluctuaciones en los tipos de cambio de los principales mercados extranjeros en relación con las monedas nacionales tendrán un impacto directo en los resultados y, por lo tanto, en el precio de las acciones.

Por lo tanto, los inversionistas que tienen una cartera de grandes acciones multinacionales participan indirectamente en los mercados de divisas. Algunos inversionistas toman el siguiente paso superponiendo los oficios de la divisa encima de la exposición de mercado de FX en su cartera de acciones o negociando FX completamente.

En el cálculo de la exposición a divisas de una cartera de acciones es útil tener en cuenta que las empresas pueden mitigar el impacto de la fluctuación de las tasas de cambio en las ganancias. Esto se hace cubriendo directamente usando instrumentos de FX o estableciendo una red de proveedores y facilidades de fabricación dentro de mercados claves para crear coberturas de divisas naturales.

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Equity Sentry (MT4 EA libre)

Proteger la equidad de su cuenta es una de las funciones más difíciles si necesita hacerlo manualmente. Alguna vez utilizó algún asesor experto MT4 que abre operaciones con algún sistema de comercio misterioso y la pérdida de su cuenta flotante sigue creciendo más y más? En otras palabras, el saldo de su cuenta se mantiene cada vez más bajo hasta que el dinero de su cuenta es una pérdida debido a la llamada de margen. Apuesto a que este es el escenario que nadie quiere ver, pero cómo cerrar todos los oficios cuando la cuenta de equidad alcanza cierta cantidad en porcentaje, dinero o pips? Esto podría suceder en la noche cuando usted duerme o algún otro tiempo cuando usted está lejos de su computadora.

Hemos desarrollado un MT4 especial EA que será su cuenta personal sentry equidad. EA supervisará el saldo de su cuenta y cerrará todas las operaciones cuando se alcance una cierta cantidad en porcentaje, dinero o pips. Incluso puede configurar EA para utilizar múltiples funciones para actuar como pérdida de la participación de la cuenta o dejar de tomar ganancias. Equity Sentry también tiene canasta de comercio acumulada & # 8221 ;. Esto significa que EA puede calcular la ganancia / pérdida de sus operaciones cerradas y una vez que alcanza cierto nivel EA actuará. También cerca de la plataforma MT4 & # 8221; , Que es muy útil si utiliza software de copiadora de comercio para recibir operaciones ya que la mayoría de las copiadoras de comercio no deja de operar cuando los asesores expertos & # 82221; Están deshabilitados. En este caso Equity Sentry EA puede cerrar su MT4 completamente después de que todos los oficios estén cerrados.

Deje que el Equity Sentry proteja sus pips. Llámelo como centinela de pips # 8221; O & # 8222; cuenta sentry & # 8221 ;, dinero es seguro con esta aplicación.

Características de Equity Sentry

Script es gratuito y funciona en cualquier cuenta Demo y Real

Concebido para la plataforma MetaTrader 4

La plataforma MT4 debe estar funcionando todo el tiempo para que este EA funcione

Monitoreará su patrimonio de la cuenta y cerrará todas las operaciones cuando se alcance una cierta cantidad en porcentaje, dinero o pips

Monitoreará los resultados acumulados (operaciones cerradas) y cerrará todas las operaciones cuando se alcance una cierta cantidad en dinero o pips

Puede utilizar múltiples pérdidas / objetivos de beneficio

Administrará todas las operaciones que se ejecuten en su cuenta y podrá filtrar las operaciones estableciendo cierto número mágico

EA es capaz de deshabilitar todos los EAs en ejecución en su cuenta MT4 haciendo clic prácticamente en & # 8220; Asesores Expertos & # 8221; Botón en la barra de herramientas superior

EA es capaz de cerrar completamente la plataforma MT4

Equity Sentry EA es gratis por ahora, pero pronto se convertirá en un producto pagado.

Descargar Equity Sentry Free MT4 EA

Cómo utilizar Equity Sentry?

Haga doble clic en el script para ejecutarlo o adjúntelo al gráfico deseado

Una vez iniciado EA comenzará a monitorear el patrimonio de la cuenta corriente y todas las transacciones cerradas próximas

Puede configurar EA para cerrar todos los tráficos y desactivar todos los EA cuando el valor de la cuenta alcanza cierto nivel de pérdida o beneficio en porcentaje, dinero o pips. Puede elegir varias opciones como cerrar todas las operaciones cuando la cuenta alcance ciertos beneficios en porcentaje o cierta pérdida de dinero.

Puede configurar EA para cerrar todos los tráficos e inhabilitar todos los EA cuando se alcance cierto nivel acumulado de ganancias o pérdidas en dinero o pips.

El objetivo de ganancias o pérdidas en dinero depende de la moneda de su cuenta. Si tiene una cuenta en USD, el objetivo de ganancias / pérdidas será en USD, si su cuenta está en USD, el objetivo de ganancias / pérdidas será en USD.

De forma predeterminada, EA administrará todas las operaciones que se ejecuten en su cuenta, pero puede anularla estableciendo cierto número mágico en la configuración de EA.

Todos los valores deben ser positivos.

Por defecto, EA está configurado para deshabilitar todos los Asesores expertos en activación de capital. Esto significa que después de que EA cerrará todas las operaciones, tratará de desactivar todos los EA haciendo clic prácticamente en & # 8220; Asesor experto & # 8221; En la barra de herramientas de Metatrader. Esto inhabilitará todos los EAs incluyendo Equity Sentry y ningún comercio debe ser abierto por cualquier EA hasta la intervención manual. Tenga en cuenta que no podemos garantizar que esto afecte a todos los EAs. Algunos EA (como para Renko u otros gráficos sin conexión) funcionan en modo diferente y no se pueden desactivar hasta que se eliminan del gráfico.

Puede configurar EA para utilizar la función Trailing Stop y / o BreakEven en sus operaciones.

Entradas Equity Sentry

DisableAllExpertAdvisors de forma predeterminada, se establece en true y significa que EA inhabilitará a todos los asesores expertos en el desencadenador de capital o en ciertas ganancias / pérdidas acumuladas. Esto significa que después de que EA cerrará todas las operaciones, tratará de desactivar todos los EA haciendo clic prácticamente en & # 8220; Asesor experto & # 8221; En la barra de herramientas de Metatrader. Esto inhabilitará todos los EAs incluyendo Equity Sentry y ningún comercio debe ser abierto por cualquier EA hasta la intervención manual.

CloseMetatraderCompletely por defecto este valor se establece en false. Si lo configura como verdadero, EA cerrará completamente la plataforma MT4 en el desencadenante de capital o en ciertas ganancias / pérdidas acumuladas. Esto es muy útil si utiliza software de copiadora comercial para recibir operaciones, ya que la mayoría de las copiadoras comerciales no dejan de funcionar cuando los Asesores Expertos & # 82221; Están deshabilitados.

EquityLossPercent cuando el valor de la pérdida de la cuenta en porcentaje alcanzará este valor EA cerrará todas las operaciones. Establezca este valor en cero para desactivarlo

EquityLossMoney cuando la equidad de pérdida de cuenta en dinero (moneda de cuenta) llegará a este valor EA cerrará todos los oficios. Establezca este valor en cero para desactivarlo

EquityLossPips cuando la pérdida de la cuenta en pips llegará a este valor EA cerrará todas las operaciones. Establezca este valor en cero para desactivarlo

EquityProfitPercent cuando la utilidad de la cuenta en% alcance este valor EA cerrará todas las operaciones. Establezca este valor en cero para desactivarlo

EquityProfitMoney cuando la utilidad de la cuenta en el dinero (moneda de la cuenta) llegue a este valor EA cerrará todas las operaciones. Establezca este valor en cero para desactivarlo

EquityProfitPips cuando la utilidad de la cuenta en pips alcance este valor EA cerrará todas las operaciones. Establezca este valor en cero para desactivarlo

MagicNumber esto es donde usted fija el número mágico. Si se establece en cero (predeterminado), EA administrará todas las operaciones. Establezca esta variable en un valor determinado y EA solo administrará las operaciones con el número mágico especificado

CumulativeLossMoney cuando el monto acumulado de ganancias / pérdidas en dinero (moneda de la cuenta) llegue a este nivel de pérdida EA cerrará todas las operaciones. Establezca este valor en cero para desactivarlo. El valor debe ser positivo.

CumulativeLossPips cuando la cantidad acumulada de ganancias / pérdidas en pips alcance este nivel de pérdida EA cerrará todas las operaciones. Establezca este valor en cero para desactivarlo. El valor debe ser positivo.

CumulativeProfitMoney cuando la cantidad acumulada de ganancias / pérdidas en dinero (moneda de la cuenta) llegue a este nivel de ganancia EA cerrará todos los oficios. Establezca este valor en cero para desactivarlo. El valor debe ser positivo.

CumulativeProfitPips when cumulative profit/loss amount in pips will reach this profit level EA will close all trades. Set this value to zero to disable it. Value must be positive.

TrailStopStartPips and TrailStopMovePips EA will activate Trailing Stop function when trade goes in profit by pips value set in TrailStopStartPips. Once activated EA will move stop loss in profit every pips value set in TrailStopMovePips

BreakEvenStartPips sets how many pips trade should get into profit before stop loss is moved to the entry price. BreakEvenMovePips is used to set how many pips EA must add to the entry price if you want your trade to be closed in profit on reverse.

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Rimantas Petrauskas is the author, a Forex trader, programmer, entrepreneur, father and a husband. He has been creating software for currency trading and signal delivery since 2009, and has created hundreds of trading robots for his customers. He strongly believes that with a Positive Mental Attitude we can achieve any goal.


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Exención de responsabilidad de los gobiernos de los Estados Unidos - La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuada para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

La compra, venta o asesoramiento con respecto a una moneda sólo puede ser realizada por un corredor / distribuidor autorizado. Ni nosotros, ni nuestros afiliados o asociados que participan en la producción y mantenimiento de estos productos o de este sitio, es un corredor / agente de bolsa o asesor de inversiones registrado en cualquier estado o jurisdicción sancionada por el gobierno federal. Se alienta a todos los compradores de productos referenciados en este sitio a consultar con un representante autorizado de su elección con respecto a cualquier estrategia comercial o de comercio en particular. No se ha hecho ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

Entender claramente esto: La información contenida en este producto no es una invitación para intercambiar ninguna inversión específica. Negociación requiere arriesgar dinero en la búsqueda de ganancias futuras. Esa es tu decisión. No arriesgues dinero que no puedas perder. Este documento no tiene en cuenta sus circunstancias financieras y personales. Está destinado únicamente a fines educativos y NO como asesoramiento individualizado de inversión. No actúe sobre esto sin el asesoramiento de su profesional de la inversión, que verificará lo que es adecuado para sus necesidades particulares & amp; circumstances. La falta de buscar asesoramiento profesional detallado personalmente antes de actuar podría conducir a que usted actúe en contra de sus propios intereses y & amp; could lead to losses of capital.


Forex Equity Builder

An EURCHF M5 martingale scalper EA that trades 24/5… A somewhat original concept compared to the others out there. Normally, most EAs (if not all) that use martingale will make your account vanish sooner or later, but before I make any assumption let’s see if that holds true with FX Equity Builder.

It’s protected with a commercial protection, ForexCIO but that doesn’t really mean much, other than the fact that they care about it enough not to let the next random user with a decompiler inspect their code. I have to say that the programmers are not the most imaginative I’ve seen and despite paying several hundred dollars for the protection, they didn’t go the full length and made a very poor overall implementation. The EA comes with a manual, a DLL locked to your account with a built-in expiration date and with a useless file that was used for the protection and that shouldn’t be distributed with the EA.


It works just like any other Martingale EA: it opens a position based on some internal voodoo signal and starts praying hard. If the market goes against it, it opens another position with an increased number of lots. If the market keeps going against it, it starts cursing at the non-working prayer and opens even more positions with even more lots until it hits the trade limit you configured, at which point it waits until the market comes back and it can close the trades at a profit.

Sitio web

The home of the EA really stands out from the typical bullshit marketing page. It’s not assaulting me with colored graphics, bullshit statements and testimonials and other marketing crap. In fact, it’s almost pleasant to look at, which is a complement coming from me. I guess they’re trying to sell it via the honest approach and with this occasion filter out the software challenged users who have no idea what MT4 is or how to install an EA, saving themselves the support nightmare that managing a popular EA must be. Still, despite their honest-wannabe website, not a single mention of the word martingale is on the first page, but instead I can spot a “turn 10k into over 1mil” hook.

Their performance page is sporting some backtests designed to make it look all nice and shiny, yet if you look closely at the strategy reports they have relative drawdowns of

30%, directly proportional to the profit. It might fool the average customer, though. They also have a live forward test and I can’t help but wonder how long’s it gonna be until the account goes boom.

One thing worth noting is that FX Equity Builder is rather cheap at a 99$ compared to the other EAs out there and on top of that they do have a 60 day money back offer, even though I suppose you’d have to provide a live statement of an account on which the EA has been unprofitable…


The EA is equipped with quite a few parameters that allow the user to control its behavior. Some of the parameters are useless (for example Account Type and Lots, which should be determined using MQL) and some things are missing, such as the option to place the trades in a way that’s compatible with an ECN/STP broker. The lack of the latter option basically renders the EA unusable on many good brokers (ATC brokers for example). However, they do have a list of brokers on their site. The fact that they’re at version 1.5 and they haven’t been able to fix this issues denotes poor programming, confirming my “feel” mentioned above. The other parameters are described in detail in the manual. The disturbing fact is that there’s some kind of a formula that the user can use to calculate how many floating negative pips his account balance can take. That scares me and I haven’t even begun testing it yet. I can configure the max number of trades, which by default is set at 8 and which I’m not going to touch; I can also configure the risk, min and max lot, which affect the way martingale is used and obviously the risk the EA is taking and accordingly the reward. Further down the manual I read this:

As stated above we suggest you use you initiative to exit trades as shown below. If you are not comfortable with this then we suggest you set an equity percentage setting of 50%. This may seem quite high. This has not happened this year on the “Risk = 2 or 4“ with a 5k starting bank. As this EA currently produces approximately 40% per month, within one month you will have almost made this profit back.

Seriously, where did they learn math? If you lose 50% of your balance (shudder) then in the next month you make 40% profit, you would’ve made 40% of those 50%, which is, gasp, 20% of the balance you had when the drawdown occured, bringing your balance at the end of the month to 70% of the original, which is pretty f’ing far from where you started and nowhere near “almost making this profit back”.

Right below that they state:

We also recommend you wait until your initial balance is doubled, withdraw your initial balance and continue with the accumulated profit. The result is that in the worst case scenario you will still be above break even.

Now, gotta give it to them, that’s some smart advice. It’s probably unlikely that it will happen, but still…

Even further down:

We strongly advise that you only trade with capital you are comfortably able to lose.

If you trade it on your real account for a while, you’ll probably wish that was written on their website instead of the manual.


I used EURCHF tickdata spanning 01.06.2008 up to 01.10.2008. I strongly doubt using history center data will make any difference so I guess I could’ve used that, too. I tested with the Alpari client instead of my normal JadeFX because of the min lot size/lot increment issue (0.1 on Jade vs. 0.01 on Alpari would mean that I have to use 100k starting balance on Jade for any relevance and I wanted to stick to the manual recommendations).

First backtest, default settings

Forex Equity Builder EURCHF backtest, Dukascopy tick data, 2008.06-2009.10, default settings

And if I’m not mistaken, it was indeed curve fit to look nice in the 2009 backtests. Don’t let it fool you, though: there’s a 50% relative drawdown…


A martingale EA remains martingale. It will eventually crash your account sooner or later, but most probably rather sooner than later. If you’ve run it and made some profit, I suggest stopping while you’re ahead. If you plan to run it, I’d advise against it. They do recommend that you should close floating negative trades manually, but unless you’re extremely lucky or you can see into the future, you’re probably not going to get any better performance than closing them automatically when the equity reaches a given balance percent. Overall, even though it will chop-chop your account to pieces eventually, it doesn’t leave a bad impression. Fair warning is given to the customer and the authors don’t abuse marketing gimmicks like most others do, but still, that’s no reason to waste your money buying it.


This entry was posted by birt on October 16, 2009 at 12:21 AM, and is filed under Outdated reviews. Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0.You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

#1 written by Hyperdimension October 23, 2009 (6 years ago)

“I tested with the Alpari client instead of my normal JadeFX because of the min lot size/lot increment issue (0.1 on Jade vs. 0.01 on Alpari would mean that I have to use 100k starting balance on Jade for any relevance and I wanted to stick to the manual recommendations).”

You can set the minimum trade size (in lots) at hexadecimal offset 110 in the FXT header.. Maximum trade size is at 114. Lot step is at 118.

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Mensaje de navegación

Forex: Dollar and Equity Quiet Unlikely to Last

Dollar and Equity Quiet Unlikely to Last

Japanese Yen Advances on Building Risk Aversion Trend

British Pound Ready for Another Monetary Policy Volatility Spike

Dollar and Equity Quiet Unlikely to Last

The volatility measures paint the picture well for the dollar, broader FX landscape and general capital markets. Conditions are quiet. Too quiet. Though we are modestly higher than the six-year low set earlier this year; the benchmark VIX Volatility Index for the US equity market is hovering around 14 percent – extending a steady trend of complacency and leveraged risk-taking. This indicator is a perfect complement to the benchmark equity index that it represents (the S&P 500 ) and thereby paints the picture of speculative positioning. The equity index represents the ‘market’ return – the rate which investment managers must beat to justify their fees. However, stocks are reinforced by the expectation that any significant correction will be met by a central bank intervention that puts it back on track. In turn, we have seen only modest corrections since the climb began back in 2009. Beating such a consistent measure (‘generating alpha’) means having to dip into exceptionally risk positions for more vigor and using leverage to amplify returns in a exceptionally low yield market. This sets up explosive market conditions.

When we look at the dollar’s overall positioning against a backdrop of such wanton risk, its performance is rather impressive. For a reserve currency, it is performing quite well in the scramble for leveraged returns. Yet, that quiet strength may not turn into a full-blown structural headwind for some time. While the greenback is well positioned for a disorderly – though likely short-lived – deleveraging effort, an active catalyst is needed to turn the virtuous cycle of speculative ramp into a vicious cycle of panicked selling. The FOMC’s policy decision this past week was one of the most obvious high-profile triggers, but it was defused by the ‘no Taper’ outcome. Is there a comparably important and obvious catalyst we can now turn to focus market participants’ fears? While a self-realized sentiment shift ( technical traders would call this a cascading stop run ) would be the most enduring driver, there is a growing threat from the standoff in Washington.

If Congress does not put together a budget that the US President will sign off on by the end of this month and/or raise the debt limit soon after, the government will run out of funds and be forced to suspend some of its facilities. The consensus has been that there would not be a brinkmanship situation like we witnessed at the beginning of this year, there seems to be little progress and the clock keeps ticking. There is enough concern that rating agency Moody’s has warned that a government shutdown could undermine the United States ‘Aaa’ credit rating. Heavy markets moves are derived from the unexpected and/or structurally-important developments. If this metastasizes, it will be both.

Japanese Yen Advances on Building Risk Aversion Trend

The yen crosses were universally lower through Tuesday’s close. While the Japanese currency generated gains of less than 0.4 percent against most of its liquid pairings, the consistency speaks to the fundamental theme – lacking for amplitude though it may be. A more dramatic tumble from the yen crosses would best be served by a concerted risk aversion move reflected in a selloff of global equities – not just the Dow Jones Industrial Average’s 4-day drop to reverse its post-FOMC rally. In the meantime, global yields have retreated in the ‘No Taper’ fallout which in turn curbs the recent carry trade build. As for local fundamentals, discussion of the impending tax hike adds some bearish pressure.

Euro Investors Unfazed by Renewed Budget Concerns

A number of Eurozone members have updated their budgets over the opening 48 hours of the trading week, and the numbers are uneven. Portugal reported its deficit is larger than the target (reinforcing the S&P’s credit watch shift the day before), Spain’s deficit through August grew, and Greek officials are suggesting they will reach a primary surplus on their current negotiated path. Yet, the benchmark bond yields of all three countries have shrunk. We need to look to more sweeping concerns: scaled up risk trends or rising short-term rates that trigger stimulus.

British Pound Ready for Another Monetary Policy Volatility Spike

Both the sterling and the benchmark 10-year government bond (Gilt) yields have climbed over the past two months. These moves were based on a common fundamental driver: an improved rate outlook for the UK economy. The market has responded to the BoE’s rejection of QE and more balanced view of the economy as reason to reverse a stimulus discount. However, in that shift, we have seen the market go further than just a rebalance to neutral. Monetary policy officials have lamented that the market’s seem to be pricing in rate hikes well before the central bank’s forward guidance vow of 2016. Today’s Financial Policy Committee meeting statement won’t likely take up the speculative fight.

Australian Dollar Will Topple if Bond Yields Drop Below 3.80

This morning, the RBA released its Financial Stability report. The tone of the statement was conspicuously more restrained in its optimism, but it was not an outright warning. More interesting was the auction of A$800 million in 3-year, 4.75 percent bonds. This auction is ‘regular’ and not on a longer maturity, but it reflects a more important factor for this carry trade. Global investors direct their funds to Australia for yield. The demand for this auction was notably lower. If the 10-year yield on the secondary market drops below 3.8 percent, this carry trade will take a hit.

Emerging Markets Slowly Retreating from Last Week’s Confidence Swell

Since a round of stability measures were introduced and the Fed curbed Taper fears, we have seen volatility in the emerging market (and their exchange rates) cool. However, the situation is far from robust. Looking at the MSCI Emerging Market ETF, interest in the capital markets continues to retreat on fading volume. Meanwhile the Indian Rupee is down 0.8 percent, the Turkish Lira 1.0 percent and Indonesian Rupiah has plunged 3.8 percent this week. If a genuine risk aversion sentiment swept the market, this would be much worse.

Gold Losing Momentum or Building Breakout Pressure Above $1,300?

Gold was virtually unchanged for a second day through Tuesday’s close. Stability is an encouraging thing for a commodity struck by significant volatility this past week, but it is of the uneasy variety. Holding above $1,300, the risk of a further drop is palpable. The most influential catalyst for a breakdown would be a sincere advance from the US dollar – the benchmark currency the metal attempts to mirror. As it happens, the greenback’s most tantalizing spark would be wholesale risk aversion – an interesting situation for a commodity often considered a ‘safe haven’. Meanwhile, the 10-day or two-week actual (historical) volatility reading for gold futures is at a two month high.

**For a full list of upcoming event risk and past releases, go to www. dailyfx. com/calendar

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Risk Warning: Forex and CFDs are leveraged products. As such they involve a high level of risk and can result in the loss of all your invested capital. These products may not be suitable for all investors therefore before deciding to trade or invest, please ensure you understand the risks involved. Busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario. Mega Equity does not provide services for United States residents and/or citizens. Mega Equity Securities and Financial Services Public Limited

Mega Equity Securities and Financial Services Public Limited, All rights reserved

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Home equity

Home equity i s the economic index showing real estate volume owned by mortgage holders. The feature of such home equity is a constant growth of its value over the course of making credit payments. More often, mortgage agreements are concluded for the term 15 or 30 years. Only upon full redemption of mortgage loan, real estate becomes property of a pledger, that is to say, a buyer.

Although, until mortgage is redeemed, each payment just increases the host of home equity, which works against a buyer. Of course, the house cannot be sold until loan is fully paid. The money given as credit work against a buyer, because as collateral value grows, percentage increases.

Thus, home equity represents current market value of the house excluding outstanding remain of mortgage loan.

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Fees & Charges

The fees and charges for investing with the Wealth With Forex Managed Account program are as follows:

We charge a flat 25% performance fee based on the Net Equity gain and this is calculated on a monthly basis. There are no management or admin fees.

Net Equity Gain

The Equity in the account, at 22:00 GMT on the last business day of the month, will be adjusted by taking into account the deposits and withdrawals during the month and the Equity at the beginning of the month (being equal to the Equity in my account, at 22:00 GMT on the last business day of the previous month) will be subtracted from it. The result will be the monthly Net Equity gain/loss, which has to be decreased by sum of all previous Net Equity Losses, if any.

Wealth With Forex uses Net Equity gain to calculate the performance fee on a monthly basis.

An example: A client opens an account and deposits $50,000. After one month the account grows to $55,000. A 25% fee of $1,250 will be paid on the $5,000 profit which is the Net Equity gain for the month. Therefore the first month closes with $53,750 and this becomes the new benchmark or high watermark. In the second month a loss is made and the account drops to $52,500. As the month end equity is lower than the high watermark level no fee is charged. In the third month a profit is made and the account grows to $57,750. The performance fee will be charged on the profit made from the high watermark. Therefore for the third month the client is charged $1,000 which is 25% of the $4,000 Net Equity gain made from the previous high watermark level (note: the commission paid in the third month in this example is not taken on the $5,250 that is actually made within the month but on the $4,000 which is the amount made above the previous high watermark). The final equity at the end of the third month is $56,750 and this becomes the new high watermark.



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Webinar: Global Equity Rout Fuels Massive Spike in FX Volatility

Weekly DailyFX Scalp Webinar archive covering critical setups

Updated targets & invalidation levels

Event R isk o n T a p T h i s W e e k

Notes: The pair has taken out both primary support objectives noted in last week’s report. with today’s massive risk sell-off charging an advance into the yearly highs before paring gains back below the monthly open at 1.1067. We’ll be watching today’s close with a break below key support into 1.0910 needed to open up the next leg lower for the pair. Subsequent support objectives eyed at 1.0851 backed by 1.0711. Key event risk on the pair comes up tomorrow with the release of the July New Zealand Trade Balance figures.

Notes: The euro rallied through the 1.1367 resistance barrier with the adavance reversing off confluence resistance at the 2.618% extension off the advance off the July low & former median-line parallel support at 1.1688. Althought the immediate topside bias is at risk below this level, trade remains constructive while above the median-line off the July low. Interim support is seen at 1.1533 with our bullish invalidation now raised to the 1.1367. We’ll be looking to inevitably buy this pullback with a breach of the highs targeting more cirital resistance at 1.1810/822 backed by the 2010 low at 11.1883.

For updates on these scalps and more setups throughout the week subscribe SB Trad e Desk

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--- Escrito por Michael Boutros, estratega de divisas con DailyFX

Follow Michael on Twitter @MBForex. contact him at mboutros@dailyfx. com or Click H ere to be added to his email distribution list

J oin Michael for Live Scalping Webinar s on Mondays on DailyFX at 1 2:30 GMT ( 8 :30ET)

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All references to "FXCM" refer to FXCM Inc. and its consolidated subsidiaries. Our operating subsidiaries are regulated in a number of jurisdictions, including, but not limited to, the United States (US), the United Kingdom (UK, where regulatory passport rights have been exercised to operate in a number of European Economic Area jurisdictions), and Australia. We maintain offices in these jurisdictions, among others.

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Для вашего удобства мы предлагаем вам специальный раздел «Форекс-новости», в котором представлена непрерывная, регулярно обновляемая лента свежих новостей. Самые интересные новости помечаются как «Новость дня».

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Новости рынка Форекс — это незаменимый инструмент, который необходим в прогнозе движения цены. В частности, если опубликованные данные противоречат рыночному тренду, то влияние новости на динамику рынка ограничится несколькими часами. Если же наоборот — данные подтвердят движение тренда — то он будет только увеличиваться с возможным откатом в будущем.

Ниже представлены последние Форекс-новости, оказывающие непосредственное влияние на котировки валют, — новости экономики, финансов, политики и валютных рынков.

Следите за изменениями в мире Форекс, и вы всегда будете в курсе самых важных событий, что позволит вам своевременно принимать решения при совершении торговых операций.

Российский индекс ММВБ закрылся на отметке 1 865,86 пункта Российский индекс ММВБ закрылся с понижением на 0,04% на отметке 1 865,86 пункта. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 13:08:00

Темп роста ВВП США за IV квартал был пересмотрен в сторону повышения Согласно опубликованным сегодня правительственным данным, экономическая активность в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 12:34:00

Доллар США незначительно вырос после данных о ВВП страны Департамент торговли США опубликовал третью оценку ВВП страны за 4 квартал в эту. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 12:26:00

Доллар США не изменился, ожидая данные по ВВП в США В пятницу в 8:30 по восточному времени в США должны были выйти данные за четвертый. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00

Объем потребительских расходов США увеличился в IV квартале до +2,4% По уточненным данным объем потребительских расходов США увеличился в IV квартале до. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00

объем розничных продаж США повысился в IV квартале до +1,6% По уточненным данным объем розничных продаж США повысился в IV квартале до +1,6% против. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00

Объем корпоративной прибыли США понизился в IV квартале до -8,4% По предварительным данным объем корпоративной прибыли США понизился в IV квартале до. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:30:00

В США уровень ВВП в четвертом квартале поднялся на 1,4% Согласно окончательным данным, в США уровень ВВП в четвертом квартале поднялся на 1,4%. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:01:00

Объем экспорта нефти Вьетнама сократился в I квартале на 19,8% г/г По официальным данным объем экспорта нефти Вьетнама сократился в I квартале на 19,8%. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:01:00

Индекс промышленного производства Вьетнама повысился в марте до 6,2% г/г

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 11:01:00

Профицит торгового баланса Вьетнама составил в марте $100 млн По официальной оценке профицит торгового баланса Вьетнама составил в марте $100 млн. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 09:39:00

Индекс потребительского доверия во Франции упал до 7-месячного минимума Потребительское доверие во Франции продолжило ухудшаться в марте до 7-месячного. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 09:15:00

Экономический рост в Нидерландах улучшился в IV квартале Экономический рост в Нидерландах улучшился в соответствии с предварительной оценкой в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 08:23:00

ВВП Франции в 4 квартале вырос Рост экономики Франции в 4 квартале прошлого года совпал с прогнозом, как сообщает. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00

Во Франции в 4 квартале ВВП вырос на 0,3% к/к по последней оценке

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00

Proact Traders: короткие позиции NZD/USD, вход 0,6768, стоп-лосс 0,6790, целевые уровни 0,6713/0,6670/0,6616

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00

Ace Trader: короткие позиции по GBP/USD, точка входа 1,4113, стоп-лосс 1,4200, целевой уровень 1,4053

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:54:00

Рекомендуем открывать позиции на продажу USD/JPY на отметке 113,86 (стоп-лосс 116,16)

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:53:00

Pattern Trapper рекомендует короткие позиции по EUR/USD ниже уровня 1,1220

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:16:00

Индекс экономической уверенности в Турции повысился в марте до 78,27 Индекс экономической уверенности в Турции повысился в марте до 78,27 против 71,46. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

As the name indicates, our sole purpose is to let your equity enhance, and this is what FOREX trading is all about! However, the basic question is: how to let your equity grow with exposing it to less risk and with more potential for profit?

We at Chimera Equity Enhancement help our clients achieve this goal by trading FOREX the way we do and to benefit equally with us. FOREX is a Multi Trillion Dollar market with hundreds of thousands of traders working day and night to squeeze some money from the market, but it is a fact that a large number of them end up losing money. If you identify yourself with one of such traders who have been losing money in the FOREX market and getting frustrated and depressed then you have come to the right place!

Chimera Equity Enhancement is a group of experienced traders and financial managers from Asia, Europe and the Americas, who have spent years trading FOREX, precious metals, indices, futures & options, commodities and other financial instruments as well as managing large amounts of clients’ funds. Over years of experience in the financial market, we decided to extend our expertise and resources to retail clients in the FOREX market and help them see their equity grow. This is our way of contributing to the positive growth of the financial activities in the world, and to save the traders from fake and crooked Forex Signal Providers, who are ripping the Forex Traders in the name of making 200, 400, or 500 pips per month while in reality all the traders get is to see their equity deplete.

Welcome to Chimera Equity Enhancement! Please browse all the information on our website and we are confident that after you go through what we offer, you will certainly join us! We look forward to having you as our client and investment partner.

At Chimera Equity Enhancement our slogan is Let Your Equity Grow And Keep Your Losses Limited.

Risk Warning! All trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in Forex. El comercio de divisas implica un riesgo sustancial de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Los resultados hipotéticos de rendimiento tienen muchas limitaciones inherentes. No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las mostradas. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

Copyright В© 2004-2014 Chimera Equity Enhancement. Todos los derechos reservados.

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El mercado de divisas ofrece uno de los puntos de venta más potentes disponibles. Ever since the market came alive in the 1970's, many traders have found financial independence by simply playing a part. Currency trading, or simply forex, is an easy way to make a living once you get an idea of how everything works. Es una especie de ciencia que puedes aprender fácilmente si te comprometes con el proceso. Ventajas del comercio de divisas El comercio de divisas viene con muchos beneficios. Cuenta con el volumen de negociación más grande que, en consecuencia, permite la mayor liquidez. Opera continuamente, con excepción de los fines de semana, y permite una gran diversificación. Las fuerzas de la oferta y la demanda controlan el mercado, y debido a su gran tamaño, no es subjetivo para el control de cualquier jugador en particular, a pesar del tamaño. La competencia que ofrece es lo más cercana posible al ideal, por lo que los pequeños inversores tienen una verdadera oportunidad de beneficiarse. Hay algunos retos a los que se enfrenta el mercado, como los bajos márgenes de ganancia relativa y los altos niveles de volatilidad. Pero la inmensidad de estos obstáculos es poco comparada con las ganancias que se pueden hacer. Es cierto que el mercado de divisas es m.

Tag Archives: Equity

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Do FXCM clients with negative equity balances have a right to refuse to pay?

In its press release describing its deal with Leucadia. FXCM Inc (NYSE:FXCM) made it very clear that it plans to ‘go after’ clients which had lost more than their money on deposit in Swiss Franc (or other) trades gone bad, as the Swiss Franc spiked in value 20% almost instantaneously last Thursday.

These aggregate negative client balances, totaling about $225 million at FXCM, are what ultimately forced FXCM to find a financial lifeline in the guise of a $300 million loan from Leucadia National Corp (NYSE:LUK).

In the press release, FXCM states that it will make repayments of the loan each month to Leucadia “from proceeds received during the immediately preceding calendar month from accounts receivable related to the customer debit balances.”

But do those clients have a right to refuse to repay FXCM these negative balances?

In its latest annual Form 10-K filing with the SEC, FXCM states quite clearly that:

our policy is generally not to pursue claims for negative equity against our customers.

Clients with negative equity balances, if approached by FXCM, could simply state that they relied on FXCM’s policy and that they therefore reasonably expected that their losses could never exceed the amount of money they had on deposit.

We understand that most retail forex brokers (including for example Gain Capital and its Forex. com unit) are just forgiving the negative client balances of clients who lost more than their deposit balance due to the Swiss Franc spike.

The main reason for doing so is a simple business decision.

If the balances aren’t forgiven, then the trader goes away and likely opens up a new account at a different broker, while the first broker really has little chance of ever getting its money back. But if the (first) broker forgives the balance, then the trader is much more likely to stay, deposit new money, and trade again.

Examining a Forex Equity Curve

What Can We Learn From An Equity Curve

When we choose a forex trader to use as a third party signal provider we want someone with a smooth steady uptrend in their equity curve. The aim of this article is to point the reader in the right direction for things to look out for when examining a potential signal provider' s equity curve.

The first thing we want to look out for is a trader who made all of their profits in one place (graph to the right). As you can see from the equity graph to the right, this trader made nearly all of his profits in a day or 2. This generally means that the trader took huge risk to make an attractive profit on paper and attract investors. What you don't see is that if these risky trades are not successful, the trader simply abandons the account and starts a new account with the same goal in mind.

Remember, I'm not saying that a huge win in a short period of time is a bad thing. I'm just commenting that this particular trader has nothing to lose when this gain is made and there is no reason for him to not just abandon the account if the trade goes bad. Some traders start with nice gains and are very good traders. This is just something to look out for.

The next type of trader we look out for is the trader who has regular dramatic losses (graph below). In the graph below you can see the repeated dramatic losses this trader takes. The reasons for this could be a number of things. When a trade goes wrong for this trader the wheels may just come off and his system may go out the window. More often then not though (and it is the case with this trader) they pyramid losses. What this means is that they constantly keep adding to losing positions in hopes that they were originally right about the trade and they will be able to make huge profits. As you can see the effect is most often the exact opposite.

As a trader you should know to only add to your winning positions. I would think if you were going to let someone else trade with your capital you would want to be sure that they knew this very basic rule.

At the time of this writing this particular trader has over 20 systems up and running with more than 500 people trading his signals. Under 20% of his systems are winners over all and I suspect within a short while that number will drop to 0%. Adding to losing positions in part of his system. Its only a matter of time before this fatal flaw catches up with him. Make sure that you're not around trading signals like this when it finally does.

When you see a graph that looks like it goes in a pretty steady up trend (below) with few major draw downs you have probably found a trader that is at least worth a closer look. There very well may be other reasons not to trade this particular signal provider, but at least now you have a trader that you can stick in your demo account and gather more information.

Simple Basket Close EA (utility)

This utility EA simply closes all existing positions & pending orders when floating p/l has reached specific percentage of your account (Balance, Freemargin or Equity, selectable).

I have not tested well if it works correctly, but I think it will. Maybe you should test this on demo account.

how to use : Just apply this on any chart. Set Account Mode and TP & SL level you want.

*Function is off at default setting. So turn it on when you use it.

Latest version is available here in this thread. So I deleted old version.

Last edited by latimeria ; 06-12-2008, 16:54.


I also posted another utility EA here.

This utility EA places Stoploss & TakeProfit automatically if there are positions without them.

Maybe this is a tool for lazy manual traders. If you are interested, have a look.


Here is an another Equity Manager.

Most Martingale or Grid systems only close positions with profit and leave losing positions. Account balance keep increasing regardless of real profit / loss and it's meaningless to observe it. This Equity Manager observes only Equity and close all existing positions and pending orders when it reaches specified profit or loss.

Profit and loss can be defined by an amount of money (for example $1000) or percentage. Once everything is closed, initial equity will be reset to current equity and keep continue.

how to use: Attach this on any chart. Input initial (current) equity before you start systems. Choose target method (money or percentage) and input profit / loss closing level. Then, run systems.

*This utility has an "Emergency Stop" funcition also. It's like an "abort" botón. If you turn it on, this utility close everything and keep closing even if the system is trying to open new orders. This works for a system that uses pending orders, but it will generate many spread losses for a system that uses instant entry. So you must be careful when you use this function.

Latest version is available here in this thread. So I deleted old version.

Last edited by latimeria ; 06-12-2008, 16:53.


Here is an another Equity Manager.

Most Martingale or Grid systems only close positions with profit and leave losing positions. Account balance keep increasing regardless of real profit / loss and it's meaningless to observe it. This Equity Manager observes only Equity and close all existing positions and pending orders when it reaches specified profit or loss.

Profit and loss can be defined by an amount of money (for example $1000) or percentage. Once everything is closed, initial equity will be reset to current equity and keep continue.

how to use: Attach this on any chart. Input initial (current) equity before you start systems. Choose target method (money or percentage) and input profit / loss closing level. Then, run systems.

*This utility has an "Emergency Stop" funcition also. It's like an "abort" botón. If you turn it on, this utility close everything and keep closing even if the system is trying to open new orders. This works for a system that uses pending orders, but it will generate many spread losses for a system that uses instant entry. So you must be careful when you use this function.

Great EA. Is it possible for the initial equity to automatically change as the profit increases. That way the equity stop will trail profits.

Here is updated version of 2 Equity Managers.

Simple Basket Close v2 : Trailing P/L is added. Emergency stop is added. Clock is added.

Trailing P/L starts trailing when specified P/L (percentage) is reached. You can specify trail start level and trailing width.

example) Account Balance (Freemargin, Equity) 10000 / Trail Start 5% / Trail Width 2% When current P/L exceeds 5%(500), EA starts trailing by 2%(200) width. *when you use Freemargin or Equity, trail width is not fixed, because Freemargin and Equity itself are changing.

Equity Manager for Martingale Lover v2 : Trailing Equity is added.

Trailing Equity starts trailing when specified Equity (an amount of money or percentage) is reached. You can specify trail start level and trailing width.

example) Initial Equity 10000 / Trail Start 500 / Trail Width 200 When current Equity exceeds 10500, EA starts trailing by 200 width (start from 10300).

Problem and Solution : 1) Trailing P/L & Trailing Equity Of course these trailing functions don't use physical stop, so there is a problem. These EAs observe momentary maximum P/L or Equity and start trailing when it exceeds specified value. If you quit MT4 or reset EA (for example when you change settings), EA forget maximum P/L or Equity and current stop level . So, you have to run MT4 24/7 to make it work fully automatically.

But you will need shut down PC sometimes. One solution for this is to input stop level manually before you quit . (But It must be reset manually to as it was after EA has reset everything by TP or SL.)

2) update Initial Equity For Equity Manager for ML, EA forget Initial Equity that has been reset (I mean after TP or SL) also. If Equity Manager has not reset everything yet, it causes no problem. But after Equity Manager has reset everything, Initial Equity must be updated manually before you quit . or EA will forget it. Once it is updated, EA doesn't forget it (its setting remains).

Common Tips : 1) If you input trail start level less than zero, EA starts trailing immediately. 2) As I wrote at previous post, you can move stop level to breakeven or lock up some profit manually. 3) You can turn off trailing if you don't need it. (so I will delete old versions later.)

Last edited by latimeria ; 08-12-2008, 18:57.

Hi guys, I'me new here. Can anyone show me how to attach the EA to forward test it? I just can't get the smiley face. if the EA got involve indicators, must the chart also display the indicator required? I'm interested to learn how to write EA as well, can provide some information any website I can learn? Thanks so much in advance. I do hope to be able to contribute an EA in the near future.


Make sure the followings.

1) Click the smiley and open common tab. Check "allow Live trading". 2) Open Tools menu --> options --> Expert Advisors tab. Check all except "Ask manual confirmation".

You don't need to apply any indicators on the chart even if EA uses them. But if EA uses custom indicators, you need to place required indicators in your MT4 --> experts --> indicators directory.

I didn't learn mql here (I just read a book and made try and error), but there seem to be a course of lectures for begginers here. Maybe administrator can guide you.


Thanks so much. I manage to get the smiley face now. By the way, what is the title of the book you are learning from? I can't find find any book related to this in the library so if its available for sale anywhere, i will get it.


I can show you the title of the book I learned from, but It's a Japanese book. (And It was very basic and not enough for further coding at all. But there are sample codes that can be download from a publisher and they help to understand mq4 structurally.)

I found these lessons written by a famous veteran coder "codersguru". It will help you.

I recommend you to open some mq4 files (available here, there and everywhere) and see what they are doing, and play with them, not only reading lectures.

Don't try to do complicated things from the beginning. If you do so, you'll hate programming. It is said that the most famous program in the world is to print "Hello world !". Start from an easy thing, then proceed.

I'm glad if you can be a contributor, not just a downloader.

Last edited by latimeria ; 07-12-2008, 12:09.


Thank you latimeria. Ya its a great one. I started the course now. By the way, i got a simple strategy not sure if you can help me write an EA. Actually I have been emotional during trading thats why I thought of having an EA that have all my rules in it.


Copyright 2005-2015, MQL5 Ltd.

Choose the account that best suits your needs

Kenya Shillings Accounts

Foreign Currency Accounts

Diaspora Personal Account

Jijenge Member Account

Junior Member Account

Call/Fixed Deposit Account

Diaspora Current Account

Diaspora Business Account

Diaspora Business Current Account

Diaspora Personal Account

Are you looking for a convenient and affordable way to manage your finances. Then this is the account for you!

Jijenge Account

Take advantage of this avenue which allows you to save small fixed amounts to build a lump sum and earn interest in the process.

Junior Member Account

Are you looking for an account to help you cultivate a savings culture in your children while at the same time teaching them how to manage their finances? Then this is the right account!

Call/Fixed Deposit Account

Do you have a lump sum amount which you would wish to invest for a certain period of time at very competitive interest rates?

Diaspora Current Account

This account gives you the flexibility to carry out your day-to-day transactions efficiently.

Diaspora Business Account

Are you a business owner looking for a convenient way to manage your finances while away from home? The Diaspora Business account is tailor made just for you.

Diaspora Business Current Account

Does your business require you to do different bank account transactions daily? Do this in a fast, safe and convenient way!

Account Features

Free to open and no minimum balance required

Free monthly E-statements

No monthly account maintenance fee

No limit on the frequency of withdrawals

Access to a Visa debit card

Access to internet banking and mobile banking

Account Requirements

A coloured passport size photo

A copy of your Kenyan identification card (front and back) or a valid passport (first and last page)

Address verification document (electricity bill, driving licence etc)

Email indemnity

*All copies need to be notarized by a lawyer or notary public

Account Features

This is a savings avenue that can allow savings of small fixed amounts to build up to lump sums.

You determine how much you would want to save.

Access to instant emergency loans of up to 90% of savings at competitive rates with your Jijenge Account as security.

Minimum savings period of six months.

Account Requirements

A coloured passport size photo.

A copy of your Kenyan Identification card (front and back) or a valid passport (first and last page).

Address verification document (Electricity bill, Driver’s licence etc).

Email indemnity.

*All copies need to be notarized by a lawyer or notary public

Account Features

Free cash deposits

No minimum balance required to open or operate the account

The account is operated by the parent/guardian

There are three free withdrawals per year

E-birthday card every year for the account holder

Account Requirements

Copy of child’s birth certificate/birth notification

Copy of the parent’s/guardian’s identification card and passport size photo

*All copies need to be notarized by a lawyer or notary public

Account Features

Allows immediate borrowing of up to 80% of the money in the account.

The customer with an existing Call/Fixed Deposit Account can use this to get a secure letter of credit.

The Call Account is for a flexible period of time and can be terminated upon your request.

The Fixed Deposit Account is opened for a predetermined period of time at an interest rate that is agreed upon.

Account Requirements

The customer should have an account with us.

Complete a Fixed Deposit application form.

Have an operative account.

A copy of your Kenyan identification card (front and back) or a valid passport (first and last page).

Email indemnity.

*All copies need to be notarized by a lawyer or notary public

Account Features

Free to open and no minimum balance required

Free monthly E-statements

No monthly account maintenance fee

No limit on the frequency of withdrawals

Get a cheque book on request

Access to a Visa debit card

Access to internet banking and mobile banking

Account Requirements

A coloured passport size photo

A copy of your Kenyan Identification card (front and back) or a valid passport (first and last page)

Address verification document (Electricity bill, Driver licence etc)

Email indemnity

Account Features

Free to open and no minimum balance required.

Free monthly E-statements.

No monthly account maintenance fee.

No limit on the frequency of withdrawals.

The account earns interest that is credited at the end of the year.

Access to Visa services

Access to internet banking and mobile banking

Account Requirements

Kenyan Identification card or Kenyan valid passport of the directors and coloured passport photos.

Directors Tax PIN certificates.

Certificate of Incorporation.

Memorandum of Understanding.

Articles of Association.

Resolution signed by the directors on the business letter head and sealed.

Business Tax PIN certificate.

*All copies need to be notarized by a lawyer or notary public

If the business is registered as a partnership or sole proprietorship, below are the requirements;

Kenyan Identification card or Kenyan valid passport of the director(s) and coloured passport photo(s).

Directors Tax PIN certificates.

Business Tax PIN certificate.

Business registration certificate.

Resolution to open an account.

Account Features

Free to open and no minimum balance required

Free monthly E-statements

No monthly account maintenance fee

No limit on the frequency of withdrawals

Get a cheque book on request

Access to corporate internet banking

Account Requirements

Kenyan Identification card or a valid Kenyan passport of the directors and coloured passport photos

Directors Tax PIN certificates

Certificate of Incorporation

Memorandum of Understanding

Articles of Association

Resolution signed by the directors on the business letter head and sealed

Business Tax PIN certificate

If the business is registered as a partnership or sole proprietorship, below are the requirements:

Kenyan identification card or a valid Kenyan passport of the director(s) and coloured photo(s).

Directors Tax PIN certificates.

Business Tax PIN certificate.

Business registration certificate.

Resolution to open an account.

*All copies need to be notarized by a lawyer or notary public

Diaspora Personal Forex Account

Diaspora Current Forex Account

Diaspora Business Forex Account

Diaspora Business Forex Current Account

Diaspora Personal Forex Account

Manage your finances conveniently and access a good interest rate while still operating in the foreign currency you prefer; US Dollar, Great Britain Pound, Euro or South African Rand.

Diaspora Current Forex Account

Have an account that gives you the flexibility of performing your day-to-day transactions fast and efficiently through the use of a chequebook, and in your preferred foreign currency (US Dollar, Great Britain Pound, Euro or South African Rand).

Diaspora Business Forex Account

Does your business require many daily account transactions in a foreign currency? Then this account is perfect for you. It provides a fast, safe and convenient way to transact in US Dollars, Great Britain Pounds, Euros or South African Rands.

Diaspora Business Forex Current Account

Are you a business owner looking for a convenient way to manage your finances in US Dollars, Great Britain Pounds, Euros or South African Rands, while away from home? The Diaspora Business Account is tailor-made just for you.

Account Features

No minimum balance required to open or operate the account

Free monthly E-statements

Zero account maintenance fee

No limit on the frequency of withdrawals

Account Requirements

A coloured passport size photo

A copy of your Kenyan identification (front and back) or valid passport (first and last page)

Address verification document (Electricity bill, Driver’s licence etc)

Email indemnity

Account Features

You can get a cheque book

No minimum balance required to open or operate the account

Free monthly E-statements

No monthly account maintenance fee

No limit on the frequency of withdrawals

Account Requirements

A coloured passport size photo

A copy of your Kenyan identification (front and back) or valid passport (first and last page)

Address verification document (Electricity bill, Driver’s licence etc)

Email indemnity

Account Features

Zero operating balance

Free monthly E-statements

Zero account maintenance fee

No limit on the frequency of withdrawals

Account Requirements

ID/PP of the directors and coloured passport photos.

Directors Tax PIN certificates.

Certificate of Incorporation.

Memorandum of Understanding.

Articles of Association.

Resolution signed by the directors on the business letter head and sealed.

Business Tax PIN certificate

If the business is registered as a partnership or sole proprietorship, below are the requirements;

Id/PP of the director(s) and coloured photo(s)

Directors Tax PIN certificates

Business Tax PIN certificate

Business registration certificate

Resolution to open an account

Account Features

The customer can get a cheque book on request

No minimum balance required to open or operate the account

Free monthly E-statements

No monthly account maintenance fee

No limit on the frequency of withdrawals

Account Requirements

ID/PP of the directors and coloured passport photos.

Directors Tax PIN certificates.

Certificate of Incorporation.

Memorandum of Understanding.

Articles of Association.

Resolution signed by the directors on the business letter head and sealed.

Business Tax PIN certificate.

If the business is registered as a partnership or sole proprietorship, below are the requirements;

Id/pp of the director(s) and coloured photo(s)

Directors Tax PIN certificates

Business Tax PIN certificate

Business registration certificate

Resolution to open an account.

Opening an account is easy. Choose from any of the 3 options that best suits you

Transact with your Equity Bank Account conveniently from anywhere in the world at ease. You can use our online platform, your mobile phone or your Equity Bank card.

Open an account online using our portal

Click on the button below.

Follow the prompts to register your profile.

Please note that a login code will be sent to the email address you register. Open your email inbox to retrieve the email from Equity Bank Limited and use the code to activate the profile (Allow for up to 10 minutes to receive the password).

Once activated, please proceed with the account opening process.

For ease of the account opening process, please have the following documents saved on your computer in one of the following formats: Bmp . jpg or png .

A passport size photo.

A scanned copy of your Kenyan identification document/valid passport (first page, second page, last page and the renewal page if the PP has expired).

Address verification document (Electricity bill, Driver license etc.)

A signature card (to be downloaded from the portal, signed and scanned).

The attachments above should have the following dimensions:

A width of at least 400mm

A height of at least 300mm

Maximum size should be 2mb

To set up your account via email, follow the steps below:

Click on the link below of the desired account you want to open.

You will be required to attach the following documents:

Fill in the forms and scan them

You can send your account opening forms to us via post. We recommend that you use registered mail if you opt to post your account opening documents.

Click on the link below of the desired account you want to open.

You will be required to attach the following documents:

Then send the forms to us using the address below:

Diaspora Banking Unit,

Equity Bank Ltd – Head Office,

Equity Center, 5th Floor

Hospital Road, Upper Hill

PO Box 75104 – 00200

The Five Secrets to Forex

The Five Secrets to Forex

Intraday Forex trading, as with any other online money making means, is draining and push for complete fundamental analysis. Not every trader acquires those features or could make extra days or even hours monitoring indefinitely at the Forex Charts. Assuming you have a 9-5 Job, and after you come back home after a taxing Friday, the last “activity” you might want to carry out is make up a thorough analysis of an Euro/Dollar market and execute some Buy Limits. There are a handful of strong-willed people who would possibly still drag through that, but it definitely requires much more sleepless nights. If you have hardship to evaluate the market, try consider to pick some forex signals service providers, that are plentifully advertised on the web. And if you are willing to explore, there are scores of great free forex signals that are genuine. In addition, you can also employ paid forex signal services.

Normally those subscription fees are similar to one another: majority ask for about 97 dollars monthly, and others want 200 or even more. These services might prove to be decent and could aid you in many ways, but as with all transactions via on line, traders should pay careful attention to scams! Here’s some important points to consider:

1. Examine the time of delivery of your signals. Do they give you sufficient time to set up your trades?

2. Go for those signal providers with Intraday Signals, being Intraday Day Signals usually provides you plenty of time to set things up.

3. Check the Performance Records. I have signed up for a billion of Signal Services, and I can tell you this: Don’t take their word for it.

4. When you subsribed, trade in humble lot sizes at the beginning. Ramp it up only when you are assured with the Signals.

5. Do pay close attention to the method your signals provider keeping track of their performance results. does your forex signal provider request you to trade multiple lot sizes?

This is one of the most common deception in Forex Trading that people seldom notice: For instance, you are trading 3 lot sizes each trade, and was given 3 TP targets, at +20 pips, +50 pips and +100 pips, and only a single SL at 20 pips. And you are told to Scale Out of your profit trades. Now most Forex Signals Services will only report a tiny loss of 20 pips, but if you hit Target 2 they’d report a winner of +50 pips.

So following these 2 results, you’ve got a profitable trade at 50 pips and a loser at -20 pips, Have you indeed earn +30 pips? You never did. The unforgiving truth is that, you suffered a loss of 20 pips mutiply by three lots entered, which is 60 pips, while you achieved 20 pips (Profit Target 2) and 50 pips (Profit Target 2) which is 70 pips. In conclusion you only won 10 pips instead of 30 – which is 300% of the real profit. Envisage the kind of gap this simple dishonest calculation can generate over the span of 80 signals! There are certainly Forex Signals Services Providers that are genuine in their signals, but potential buyers should need to exercise better attention when it comes to picking the great ones.

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Former IBFX Founder Seeks to Globalize Equity Crowdfunding with Seed Equity

We haven't tried the EA from FxEquityBuilder. com. If you've let this software trade forex for you, please leave your review here.

Updated 2009-09-11: The FPA has begun a performance test of this EA on a demo account. Please click the link towards the upper left to see the results.

Note that this account is hosted and maintained by FXEB, so please direct all questions regarding settings to FXEB support.

Robert, Washington

I made some negative comments about this EA a ways back and wanted to update that. I've new been trading this EA a little over 4 months now. Anyone using this EA and not intervening in the trades will lose money. Use the long settings in an up trend and the down settings in a downtrend Use both in a ranging market. Don't trade Friday's and don't hold more than a couple days and you'll make money. My account has now double since the first of the year.

2009-09-25 06:01AM No rating Backtesting of this product over a 10 year period always blows up the account. Tried different start dates, with the same results. Very similar results found with Ilan 1.6, which is free. Ilan has a very similar growth curve, but also will always blow up your account. Manual exits would be needed to use this EA. Will be asking for a refund.

The livetests results are manipulated. There were big losses on Dec 4th still opened this morning and this evening they disappeared! I don't understand how FPA can support such "hosted" livetests :(

Review Moderation Team Note; We were a little mystified when we received 3 reports of this in one day. We have found the problem and have corrected it.

FXEB version 2 is running in a different account than the previous version. While rearranging things on the Performance Testing server, the old account was accidentally accessed instead of the new one. This has now been fixed. All "missing trades" are back.

Please note that all FPA Performance Test statistics come directly from copies of MT4 that is running on our servers. For remotely hosted tests, our copy of MT4 is logged in to the same account using the investor password. As long as we don't accidentally login to the wrong account, there should be no way for results to be manipulated.

We'd like to thank our alert reviewers for spotting this issue.

PD Enodr, please use the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page regarding the other issue.

Daniel. Malasia

Brought this EA in 27 September 2009. which at that time is the V1.00 EA, now using V1.50. Alpari UK live account. Started with 500.00 with risk =4 (just to test it with small account). Now is 30 November 2009 live account is 1,503.05 at time writing this review. Longest closing trade is about 1 week time.

Great EA, will continue to use it. Will be writing review again in 6 month time to see this EA is OK in long run. Support is great. Will not ask for refund.

I give it FOUR star reserve one for future.

Descargo de responsabilidad y advertencia de riesgo. Por favor lee.

Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

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Equity jitters once again calling the forex tune

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Best Method to Increase Equity Curve

What is the best method to increase the equity curve?

This answer does not have one universal truth. Various Forex traders will without doubt answer this question differently. However, with that cautionary statement behind us, we do want to explain one concept that has the potential to accelerate a trader’s equity curve. Before we get started you might want to check out our Double Trend Trap Strategy or our momentum custom indicator. because a proven strategy with our indicator can improve your accuracy and that will help increase your equity curve.


An equity curve of a Forex trader will never ever be without its ups and downs. The levels of drawdown and accompanied volatility in relationship to the return vary greatly from trader to trader, which depends on the risk appetite, trading style, strategies, etc. Obviously the main goal of each Forex trader is to improve and optimize the profitability vis-à-vis the risk involved.

Improving one’s edge is a long-term process, and usually does not come overnight. That is why each Friday we post an article which tries to provide a valuable nugget of vital information for Forex success. If you agree with this let us know down below in the comments section. With each article, Forex traders can work on improving their edge.

First of all, making substantial gains is a product of a successful business model. Trading is a business and needs to be treated as a business before consistent profits can be made. A trading plan, risk management. money management. balanced trading psychology. trade management etc. are all key ingredients of such a model. These elements are prerequisites.

However in today’s article I wanted to emphasize a couple of elements that will enhance the route to success and profits. Here is the “Golden Triangle”:

2) Enhance win rate % and R:R ratios by understanding where the wide open spaces are

3) Implementation of trades with trade management and trading psychology (patience, lack of fear, discipline and without emotional imbalance)

These concepts lay the ground works for providing Forex traders with a substantial edge. All of the three elements of the golden triangle have been discussed in previous and recent articles – especially the TOFTEM model and the wide open spaces concept. But what links these two together? The answer is market structure.

The market structure is a method which allows retail Forex traders to interpret the charts the same way as a big institutions. The best way to grasp this concept is by joining our live trading room. Here we analyze and break down the market structure session by session.

In general though the market structure is a method which analyzes price action (momentum / correction), chart patterns, key levels, support and resistance, and Fibonacci to understand and identify the TOFTEM model and wide open spaces concept.

Understanding and trading market structure allows Forex traders to identify higher reward versus lower risk opportunities. And it is exactly the success rate of finding those high reward to low risk opportunities which provides Forex traders with an enhanced edge and a substantial boost of their equity curve.

The TOFTEM model and the wide open space concepts are tools and processes that allow traders to understand and grasp the market structure and identify areas which have a higher probability of boosting the equity curve.


How can a Forex trader best capitalize on the wide open spaces? The answer is simple: by actually trading them. The answer might sound redundant but actually allowing the trade to capitalize on the space requires a sturdy trade plan and balanced execution of the plan.

Let us take a look at a practical example on the GBPUSD.

Step 1) is there a trend and if so, which direction?

Yes in this example the trend is up. Price is making higher highs and higher lows and is in an established uptrend due to the presence of trend channel with 3 hits on the bottom of that channel.

Step 2) is there an opportunity?

Yes price has bounced made a retracement back to the bottom of the uptrend channel and the 50% Fibonacci retracement (blue). This provides a major discount within this uptrend.

Step 3) are there any filters present?

There was a key resistance level (orange) and weekly trend line (purple) but those have actually become support after the break. There is another layer of resistance (red), however those levels are a substantial distance away from current price.

Step 4) Is there a trigger?

Yes there are multiple triggers. First of all, a break of the resistance line (magenta) indicated a potential breakout trade setup earlier. At the moment a break of the resistance line (purple) indicates the end of the downside correction. A break of that line signals the change of market psychology and is an important line in the sand for bulls and bears. The downside break of the support line (green) would be counter trend reversal setup.

Step 5) what is the entry method?

The entry could be at the immediate break of the trend line. Other options are zooming in to lower time frames to trade the break of a smaller consolidation, the pullback, bounce or continuation. Read more on entry methods.

Step 6) what is the trade plan?

Considering the fact the upside has a tremendous wide open space ahead of it, capitalizing on that space is how a trader can boost the equity curve.

Obviously one winning trade on its own would be good. But what happens if a trader does not recognize the wide open space (green boxes) and cuts the winner early and short (blue line)? The answer is simple: a lot of profit potential is left on the table.

Compare that scenario with a trader that actively capitalizes on this widen open space via a trailing stop. trade management and/or scaling in and out. The profit potential becomes enormous.

In this example the Forex trader is maximizing potential reward by:

Aiming partly for a fixed take profit at a key level of the market (tops)

Allowing a trail stop to capture extra price movements if resistance breaks

[tweetable alt=””]With our specific trail stop methodology, this trade closed for a 280 pip gain versus a 60 pip risk, or a 4.7:1reward to risk ratio[/tweetable]. A couple of trades like that and the equity curve starts to look very nice.

The trader can also reduce the risk somewhat on any one particular entry (breaks and pullbacks) by scaling in as the trader is waiting for more confirmation at multiple spots on the charts.

The Forex trader maximizes the reward and minimizes the risk on a trade.

Do you think that the market structure could help boost your profit potential? Let us know down below!

As always thanks for sharing this article and wish you Good Trading!

Chris is the head of the mentoring program and trading room at Winner's Edge Trading. He has a passion for technical analysis and helping Forex traders achieve their goals in trading. Chris has been trading for almost 10 years and is most fond of the Double Trend Trap (as a strategy), moving averages (as an indicator) and Fibonacci (as a tool).

Descargo de responsabilidad: Trading forex en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Equity market volatility may impact Fed’s decision

The angst kicked off with worries about the condition of the Chinese economy and the implications for the broader market shows no signs of abating as volatility across all asset classes continue to persist. Equity markets from Asia to Europe continue to swing wildly which has encouraged a flight of capital to safe haven bonds and currencies.

Starting off with the Asian session, Beijing’s move to temper angst with yesterday’s rate cut only temporarily boosted confidence as we have seen an absolute whipsaw in price action in the Shanghai composite today with the market initially down 3.8%, then recovering 4.3% only for yet another sell off to ensue which brought the index to a close 1.3% lower than the day before. The volatility in Shanghai is symptomatic of the type of instability gripping markets as the Nikkei saw a similar performance while ending the day higher and hopes that Chinese stimulus would drive increased demand allowed Australia’s ASX index to close .7% higher. As repeated attempts by policy makers in China to calm the tempest fail to restore confidence, capital continues to flow to safe haven assets with US dollar denominated assets being the chief beneficiary with the big dollar itself gaining on all of the majors including the Japanese yen, euro and pound sterling.

The story in European equities is much the same as in Asia, with the FTSE Eurofirst 300 index exhibiting the same two way volatility as the Shanghai index, while implied volatility in European shares hit a four year high. Compounding this is a decline in the value of the euro as recent comments made by Peter Praet, the ECB’s chief economist, reverberate. On the sidelines of a continuing conference, Praet indicated that even when considering the inflationary effects of the ECB’s quantitative easing there remains a risk that the Eurozone economy will miss its inflation target to the downside. This is driven in part by the fact that recent market volatility, especially in emerging markets, is not supportive of global economic growth. This commentary has the euro on the back foot versus the greenback while it has made some gains against a British pound that has languished despite a retail sales figure in the UK that beat expectations.

Prior to the market opening stateside, equity futures are in the green indicating that the despair besetting capital markets elsewhere in the world will not dampen expectations in North America. While we have seen a multiyear high spike in equity market implied volatility in North America as markets correct themselves, the single biggest worry concerns the impact these latest developments will have on Federal Reserve decision making. While the fed has been consistent with the message that we should expect a rate increase sometime in the second half of 2015 with that decision ultimately being data dependant. Market expectations that the rate increase will occur at the Fed’s meeting in September have sharply diminished as the implications of the spike in uncertainty on global growth have yet to be borne out. Today, we will have some insight into where the Fed sits with respect to recent market developments as FOMC member Dudley is expected to speak later this morning. In terms of the currency impact, the recent uncertainty has been supportive of a stronger USD, we also saw durable goods orders in the United States beat expectations in consideration of this and the crude oil inventory read coming in later today market participants need to be mindful of continued volatility in the dollar.

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Foreign exchange (Forex) trading carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. The risk grows as the leverage is higher. Investment objectives, risk appetite and the trader's level of experience should be carefully weighed before entering the Forex market. There is always a possibility of losing some or all of your initial investment / deposit, so you should not invest money which you cannot afford to lose. The high risk that is involved with currency trading must be known to you. Please ask for advice from an independent financial advisor before entering this market. Any comments made on Forex Crunch or on other sites that have received permission to republish the content originating on Forex Crunch reflect the opinions of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of any of Forex Crunch's authorized authors. Forex Crunch has not verified the accuracy or basis-in-fact of any claim or statement made by any independent author: Omissions and errors may occur. Any news, analysis, opinion, price quote or any other information contained on Forex Crunch and permitted re-published content should be taken as general market commentary. This is by no means investment advice. Forex Crunch will not accept liability for any damage, loss, including without limitation to, any profit or loss, which may either arise directly or indirectly from use of such information.

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Forex Armor: Equity Protection

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Attach EA to any chart. This Expert Advisor will monitor your Account Equity and ensure you never margin call again by closing all trades when you’ve reached your DrawdownLimit .

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Dukascopy Equity bonus

Dukascopy Bank SA offers an opportunity to get a 10% Bonus of the account equity for self trading accounts. Clients can apply for a Bonus during 30 days since their last credit on their account. Bonus subscription entails conditions on traded volume which shall be reached within 1 year after the Bonus is credited on the client account. Any withdrawal from the account before the required traded volume is reached will cancel the Bonus. Please read the Terms and Conditions of the Equity Bonus below.

How to get a Bonus

Clients can apply for a Bonus during 30 days since they made a credit on their account. The incoming transfer (Deposit) should be the last operation on the account, i. e. there should be no outgoing transfers (Withdrawals) after the Deposit. Application for a Bonus can be done from the trading platform, Portfolio menu – My Account report. Bonus amount will be added to the account equity right after application and will become available for trading as additional margin.

Bonus requirements

The required traded volume is equal to 30'000 multiplied by the total account equity (including the Bonus amount) at the time the Bonus application is submitted. The required traded volume should be reached before the deadline – 1 year since receiving of the Bonus. In case the client has applied for an additional Bonus the required traded volume will be adjusted. The additional required traded volume is calculated by the formula.

Before applying for a Bonus, the required traded volume will be displayed in the application form.

Bonus limitations

Before the required traded volume is reached the Bonus cannot be used to cover losses resulting from trading. After a Bonus is received the minimum stop loss level of the account will be set to the level of the sum of all obtained active Equity Bonuses plus the minimum equity amount which is specified on the Margin Requirements page. If the client has already set a stop loss level it will be only adjusted if its level is lower than the amount all obtained Bonuses. Bonus cannot be withdrawn till Bonus requirements are met.

Bonus becomes free of limitations as soon as the required traded volume is reached.

Bonus cancellation

Before the required traded volume is reached the Bonus will be automatically cancelled in one of the following circumstances:

any outgoing transfer will cancel the Bonus;

the required traded volume is not reached within the 1 year deadline;

the client terminates the Equity Bonus in his/her reports.

Bonus cancellation will cause an automatic withdrawal of the Bonus amount from the trading account. The withdrawal may result in higher use of leverage or may even trigger margin cut trades. The Stop Loss Level set by the system at Bonus application moment will be cancelled.

Other conditions

In case a client was credited a contest prize with turnover conditions, he/she cannot apply to the Equity Bonus until the turnover conditions relating to his/her prize are reached.

Self trading accounts which are in relations with Business Introducer Program or Swiss Custodian Banking Services may be refused to apply for a Bonus. Dukascopy reserves the right to change Equity Bonus Terms and Conditions, refuse or cancel Bonuses at its own discretion.

In general, the Bonus should be considered as discount on trading commissions.

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Risk Assessment via The Hottest Performing Equity Markets

By Tyler Yell. Experto en comercio de divisas

Tyler Yell is a trader for his own account, Currency Analyst, & Trading Instructor for DailyFX. com which is the News & Analysis site for FXCM. com. Tyler teaches traders the best practices in trading while helping to them to recognize and act on trading opportunities as they arise due to economic or charting developments. Tyler has been asked to speak to college students, new traders and experienced traders from other markets to explain the complexities of the 5.3 Trillion in volume a day 24 hour a day, 5 days a week Foreign Exchange Market in a simple yet applicable manner. Lee mas

Updated June 30, 2015.

Stock markets are often a great display of social mood. When markets are lower, social mood about the economy as a whole tends to be negative such that bad news stories often get spun out of proportion as to their negative ramifications. When markets are higher, social mood often negates any bad news and celebrates any proof that the good times will keep rolling.

As Forex traders, social mood is important and stock markets can be looked at to to see whether or not traders are looking for an environment of safety or an environment of risk-taking.

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If markets are lower, social mood often favors an environment of safety and their specific currencies that benefit. If markets are higher, social mood often favors an environment of risk-taking and specific currencies benefit from that too.

Which Markets to Focus On?

In short, we should be focusing on the leading equity markets. Leading refers to percent gain over a length of time such as quarter, half year, full year. When you recognize a leading equity market, you can use that as a gauge of the more aggressive moods.

Given the global market we’ve been in for the last six years, the best performing equity index has switched hands a few times. However, the top three have remained the same with a newcomer showing up late and stealing the limelight. The top three are the S&P 500, the German DAX. and the Japanese Nikkei 225. These account for the broader indices of the largest economies.

The newcomer, which is a made many brand-new investors very happy is the Shanghai index. The Shanghai index like many other equity markets in developing economies moved sideways for a few years after the S&P and DAX moved higher followed by the Nikkei 225 .

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However, the price and chart pattern that the developing economies displayed was a triangle pattern.

As you know, triangle patterns are lengthy and exhausting consolidation patterns. However, once the trend resumes and the triangle breaks, the trend often resumes with aggressive force and that is exactly what happened with the Shanghai index as well as the Shenzhen. Both markets had been boasting higher than a 100% one year return by mid June 2015. Considering the best fund managers on Wall Street are thrilled with 15 to 20% in the year consistently, you can see how a near 100% return in one year show signs of excess.

The purpose of watching these equity markets is to see if they are turning lower against the larger uptrend or resuming the larger uptrend. A continued move higher, which is the more probable move, tends to favor higher-yielding or riskier currencies. This is an extension of the popular carry trade that is commonplace during risk favoring environments where investors across the world will sell low yielding currency in order to buy a high yielding currency in order to collect the rollover.

A move lower would favor a risk-off move is developing which historically favors the US dollar, Japanese Yen and sporadically the Swiss franc. The flow into these risk-off currencies will often be determined by how far down the equity market moves. A relatively small correction like was seen in global equity markets in January 2014 and October 2014, would likely only give these risk-off currencies a few weeks at most of upside. As we saw in 2008, it took a rare, once in a generation events like the mortgage-backed securities meltdown to provide these risk-off currencies with months and in some cases years of upside due to the massive unwind of the carry trade and people seeking safety.

In conclusion, it’s best to wait for a key support to break as opposed to leaning on a convincing argument that a break is about to happen. Every bull market has its doubters and some are more persuasive than others but if you care about their arguments, the upside in equities is more likely as is the risk-on currency pairs.

Recognizing When The FX Trend Continues

All brokers should forgive negative balances

Swiss based forex broker Dukascopy took an exceptional step to clear negative client balances.

Dukascopy joins OANDA which made a already made a similar announcement in the immediate aftermath. Shouldn’t all forex brokers follow?

The recent news

Due to the extreme moves that resulted from the removal of the SNB floor under EUR/CHF, the lack of liquidity resulted in some clients entering negative equity. Dukascopy decided to release these customers from any obligation to cover the negative balance.

Dukascopy also states that it has not canceled or negatively adjusted any trade concluded on January 15th, aka “Black Thursday”.

OANDA said last week: “OANDA did not re-quote or amend any CHF cross client trades. We even took the further step of forgiving all negative client balances that were caused when clients could not close out their positions fast enough”.

There may be other brokers that have followed this path. We will update.

All brokers should waive negative balances

Who is to blame for the extreme market moves? It is easy to point the finger at SNB governor Thomas Jordan, but unfortunately it is unrealistic to claim losses from him nor from his institution.

So, between the big broker and the small client, who can afford the loss? Yes, that was a rhetoric question.

Let’s think in practical terms: the client saw his account wiped out. He already has doubts about returning to trading forex. Let’s say he does want to deposit new funds and return to trading.

Will he first cover the negative balance and then deposit even more money with the broker where he lost the funds? How easily can the broker recover the funds anyway.

Or will he start fresh with a new broker that announced a waiver of a negative balances?

More: Forex traders should not lose more than they deposit

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

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It actually makes a lot of sense for brokers to clear negative balances from a regulatory standpoint.

Clients can make the case with the regulator that they were not properly informed that they could lose more than the amount of money in there account, and depending on the jurisdiction the regulator will tend to find in favor of the client causing the broker a big headache.

Thus forgiving negative balances, if they can afford it, will help them avoid the impact of any over zealous regulators on their business.

http://www. forexcrunch. com Yohay Elam

Gracias por tu comentario. I hope they do.

Now only invest with a broker who will have protection from the negative balance, 2000+ pips gap can be repeated again and then what? Years of teaching technical and fundamental analysis went up in smoke.

http://www. forexcrunch. com Yohay Elam

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By Paul-Martin Foss Central bankers may have driven numerous economies into ruin. They may continue to drive up the cost of living and contribute to economic inequality. But rest assured, they are learning from their mistakes and vow to do everything they can to correct them. To that end, central … Seguir leyendo & rarr;

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USD/CAD The USD/CAD gained 40 points to trade at 1.2027 when the greenback became stronger. BNP Paribas strategists also claimed that the dollar bearish was probably to continue in the near term. According to recent economic data out of the country has been unsatisfactory, general bearish in the … [Read more. ]

EUR/JPY (FX Empire, 18 May 2015) The EUR/JPY boosted 20 points to trade at 136.14 and when the euro continued to gain steadily trading at a multi month high. This morning, investors are waiting for a speech from Bank of Japan Governor Kuroda in the expectations that he might give a hint in the … [Read more. ]

GBP/USD continues to ground The FOMC and Federal Reserve have continued to discuss interest rate rallies in the US. Less than six months ago, the currency markets consensus view was that we would have two 25 basis-point cuts by the end of 2015, with the first probably as early as June. … [Read more. ]

Forex vs Equities and Futures

In the Forex market, it´s common to have greater leverage than the equities, futures or options market. Traders can utilize a high leverage (up to 200:1) without risking a margin call situation. Leverage is a double-edged sword. Without proper risk management this high degree of leverage can lead to large losses as well as gains.

The Forex market is a seamless 24-hour market. As a trader, this allows you to react to favorable/unfavorable events by trading immediately. It also gives traders the added flexibility of determining their trading day.

Ability to Profit in Up or Down Market

Unlike the equity market, there is no restriction on short selling. Profit potential exists in the currency market regardless of whether a trader is long or short, or which way the market is moving. Since currency trading always involves buying one currency and selling another, there is no structural bias to the market. This means a trader has an equal potential to profit in a rising, or falling market.

With a daily trading volume that is 50x larger than the New York Stock Exchange, there are always broker/ dealers willing to buy or sell currencies in the FX markets. The liquidity of this market, especially that of the major currencies, helps ensure price stability. Traders can almost always open or close a position at a fair market price.

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Trading in the financial markets is not as complicated as is popularly perceived. There are different platforms for trading such the forex and equity market, also known as stock market. Today, we discuss the difference between the Equity and Forex Trading System and analyze their main differences.

The term Equity has different meanings. Basically, equity can be referred to as an amount that is void of any loans and is therefore an asset. Stocks are equities. On the other hand, forex is all about foreign exchange. Both the forex market and stock exchange have algorithm trading systems. These systems are basically the same and are used to analyze the market data and respective trends. The analysis they provide is what determines the trade an investor is going to make.

Equity trading involves buying and selling of company shares, also known as stocks. In equity trading, there are various ways an investor can participate in the buying and selling of stocks.

This is generally done through agents known as stock brokers.

Equity trading takes place in the stock exchange. Individual buying is done when an individual performs the trades on his/her own. The owner of the trade bases his trading on his own analysis or using a trading system which directs the investor on which stocks to purchase and for how long. As an individual, you can choose to leave everything to your agent and have the agent buy and sell the stocks on your behalf. The agents who perform the trade earn a commission for their work. The agent is known as a stock broker. Stock brokers work in firms which perform trades for various clients.

Forex trading is different from equity trading. As opposed to investing in companies, forex trading is based on foreign currency trades.

Forex trading is based on buying currency pairs. Just like stock trading. forex trading can be facilitated by a broker. The broker can help you decide which currency to buy or sell based on his own analysis of the market. The individual investor may also choose to invest using his own analysis of the market trends and news.

A good way for individual traders to invest in the forex market would be by using a forex trading system. This strategy is based on algorithm. The forex system analyses how well a certain currency is doing and can perform a trade on your behalf.

Major differences between equity and Forex trading systems

Below are just some of the differences you will find between an equity and forex trading system:

• Number of Tradable Instruments (much more for the stock market ) • Trading Hours • Complexity • Fundamental Data

Even when using a trading system for either forex or stock trading, equities and Forex are very different. Forex trading is not limited to geographic locations and can be done from any part of the world. Trading in equities is however limited and trading is performed on a centralized location.

The trading hours are also different, forex is an open market and trading takes place 24/7 unlike equities which close at the end of the day. The forex system of trading is also less complex than equities since you only need to concentrate on a number of currencies as opposed to the many stocks available.

The differences between an equity and forex trading system lie on the way the individual market operates. Most traders base their investments on how familiar one is with the financial market and their preferences.

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